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  2. What if Klei goes full Deep One with Wurt and the Merms, they already have all the characteristics of the Deep Ones including the Eldritch backstory and thematic like living in Spooky Rundown Huts in a Swamp infested with Tentacles that is attached to some unknown Entity? Note: One of Wurt's favorite books is On Tentacles What I'm trying to say is what if Wurt and her Merms won't have a Lunar nor Shadow(maybe) Alignment, but instead of an exclusive Alignment based on the theme of her Victorian skin or whatever it doesn't have to be based on a skin, but as Creatorofswamps pointed out she does have somewhat ties to the Gorge and the Gnaw, or...Wurt and her Merms are agnostic atheist so her Alignment will just be Mermitarian? Also, skins don't really matter much about skill tree Alignments as Wormwood is a Lunarborn who skill tree has him exclusive to the Lunar side, but he still has a Shadow skin despite that, so yes Wurt can get a Moonbound skin but that doesn't mean she'll be able to side with Lunar in her skill tree, it's up to Klei to decide that.
  3. Today
  4. After encountering an error with the previously used mod, despite fixing it, while regular material items stack up to 99, the feature to stack equipped equipment isn't functioning at all. I need help. Please recommend a mod that provides this functionality -----------modmain.lua-------- local stackable_replica = require "stackable_replica" local IsServer = GLOBAL.TheNet:GetIsServer() local size = 99 local TUNING = GLOBAL.TUNING local net_byte = GLOBAL.net_byte local DropWholeStack = true local DST = GLOBAL.TheSim:GetGameID() == "DST" TUNING.STACK_SIZE_LARGEITEM = size TUNING.STACK_SIZE_MEDITEM = size TUNING.STACK_SIZE_SMALLITEM = size TUNING.STACK_SIZE_TINYITEM = size local stackable_replica_ctorBase = stackable_replica._ctor or function() return true end function stackable_replica._ctor(self, inst) self.inst = inst self._stacksize = net_byte(inst.GUID, "stackable._stacksize", "stacksizedirty") self._maxsize = size end local stackable_replicaSetMaxSize_Base = stackable_replica.SetMaxSize or function() return true end function stackable_replica:SetMaxSize(maxsize) self._maxsize = size end local stackable_replicaMaxSize_Base = stackable_replica.MaxSize or function() return true end function stackable_replica:MaxSize() return self._maxsize end if IsServer then AddPrefabPostInit("rabbit",function(inst) if(inst.components.stackable == nil) then inst:AddComponent("stackable") end inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(function(inst) inst.components.perishable:StopPerishing() inst.sg:GoToState("stunned") if inst.components.stackable then while inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 do local item = inst.components.stackable:Get() if item then if item.components.inventoryitem then item.components.inventoryitem:OnDropped() end item.Physics:Teleport(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() ) end end end end) end) end if IsServer then AddPrefabPostInit("robin",function(inst) if(inst.components.stackable == nil) then inst:AddComponent("stackable") end inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(function(inst) inst.components.perishable:StopPerishing() inst.sg:GoToState("stunned") if inst.components.stackable then while inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 do local item = inst.components.stackable:Get() if item then if item.components.inventoryitem then item.components.inventoryitem:OnDropped() end item.Physics:Teleport(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() ) end end end end) end) end if IsServer then AddPrefabPostInit("robin_winter",function(inst) if(inst.components.stackable == nil) then inst:AddComponent("stackable") end inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(function(inst) inst.components.perishable:StopPerishing() inst.sg:GoToState("stunned") if inst.components.stackable then while inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 do local item = inst.components.stackable:Get() if item then if item.components.inventoryitem then item.components.inventoryitem:OnDropped() end item.Physics:Teleport(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() ) end end end end) end) end if IsServer then AddPrefabPostInit("crow",function(inst) if(inst.components.stackable == nil) then inst:AddComponent("stackable") end inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(function(inst) inst.components.perishable:StopPerishing() inst.sg:GoToState("stunned") if inst.components.stackable then while inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 do local item = inst.components.stackable:Get() if item then if item.components.inventoryitem then