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In her letter to Maxwell, Charlie mentions that she's visiting her sister. Who do ya think her sister could be?


I have a theory that Charlie could be one of the twins mentioned in Jacks letter. It's just a thought, but Charlie could end up being Williams niece, which would make her Maxwells niece as well.



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People's bets are on Wickerbottom. But people be crazy!

And the twins in Jacks letter i assume are Wendy and Abigail.

No idea who her sister is to be honest. Maybe that bit of info was just there to be just there.

maybe its  a character that isn't in the game actully (if yes then winnie)

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I've explained it before, but I guess I'll have to again...


The twins are Wendy and Abigail. The two are Jack's kids, who likely aren't even 10 yet (not having their own place yet). If she's Wendy's sister, she's Jack's child, who's William's brother. Maxwell didn't hire his own niece, and assuming there's a bit of romance between them, that's a bit creepy.


Winnie and Willow are both really young, perhaps not even born yet. And even if either of them were born yet, they don't have their own place. 


If she were Wickerbottom's sister, there'd be an age-gap of 20-35 years.


If her sister is a character we've seen before, then it'd be Waverly. Otherwise, she's either irrelevant or one of the character they have plans for but haven't shown anything for.

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*gears start turning then come grinding to a halt when an idea hits her* People are wondering how in the Nine Hells Wilson ties into all this, so here's my thought. WHAT IF Charlie's sister...happens to be his mother? Around this time, he would be roughly in his preteens, considering the fact that the Age of Consent in the 1920s ranged from 14 years (only Georgia) to 18 years of age. (Yes, I DID look this up!)

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Wickerbottom would make a bit of sense as if they were sisters, it would explain Wickerbottom's affliction to magical books. While Wickerbottom is older now, we don't know how long before the game's events this takes place which could place her to a closer age of Charlie. They don't have to be twins, but they could still have anywhere from 2-10 years between them. 

Insomnia from worrying about her missing sister, who knows. 

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It's Wickerbottom


Maxwell has been imprisoned on his throne for years. If we take that Charlie is in her 30's and Wickerbottom is in her 50's then 20 years is how long that Maxwell has been stuck.


The twins can be only have just been born; it is plausible that Wendy can be 20.

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Uh, hello? Did no one read my post?


Wickerbottom has been said to  be 60-70 in the game. Charlie appears to be no older than 25-30. If this takes place in 1905 (about a year or so later than the last date we've seen in the spoilers), then Wickerbottom is 45-55. I seriously doubt that these two are going to be sisters with a 20-year age gap.


zazori, you've got it backwards. Wendy has been said to be in her late teens, meaning that since she was born in ~1901, she's practically 20 when the game takes place in the early 1920s. Willow is the one who's ~12 years old, meaning that she might not even be born yet. As in, she doesn't have her own place and there'd be another massive age gap between her and Charlie.


The Letter W, we can conclude that this takes place after 1905 or so, because that's the last date we've been given. On the advertisement from which Maxwell meets Charlie, it states that work begins on June 6th, 1905. This really narrows down the age that the characters could be.


Once again, if Charlie were Wendy's sister, that'd likely make her and Maxwell related. Do I need to explain how weird that is again? I'm sorry if my posts ruin your crazy fantasies, but try to remain logical, people.

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I've explained it before, but I guess I'll have to again...


The twins are Wendy and Abigail. The two are Jack's kids, who likely aren't even 10 yet 


Winnie and Willow are both really young, perhaps not even born yet. 

Willow younger than Wendy!? Then Willow teenage girl-Wolfgang. Because Willow beats as much as a Canadian lumberjack.

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"I can't believe she hasn't met the twins yet". I assume "can't believe" means that they've be born for a while.

Does it, though? Maybe it's because having kids is kind of a big deal, and he's surprised that his mother, who'd likely be thrilled, hasn't been able to come over and meet her new grandchildren yet.


Plus, the developers have confirmed her to be in her late teens.

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