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A collection of Knowledge (If it were written by someone from an insane asylum)


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"These are the rules of knowledge

1. You must include the letter Z in your post

2. You must end every post with the word 'Banana Pancake Super Master Chief Riverboat!'

3. The knowledge must be knowledgable otherwise knowledge will knowledgeably be knowledgeable. It must be unknowledgable.

4. Eat a brain sandwich and drink a bowl of Rock Salt Cockroach soup when you finish."


A quote from the Book of Knowledge, which applies here. I will start with this post:


"Trees are evil. You must eat the trees. The trees have eyes. You have a spork. The tree has a hat. You have a tangerine. You know what you must do. Zak Fedora will be watching you from the Banana Pancake Super Master Chief Riverboat!"

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It's fine. Anyway, here's my next post 


"When the phone rings, check it for ant larvae. This is an important step for the safety of anything. This will help you set up a camp for deaf people and blind people. Now, to weave the thread. Make sure never to ever even thing about trying to read these instructions again. If you ever accidentally get these steps backwards, ring out safety bell, and we will try to help." Zebras can't miss our Banana Pancake Super Master Chief Riverboat!

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Hey, Sprite!  Haven't seen you in some time.

"This is a story. One day there was a guy named Spirit, because people had weird names, and this guy's parents were weird or something. Alas, zis story has a villain. One day someone called Spirit the name Sprite. That person was never seen again. Also, Spirit was put on the FBI's most wanted list." This story made Spirit decide to let people off with warnings. Nah, I'm just joking. Anyway, off to the Banana Pancake Super Master Chief Riverboat!

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