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Toaster you are the most efficient thread catalog I have ever seen. Although I did tag it Let's Play so a search would do the job, oh well

I dunno seemed rude but I didn't mean it that lol, now that I've mentioned the Youtube account here I have to walk on eggshells and over scrutinize everything I say to make sure I don't negatively impact it. But if it's not apparent then I can stop fretting over it and just relax phew that's a load off my mind.
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Hello, I'm not as active as you paragons of the community and probably can never reach your level of awesome, but I'm here to be involved. I enjoy lots of Klei games and am an amateur LPer so when I'm not playing games for the enjoyment of the internet I'll probably stop in here to join in the fun of the community and give my two cents on whatever is taking pennies.

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