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Unfortunate Screencaps

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Ok, i play in German, also we see a Refrigerator with pinchapepper nuts in it and some Iron ore. Still waiting for the dupe to eating it. my bet on Bubbles. (srsly? why does this happen?) 



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Well hello there Meep? Got a notification about an upsi. How is that happend? Fall Damage does not exist in this game, just let go buddy. 
Oh well, some number 9 will rescue you, again. 




He is so proud of himself, see? nothing happend here. 

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Half a second ago, Lindsay just decided to jump in that hole, to build herself in. i have no words for this stupidness. :(


Ok lindsay don´t play along and try to jump in, so i decide to let her make a long walk back in base, tho think about herself and guess what happen? 


What is wrong whit this people? 
"Hey, there is a hole! Let´s jump in it and make things worse!"

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It has been a long time since I did... some... experimentation.

The long, and potentially impossible journey to 20,000 dead dupes begins.

So... after dupes are exposed to extreme heat, to cure heat stroke, they must die.



A given in any of my experiments, Max will always be there to witness it all. After all, he attempted to murder Meep. He'll listen to the sounds of dupes screaming for help as they suffer heat stroke and melt in magma, because curing heat stroke requires them to die, while Max has a nice, cool -168C room with 500kgs of Oxygen per tile. It's so nice and cool, his daily diarrhea-inducing Mush Bars never spoil.


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Smart Dupes are smart. Why flying around and carry stuff, when you can just stay flying and wait until stuff drops himself? 


btw should that framedrop bug with this suites not fixed for a while ago? 

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