The Orchestra


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Holly kept walking, and walked through a Grassland, a Forest, a Rockyland, and was now in some prairie, she was definetly nowhere near home. She felt her stomach grumble, and hadn't realized until then she hadn't eaten until last night before... before those strange hands grabbed her, and pulled her into that dark abyss, just before... her brother... She was just hungry, okay?! 


She checked around, and saw a berry bush. She walked over to it, pulled off a handful of berries, and threw it into her mouth. Not much, but it'll keep her from starving for awhile.

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Bonnie stops at the sight of a spider nest.

She never liked spiders.

After slaying them one after another (ok they were only three, it's not that hard to kill three spiders), she attaches a pack of C4 to the silky surface of the nest.

Found a safe point to obsverse the scene, she pulls out, of one of her little bags on her explosives belt, a remote.


The explosion casts bits of silk everywhere, which the girl carefully collects and then heads back to her Science Machine with.

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Holly, still at the berry bush, turned her head in the direction in fright as she suddenly heard an explosion. Was it a gunshot? No No... She heard gunshots before, and that definitely wasn't one. She started jogging in that direction, and eventually broke into as sprint.

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(Fun fact: Did you know that when you dream the part of your brain responsible for logic shuts off? That's why dreams make sense while you're having them.)

Shana sat frozen, leaning over the pond with an expression that can only be described as a mixture of horror and disbelief. There was nothing but black where her eyes were. She rubbed them and sure enough, there were eyes in her sockets; they felt like eyes and everything, but they were completely black. No pupils. No irises. Nothing but black. The same thing for her hair. She held a lock of it in front of her vision to make sure it wasn't some trick reflection. Black.

The now seeing girl looked around once again, the severity of the situation just now setting in. She was in an unfamiliar place wearing unfamiliar clothes with no signs of civilization anywhere around and whatever had happened to her eyes. Turning away from the pond, she pulled the hood over her head and wrapped the cloak around her as a shield from the wind. What was she going to do now?

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And so, in what could only be described as a power trip, Ethel wandered around, killing all that came into sight. Be it tallbirds, pigmen, any living being he slaughtered without hesitation to test the limits of his new abilities. Oh, and he had so many of them. With the single twitch of a finger, Ethel could turn an animal inside out in a matter of seconds. Or, if he was feeling generous, he could crush its head in a fraction of a second. The screams may have been disturbing, but it was worth it. The headaches were worth it. He was even making new friends. They didn't say much, but Ethel didn't mind. They simply watched his work. It wasn't long until Ethel was on a killing frenzy, not even attempting to justify his murders with reasons. He cornered a tallbird.

"It's okay, bird! There's nothing to worry about. Why? 'Cause... I'm gonna kill you!"

Ethel opened his tome, but nothing happened. He looked down to see the pages were blank. Ethel closed the tome to see the cover was gray again. Suddenly, he was stricken with a piercing migraine. Ethel dropped the tome, and fell to the ground on his side, gripping his head. The tall bird escaped, leaving Ethel alone. The cover of the book slowly changed to white, as it vibrated. Ethel grabbed the tome, expecting the incantations to be inside. Instead, it was quite the opposite. The tome had changed to show a list of various medicines, cures, and even a few prayers of health.

"No... no no no! Where's my power!? I don't want to heal, I can't kill anything with this! I mean, let's try it. Let's try to kill something with healing!"

Ethel rose, resisting his migraine with pure anger, as he marched to a nearby rabbit. Ethel chanted the prayer but nothing happened. At least immediately. Everything grew blurry, and Ethel dropped the tome. Everything felt fuzzy, but in a good kind of way. Ethel lay on the ground, waiting for the feeling to pass. When it finally did, he opened his eyes. Everything was normal again. There was no headache, no urge to kill, no blood lust. Ethel was free from whatever curse the tome had on it. Ethel looked through the tome again, memorizing the cures and herbs it listed. No doubt this knowledge would be useful. He placed the tome back in his bag, determined not to use it again unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Alrighty, no more dark magic for me for today. I could go awhile without that migraine."

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Wunan awoke to find himself in a tree, as he had so many times before. However, this time, his surroundings were different. He gabbed the staff from a nearby branch, looking around the foreign territory. Nothing looked familiar... A smile spread across his face. He hopped out of the tree, scanning the area for anything of note. So far, this challenge seemed promising...

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Science sure is a big deal.

All these cool recepies required advanced materials, which Bonnie did not have yet.


=Hey Bonnie, calm down=


=Bonnie...whyy are you crafting a hammer?=

Well, a hammer was rather simple to make: ropes rocks and twigs, it took her a minute to bound them together.

=Booonnieee, what are you doing?!=


She lifts the hammer.


And she strifes on the machine, laughing hard, repetely striking on it.


Edited by Halved
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Shana saw nothing behind her, the wind rustling some leaves nearby. "Your enhanced perception proves incompetent. That's a shame, I thought you looked smarter... Alas, you're still just that small girl in the corner of the room, unseen and unseeing. I can improve you, make you beautiful, get rid of those ugly eyes of yours. You would be seen Shana, noticed. Your bad memories will fade away, as if they never even happened." The voice was kind and forgiving, very persuasive.

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Holly came to the end of the woods, and saw what looked like a girl about her age, apparently beating a hammer against a strange contraption, while yelling at it.

She took a step forward, and tried for her attention. "Umm... Hello?" She said softly.