item.components.inventoryitem:OnDropped() end item.Physics:Teleport(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() ) end end end end) end) end if IsServer then AddPrefabPostInit("canary",function(inst) if(inst.components.stackable == nil) then inst:AddComponent("stackable") end inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(function(inst) inst.components.perishable:StopPerishing() inst.sg:GoToState("stunned") if inst.components.stackable then while inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 do local item = inst.components.stackable:Get() if item then if item.components.inventoryitem then item.components.inventoryitem:OnDropped() end item.Physics:Teleport(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() ) end end end end) end) end if IsServer then AddPrefabPostInit("mole",function(inst) if(inst.components.stackable == nil) then inst:AddComponent("stackable") end inst.components.inventoryitem:SetOnDroppedFn(function(inst) inst.components.perishable:StopPerishing() inst.sg:GoToState("stunned") if inst.components.stackable then while inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 do local item = inst.components.stackable:Get() if item then if item.components.inventoryitem then item.components.inventoryitem:OnDropped() end item.Physics:Teleport(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition() ) end end end end) end) end local function CanDropAll(act) if act.invobject ~= nil and act.invobject:HasTag("trap") then if DST then if act.invobject:HasTag("dropall") then return true end else if GLOBAL.TheInput:IsControlPressed(GLOBAL.CONTROL_FORCE_STACK) then return true end end end return false end GLOBAL.STRINGS.ACTIONS.DROP.DROPALL = "Drop All" local oldactiondrop = GLOBAL.ACTIONS.DROP.fn GLOBAL.ACTIONS.DROP.fn = function(act) if CanDropAll(act) then if act.invobject:HasTag("dropall") then act.invobject:RemoveTag("dropall") end return act.doer.components.inventory ~= nil and act.doer.components.inventory:DropItem(act.invobject,true,false,act.pos) or nil end return oldactiondrop(act) end local oldactiondropstr = GLOBAL.ACTIONS.DROP.strfn GLOBAL.ACTIONS.DROP.strfn = function(act) if CanDropAll(act) then return "DROPALL" end return oldactiondropstr(act) end if DST then local function dropall(inst, doer, pos, actions, right) if inst:HasTag("trap") and not right and inst.replica.inventoryitem:IsHeldBy(doer) then if doer.components.playercontroller ~= nil then if doer.components.playercontroller:IsControlPressed(GLOBAL.CONTROL_FORCE_STACK) then if not inst:HasTag("dropall") then inst:AddTag("dropall") end else if inst:HasTag("dropall") then inst:RemoveTag("dropall") end end end table.insert(actions, GLOBAL.ACTIONS.DROP) end end AddComponentAction("POINT", "inventoryitem", dropall) end local function DecreaseSizeByOne(inst) local size = inst.components.stackable:StackSize() - 1 inst.components.stackable:SetStackSize(size) end local function CaseOne(inst, components1, components2) local percent = components1:GetPercent() + components2:GetPercent() if percent > 1 then percent = percent - 1 else DecreaseSizeByOne(inst) end components1:SetPercent(percent) end local function CaseTwo(item, components1, components2) local sourceper = components1:GetPercent() if sourceper < 1 then local itemper = components2:GetPercent() local percentleft = 1 - sourceper if itemper > percentleft then local percent = itemper - percentleft components2:SetPercent(percent) components1:SetPercent(1) else if item.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 then components1:SetPercent(1) local percent = 1 - (percentleft - itemper) components2:SetPercent(percent) DecreaseSizeByOne(item) else local percent = sourceper + itemper components1:SetPercent(percent) item:Remove() return true end end if components2:GetPercent() < 0.01 then item:Remove() return true end end return false end local function newstackable(self) local _Put = self.Put self.Put = function(self, item, source_pos) if item.prefab == self.inst.prefab then local instper, itemper local newtotal = item.components.stackable:StackSize() + self.inst.components.stackable:StackSize() if item.components.finiteuses ~= nil then instper = self.inst.components.finiteuses itemper = item.components.finiteuses elseif item.components.fueled ~= nil then instper = self.inst.components.fueled itemper = item.components.fueled elseif item.components.armor ~= nil then instper = self.inst.components.armor itemper = item.components.armor end if instper ~= nil and itemper ~= nil then if newtotal <= self.inst.components.stackable.maxsize then CaseOne(self.inst, instper, itemper) else if CaseTwo(item, instper, itemper) then return nil end end end end return _Put(self, item, source_pos) end end