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  2. I guess? I too use the full beard insulation perk, and it's good enough for a winter day without needing much heat. Basically I just need the heat at night, then rinse and repeat. I had made a video test of Wilson with the full insulation perk + thermal stone + the Tam o Shanter and yes, it lasted over a day. I did take off the Tam in favor of the Enlightened Crown during the night though, so the actual time may be a bit longer than expected.
  3. I literally said in the post I agree the slingshot could use a buff
  4. It's best to not try calling out names in forums as for mentioned terms of service, but you maybe didn't know. Best thing is to do is to get a privately hosted world and keep it that way. Making servers public is a risk you'll be taking and there will be expected chaos to commence. Most PC servers that are public always fight their own battles and set rules with moderators to kick people out. Klei can't do anything as they've mentioned and we all deal with it on our own. Trust me, it's pointless to try fighting that battle. There will be bases burnt and griefers will attack. Play private with friends or don't even try expecting anything to last for long.
  5. I thought playing dst on consoles was torture already, but its actually straight up hell. You can't even chat like what? Dude, just get a PC.
  6. Oh, we had enough for thermal stones. Too bad that world has only one walrus camp so it got competitive real hard for people to get the Tam and the tusk lol. That said, I usually have a winter hat, the magnificent beard and a thermal stone for winter until I get the Tam that is. Does it sound stupid? I guess so lel. Plenty of things, I suppose; mostly for farming Celestial Champion nowadays for the tall chests. Or moon rock walls for decorations/moon idols for character switching, etc.
  7. Today
  8. Domesticating Beefaloes is somewhat prone to incidents, at least at the very early game, though overall it is an easy process. If you haven't played the game it is nigh to impossible to figure out on your own, so much is true. More visual cues for example to show obedience could be nice but I would hate to see silly bars or numerical indicators on the screen.
  9. I'm sorry for what you had to go through, and am very surprised to know that the Switch version does not have the chat button. Granted, the Switch isn't exactly known for multiplayer use (at least if I remember correctly), but still. That really sucks. But Klei's nonchalant attitude also somewhat irks me slightly. They probably think being quiet and affiant is nice and all but sometimes, they have to show they're in control of their game. It's their own creation, for real sake. Being complacent or ignorant over the many issues players face won't make them good in the players' eyes.
  10. Klei's responsibility to keep their services operational and counteract any actors that would try to disrupt them. What players do in their games does not cover that. Pointing out allegations against specific users on the forums is a breach of terms however.
  11. Player in question: Kimwall1su Klei ID: KU_7vJFkneS Recently switched to the name "Psychopath". Has 5 accounts. Currently using the name "Crim" to impersonate me and grief as many worlds as possible on Switch. To start, this is an issue with Nintendo and Klei. Both have failed really hard, and neither are willing to take any responsibility. I play DST on the Switch. Working under the assumption that every game I can see is essentially every game on the Switch, the user base is very small. Perhaps around 50 or so names that I regularly see, and then some amount of people that play every once in a while or try the game and quit. On a slow day there are less than 20 worlds to choose from, with some percentage of them being password protected. I currently have a user that me and my friends call "The Stalker". He has been harassing me since as far back as December. I brought this issue up with Klei via e-mail and a few times with Nintendo. Nintendo's response is basically, Klei needs to deal with it. Klei's response was basically there's nothing they can do, and server hosts have all the tools they need to deal with griefing. That is only true for getting a griefer out of your world once you've determined they've been doing something that warrants a kick/ban. Here are the limitations. Some of these may be Switch specific issues, but I'm sure they're somewhat applicable to other console versions and some PC specific situations. Additionally, one of the bigger issues in my case specifically is how small the Switch user base is. 1. When you ban an individual, you can only see their Klei ID number, which is completely useless as host. It's a mix of numbers that you can only see while accessing the banned players list in the compendium menu. You cannot see what name their were using, and you cannot view their Switch profile from this menu. 2. You can only ban (i.e. block) someone from the in-game menu by hosting a world and having them join. I cannot ban (i.e. block) them through the encounters tab or as a guest in someone else's sever. 3. Banned/blocked individuals can still join other worlds you are in. 4. Putting someone your block list from the Switch doesn't prevent them from joining other worlds you are in. 5. The Switch has a max block limit of 100 users. 