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Data Mining, Theorizing, Art Assets, Sprite Sheets, & More! (SPOILERS!)

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44 minutes ago, Bizzum22 said:

maybe they will make it where we have to shoot up satellites to see farther planets

That`s possible. The starmap has scrolling funcionallity (but there`s only one screen of stuff) so they will most likely add more destinations. Maybe a sattelite would be a step towards that.

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17 hours ago, minespatch said:

I wonder if the rocketry hat has been implemented yet, I haven't seen anything so far yet.

2 hours ago, DragonMage156 said:

Is there a rocketry hat design?

Not even a temp hat design.



Although I do wonder...


This could easily be re-purposed into the space faring hats.



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Look out dudes! STUFF!!




    public static LocString NAME = UI.FormatAsLink("Distillation Column", "DISTILLATIONCOLUMN");

    public static LocString DESC = "Gets hot and steamy.";

    public static LocString EFFECT = string.Format("Separates any {0} piped through it into " + ELEMENTS.STEAM.NAME + " and {1}", ELEMENTS.DIRTYWATER.NAME.text, ELEMENTS.TOXICSAND.NAME.text);


    public static LocString NAME = UI.FormatAsLink("Gas Overflow Valve", "GASCONDUITOVERFLOW");

    public static LocString DESC = "Overflow valves can be used to prioritize which buildings should receive precious resources first.";

    public static LocString EFFECT = "Fills a secondary" + UI.FormatAsLink("Gas", "ELEMENTS_GAS") + " output only when its primary output is blocked.";


    public static LocString NAME = UI.FormatAsLink("Priority Gas Flow", "GASCONDUITPREFERENTIALFLOW");

    public static LocString DESC = "Priority flows ensure important buildings are filled first when on a system with other buildings.";

    public static LocString EFFECT = "Diverts " + UI.FormatAsLink("Gas", "ELEMENTS_GAS") + " to a secondary input when its primary input overflows.";




public class JETSUITLOCKER
    public static LocString NAME = UI.FormatAsLink("Jet Suit Dock", "JETSUITLOCKER");

    public static LocString DESC = "Docks can refill Jet Suits with air and fuel, or empty them of waste, but can only charge one suit at a time.";

    public static LocString EFFECT = "Stores and refuels " + EQUIPMENT.PREFABS.JET_SUIT.NAME + " with " + UI.FormatAsLink("Oxygen", "OXYGEN") + " and " + UI.FormatAsLink("Petroleum", "PETROLEUM") + ".\n\nBuild next to a Jet Suit Checkpoint to make Duplicants change into suits when passing by.";







Super Insulator



Super Coolant






Temp Conductor









New material!



Hey! Looks like they FINALLY updated Steel! 



Lookin smooth.

...I dunno what this is, but it's VERY Temp.





New Hats! @minespatch @DragonMage156



...floppy discs?



BTW, the floppy disc reads "Fun Game Space Research"

Looks like the Gene Shuffler's getting a new look.



And it now apparently can get charge cores.

Other things that don't fit in with any other category!




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5 hours ago, watermelen671 said:


Why is the jet part on the head? And what;s the bandaged sprite for? >u<;;;

5 hours ago, watermelen671 said:


Another member of the Tempart family? XD

5 hours ago, watermelen671 said:



5 hours ago, watermelen671 said:

New Hats!


Astronaut hats? 0u0

5 hours ago, watermelen671 said:


Could also say "End game" but I think "Fun game" would make more sense.

5 hours ago, watermelen671 said:

Looks like the Gene Shuffler's getting a new look.

Oh interesting.

