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William Carter's story so far(PUZZLE findings and lore compilation)

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Yes, Maxwell created the DS world. If you get to the Epilogue in adventure mode, he tells the player that there was nothing but the dust, the void, and Them when he got there.

Doh, I do remember this. 


So how come he made things kinda like our world, but really different?  I mean, what kind of day was he having when he made the Deerclops?  "I know, I need a giagantic deer, with just one eye, that hates buildings.  And summer." 

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I imagine Maxwell's putting his own flourishes in the DS world. He wants it as dangerous, scary, and inhospitable as possible without having his prisoners die too quickly. I think the Deerclops is sort of an "insult to injury" to the prisoner. It's winter; you're cold, hungry, and low on supplies, then BAM! Giant freaky deer behemoth attacks. That's torturous.

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"I put gems in there as a joke!" (Maxwell on red hounds)


Methinks a lot of the oddness of the world can be traced to boredom. Not a lot to do whilst trapped on a throne listening to mind-numbing music.


To get vaguely in the direction of the topic... "dust, the void, and Them"


Sounds unlikely given how dumb they are but the Merms were there before Maxwell... could the Merms be 'Them'?

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Highly unlikely! They don't seem to have any control over the DS world or Maxwell. I believe they're inspired by the half-fish people in The Shadow Over Innsmouth.


Indeed they are.


But even the Deep Ones, who couldn't take over a town properly, managed to wage and win wars against the Elder Things. The collapse into decadence is a recurring theme in empires fact, fiction, and in the Ruins level.


Not saying the Merms are definitively Them. Merely tossing the idea out there. It's not the oddest musing on these forums...

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Don't want to blow any bubbles, but I think that Maxwell's speech @ ending of Adventure Mode (about void, dust, and them), is just effect of inconsistiency in Klei team - especially with his speech about merms, and (later included) caves. After all, merms doesn't fit "dust and void" too well, eh?



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Maybe by "here" Maxwell means the throne room, not the DS world. Like, in the beginning the Them controlled the world from a dark void, but when Maxwell arrived, he tried to shape the void to his liking, or the Them made it more suitable for him.


I have a theory that Them thrive on human suffering and at first they tried to create humans in their world, but, being eldritch abominations, they had a very weak grasp on what human beings are actually like, so they ended up with now extinct civilization in the caves and merms. Luckly for Them, William/Maxwell came along, so they made him abduct/ensnare actual humans.

Edited by Zhuzha
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If they did they got real stupid.  They live 4 or 5 to a broken down shack in the middle of a swamp, and seem to spend most of their time getting slapped around by tentacles.


Merm = merman right?

Sort of. I always kind of thought of it as a nickname of sorts. They're really more frog/fish hybrids but are called merms for their human characteristics. Seems fitting, at least to me.


Fun fact: in some cultures mermaids were thought to be very beautiful, but mermen were believed to be very ugly.

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Hm...it's very possible that when dear William came here, there was already...something...here. Something similar to a world-sized desert covered in dust instead of sand while there was a distinct lack of stars and light from above. It's possible that something was already there, but the Puppet Master believed, based on what he saw upon arriving, that there was next-to-nothing in the world. Just a blank canvas to shape a brand-new world in.


Just like when God first created the world, the Earth was a blank canvas to work upon...if you believe the Biblical version of the various Creation Myths...

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Hmm, something to tie into the 'why does maxwell get angry at you the closer to get to him' question. 


He made the world dangerous, tough to survive in.  He goes outside of it and brings people here, and lets the world kill them.  He doesn't like it when people survive, and thus get closer to him.  He gets angry at them, keeps putting harder and harder obstacles in their way.  So there must be something driving him to do this, to kill them rather than helping them help him.  The killing part is important, the victim's success is bad.  Since Maxwell is basically a prisoner of Them, I think they are driving him to do this, and might get unhappy with him if the killing isn't happening. 


However, when you get to the Two Worlds map in adventure mode, he's mad at you and says:



Say. pal. Let's make a deal. You can stay here. Settle down, even. I'll give you food, gold, pigs, whatever you need. All I want in return is a truce.