6. With a family account, you can have up to 8 accounts. All of these can access DST, so you can have multiple accounts to circumvent bans. 7. You can very easily impersonate other players by closing the game, changing your Switch name, then loading the game back up. 8. There is no way to communicate on the switch without crafting a sign. That's the only method of communication on Switch. Additionally, you cannot input Chinese. In this specific case, perhaps by coincidence, he seems to grief a lot of Chinese players. Even though I know enough Chinese to communicate what's going on, it becomes more complicated because I have to use pinyin which can be ambiguous. My stalker began harassing me back in Nov. He died in my world and kept rejoining as a ghost and doing nothing. I would kick and he would rejoin later or a few days later, so I eventually banned him. No malice. I banned a few others for the same reason, and when I began a new world I wanted to unblock some of those people so they could have a fresh start. At some point he actually spotted me in someone else's world and began immediately attacking a beefalo I was taming. I asked him not to, assuming he might have done it by mistake, but he then kept following me and trying to attack it. I eventually got the host to ban him. He then began following me across multiple worlds doing the same thing, attacking my beefalo and posting stupid signs like "your beefalo is delicious". He also has a friend following me in public worlds. So, I no longer tame beefalo in public worlds because I never know when he's going to join, and if I am using a beefalo, I don't play with anyone else on the server. He has at least 5 personal accounts and 1 friend that are constantly following me into other servers. If I'm playing with anyone, and they can't find me, they ruin the server for the host. It started with stuff like eating all the mandrakes, stealing any ruins EQ on the surface, eating everything in the fridge to make people starve, taking eyebrella's etc. If he'd get banned on one account, he'd just immediately rejoin with another and continue, and this time he'd know how to get to the base faster. I've blocked all these accounts, but as mentioned before, blocking via switch does nothing. He's become very salty, because whenever I've been able to, I get him banned in worlds before he has a chance to do anything. In retaliation, he started changing his name to Crim to impersonate me, and grief other worlds. He's gone into worlds with people he assumes are my close friends and uses my name to grief them in hopes that it will ruin my relationship with them. I've already had people on my friend list think it was me, and warn the host to ban me because I'm a griefer. In a few instances I've been able to let the person on my friends list know what's going on, but that requires me to find them and the materials for a hammer, science machine, and sign. He has been doing this regularly since January, using my name. Currently he's been spamming tentacles at Celestial portal or in base on other worlds, and I've had people stop joining my world and sometimes just get kicked for no reason in other worlds. So I'd like to ask Klei, what tools do I have to prevent this type of behavior? What tools do I have to prevent someone from running up and attacking my beefalo after spending a few hours working really hard to domesticate it? What tools do I have to prevent someone from ruining my ability to enjoy this game by making an alt and griefing a very small player base with my name? If I join a public game, I'm starting to get kicked. If I host a public game, people have generally stopped joining, but when they do, I have to worry about other users retaliating against me for something I didn't do. I like taming beefs, but it's especially unsafe for me because I have someone that's literally sitting there every night trying to join any public game I join, and can very easily do so because of how small the player base is. First and foremost, this user should just have his right to play this game revoked. He does nothing but make the game unenjoyable for everyone on the Switch. Additionally, if Klei wants to really stay they give us all the tools we need to prevent this kind of stuff, here are my suggestions. 1. Have your player name tied to your Klei account, and make it so you cannot change it on a whim. 2. Have your Klei ID visible in the player menu, so that you can distinguish two players using the same name. 3. Give players that are not hosts the option the ban someone, both through the compendium and through the player listing menu while playing. 4. Make it so that banned players cannot join worlds you are in, and you cannot join worlds they are in. 5. Enable chat on Switch. 6. As a switch specific feature, if someone is using a family account to play, they should all be tied to one Klei account, and banning anyone associated with that Klei account would ban everything else. I think those 6 would be very powerful tools that would help. Additionally 7. A report button would be nice. 8. In order to deal with people griefing followers/beefalo, any of these would be nice a) just make all followers unable to be targeted by other players when carrying bell, eyebone, etc. b) make it so that you can immediately mount beefalo if a player attacked it. c) If attacking a follower, the person holding the bell/bone etc can target the person in question. If the holder of the bell/bone decides to attack the griefer, it could enable a temporary PVP status between the two, so that the player could defend their follower, and would end once the two players moved far enough away from each other or something like that. In the reply from Klei, it was stated: The original email had some different photos and a couple of videos, but it was more or less the same as what I'm posting now. For reference, you can see the 6 people I blocked. 5 of them are the Kim, and the "butterfly" is likely a friend of his. Kim may or may not have access to their switch. Is this not evidence enough? It would be incredibly simply, I imagine, at this point, for someone at Klei to simply look at the names he's used while joining games for the past week and deduce what's been going on from my post alone.
  12. I can see this being redundant, especially with the Transmute Icky II; where you can turn beefalo wool into beard hair and vice versa. One can simply mass shaving the beefalo available and use the wools for beard hair as needed. There's one notable time when my friends and I played in a Klei server, and there were only 2 beefalos around. I had to shave my beard to make a spare winter hat for my friend. This shows that the transmutation tree can be great, if only Klei considers to branch it out more.
