Arcane powers *continued*


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*Ben throws the dragon on top of Chris's head where it starts to move. The flaming breath singe the ends of his hair, and keeps the color natural black. Ben then hits Kate as best as he could on her head, knocking her out. In a few seconds he puts Kate in the forest, so deep, she will be lost. Soon enough Ben flies back, with sea green wings that sprouted out of his back*

Ben: "Chris, are you feeling okay?"

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(So, like the same situation Cat is in? That could work, the two of you could know each other as "partners". However, at the moment, Maxwell's drive is to have Kate kill Newleaf, in order for her to prove her loyalty. He doesn't need another pair of eyes watching, but you can probably be fit in there.)

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*Kate gets up. She suddenly cloaks herself, so that Maxwell cannot see her. She transforms into Cake, and becomes visible. Mean while, Furry's ears pop out of his blonde hair. He continues to take deep breaths*

Ben: "It's Maxwell. He found us, and is probably waking Kate at this very second."

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Ben: *nothing happens to him now*

"We relax. I was sent here for a reason. Don't you understand that I am a guardian dragon? I guard Kate and her friends from pain."

*Cake's face is one with the ground. Her calves go up and down, because she can't move. Her pink dress gets muddy*

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Ben: "you really aren't bright, are you? She didn't try to kill you! She tried to save you and give you time to get out of Maxwell's sight. That didn't work very well though."

*Cake has now made mud angels. The excess mud is splashed on the trees surrounding her*

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"So we had some good times... And without her, they wouldn't have happened."

Newleaf clenches his fist.

"But all of the trouble we got through together..."

A gust of wind blows some of the grass so that it points towards Newleaf. He hesitates before piping up again.

"Apparently, there's a girl in the forest. It sounds to me like it's Cake. Could that be Kate...?"

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