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Getting Ready for Reign of Giants.


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It's more of an i(m)*o.


* m = many


I'm already jealous the PS4 version got the ''Hidden Knowledge'' video built in.....-_-

If these weren't as work intensive, and therefore not cheap to make, as they are I think a short clip of every character in a survival situation would be marvelous ^o^


Not to speak of the origins, but I tell you what the uncertainty has a huge impact on the way we see these guys and girls....to make up stories and think about them...the more material we get, actually, the more this ''magic'' dies slowly...I'm really torn apart between wanna have more material and fearing it would be contraproductive.....

If this DLC is final there is no upcoming content right?(not mentioning bug fixed DLC builds) The game will be closed. Last informations would be nice

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If this DLC is final there is no upcoming content right?(not mentioning bug fixed DLC builds) The game will be closed. Last informations would be nice

Well, there is always the possibility of future DLC contend...that depends of course if there would be enough interest or if the devs think there could be added something which would improve the experience. I'm sure Klei wouldn't release a DLC just for the lolz and the moneez.

So as far as we know now there isn't any content addition planed after the DLC. But as they are currently working on it nobody knows what the future will hold. Besides of the acta ame release there could be a puzzle and hidden pictures, websites, videos again.


I think they will keep the origins of the other characters as mysterious as they are so. This way we all can spin our own stories about them.

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I really hope they fix rock lobsters population control, and some slight adjustments to depth worms (ie: if I just defeated the wave in caves, I shouldn't get a new wave 1 minute later when I descend into ruins, there should be a minimum 2-3 days between waves same as with dogs on surface).


I will definitely buy the DLC and continue to support the game, but I hope they won't stop tweaking / fixing vanilla as well :)


Thanks! <3

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Anyone wanna make any bets on what's gonna bet in tomorrow's update? I'm just gonna say what is expected from many: Heatwave season summer.




They gonna release a Spring poster, that's it, it's always 1 week a Trailer, 2nd week a Poster

so next week we get a Summer trailer, then Summer poster, and on 3rd week a Beta most likely going to come out




I'm so original.

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I knew this account would be useful one day. If a beta's coming, I'll definitely want to participate!


EDIT: I just found out about the expansion, I haven't played Don't Starve for quite a while now... Thanks for releasing new content! I'll buy it when it's out, no doubts.

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