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Koalefants aggro onto the player if they attack a Gator.

  • Fixed
local function ShareTargetFn(dude)
    return dude:HasTag("koalefant") and not dude:HasTag("player") and not dude.components.health:IsDead()

Lines 39-41 in prefabs/grassgator.lua, the gator checks if the "dude" has the koalefant tag.

Im guessing this is a remnant from copying koalefant code.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Spawn a gator and a koalefant
2. Attack the gator
3. Koalefant will attack the player

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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