So at this point he isn't worried about the killing part so much, he's more worried about you getting closer to him. So the player getting to him is worse than what They do to him normally.  I think he's showing self interest here, that something really bad will happen if the player reaches him. Maybe he's afraid you'll try to kill him?  Maybe he's afraid of what They will do?  When you finally reach him he's resigned, not angry or afraid.  'You made it, congratulations, now what genius?'


Hmm, this might be on the right track but obviously isn't right.

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Just speculation but, maxwell (I know william but maxwell is easier to type) refers to the night monster as Charlie, during Riptidepow's twich stream he asked Kevin, who at the office was obsessed with Charlie bit my finger? Kevin replied, no one Charlie is acually a girl and is part of maxwell's super secret backstory which only I know about. I could find a link if you want.

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Also hotflungwok, that is a very good point, when I went through to beat adventure mode this also intreged me, it doesn't add up, why does he bring you here (obviously it is intentional as seen in forbidden knowledge video) but just to kill the people? if "they" wanted to kill people wouldn't they just want to kill maxwell instead of keep him prisoner? maxwell's lines don't make much sense either. (they make sense but don't add up) Maybe Maxwell shows sympathy for the characters as he know's them more? Maybe he want's what he got himself and others into to be a secret? If word got out, it would start a massive uproar, ruining his family name etc. The part that makes this theory fall apart though is that only a select phew would be able to tell the world, for instance, they would assume wilson is crazy, wolfgang is just dumb, wes well is wes, Woodie talks to his axe so that would prove he is insane (to those who don't know), willow is a pyromaniac and people would think she just want's to lie here way out of jail/juvee hall, wendy is too young for people to take seriously and people would blame wickerbottem for her age, still a good theory none the less. Also when riptidepow asked Kevin (in a stream for caves) if they were adding a story for maxwell saving wilson kevin said Maxwell is probably just glad to be out of the chair. So let's put all our info together so far, assuming we have all read the story so far, Maxwell get's himself into the world with the knowlage from the book (He couldn't have made it sence something else control's it and merms were already there) However Charlie ( most likely maxwell's female assistant) comes along and becomes the night monster, however it is makes more sence to call HER the dark monster because she apears in caves as well (and ruins). Now maxwell has been there along time, he is covered in dust and Disintegrates when he is fread from the cair, whereas wilson just dies/ faints, so he would have had a LONG time to design new things, as he says tallbirds were a failed experement proving that he does create / add thing's to the don't starve *world* after some time he wants out of the chair, or (no joke intended) Litterly want's to play a game of the sims with other human beings and temps them in. When all his stored people die (the skeletons) he goes to get another puppet (one of the characters), however ; this character is not as manipulable (depending on skill level) and manages to survive in this world, and start's to fine peices of the Teleportato or find's maxcwell's door. 2 story's can happen here they Escape with the teleportato and try to tell the world but aren't listened to (for the reason's above) or they go in maxwell's door. If maxwell was just toying with their lives it would explain why he get's angry when they get closer, but as Kevin (lead dev, thought I should mention it after using his name 3+/- times) says that he just wants out of the chair, so most likely it is reverse sycolagy (PRO SPELLING FTW) by pretending to get angry it makes the players want to get further to get revenge on maxwell for trapping them meanwhile maxwell is tricking them once again. as for two worlds map, the reason they went in maxwells door, other then to get back at maxwell is to escape, because as seen in the forbidden knowlage video the door brought them in so maybe it brings them out, so maxwell would know they would not stay, the player think's they are fooling maxwell when really maxwell is fooling them. When they get to maxwell, maxwell tell's them his sad story, to make them feel bad for him and release him, trapping themselves, as when maxwell examines a person in the chair he says, *male character* Better him then me, *female character* Better her then me *WX-78* Better it then me, showing he doesn't care for them at all, presumably maxwell uses the teleportato to escape, after all, all those years in the chair would really make you want out. That is my speculated end to the story, let me know what you think. Sorry for the spelling errors

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While your thoughts were very itneresting to read, a "protip" here - use some formatting, for the sake of goddess. This holy wall of text was incredibly tedious to read, while same, or even 2-3x as much could be a pleasure, if properly formatted./Estel

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