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Multiplayer would be too difficult to code?


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Nuh-uh. Don't give me that. This is an extremely simple game that should require very minimal coding, even if it is to add network support. Don't try arguing that it would throw off the game's focus either, because you can fix that just as easily. I think someone's getting a bit lazy.

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Multiplayer might be interesting, but as a survival game, i'd rather have that feeling of being alone, and depending only on myself. Once multiplayer is involved, it would rapidly become more of a game like the sims.

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It's not that I truly want multiplayer, it's just that they're just making excuses, and I absolutely hate it when developers do that, since it's usually a sign that they're only in it for the money. That's what happened with Terraria, they completely stopped production of updates under the excuse that it became too difficult due to the mass of code they'd have to constantly adjust. They later admitted Terraria was made for the sole purpose of making money.

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I've coded a game before for my computer-science class when I was fifteen, and to anyone who IS a coder, it's obvious that there are only a few lines of code for each action, only relabeled and fulfilling a different purpose. If they had the modify it, which they wouldn't have to, they would not have much work to do.

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Nuh-uh. Don't give me that. This is an extremely simple game that should require very minimal coding, even if it is to add network support. Don't try arguing that it would throw off the game's focus either, because you can fix that just as easily. I think someone's getting a bit lazy.

Well that is a load of crap, the game ( codewise ) is not simple at all, take a look at the scripts for example, sure the look easy but behind them lies several hours of work, few games are simple in terms of the code, adding multiplayer is complex, seeing as it was not part of the games core concept they would rewrite a LOT of code, to make it work seamlessly with internet synchronization.

I think someone needs to do their homework.

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You don't sound like a programmer at all, especially judging by the fact that you called code "scripts."

Even if this took several hours of work, then the developers are obviously over-complicating the way they code.

I'd like to support my belief that this is not a complicated and difficult to program game with the fact that they easily release updates about once a week that have very few obvious gamebreaking bugs.

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First of all, nether of the two programmers on the Don't Starve team have ever made a multiplayer game before. It would be a completely new experience to them.

Second of all, they can't just slap on a netcode and call it a day. Every game mechanic would have to be rebalanced, and rebalancing those game mechanics for multiplayer would use up time and resources that would otherwise go towards making single player better.

And last of all, you're working off of assumptions based on that one time you coded a game in a class. The fact is, it's not as easy as you're implying, whether you're willing to accept that or not.

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I've coded a game before for my computer-science class when I was fifteen, and to anyone who IS a coder, it's obvious that there are only a few lines of code for each action, only relabeled and fulfilling a different purpose. If they had the modify it, which they wouldn't have to, they would not have much work to do.

What you are referring to is the abstract part of the game, each of the internal logic needs to be coded from mostly scratch.

Take the action "Interact" for example ( known as "Examine" ): It's basically fetch object description, play prefabs sound for the duration of the text, print the text.

But remember that all the method calls ALSO need to be written. Sure you can hack together methods, objects fast but with a larger project you need to DESIGN the game with a lot of dynamic in behind, for easy editing and expanding, and that code does often require some major infrastructure, well-written code takes time to write!

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Is there someone who has actually programmed before here that I can maturely speak to? Because so far I think I've only gotten hate from people who don't even understand basic coding, fangirling over "Don't Starve."

Aside from Moonkis' last post.

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While you are entitled to your opinion, I would reconsider on calling the devs lazy, or suggesting that they are only in it for the money. The Devs have consulted their fans about many aspects of the game and how it should progress and have made clear that adding multiplayer is more than adding a bit of coding.

Discussion about multiplayer is mood though, you can dissagree and call if whatever comes to mind, but it simply wont be in the game.

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Is there someone who has actually programmed before here that I can maturely speak to? Because so far I think I've only gotten hate from people who don't even understand basic coding, fangirling over "Don't Starve."

Aside from Moonkis' last post.

I wouldn't call it hating, but you didn't exactly start with a gentle tone yourself. Code, scripts, functions. Who cares? If it was easy and no-cost, I am actually sure the devs would have gone for multiplayer. Everything is relative. So is easy.

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Well, in my opinion they should make a multiplayer, I agree that might be an excuse, I've done some SIMPLE games, like 2 squares (people) playing together, which was done by Flash, and some of these stupid things, but I think that while the game no has so many things, no have much work would create a multiplayer.