AddComponentPostInit("stackable", newstackable) if DropWholeStack then local function newdropitem(self) local _DropItem = self.DropItem self.DropItem = function(self, item, wholestack, randomdir, pos) if item == nil or item.components.inventoryitem == nil then return end if item.components.stackable ~= nil and item.components.equippable ~= nil and item.components.equippable.equipstack and not item:HasTag("projectile") then wholestack = true end return _DropItem(self, item, wholestack, randomdir, pos) end end AddComponentPostInit("inventory", newdropitem) end local function newarmor(self) local _SetCondition = self.SetCondition self.SetCondition = function(self, amount) local armorhp = math.min(amount, self.maxcondition) if armorhp <= 0 then if self.inst.components.stackable ~= nil and self.inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 then DecreaseSizeByOne(self.inst) amount = self.maxcondition end end _SetCondition(self, amount) end end AddComponentPostInit("armor", newarmor) local function onfinish(inst) DecreaseSizeByOne(inst) if inst.components.finiteuses ~= nil then inst.components.finiteuses:SetPercent(1) elseif inst.components.fueled ~= nil then inst.components.fueled:SetPercent(1) end end local function newsectionfn(_sectionfn, newsection, oldsection, inst, dlc) if newsection == 0 then if inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 then onfinish(inst) else if dlc then _sectionfn(newsection, oldsection, inst) else _sectionfn(newsection, oldsection) end end end end if not DST or (DST and GLOBAL.TheNet:GetIsServer()) then local function addstackable(inst) if inst.components.inventoryitem == nil then return end if inst.components.equippable == nil then if not inst:HasTag("trap") and not inst:HasTag("mine") and inst.components.instrument == nil and inst.components.sewing == nil and inst.components.fertilizer == nil then return end end if inst.components.container ~= nil then return end if inst.components.stackable ~= nil then return end if inst.components.fueled ~= nil and inst.components.fueled.accepting and inst.components.fueled.ontakefuelfn ~= nil then return end inst:AddComponent("stackable") inst.components.stackable.maxsize = size if inst:HasTag("trap") then inst.components.stackable.forcedropsingle = true end if inst.components.projectile == nil or (inst.components.projectile ~= nil and not inst.components.projectile.cancatch) then if inst.components.throwable == nil then if inst.components.equippable ~= nil then inst.components.equippable.equipstack = true end end end if inst.components.finiteuses == nil then if inst.components.fueled == nil then return end end if inst.components.finiteuses ~= nil then local _onfinished = inst.components.finiteuses.onfinished and inst.components.finiteuses.onfinished or nil if _onfinished ~= nil then inst.components.finiteuses.onfinished = function (inst) if inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 then onfinish(inst) else _onfinished(inst) end end end elseif inst.components.fueled ~= nil then local _sectionfn = inst.components.fueled.sectionfn and inst.components.fueled.sectionfn or nil if _sectionfn ~= nil then if DST or (not DST and (GLOBAL.IsDLCEnabled(GLOBAL.REIGN_OF_GIANTS) or GLOBAL.IsDLCEnabled(GLOBAL.CAPY_DLC))) then inst.components.fueled.sectionfn = function (newsection, oldsection, inst) newsectionfn(_sectionfn, newsection, oldsection, inst, true) end else inst.components.fueled.sectionfn = function (newsection, oldsection) newsectionfn(_sectionfn, newsection, oldsection, inst, false) end end else local _depleted = inst.components.fueled.depleted and inst.components.fueled.depleted or nil if _depleted ~= nil then inst.components.fueled.depleted = function (inst) if inst.components.stackable:StackSize() > 1 then onfinish(inst) else _depleted(inst) end end end end end end AddPrefabPostInitAny(addstackable) end
  5. Hi! Exactly what it says in the title, here's some art in order from oldest to newest. The oldest drawing here is from October of 2023, so some of this is quite old, XD. Hope you enjoy! :> This is a redraw of one of my earlier drawings. I made this for a friend's birthday, since both of us like DST (although I'll admit that I more or less forced him to play /hj). Yes, this is in reference to that "Mario, the Idea vs. Mario, the Man" meme, XD. Not going to lie, I don't really like the colors here. I feel like I could've picked brighter colors and stuff. Still, here it is. Another redraw! Yes, Wurt is in WX's animated short, XD. Wow, another redraw? That'd be crazy. This is the mod image for the essay campfire stories mod. The maker of the mod, Navitotorito, asked me if I could make an icon for it, so here it is. To the surprise of absolutely no one, this is yet another redraw, XD.
