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Weirdest World Generations

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Ladies and gentlemen i present to you,

The Life-less Ruins:

This is actually a glitch that is pretty rare but may have to do with hitting cancel during your initial world creation. Had it happen twice on stream and seen a few posts over the years.

Essentially, your entire ruins did not generate. Meaning, no slurpers, no monkies, no statues... literally anything that killing fuelweaver would respawn. There is no way to legitimately fix this glitch other than to restart unfortunately, as killing FW requires the key from AG which did not spawn and thus is unobtainable. If you are on a console then I'm sorry, there's nothing that can be done.

If you are on a PC, you can fix it with a console command. You could either do it the hard way and spawn in the key then kill fuelweaver and everything will be fixed or you could simply run the respawn ruins command while in the caves to get everything missing to spawn exactly as if FW were killed. The command for this is:


Hope that helps.

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