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[Forum Game] - Make Up an Odd Reason to Ban the Person Above You


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16 hours ago, NightfallsCurse said:

Ban Wagstaff lover because that pizza was good

Ban Nightfalls because Religion and politics often make some people lose all perspective and give way to ranting and raving and carrying on like emotional children. They either refuse to discuss it with reason, or else they prefer argumentum ad hominum, which is a hell of a way to conduct a discussion. Well, anyhow, not long ago, I was talking about the elections, and how the campaigns were ignoring the issues, and sticking instead to invective and personal crap that had nothing to do with the substantive problems of running a government, which is all true, as you know if you followed the speeches and so-called debates of the candidates. Anyhow, one of the guys I was talking with said not a word in the whole conversation except at the end when he suddenly chuckled and said we were all full of ****, and why didn't we go live in Russia or China if that was the way we all hated the United States Of America. Next thing you know the whole blooming discussion was more like a brawl, And the epithets flew thick and fast, and the noise was incredible. Someone said "son of a *****", and I think he said "bastard". I couldn't be sure, it was all so confusing. Well, anyhow, I was attempting to get it all back on a rational level. I tried, for example, to talk to the one who had started it all, and I asked him just what did he mean we were all full of ****. Was he making a statement of fact as he knew it, and where was his documentation to back up his claim? I think Socrates would've been proud of the way I refuted his argument. That is, I tried to refute it, but all he could offer by way of rebuttal was more of the same about how we were all full of ****. But he wouldn't say why, he just kept on repeating it, that and the part about Russia and China and communist dupes, and I'll have to confess that I got a bit angry and told him to stuff his ideas up his ass, which you don't have to tell me is hardly a way to convince anyone in an argument. Then he got salty and threatened to give me a punch in the mouth if I didn't shut up, and I really got hot, and the others did too, and we all beat the **** out of mister conservative. And, after all, he had only himself to be blamed. This is still a free country, And anyone telling a fellow like me, "Brother, you're full of ****", better be good and ready to answer politely when asked if he'd care to say why.

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9 minutes ago, Hellaucoma_ARF said:


Ban Hellaucoma because 

Twigpaw is about to enter the battle with Darktail and his rogues. She whispers that there's so many warriors. All of them are clustered together, fur bristling, ready to fight. Twigpaw looks at Bramblestar and his deputy, Squirrelflight. She sees Lionblaze, Cloudtail, Brightheart, Whitewing, Larksong, Leafshade, and Honeyfur. Feeling nervous, the apprentice presses close to Ivypool, noting that ShadowClan territory suddenly seemed scarier than before. Ivypool reminds Twigpaw of the new rule Bramblestar added to the warrior code that states the Clans shall band together when in times of dire need. Twigpaw, shaking, asks if they can really drive off the rogues, and Ivypool comforts her confidently. Twigpaw thinks she's happy to have Ivypool as her mentor.

Bramblestar announces that the time to drive off the rogues has come, to which Rowanstar agrees. Onestar gets angry, blaming Rowanstar for the rogues being there in the first place. They argue about the topic until Mistystar breaks up the fight, stating that arguing won't help. She reminds everybody of the bad things the rogues have done, such as killing Furzepelt and taking over ShadowClan. The other leaders agree. The leaders fighting makes Twigpaw even more nervous.

Ivypool asks Twigpaw if she's ready, to which Twigpaw confesses that she's worried about Violetpaw, fearing for her well-being with the rogues. Tigerheart comes beside her, reassuring Twigpaw that Violetpaw is smart and strong, and she'll be okay. Twigpaw is grateful, but notices Ivypool doesn't seem to like him.

Bramblestar gives the signal to move. The four Clans follow him, acting as one cat as they cross the border. As they move towards the camp, they are spotted by a patrol led by Sleekwhisker. She screeches a warning, ordering the patrol back to camp. Harespring comments that they won't be able to surprise them anymore. Bramblestar orders the assembled cats to get into their groups. Twigpaw follows Lionblaze, Dovewing, Ivypool, and Tigerheart. When they get close to the ShadowClan camp, rogues start streaming from it, and Twigpaw realizes just how many there are.