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Opal took to taking a stroll in her immediate area, taking in their surroundings for the first time since she had awoken. They had somehow appeared in a place that seemed like it had been stuck in fall; the ground was a warm sort of mishmash of muddy orange and green colors, the sky made it appear as if it were evening all day, the trees around there were an odd bunch, with trunks that looked like birch, and leaves with colors that ranged from green to yellow to red, and small, cat-like creatures with racoon sorta faces making their homes out of their hollowed out stumps. Eventually, they stumbled upon an odd clearing in the forest, in the center, they saw a peculiar break in the terrain, a few yards from where they stood, a small patch of the forest-grass had been replaced with black and white flooring resembling a chess board, lying atop of it was a seemingly deactivated robot, Opal guessed that standing, it would be about twice her height. She walked up to the mechanism, as she grew closer, the machine whirred to life, Opal was correct in her assumptions, the thing towered over her, more than double her height. Opal stood mouth agape at the goliath in front of her, It was taller than it was wide, seemed to be made mostly of brass and steel, with a head resembling that of an over-sized light bulb and an bloodshot eye protruding from it's "face". The beast's head started glowing, moments later it released a ball of kinetic energy that slammed straight into Opal's solar plexus, flinging her back several feet into the trunk of a nearby tree.
Opal's body slunk down against the tree, the blow had knocked her unconscious.
"Foolish girl" he sighed "looks like I will have to take matters into my own hands."
With that, he dissapeared back into Opal's arm. Her body stood up again; her eyes had turned turned totally black, and her pupils replaced with a small white pinprick of light.

You stand up, now you have full control, even if only for a short time, the body that should have belonged to you. You look up, seeing the glorified light bulb that dared to try and harm you, obviously confused at your sudden change in demeanor. It starts towards you, raring to finish what it started. "Not this time, you idiotic bucket of bolts." You thrust your left arm forward, closing your fingers into a claw-like shape, concentrating on your soon-to-be victim. Soon spiderweb-like black tendrils begin to come out of various points in your forearm, feeding a small, ball-like object forming in your hand. Within a few seconds, the ammunition is finished; "Lights out." you quickly open up your hand, sending the solidified nightmare-fuel rocketing toward your opponent, it smashes straight into the center of it's body, creating a deep dent where it had hit, and sending the beast several feet backwards before falling onto it's back. It tries to stand up again, succeeding in getting back onto it's feet for a few moments, but as it hobbled and tripped as it tried to walk it was obvious, the attack had caused much more damage internally than it had externally. Once again, the monster fell over again, this time it's bulb blew out, and it's eye went dark. It was dead.
With your attacker destroyed, you relinquish control of the body to it's original owner, it slumps over once again, not waking up until several minutes afterwards.

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Noticed? Shana turned back to the distorted reflection in the pond. Who ever this was could make her noticed? For the first time in her life, maybe she wouldn't be lonely? Then fear and a tad bit of paranoia kicked in. What if she got the wrong kind of attention? If people noticed her, they'd start seeing flaws. Even if she was beautiful there were other things that they would see and start picking apart, just like her parents. But she said her bad memories would fade away... maybe... maybe should could fix all her flaws? Make her parents happy with her? The girl slouched her shoulders in, making her figure look smaller, and she looked down at her shoes. After a bit of contemplative silence, she spoke.

"Th-the last time I was offered something too good to be true, I ended up here. Why would this be different?"

Shana's voice was quiet, airy, and passive, giving an impression of innocence. In fact, just about everything about her made her seem small and innocent; some one who was not courageous or a leader, but a servant.

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The reflection knew she hit a weak spot as soon as she said it. After all, she knew a lot about the girl from the start. It knew she was weak, and it was going to take advantage in the least noticeable way possible. 


"You ended up here, with your vision repaired, even enhanced. This world is forgiving, but it will give you the bare minimum of what you desire. You are still frail and weak, your eyes are just scribbles. I have nothing to gain from this, I just want to help a faint soul become bright. You're currently an ember, struggling to hold onto a fragile flame, let me be your kindling, so all may know your name." 


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Ethel placed the gold into the slot, and the machine roared to life. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead, staring proudly at his creation.

"Great! Why'd I build this thing again?"

Ethel approached the science machine, eager to see what this strange contraption did. He noticed a small amount of light coming out of a slot. He looked into it to see what almost looked like a manual full of various tools and buildings. It held instructions and small descriptions, as well as what was needed to make something. Shrugging, Ethel followed the instructions to make a backpack out of some grass and twigs. Ethel finished in what seemed like moments.

"Wow, I am seriously surprised that worked. Who know some grass and sticks could make a backpack?"

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"Y-you can make me perfect?... Just like what my parents want?"

Shana's voice held a tiny spark of hope as she raised her head to look directly at the reflection. It what she's always wanted; to have her parent's approval. With no flaws to show, she would be the daughter they always wanted. They would finally love her.

(Looks like someone has parent issues...)

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"You will burn so bright, the whole world will think you're perfect!"

The water shimmers, Shana's reflection changes from who she was to who the person she wants to be. The image extends a hand, beckoning Shana to grab it, smiling a beautiful smile.

(I just realized it's like that mirror from Harry Potter!)


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Shortly after his initial glance around the landscape, Wunan heard the faint voices of two people by a nearby lake. Acting as stealthily as he could, he sneaked over to watch the scene. The source of one voice didn't seem to be present, but the source of the other seemed to be watching something in the lake. Wunan held in his chuckle as he prepared himself for the first prank of his arrival, pointing the tip his staff at the girl among the protection of the foliage.

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(Shana... don't you do it. Don't do it Shana! Shana! SHANA!!!)

Shana stared down at the reflection, at the perfect her. Tall, straight posture, soft round features, kind light blue eyes, long blond hair that flowed softly around her face, pearl white teeth in a perfect row. Perfect. She could be perfect. Just like her parents want. Her gaze drifted to the thin graceful hand with perfect nails extended towards her. Her own hand started to take it's grasp, but it stopped short. She was hesitating; something was nagging her in the back of her mind. It almost seemed as if someone was shouting through a screen into her head.

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