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Oh, Klei, it is so interesting to explore these red areas(((

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Land bridges (shown) and land loops (technically also responsible sometimes but not a tangible thing to point out easily) can change this. Play with their spawn status in the world settings BEFORE you create the world (even set them to "none" if you dare) to see different results than this. 


But no, your world is not typical of everybody's and is subject to random creation rules like everybody else if you ask why it spawned this way...assuming you didn't fiddle with the settings and make this yourself unknowingly. 

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I get these all the time too. They aren't the most fun to explore (oh, what's down here? nothing? yay!) but they can be useful is you want to lure a mob down it, or like LadyD said, for camping out.

Plus, if you've got the Lazy Explorer, you can always just ZIP! ZOP! right out of them. :)

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