Twigpaw finds herself fighting Juniperclaw. She seems to be doing well, and is excited that she remembered her training. Suddenly, Juniperclaw pins her to the ground, saying that she's good, but not that good. Ivypool rescues her from the former ShadowClan warrior, and he runs off. Twigpaw looks around, noticing that the Clan cats seems to be winning the fight. She's about to jump back into fighting when she spots Onestar grappling with Darktail. Darktail shoves Onestar to the ground and murmurs something in his ear. Onestar looks horrified, and orders WindClan to retreat. Twigpaw wonders what the rogue leader said to him.

Twigpaw is unexpectantly bowled over by Yarrowleaf, and she parts her jaws to bite down onto Twigpaw's throat. She is rescued by Ivypool once again, but Tigerheart shoves between the two she-cats to let Yarrowleaf go. Ivypool is furious and reminds him that she's not his Clanmate anymore. Tigerheart is about to respond when an angry yowl from Lionblaze is heard.

The WindClan cats are fleeing, and the other leaders are angrily yowling after them. Distracted, Mistystar doesn't notice a rogue looming up behind her, and the hulking tom knocks her to the ground. Other RiverClan warriors rush in to help their struggling leader. Twigpaw joins the fight again, anxiously noticing that the tide had turned since WindClan fled. The RiverClan warriors are battered. The ShadowClan warriors are reluctant to fight their former Clanmates.

Twigpaw wonders how it went wrong when she sees Violetpaw in a nearby bush. She asks if her sister is okay. Violetpaw doesn't answer the question, and Twigpaw says that she misses her. Rain and Needletail emerge from a nearby bush and encourage Violetpaw to attack her sister, saying she's the enemy and no longer her kin. After a brief hesitation, Violetpaw leaps at Twigpaw with her claws unsheathed. Shocked, Twigpaw back away and ends up wrenching her hind leg in a small hole. The black-and-white she-cat bares her teeth at the injured apprentice, and Twigpaw believes this is the moment she joins StarClan, feeling disbelief that her sister will strike the death blow.

She hears a yowl and Lionblaze flings himself onto the ShadowClan rogues. Twigpaw stares after them miserably, believing that her sister truly doesn't care about her anymore. She feels guilty that cats are battling around her, but all she can think about is her sister.

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Jayfeather is a gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes.[17]

Jayfeather is a ThunderClan medicine cat that has served under Firestar's, Bramblestar's, the impostor's, Squirrelflight's, Lionblaze's, and Graystripe's leaderships in the lake territories. He was born as Jaykit, and is one of the children of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, alongside his siblings Hollykit and Lionkit. He was apprenticed to Brightheart to train as a warrior, becoming Jaypaw. After discovering an extraordinary ability to connect with other cats' feelings and walk in their dreams, he was urged by Spottedleaf to train as a medicine cat. At first, he refused, but he eventually agreed to train under Leafpool. While walking in the dreams of Firestar, Jaypaw heard about the Kin of Your Kin prophecy, realizing he and his littermates were destined to be powerful.

He earned his medicine cat name, Jayfeather. When a fire erupted in ThunderClan's camp, it was forced out by Ashfur that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were not his true parents. The truth was eventually revealed that Leafpool and Crowfeather were their parents, causing a strain on the family. Shortly after Hollyleaf vanished, he and Lionblaze realized that she was not one of the Three and the prophecy was predicting the Dark Forest's rising.

Fulfilling the prophecy, he, Lionblaze, and the third cat, Dovewing, helped the Clans fight off the Dark Forest in the Great Battle. After the battle, Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Dovewing lost their powers, and Jayfeather gained an apprentice, Alderheart, whom he grew very close to. After Bramblestar's revival, he was adamant about punishing the codebreakers. Jayfeather was one of them and was forced to swear an oath of loyalty. He was later exiled by the impostor and joined as a refugee in ShadowClan. He returned to being a medicine cat of ThunderClan after the impostor was taken down.


1 History

1.1 Power of Three

1.2 Omen of the Stars

1.3 A Vision of Shadows

1.4 The Broken Code

1.5 Super Editions

1.6 Novellas

2 Detailed description

3 Character pixels

3.1 Main images

3.2 Alternate images

4 Official art

5 Ceremonies

6 Personality and Relationships

7 Family

8 Appearances

9 Merchandise9.1 Toys and Plush

9.1.1 Jayfeather Large Plush Cat

9.1.2 Jayfeather & Graystripe - Mini Collector Figures

9.1.3 Blackstar & Jayfeather - Mini Collector Figures

9.1.4 Jayfeather Mini-Plush Head - Discontinued

10 Trivia


12 External links

13 Notes and references


Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!