ANNNNNND! also not forget that with a Multiplayer they would profit greatly, and would be something that would increase the "time" of the game, because let's face it, no game is being played intensely forever, one hour will get bored of playing alone, and there will be no turning back.

This is my opinion.

Sorry my bad english, I hope it to understand.

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No I called the scripts "scripts". They are SCRIPTING a lot of the game using Lua, which is why they can quickly add new features to the game.

"I'd like to support my belief that this is not a complicated and difficult to program"

Then I think you should revise that thought a LOT harder, you obviously don't have a clue on how to make a large scaled, flexible game.

"Even if this took several hours of work, then the developers are obviously over-complicating the way they code."

Yes, and they need to, because of maintainability and flexibility, seeing as you are not a programmer, and the only real experience you have is a small game you made in class you have no idea what that is even good for.

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Guest Dandytard

And yet I'm the one who gets the warning, Even though I make hilarious and amusing comments. My heart is broken, Truly. Well, I still do believe that multiplayer released at a way later point, maybe as a stand alone version even, Would be nice, As Don't Starve will stop being popular and fun as Soon as the updates slow down, or even stop.

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It's not that I truly want multiplayer, it's just that they're just making excuses, and I absolutely hate it when developers do that, since it's usually a sign that they're only in it for the money. That's what happened with Terraria, they completely stopped production of updates under the excuse that it became too difficult due to the mass of code they'd have to constantly adjust. They later admitted Terraria was made for the sole purpose of making money.

Your statement about Terraria is completely false. Terraria stopped being updated because the main programmer wanted to get away from the game coding world in order to take care of his child. That is perfectly acceptable. You are not entitled to updates.

Terraria's sole purpose was never to make money. In fact, it STARTED as a way for Red, the main programmer, to PRACTICE coding. It was a practice, that managed to get much bigger than most.

In regards to your "experiences" coding, you forget that there is much more to code than simply the actions itself. For MANY parts of the game's code itself they are required to write it in a fashion that a server can understand. They then need to physically develop a server for the game, which is a massive time requirement in itself, that could take up to a month of coding. Now we need to integrate things so they sync for the multiple players. That requires more checks and balances.

As a person who HAS worked on game code before, I can tell you that it's not as simple as "this does that."

I think, based purely on the state of Don't Starve, it would take 3-4 months of solid coding at the current point in order to make it into a multiplayer game.

3-4 months they could be adding content, developing the game.

3-4 months they have to pay artists to sit around and doodle. Or alternatively, fire.

They cannot do ANY updates until they have the multiplayer set up, as once multiplayer is set up then they must write their main code differently, meaning each individual update would take longer to get out. Instead of two weeks it might be three weeks.

All of this time adds up, and if the devs don't see multiplayer as a necessary part of the game, then in no way are they required to waste resources developing multiplayer.

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Using the community for ideas doesn't mean that they're not in it for the money. I'm not implying that they really are, however, it could just mean they've found an effective way to get more purchases.

Well, of course every company that works on a game wants to get money for the game they make.

Thats how it works.

Now back to the discussion.

I dont really have experience in coding and dont know if its easy or hard to add multiplayer. But I definetely think its not needed in a game like this, this game creates a really nice atmosphere, adding multiplayer would destroy it for me. But thats just my opinion.

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I think I'm just going to avoid debating with those who don't even understand basic coding.

I think I'm going to avoid debating with those who don't even know the game. FYI, most of Don't Starve is written in Lua, and compiled to bytecode.

Here's a suggestion, un-compile Don't Starve's Lua bytecode. Build a network module for Lua. Write it yourself.

Edited by BinarySpike
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I think I'm just going to avoid debating with those who don't even understand basic coding.

"Basic Coding"? I'v presented information that goes beyond the concept of "basic coding". I wonder how you can be so arrogant or are you just simply ignoring reason because it's fun to let people get upset?

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Guest Dandytard

To be honest, Towards people saying 'It would ruin the atmosphere for me'. Well, Don't play multiplayer then, Am I right? I'm of course, Talking about if the multiplayer was to be made. What influence would it have on you? (Talking to the majority, Not to Wasser). If you think that having another person play with you would ruin the fun, Then don't play, No one will force you into playing multiplayer. This is just my opinion on that statement that people often give.

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"Basic Coding"? I'v presented information that goes beyond the concept of "basic coding". I wonder how you can be so arrogant or are you just simply ignoring reason because it's fun to let people get upset?

I'm arrogant in a way that I'm clearly better educated than at-least you.

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