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How to unlock the Tragic Torch skin! (EXPIRED) Cyclum puzzle SOLVED!

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47 minutes ago, Dudedude said:

This is so intense O__OTM

The Dude Abides...

Hmm... let's see...

The Fact that Maxwell gets to keep the Codex Umbra... and the fact that he can craft it AND the codex has his trademark "M" could mean that the codex itself was specifically made for him... which begs the questions:

  1. Why?
  2. How did he come by with it?

I would ask more about the spider but... there's only more speculation...

Just now, Soto8969 said:

Did i just started a new emote?



*kisses soto*

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27 minutes ago, Asparagus said:

I would ask more about the spider but... there's only more speculation...

Is not only speculation my friend, there is EVIDENCE!

The spider is Not Webber:Webber_ingame.png

(Yes, i reuploaded the picture)

The spider in the comic has 3 legs attached to his "head"/Body

But Webber only has 2 legs in his face.


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I really hope this ends up being the teaser to a new update that includes a multiplayer adventure mode to stop Charlie or something...


Just an observation I don't believe anyone has made: Maxwell tried to use his magic on the spider, but to his surprise, it didn't work. Why would he be surprised? Did something happen? Who knows :)

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46 minutes ago, Sheauwn said:

Just an observation I don't believe anyone has made: Maxwell tried to use his magic on the spider, but to his surprise, it didn't work. Why would he be surprised? Did something happen? Who knows :)

He'd be surprised because he was probably used to being able to use his magic for a good 20+ years. If he relied on it to defend himself, of course he'd instinctively try to kill the spider with it but then feel surprised even when he knows he was dethroned and lost his powers. It became a way of life to him.

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1 hour ago, oCrapaCreeper said:

He'd be surprised because he was probably used to being able to use his magic for a good 20+ years. If he relied on it to defend himself, of course he'd instinctively try to kill the spider with it but then feel surprised even when he knows he was dethroned and lost his powers. It became a way of life to him.

*you mean 200+

12 hours ago, ImDaMisterL said:


Me irl


11 hours ago, RyanandLink said:





7 hours ago, oCrapaCreeper said:

DST takes place after DS, so any of the changes in DST compared to the base game can be explained by being later on in the timeline.

Maybe Maxwell canonically used up his sword and armor and never made a shadow manipulator?

2 hours ago, Asparagus said:

The Dude Abides...

Hmm... let's see...

The Fact that Maxwell gets to keep the Codex Umbra... and the fact that he can craft it AND the codex has his trademark "M" could mean that the codex itself was specifically made for him... which begs the questions:

  1. Why?
  2. How did he come by with it?

I would ask more about the spider but... there's only more speculation...



*kisses soto*

I heard once that it was its journal but I can't remember the source

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6 minutes ago, AnonymousKoala said:

*you mean 200+


Maxwell and Charlie were captured by the shadow creatures in 1906. Wilson was captured around the 1920's. Just under 30 years I'd imagine Maxwell was trapped, of course he said that time moves differently in the DS world.

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Just now, oCrapaCreeper said:

Maxwell and Charlie were captured by the shadow creatures in 1906. Wilson was captured around the 1920's. Just under 30 years I'd imagine Maxwell was trapped, of course he said that time moves differently in the DS world.

Yeah I'm referencing the amount of in game days Maxwell and Charlie were in there. (Also I keep forgetting the exact years so thanks for reminding them) Since 1 day = 8 minutes, and...Well they've been there for quite some time thanks to this.

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Just now, AnonymousKoala said:

Yeah I'm referencing the amount of in game days Maxwell and Charlie were in there. (Also I keep forgetting the exact years so thanks for reminding them) Since 1 day = 8 minutes, and...Well they've been there for quite some time thanks to this.

There's been some calculation at the possibility of just how long. And even with some generous estimation, with a bit of liberal decisions on when Wilson was brought in, well it definitely at least calculates at LEAST 2000+ years.

Here, someone's calculation of how long Charlie and Maxwell may have spent in the World of Them.

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22 minutes ago, WilliamGreywind said:

There's been some calculation at the possibility of just how long. And even with some generous estimation, with a bit of liberal decisions on when Wilson was brought in, well it definitely at least calculates at LEAST 2000+ years.

Here, someone's calculation of how long Charlie and Maxwell may have spent in the World of Them.

Yup, this is what I was referencing. I remember seeing this once.

13 minutes ago, mathem99 said:

I bet Wilson will come and save Maxwell.

I meant her Grue form.

Willson's on the throne at the time of this happening though.

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Hmm people, the source code of cyclum has changed with the second part of the comic, there is notably some javascript which seems to record mouse movement/click or something :


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-GB">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/files/screen.css" media="screen" />
	<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Shadows+Into+Light' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

<div id="header">
<div class="colmask threecol">
	<div class="colmid">
		<div class="colleft">
			<div class="col1">
				<img id="comic" src="/comic/small/">


<div id="footer">
<p><a href="/comic/big/">View Large Size</a></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
var elmids = ['comic'];

var x, y = 0;

function getXYpos(elm) {
  x = elm.offsetLeft;
  y = elm.offsetTop;

  elm = elm.offsetParent;

  while(elm != null) {
    x = parseInt(x) + parseInt(elm.offsetLeft);
    y = parseInt(y) + parseInt(elm.offsetTop);
    elm = elm.offsetParent;

  return {'xp':x, 'yp':y};

function getCoords(e) {
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    x = event.clientX + standardBody.scrollLeft;
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  else {
    x = e.pageX;
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  x = x - xy_pos['xp'];
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for(var i=0; i<elmids.length; i++) {
  if(document.getElementById(elmids[i])) {
    document.getElementById(elmids[i]).onmousemove = getCoords;

    document.getElementById(elmids[i]).onclick = function() {
      document.getElementById('regcoords').value = x+ ' , ' +y;


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1 minute ago, Kuirem said:

Hmm people, the source code of cyclum has changed with the second part of the comic, there is notably some javascript which seems to record mouse movement/click or something :



It's probably recording our pathetic attempts at seeing if clicking anything changes something.

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Just now, Kuirem said:

Hmm people, the source code of cyclum has changed with the second part of the comic, there is notably some javascript which seems to record mouse movement/click or something :

Heh, I was literally just looking at that. I'm unsure as to what the site is doing with the mouse coordinates.

They also have resources for a text box and submit buttons which don't seem to be fully implemented yet, but I'm hesitant to look further because that feels like cheating. xP

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4 minutes ago, Tyzin said:

Heh, I was literally just looking at that. I'm unsure as to what the site is doing with the mouse coordinates.

They also have resources for a text box and submit buttons which don't seem to be fully implemented yet, but I'm hesitant to look further because that feels like cheating. xP

It might be that we will have something simmilar to the old puzzle with birds carying papers, a map and numbers that have to be entered.

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Strange. This code doesn't show up on the "login" page.

When clicking, it sets a value to a string (i.e. text) showing the coordinates. The value is not referenced anywhere else, but who knows, maybe something is being done with it somewhere else in the document.

Is the data actually being sent to the server? I don't know. In that case, it could be a truly hidden link of sorts.

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