Power of Three

"I'm here to heal you. If you want sympathy, go to the nursery."

―Jaypaw to Birchfall about his injury Dark River, page 99

Jaykit is the son of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight along with his siblings Lionkit and Hollykit, and they are the grandkits of Firestar, the Clan leader. He is desperate to become a warrior apprentice despite his blindness and gets frustrated when any cat fusses about him. He is apprenticed to Brightheart as Jaypaw and scoffs when her training methods are handicapped for his lack of sight. He discovers his special power to travel in cats' dreams. When Spottedleaf visits his dreams to insist his destiny is to become a medicine cat, he argues with her and is determined to become a warrior. However, he eventually agrees and becomes Leafpool's apprentice.

Jaypaw discovers he and his littermates are destined to become powerful cats after walking in Firestar's dreams. As a medicine cat apprentice, he is a natural healer with powerful visions, but is often impatient with his patients and argues with Leafpool frequently. He finds a stick and uses it to communicate with Fallen Leaves and Rock from the ancient cats. He visits them by living through Jay's Wing, his previous incarnation. He meets Half Moon and guides the ancient cats to the mountains. He is given his full medicine cat name Jayfeather after helping his Clan during a bought of deadly greencough.

During a fire, Jayfeather and his littermates are trapped in the blaze. Squirrelflight tries to save them but is prevented by Ashfur who uses the opportunity to take revenge on Squirrelflight. In an attempt to save them, Squirrelflight reveals Jayfeather and his siblings are not her kits. Jayfeather puts together fragmented memories from his kithood and help from Yellowfang to discover his true parents are Leafpool and Crowfeather of WindClan. He reveals the truth to Leafpool who insists he move on. Hollyleaf reveals the truth at the Gathering, and Leafpool steps down, leaving Jayfeather as the only medicine cat. Though he is distraught when Hollyleaf supposedly dies in the tunnels, Jayfeather is ecstatic the prophecy will still be fulfilled through Whitewing's newborn kits.

Omen of the Stars

"This will not be the end of the Clans. As long as I have breath in my body, the Clans will be safe."

―Jayfeather vowing to protect the Clans The Forgotten Warrior, page 204

Jayfeather stresses about being the only medicine cat to take care of the entire Clan. Lionblaze's apprentice, Dovepaw shows signs of being the third cat, and Jayfeather tests her abilities before informing the young cat of the prophecy. When Jayfeather follows Poppyfrost to the Moonpool, Breezepelt, his half-brother, attacks him with the help of Brokenstar from the Dark Forest. Yellowfang and Spottedleaf warn him of the rising power of the Dark Forest. He is determined to keep Briarpaw alive when a tree crushes her spine and comes up with some exercises to keep her strength up.

He, Lionblaze, Dovepaw, and Ivypaw conspire Ivypaw to spy for them in the Dark Forest while she trains. He tries with no avail to save Flametail, the ShadowClan medicine cat, when he falls in the ice. Rock insists it was Flametail's time to die, and Dawnpelt, Flametail's littermate, accuses Jayfeather of murdering him. Jayfeather returns to the Tribe of Rushing Water and once again relives his time as Jay's Wing. He and Half Moon develop feelings for each other and he wants to raise a family with her, but Rock insists Jayfeather cannot stay. Reluctantly, Jayfeather says goodbye to Half Moon and appoints her the first Stoneteller.

He is pleased to see his sister alive when Hollyleaf returns to ThunderClan. When he is told to find the fourth cat, Jayfeather believes it is Flametail. However, the fourth cat turns out to be Firestar. During the battle against the Dark Forest, Jayfeather treats the injured and is horrified when he couldn't save Hollyleaf. He is briefly reunited with Half Moon, and comforts Dovewing when Firestar dies. After the battle, the Three lose their powers.

A Vision of Shadows

"I know where I belong. It's with you, you grouchy, difficult, dedicated furball. And with ThunderClan."

