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Hehe not really, my lack of a title is basically my title, though if something great comes to mind, I may bother JoeW about it.@A Bad FeelingDoing great here, lots of gaming, reading and plain relaxing since my vacation has begun, hopefully your trip was semi fun.

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Ah, that's always a nice thing to hear, 501105. I'm on my vacation as well! Reading a lot of very interesting books, spending some quality time with my fiancee, playing games, reading and participating on this forum... Everything is fine and I can't complain.

Oh, the trip was very fun! I went to beautiful beaches and more beautiful beaches. The only problem is the travel itself, you know, moving around, getting planes and buses.

How's the hype for the update tomorrow?

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That sounds like a lovely vacation, what kind of books are you reading currently and any interesting games?Seeing those beautiful beaches feels so strange, when I look outside I see snow, rain and grey clouds, it almost makes me wish for summer already. Anyhow, lucky you for a nice bit of sun/summery action:D. Travel can indeed be a drag, especially busses with bad seats that you cant sleep on and planes were you sit near loudly snoring people (yes, my last vacation was fun:p)The hype for tomorrow seems to be doing great on the forum, though it might make the servers crash again tomorrow.

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Indeed it is being a lovely vacation, and living in Brazil has to have at least one pro, right?

The small letters probably doesn't interest anyone but a psychology or philosophy student.

I've read "The Black Book of Psychoanalysis" (and I have to congratulate Holland for not falling into the chasm of Freudian's legacy and using mostly a scientific approach to therapy), "The Book of Psychology" (nice psychology compendium of it's major developers), Comte-Sponville's "Amour" (I do believe it doesn't have a publication out of Brazil, because it was a book wrote upon the author's work on a television program or something) and now I'm waiting for the books I bought from Amazon to arrive. (It's quite a shame that a lot of very important books on scientific psychology aren't translated or even commercialized within this country... No wonder why it's full of religion, gurus, psychoanalysts and other forms of blatant lies and bad ideas).

Traveling is bad already. Traveling and transporting a animal while you do so is just super bad. Oh, so many headaches and extra costs we got... Indeed a black cat give bad luck, right?

Oh, and I've been mostly playing Don't Starve and Planetside 2 before my trip.

Ah, and I have a suggestion to make, but this post is already too long.

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Thank you, Fu. I was just waiting for it.We (and here read "a moderator or developer") should create a Steam group so we can communicate more urgent matters and share game experiences on the fly. It could also have some events, contests or whatever people may come up with.Thoughts?

Edited by A Bad Feeling
You are just genius, Fu.
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Some interesting books there ABF, I wanted to do a psychology education at one point, but hearing other students about it discouraged me from it somehow. I would suggest trying the Game of Thrones books if you are into such series, brilliant books. I cant imagine how difficult it is to travel with animals with you, seeing as it is warm over there (very warm?). @JoeW, I like my none title title, but somehow I am warming up to the Mr. Numbers title idea:p

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Ha! Very welcoming as always, JoeW. The amount of attention you guys put in the rather silly and small details just makes me feel even more involved and happy with this community and with the whole consumer-provider relation. Thanks for this :*)

Oh, I could write a wall of text trying to encourage you into getting a degree in Psychology, but that would be very boring (for you and others) and it would only express my personal point of view and preferences. And I believe that you are into something else now, right? (Mind if I be curious and ask what it is?)

I have a friend that is a kind of a hardcore fan of the series. He do encourages me to read it - and I probably will in the future.

But see, I have this terrible preconception with contemporaneous literature (Am I to blame after Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey and so many others? Dunno.) and I keep hearing in the back of my head: "You will read thousands and thousands of pages while you could be reading all the classics of Dostoevsky, Goethe, Tolstoy, Huxley, Victor Hugo and so on...". Damn classicism of my part. I'm not proud of this.

Maybe I just want to read the classics first, I don't know. Gotta think myself into that a little bit more.

Man, traveling with an animal is just like traveling with a baby. It need everything. The heat is another major problem. We faced 37ºC yesterday. But yeah, now everything is fine ^__^

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I can imagine, once you are truly enthusiastic about something you can talk about it for hours on end. I am currently nearing the end of my company economics education. The problem with the education is that you can become so much with it. Accounting, managing, fiscalist, taxes, stock, marketing all is possible and god knows what I will eventually become, especially seeing the financial hurdle in the world right now, still no use worrying:p.