  13. The more I think of this, yes I do agree with you. Sure, some of the transmutes are my favorites (twig-log and meat-morsel transmutes, and currently spamming the rocks -> cut stone -> marble -> moon rock one lol) but the fact that parts of a transmute level only offers ONE transmute and its reverse kinda sucks. Why not Klei makes them varied for each level? Like, the hound tooth-bone shard transmute can be included in the same level as the beefalo wool-beard hair transmute.
  14. Beefalo taming takes a long time and can easily go wrong, especially in public servers. Boats are easily made, and we can see their hp. Beefalos aren't easily tamed, yet we don't see their hp. We also don't see obedience, which to inexperienced players is a mystery. So i suggest: 1. Integrate Beefalo widget mod into the game, or make the information about the bound beefalo client-side, so that people could make client-side mods. 2. Add beefalo domestication - the ability for tamed beefalos to still produce offsprings, but without going into heat. The offsprings are made tamed of course. Maybe breeding should require 2 beefalos to start, unlike the wild ones. 3. Would also be nice to see more beefalo content, for example more skins, or beefalo milk and cheese, or a saddle-bag, which could act like a chest, but won't allow riding the beefalo. After all, such animals are usually used for work and carrying stuff.
  15. OMG, it works! I switched to beta and successfully applied for controller, then switched back. The controller setting is good now.
  16. You will not really need pigskins once you get rift gear anyway and before that you can always use thulecite stuff. You'll probably be fine just hammering houses truthfully.
  17. Don't Starve Together 2024-04-24 20-20-14.mp4 As you see in the video, you can feed butterflies or bees inside Chester, but when you try to feed the moon moth, you are pushing Chester and not feeding. Tested without any server mods.
  18. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KMod.ZipFile.CopyTo (System.String path, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] extensions) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) KMod.Mod.Install () (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) KMod.Manager.Install (KMod.Mod mod) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) KMod.Manager.Subscribe (KMod.Mod mod, System.Object caller) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) KMod.Steam.UpdateMods (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] added, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] updated, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] removed, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] loaded_previews) (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) SteamUGCService.Update () (at <3d436e4ec1d5455793674ec559b0cc77>:0) Build: U51-600112-S 游戏启动时崩溃 Crash at game startup 当我取消全部订阅mod时,游戏可以正常启动。 When I unsubscribe from all mods, the game can start normally。
  19. I don't know what to do. I'm about to cry. I use ActionQueue RB2. When I enter the game and press B, I can't set it. There is no grid when planting. What's going on? All other functions can be used normally. I only enable this mod and no other mods.
  20. Shipwrecked, day 208. The volcano must be appeased! With a doydoy in tow, I depart for the crater. Midway through my journey, those familiar menacing growls again haunt me. I dock my vessel on a nearby isle and prepare myself for combat. Alas, their numbers are beyond my ability to manage alone, and I resort to the ace in my sleeve: the Bramble Husk, bane to all swarming aggressors! But no. With deepest regrets and the bitterness of the inevitable fast upon me, I neglected to include this vital bulwark among my possessions. I flee to my ship, but succumb at the water's edge... This world's magics return me to flesh through the mysterious alters on the isle I've decided to call home, if only to face the grave consequence for my failure. Though I guard my own life, there is little I can do as the rain of fire devastates the natural beauty of my home. The vile vermin who saw fit to prevent the volcano's appeasement will taste the fullness of my resentment! After recovering from my weakened state and remedying the error that caused all this, I cobble together a crude raft and return to the site of my grave error (and also grave). My killers have awaited me, and swarm immediately, yet the blades of green I adorn myself in slice them all to ribbons in nary a second! I, the volcano's wrath, the beauty of my home, and the unfortunate sacrifice who starved in my pack, are avenged. I present this as a cautionary tale, that no matter what means you use to turn dire tides in your favor: Don't leave home without it!
  21. If you see a farmwood: DON'T pick more than 2-3 flints when joining a server (this isn't really a farmwood thing just don't be a flint hoarder) DON'T touch (hoeing/fertilizing/harvesting) the farms without asking. DON'T store seeds in the fridge. DON'T ask for bramble vests unless you can provide the stingers. (health too would be nice) IF you have a special veggie (anything that isn't carrots) DON'T eat it. give it to them so they can plant more of it. IF they have a seed pack-it DON'T build a seed fridge. IF they have a composting bin built DON'T use rot to fertilize. IF they have carrats DON'T build birdcages near the farms unless you want your eggs stolen. IF they have carrats DON'T hand out the seeds. Drop them nearby and they'll give it to them. IF they have carrats DON'T help with harvesting big crops. they're already vacuuming everything. IF you see moonshrooms in the fridge for the love of god DON'T EAT IT. that's all i can think off
  22. Devouring Jellybeans, wrap & treejam as wormwood for whenever i feel like shutting my brain functions while whacking
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