  6. You've done crafting very well.There are a couple of things that I would fix. But in general, all the crafts look very good! Here are some of them that I would change: “The tale of a big vegetable” Book : 2 papyrus / 1 bucket of poop / 1 durian Reading chair : 3 Driftwood Piece / 20 reeds / 4 boards Merm fishers house : 4 boards / 2 Hardened Slip Bobber / 2 fishing rods Swamp armor : 1 grass suit / 5 hounds teeth / 1 tentacle spot Merm tent with darts : 12 silk / 3 blow darts / 5 tentacle spot Tent of the wandering merm : 12 silk / 1 Thulecite / 15 reeds The idol of the Forgotten God (stage 3/3) : 3 thulecite / 3 moon rock / Powdercake
  7. Dear All, At some point few years ago a steam/water deletion in steam turbine was breaking some of my designs. I was following the thread where the bug was broadly discussed (I believe it was mathmanican who started it). As far as I remember they figure it out that it was somehow related to three medium in steam chamber: Steam, Water and Crude Oil (or any other bottom layer liquid). I think solution was to avoid liquid layer at the bottom and leave two phase medium in steam chamber: Steam and Water. Then I read that the bug was fixed... And now I see that my simple steam chamber is almost empty: There were several kg of water there and there are just grams. There is only steam in chamber. So apparently it is not fixed. Or is it different one? Can anyone comment, please? Thank you!
  8. I'm haveing the same problem and thought it was just me lol
  9. Well, I've already looked for a study that is singing and I can't understand why my whip doesn't appear it makes the movement and everything but it doesn't appear I put the swap_whip in the exported and nothing, I don't find a solution to this anywhere, another thing, I don't find animation of the whip in any mod, no example, Not even in the game I think, they simply exclude the anim.bin, can anyone help me?
  10. For anyone having this issue. You need to change your Resolution and Refresh Rate at the same time so for example from 1080p to 720p and change the refresh rate to highest then apply these settings after that change the resolution to what you had before. Now you have DST with high refresh rate.
  11. I will check later to see how I was doing it I’ve got some work to do before I’m able to hop on Xbox so it’ll probably be a few hours from now. It could be a certain “type” or “stage” of tree that the spear dash affects. It’s either trees or the stumps of an already chopped tree, all that I know is it was weirdly harvesting logs while I was trying to fight spiders, bees, frog rain, & Beefalo by exclusively using the dash against them. (highly effective way to save weapon durability!)
  12. 《Considering that this is an eel with the appearance of a moray eel that lives in ponds near the ruins of an ancient population of human beetles, nothing prevents it from being an electric eel (in our world, eels are really electric). It's funny, but you can make it so that when we kill an eel, we can be electrocuted, as it happens with jellyfish, Shipwrecked In my language, moray eel and eel are completely different words, "Мурена" and "угорь", but in any case, the game features a freshwater eel(Freshwater eels can be electric), whereas moray eel is a marine fish》
  13. I know you're upset, but quit being so extreme and dramatic with that last part there.
  14. she will It’s more of a general concept, and I assume the skill tree would come after she got her Moonbound skin Despite their name, electric eels are not closely related to the true eels (Anguilliformes) but are members of the electroreceptive knifefish order, Gymnotiformes. This order is more closely related to catfish. In 2019, electric eels were split into three species: for more than two centuries before that, the genus was believed to be monotypic, containing only Electrophorus electricus.
