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Nightfall's (dead) Art Thread

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Here are my two OCs, I will give a story about each one...

You know who Nightfall is, ofc
Nightfall was once a young girl, who was cheerful, and very playful.

One night, a mysterious sound came into her room while she was sleeping.
Who would've guessed? It was Charlie.
The girl had gotten cursed for life, and she felt ashamed of her curse ever since that night.
Sunrise was her blessing, because her curse came every time at Nightfall (Yessiree it's the NightfallsCurse lol)
She couldn't be exposed to moonlight ever since that night.
What Nightfall didn't know is that she was super powerful, more powerful than Charlie herself.
When she gets cursed at night, she can't deactivate her curse (meaning she can't turn back to normal), she has to wait for sunlight, but she can activate her curse at daylight and deactivate it then (she only does that when she's mad).
She's very dangerous and hostile.

One night, the girl went out to see the full moon, forgetting that she had a curse, then what happened next shocked her.
She didn't turn into Nightfall, but rather turns into something else.

That brings me to my next OC. Her name is Moonrise

This curse happens on full moon nights, whereas Nightfall's Curse happens no matter the moon phase (unless it's full moon ofc)

She's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more dangerous than Nightfall but is not hostile unless attacked, she is very nice at least ...ofc until she's attacked like I said
She can summon gestalts, whereas Nightfall summons nightmare creatures

She can do the same as nightfall, which means she can activate the curse in daytime and deactivate it whenever, but otherwise she has to wait for sunlight if the curse comes at night

Ok that was a lot to type

Edited by NightfallsCurse
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