I like the be thrown into a strange new world with books, it is the reason why I love series as Harry Potter, Games of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. It has to be well written and an interesting world though. Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey is not that for me and especially the whole Twilight thing makes me cringe. There is nothing wrong with reading classics, but it can be rewarding and suprising to step out of your reading zone so to speak. That said, I want to read some Goethe Soon.

Sweet sun, 34 degrees is already seen as crazy hot over here, let alone higher, that makes for no fun travels. Good to hear all is fine now though:D.

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I see! Can I give you a suggestion on what to become after graduating?

Open a company and sell

Don't Starve merchandise! You have plenty of suggestions and consumers eager to shop! Myself included.

You are totally right there about literature, immersion and reading zones. I just have to force myself into new literature and I will surely stop with the misconceive I actually have. Oh, and Goethe is great! I tend to think that we learn psychology much more from reading the classics and general narratives than an actual academic book. Well, at least the practice, you see?

Thanks for the overall sympathy, my numeric friend!

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Hey Bad Feeling, I've always contemplated studying Sociology, not for a title or profession, but because I'm very interested in how we react and live, as human beings, and how we influence each other. I like reading about Social Engineering an such.Have you read or are familiar with Sociology, in general? How much different (and diluted) do you think it is, compared to Psychology?

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And now

the communist wants to study Sociology! I bet the only book he will read is "Das Kapital".

I'm kidding Excess, and I'm sorry if that whole story bothers you in some way.


Anyway, I've already contemplated studying Sociology in the past. I wanted to study the different economic (latu sensu) and social relations and how that inflicted in the general well being of a person in a determined social and intellectual role.

I am familiar with the theories of Durkheim, Weber, Marx, Levi-Strauss (tough he leans much more to Anthropology) Marcuse and Habermas (this last one leaning more to the juridical system). Oh, and there's Joseph Heath, which I tend to like his works on Philosophical and Practical Sociology. I've studied about their works while I was a High school student and when I entered University (I studied two years of Laws then switched to Psychology).

I must say that what drove me off Sociology is the highly ideological discourse (and, just to add, what drove me off Laws was the ultra dogmatic and perverse - in the sense that it is something that's not being used with the proper referential - system). From my point of view, Psychology, and mainly Social Psychology, give us a extensive comprehension of our cognitive machinery faced towards the other - the society in general. Psychology give us the knowledge that we are constantly and dynamically being "shaped by" and "shaping" the others. Of course, this is only a short and easy form to put it in few words. There's much beyond. Take the theories and practice of Lev Vygotsky, Aaron Beck, Kurt Lewin, Stanley Milgram, Virginia Satir, Philip Zimbardo and so many others that try to develop a way to comprehend aspects of society and our relation with it.

Society - and Sociology - is so strong in Psychology that we can only talk about a Etnopsychology, not a numinous and universalizing description of one's Psychology. Of course, many efforts are being put together in the Neurology area to find at least some biological patterns of cognition.

Do take note that Argentina, Brazil and France are, unfortunately, the bastions of psychoanalysis, coming to the point that the common-sense usually mistakes psychoanalysis for psychology itself. The Edipian structure, id, ego, superego, Tot und Lebens Trieb, oral, anal and phalical stages and so many other concepts we hear in our day-to-day belong to psychoanalysis, to the old paladins of Freud and Lacanian sophists, not to contemporaneous scientific conceptions of psychology.

Said all that (and you people should be asking yourselves why in the first place you bothered to read through all this at all), I do believe that a psychological education can give you a tremendous theoretic and practical (and please do emphasize this word: practical) referential that open so many doors and possibilities to understand and manipulate human's behavior and interaction with society.

If anything is not clear or you have some specific question, please ask! It's a pleasure to try and help.

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And now

the communist wants to study Sociology! I bet the only book he will read is "Das Kapital".

I'm kidding Excess, and I'm sorry if that whole story bothers you in some way.


You'll need more than that to piss me off :D
Like suggesting multiplayer

If anything is not clear or you have some specific question, please ask! It's a pleasure to try and help.

Your response opened so much more questions and doubts that statistically, I now know less than before :D Except that what I'm looking for is Social Psychology. Any light introduction (if that's even possible) that you can recommend?

Also, did you typed all those author names by memory or you looked them up?

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