―Alderheart thinking about Jayfeather River of Fire, pages 238-239

Jayfeather and the other medicine cats receive a message from StarClan to find the shadows in order to clear the sky, and Jayfeather is frustrated about the unclear message. He and Leafpool are also informed about Alderpaw's destiny to become a medicine cat, and Jayfeather gains him as an apprentice. While not the most patient mentor, Jayfeather knows Alderpaw is gifted, compassionate and strong, and the two grow close. He grows frustrated when Twigkit follows Alderpaw around and insists he should focus on his training. He is impressed by his ability to stand up to WindClan to fetch the lungwort to heal ShadowClan and gives him his full medicine cat name Alderheart. Jayfeather grows wary when Alderheart shows feelings for a visiting kittypet named Velvet, but is pleased when Alderheart stays. Jayfeather starts vomiting and must be treated by Alderheart, which does not please Alderheart. During this time, Briarlight, whom he had grown close to and helped heal, succumbs to a sickness ravaging ThunderClan. Jayfeather, in particular, is devastated and blames himself for potentially causing her death.

The Broken Code

Bramblestar's impostor: "I promise I will always obey my leader without question. And I will do whatever I'm asked for the good of the Clan."

Jayfeather: "As if we didn't before."

—Jayfeather getting snarky with the impostor The Silent Thaw, page 204

Jayfeather is now ThunderClan's head medicine cat with the death of Leafpool and remains just as grouchy. He chastises his grandniece, Bristlepaw when she insults StarClan but is stopped by Bramblestar. Jayfeather is also mentioned as a "codebreaker" by a StarClan spirit to Shadowsight, along with several other cats. When Bramblestar dies, Jayfeather is heartbroken and blames Squirrelflight for trying Shadowpaw's unusual method to cure him, but is relieved when his adopted father suddenly comes back to life.

When he is informed that he is a codebreaker, he becomes angry that he and Lionblaze are being punished for being half-WindClan, something they had no control over. He later, though very reluctantly, swears an oath of loyalty to Bramblestar's impostor with Lionblaze and Twigbranch. The impostor exiles him, Lionblaze, and Twigbranch for being codebreakers. He temporary joins ShadowClan as a refugee and helps take down the impostor and returns to ThunderClan along with the other exiles after the impostor is taken down by the Clans. Upon learning that the impostor is Ashfur, Jayfeather mutters that Ashfur is obsessed with Squirrelflight. Jayfeather also wishes to wait and see if Bramblestar's spirit is still present, and to avoid killing his father's body, much to the chagrin of Lionblaze, who argues the opposite. Following Squirrelflight's kidnapping by Ashfur, Jayfeather becomes the medicine cat to Lionblaze, and serves as his brother's voice of reason, fully aware of Lionblaze's short temper and impulsive decision making. Jayfeather and Lionblaze later then agree that Graystripe should be their acting leader instead of Lionblaze.

Super Editions

This section summarizes Jayfeather's significant Super Editions appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

"Breezepelt tried to kill my brother. He said he was glad that Hollyleaf was dead, and that none of us should ever have been born. Lionblaze might have forgiven Breezepelt, but Lionblaze is a nicer cat than I am. Or a more stupid one. I can't forgive Breezepelt. I can't forgive you."

―Jayfeather to Crowfeather Crowfeather's Trial, page 403

In Crowfeather's Trial, after the battle against the Dark Forest, Crowfeather occasionally thinks about his ThunderClan kits, and how he often found Jayfeather prickly. He visits ThunderClan in hopes of consulting Leafpool about the stoats, but Jayfeather appears instead. Jayfeather agrees to talk to Bramblestar and Crowfeather grimly wonders where his ThunderClan son got his attitude from. He later visits Jayfeather to ask for help with Breezepelt who is gravely injured. Jayfeather sharply insists he cannot forgive Breezepelt for what he did in the Dark Forest, but cannot let any cat die without doing anything.

"My sons are so grown up, so confident and talented. How could I have regretted raising them for a single moment?"

―Bramblestar reflecting on his love for Lionblaze and Jayfeather Bramblestar's Storm, page 362

In Bramblestar's Storm, Jayfeather creates a memorial to remember the fallen warriors who died during the Great Battle called the Stick of the Fallen. Strong winds destroy much of Jayfeather's herbs supply, and Jayfeather worries it could be a bad omen. He is displeased when Bramblestar brings kittypets to the camp, and Bramblestar tells him his dream about blood rising. Bramblestar reflects about raising Jayfeather and his siblings as kits, and how proud he was being their adopted father.

"You didn't give me a chance to finish. I was about to say I forgave her eventually. Even though I could never love her as a mother after what she'd done, I respected her as a medicine cat and loved her as a Clanmate. Don't pretend you loved her anymore then I did."