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16 hours ago, watermelen671 said:
  1. New Hats!
  2. ...floppy discs?floppy_disc_0.png.70cabd2649bb49e0ae4d19f26a6b6dee.png
  3. databank_0.png.8e143b891c0973455e0a5c1e288e389f.png
  4. Looks like the Gene Shuffler's getting a new look.geneshuffler_0.thumb.png.d3a088158590105158aecea2926a77ec.png
  1. Wooo, Dead space helmets!
  2. Isn't that just a summary of what thus game is?:wilson_ecstatic:
  3. Wait, will we get nutrient bar recipes?
  4. What is the purpose of this machine again? Shuffling brains or what?
16 hours ago, watermelen671 said:

Look out dudes! STUFF!!image.thumb.png.5ca49c29eb2b10e81931306177e10cdb.png

10 minutes ago, watermelen671 said:

AUTO MINERS?!auto_miner_0.thumb.png.2165dc7705fc408614e747ce1c758105.png

I was confused by the text until I saw the image. Now I can be lazy.:wilson_sneaky:
The text made me think it was that little droid leak I saw. That one looking like r2-d2.

16 hours ago, watermelen671 said:

...I dunno what this is, but it's VERY Temp.research_space_0.thumb.png.b0fa580784b0f07d37fd2e247c832e93.png

10 hours ago, DragonMage156 said:

Another member of the Tempart family? XD

5b51b86373867_tempartcontemplating.thumb.png.3242d6fae92a72e25c154700fe907cc0.png-Thonk intensifies-

10 minutes ago, watermelen671 said:
  1. Shove vole...which I only recently got the pun to. driller_0.png.b5d0764fa74305567a320716acc00e18.png
  2. A Pedestal?pedestal_0.png.5ced3e069224d947399f1a839a70faf3.png
  1. 58003789b65b3_Arielshoujoweebie.png.a68c0181ffdf7001704102c4f1e7a9d1.pngOH NO ITS CUTE! Drecko's got competition.
  2. More stuff for artists?
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2 hours ago, minespatch said:

58003789b65b3_Arielshoujoweebie.png.a68c0181ffdf7001704102c4f1e7a9d1.pngOH NO ITS CUTE! Drecko's got competition.

But is it cuter than...



2 hours ago, minespatch said:

Now I can be lazy.:wilson_sneaky:

Hey just like IRL, technology advances in a way to do the work for us (welp, next update after this is gonna have fat and lazy dupes XD )

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No new lore. However did anybody else notice a new txt file?