  15. Couldn't be more wrong. Survival games typically involve strategies around building structures, including exploiting them to manage combat. The difference between a survival and an adventure game is that in an adventure game you're supposed to tackle everything with combat where a survival game would open the door for more options. This new content is all more fitting for Rotwood or Forge than it is for DST. For over 8 years DST has played this way, why does it need to change now? This stuff is destroying what made DST a unique option among its competitors. I'll throw out - this is a good idea. The death screen would be a great point to break the immersion with a re-cap dumping a bit of exposition. A few cute illustrations to go with some text about darkness, starving, freezing, monster that dealt damage, whatever killed them could make the experience a lot more positive and feel good. The thing I'm worried about though is the whole "reward them for dying." Some spools or a skin? That is probably okay. Meta progression is a bad direction though. DST is one of the few flat progression games out there, pls Klei quit selling out everything that makes DST unique just to try and fit in with the popular crowd!
  16. I like using depth worms to farm grass and twigs, it's not a very efficient farm(compared to lureplants), but passive, and it needs to be loaded to work, but it's fun and just something I randomly discovered. Just leave your worm wave in those grass rich areas in the caves, kill them after a few hundred days and you get 10-15 stacks of grass.
  17. Respectable crafting recipies for each item & structure : (Most of these are also based on the beatifull artwork) Swamp armor : 1 grass suit / 4 hounds teeth / 1 tentacle spot “Home is where the swamp is” Book : 2 papyrus / 12 reeds / 2 tentacle spots “The tale of a big vegetable” Book : 2 papyrus / 1 bucket of poop / 4 durian ”The story of a large pond” Book : 2 papyrus / 1 rainy day lure / 4 fish “The history of mermaids” Book : 2 papyrus / 2 fish / 1 mandrake Reading chair : 2 living logs / 20 reeds / 4 boards Merm plowers house : 4 boards / 1 garden digamajig / 1 bucket of poop Merm fishers house : 4 boards / 2 rainy day lures / 2 fishing rods Merm tent with darts : 12 silk / 4 blow darts / 1 tentacle spot Tent of the wandering merm : 12 silk / 1 walking cane / 15 reeds Every stage of the “Idol of the Forgotten God” will act as 5-10% armor (max 30% at stage 3) The idol of the Forgotten God (stage 1/3) : 4 cut stone / 10 reeds The idol of the Forgotten God (stage 2/3) : 5 marble / 10 beefalo wool / 10 logs The idol of the Forgotten God (stage 3/3) : 1 thulecite / 1 moon rock (The stages will work just like the incomplete experiment or the lamb idol structures) If you have any questions as to why some recipies are the way they are or have any suggestions, pls tell me
  18. I’m glad that it is a slightly different setup. I generally try to preserve the biomes without wiping them completely. Feel free to share a screenshot of your base : ), and thank you for running the test. With no add-ons, I'm getting around 45 fps at 1x and 25 fps at 3x. I think I'll wait a bit longer for the next generation. The 7800 is incredibly powerful, but it has been over a year now.
  19. I've actually been considering making a video entirely on that subject. Gonna try and remember a few off the top of my head. -Cave basing. Not SUPER unusual, but and excellent choice in my opinion for anyone that isn't named Wurt or Wes. -Fist Full of Jam. Spend a day or so on your first winter racking up stacks of ice and you'll never go hungry again. And doing it this way allows you to use the meat for other things like Pierogi and Jerky. -Tail O' Three Cats. Not only does hunting the tail accrue a lot of naughtiness very fast, but the whip itself is actually really useful as a sidearm. Excellent for shadow creatures, safe kiting of low-health mobs, and can be used to stunlock Slurtles for a free kill. -Rush Lunar Islands. Ruins is good for making stuff to fight and progress with; Lunar Islands will basically get you set for life on food, and both Glass Axes and Glass Cutters can be produced by the boatload and work a treat.for pretty much anything you'd want to use them on. Yes, Glass Cutters break easily, but they're also dirt cheap to stock up on, so it barely matters. And for Wes, Lunar Islands are the absolute ideal home to set up a perma base. Oh, and someone else mentioned it, but keeping a Misshapen Bird/Moonblind Crow as a pet is exceptionally useful.
  20. When riding a beefalo, dropping a scorching sunfish can work as a bootleg fire staff.
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