―Jayfeather to Squirrelflight and Lionblaze Squirrelflight's Hope, page 396

In Squirrelflight's Hope, Squirrelflight fondly remembers raising him and Lionblaze, and knows that she will always love them even if she isn't their mother. When Squirrelflight nearly dies but is brought back, he, Squirrelflight and Lionblaze mourn the death of Leafpool.


This section summarizes Jayfeather's significant Novellas appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

"Does that mean you can make me see? Hollykit and Lionkit can see things, I know. And I guess you and my mother can. Why not me?"

―Jaykit to Leafpool about his blindness Leafpool's Wish, page chapter 11

In Leafpool's Wish, Leafpool gives birth to Jaykit and his littermates. He is named after his blue eyes which are the color of jay wings, and Leafpool thinks he will be named Jayfeather when he grows up after his father. When Squirrelflight and Leafpool discover that Jaykit is blind, Leafpool is fiercely protective of him, and insists he will have a normal life like any other cat. She holds a special place in her heart for him.

"Medicine cat, wise you are, and such you know. Care for your Clanmates you can without walking in their thoughts and dreams. Let those hidden be from your sight."

―Midnight to Jayfeather about the loss of his powers Dovewing's Silence, page chapter 10

In Dovewing's Silence, Jayfeather accompanies Brambleclaw to the Moonpool to receive his nine lives. He is very stressed treating the injured after the Great Battle. He is in shock after realizing privately he lost his powers, but tries to bury his concern by treating his Clanmates. When Foxleap dies, Jayfeather growls that StarClan has given up on them. He meets with Lionblaze and Dovewing to discuss their powers, and Midnight and Rock reveal their powers are no longer needed, and assure the Three will be successful without them.


Everything you need to play D&D

By D&DBeyond


Detailed description

Jayfeather is a lean,[18] mottled,[19] pale[20] gray tabby[21] tom[22] with blind,[23] pale[24] blue eyes like a jay's wing.[25] He has thin[26] and silky fur,[27] and a scar running down one side.[28]

Character pixels

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25 minutes ago, PasssionFish said:

Ban NightfallsCurse for posting jayfeathers warrior wiki page

Ban PasssionFish because what? I love jayfeather and you know that

Il était brun, le teint basané
Le regard timide, les mains toutes abîmées
Il taillait la pierre fils d'ouvrier
Il en était fier, mais pourquoi vous riez?

Non ne le jugez pas
Vous qui ne connaissez pas
Les vertiges et le labeur
Vous êtes faussement heureux, vous troquez vos valeurs

Lui il est tout mon monde et bien plus que ça
Seule je crie son nom quand vient le désarroi
Et puis tout s'effondre quand il n'est plus là
J'aimerais tellement lui dire mais je n'ose pas...
Lui qui me fais

Tourner dans le vide, vide
Tourner dans le vide, vide
Tourner dans le vide, il me fait tourner
Dans le vide, vide, vide
Tourner, tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide, il me fait tourner

(Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide)

Qui peut bien me dire, ce qui est arrivé?
Depuis qu'il est parti, je n'ai pu me relever
Ce n'est plus qu'un souvenir, une larme du passé
Coincée dans mes yeux, qui ne veut plus s'en aller

Oh non ne riez pas
Vous qui ne connaissez pas
Les vertiges et la douleur
Ils sont superficiels, ils ignorent tout du cœur

Lui c'était tout mon monde, et bien plus que ça
J'espère le revoir là-bas dans l'au-delà
Aidez-moi tout s'effondre puis qu'il n'est plus là
Sais-tu mon bel amour, mon beau soldat...
Que tu me fais

Tourner dans le vide, vide
Tourner dans le vide, vide
Tourner dans le vide, tu me fais tourner
Dans le vide, vide, vide
Tourner, tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide, il me fait tourner

(Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide

Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide)

Il me fait tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide, tourner dans le vide
Il me fait tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide, tourner dans le vide
Tourner dans le vide, il me fait tourner
Tourner dans le vide

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6 hours ago, OMGkawaiiAngel said:

Ban the braid girl goddess because this thread is dead

Ban Kawaii Angle because on the 19th, I'll have finally been able to change my username back to DrMcGillacactus, end that year-long joke, and spend the entire day banning people

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