Cecilia Payne
William Gilbert
Galileo Galilei
Willebrod Snell
Blaise Pascal
Christiaan Huygens
Robert Hooke
Isaac Newton
Daniel Bernoulli
Benjamin Franklin
Leonard Euler
Henry Cavendish
Charles Augustin de Coulomb
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
James Watt
Count Alessandro Volta
Joseph Fourier
Thomas Young
Jean-Babtiste Biot
André Marie Ampère
Amadeo Avogadro
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
Hans Christian Oersted
David Brewster
Augustin-Jean Fresnel
Georg Ohm
Michael Faraday
Felix Savart
Sadi Carnot
Joseph Henry
Christian Doppler
Wilhelm E Weber
William Hamilton
James Prescott Joule
Armand-Hippolyte-Louis Fizeau
Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault
George Gabriel Stokes
Hermann von Helmholtz
Rudolf Clausius
William Thomson
Gustav Kirchhoff
Johann Balmer
Joseph Wilson Swan
James Clerk Maxwell
Josef Stefan
Ernst Mach
Josiah Gibbs
James Dewar
Osborne Reynolds
Ludwig Boltzmann
Roland Eötvös
Oliver Heaviside
George Francis FitzGerald
John Henry Poynting
Henri Poincaré
Janne Rydberg
Edwin H Hall
Heinrich Hertz
Nikola Tesla
Johannes van der Waals
John William Strutt
Wilhelm Röntgen
Antoine Henri Becquerel
Albert A Michelson
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes
Joseph John Thomson
Max Planck
Pierre Curie
William Henry Bragg
Philipp von Lenard
Wilhelm Wien
Pieter Zeeman
Marie Curie
Robert Millikan
Charles Wilson
Jean Baptiste Perrin
Ernest Rutherford
Guglielmo Marconi
Johannes Stark
Charles Glover Barkla
Albert Einstein
Otto Hahn
Max von Laue
Owen Richardson
Clinton Joseph Davisson
Max Born
Percy Williams Bridgman
James Franck
Victor Franz Hess
Peter Debye
Niels Bohr
Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn
Gustav Hertz
Erwin Schrödinger
Chandrasekhara Raman
Otto Stern
Frits Zernike
William Lawrence Bragg
Walther Bothe
James Chadwick
Edward Appleton
Prince Louis-Victor de Broglie
Arthur Compton
George Paget Thomson
Harold Clayton Urey
Pjotr Leonidovich Kapitsa
Igor Y Tamm
Robert S Mulliken
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett
John Cockcroft
Irène Joliot-Curie
Isador Isaac Rabi
Frédéric Joliot-Curie
Dennis Gabor
Wolfgang Pauli
Enrico Fermi
Werner Heisenberg
Ernest Orlando Lawrence
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Alfred Kastler
Eugene Wigner
Cecil F Powell
Ernest Walton
Pavel A Cherenkov
Carl David Anderson
Felix Bloch
Nevill F Mott
Emilio Segrè
Hans Bethe
Maria Goeppert-Mayer
Ernst Ruska
Shin-Ichiro Tomonaga
J Hans D Jensen
Edwin M McMillan
Hideki Yukawa
John Bardeen
Il'ja M Frank
Lev Landau
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
William Shockley
Luis Walter Alvarez
William Fowler
Polykarp Kusch
Edward Mills Purcell
Glenn T Seaborg
Willis E Lamb
Robert Hofstadter
Norman F Ramsey
Clifford G Shull
Charles H Townes
Francis Crick
Maurice Wilkins
Bertram N Brockhouse
Richard P Feynman
Frederick Reines
Julian Schwinger
Kai M Siegbahn
Nicolaas Bloembergen
Owen Chamberlain
Yoichiro Nambu
Andrei Sakharov
Arthur L Schawlow
Jack Steinberger
Nikolai Basov
Aage Bohr
Leon Lederman
Chen Ning Yang
Val Logsdon Fitch
Jack S Kilby
Willard S Boyle
Georges Charpak
Roy J Glauber
Simon van der Meer
Donald A Glaser
Henry W Kendall
Ben Mottelson
Tsung-Dao Lee
Abdus Salam
K Alexander Müller
Martin L Perl
Murray Gell-Mann
Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer
Richard E Taylor
Leon Cooper
Jerome I Friedman
George E Smith
James W Cronin
David M Lee
Burton Richter
J Robert Schrieffer
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
Sheldon Glashow
Melvin Schwartz
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Charles K Kao
Arno A Penzias
Heinrich Rohrer
Steven Weinberg
Carlo Rubbia
Robert W Wilson
Samuel C C Ting
Kenneth Wilson
Robert C Richardson
Albert Fert
Peter Grünberg
Brian Josephson
Toshihide Maskawa
David Gross
Klaus von Klitzing
Makato Kobayashi
Douglas D Osheroff
Gerard t Hooft
Gerd Binnig
Steven Chu
William D Phillips
H David Politzer
J Georg Bednorz
Robert Laughlin
Frank Wilczek
Andre Geim
Konstantin Novoselov

Looks to me like a list of Astronomers...speaking of which, @KrisRF you misspelled one (probably more. :3).

And if it wasn't you, go yell at them for trying to do your job. :wilson_ecstatic:



Willebro(r)d Snell



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Well those are not all astronomers... I see a lot of mathematicians, chemists and physicists there... Like Niels Bohr, Feynman, Heisenberg, Dirac, Gauss...

What they all have in common is that they have a unit or some formula/theorem named after them.

I wonder what that list is for.

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