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Ideas for wigfrids rework?

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@Auth I disagree with the idea that Wigfrid is a "Pick and Drop" character. She doesn't need to be the best in fighting. Let's not forget that she's not a real viking. So her having the same level of skill as one would be odd. It's enough that, as proof, she's committed to her part enough to become skilled in fighting and crafting battle gear.

Her hats, and sometimes her spears, are why other characters on the server like her. But most people that actually play her regularly like her fighting style and everything that goes along with it. Right down to only being able to eat meat.

Wigfrid is a character that in the early/mid game needs to be fighting often. And I like that about her. I like that, due to the ease at regaining health, if I'm stranded without sufficient food. I can eat mm without too much issue and regain that health back by fighting something easy to kite. I like starting with the helm and spear and just jumping straight into most early game fights. I like that, even though she eats meat only, I can still survive just as well as anyone else anywhere else.

I used to play Wendy because I could wipe out spider nests with Abi. But Abi is so weak when it comes to anything past hounds/bunnies(?). And the follower ai makes her so dumb. I can't use her as a decent light in the dark, because she floats so far from you. So I switched to Wig, where it feels like all I do is murder stuff that gets in my way, and it feels great.


@Brago-sama perogis is not hard to make as Wigfrid. Mushrooms count as vegetables, and mm is plentiful for her since, fighting raises her sanity and health, you'll likely already be fighting plenty of stuff anyways. Sure it requires more prep time than Wolfgang, but what exactly is the rush?


@Troppok I would also like to see something that touches on the hunting side of things. Maybe even new hunts as well.


Wigfrid is a fine character. One I enjoy quite a lot, mainly because I feel like I can take on the world. I dislike how Wolfgang always seems hungry. As far as balance is concerned, she's fine how she is. But a small buff is always appreciated.

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14 minutes ago, eternalLocket said:

perogis is not hard to make as Wigfrid. Mushrooms count as vegetables, and mm is plentiful for her since, fighting raises her sanity and health, you'll likely already be fighting plenty of stuff anyways. Sure it requires more prep time than Wolfgang, but what exactly is the rush?

It's just the way I play. There's nothing more I love than the rush you get when you beat a boss like dragonfly in as trivial a time as that in a pub server, set it down at base, and watch everyone's reaction.

I don't know about PC but on the ps4 most raid bosses have only been beaten by about 1% of the player base so I feel like a special snowflake

I didn't mean to word it in a way that sounds like I'm trying to make wigfrid seem terrible, because she's not. She's a great character that deserves some spotlight like any other (except Woody. Woody gets the hole of solitude. You can't convince me that this isn't a fact)

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11 minutes ago, eternalLocket said:

@Auth I disagree with the idea that Wigfrid is a "Pick and Drop" character. She doesn't need to be the best in fighting. Let's not forget that she's not a real viking. So her having the same level of skill as one would be odd. It's enough that, as proof, she's committed to her part enough to become skilled in fighting and crafting battle gear.

Her hats, and sometimes her spears, are why other characters on the server like her. But most people that actually play her regularly like her fighting style and everything that goes along with it. Right down to only being able to eat meat.

Wigfrid is a character that in the early/mid game needs to be fighting often. And I like that about her. I like that, due to the ease at regaining health, if I'm stranded without sufficient food. I can eat mm without too much issue and regain that health back by fighting something easy to kite. I like starting with the helm and spear and just jumping straight into most early game fights. I like that, even though she eats meat only, I can still survive just as well as anyone else anywhere else.

I'm not saying that, at her essence, she is nothing more than a pick and drop. I'm saying that if you play the game and are interested in peak performance, she suffers greatly from pick and drop because there's nothing stopping you from picking her, crafting a lot of helmets, then switching back to whoever. Same as Winona, you pick her, craft your farms, then drop her, and play as whoever.

I know all about playing her, because, as mentioned, I am a Wigfrid main. I play as her a lot, and I also really enjoy her playstyle. I'm talking about ways to improve her without disrupting her playstyle all the while still making her part of the definite meta, and making her more rewarding to play over Wolfgang, who can also be described as a "pick and drop" if you just want to use his strength to level bosses easier than Wigfrid. The difference is, the speedboost makes him more worthwhile to stay as him, outside of his better combat capabilities as well.

If Wigfrid was brought up to Wolfgang like-levels, then her and Wolf would be on an even playing field, where both have some incentive to stick around, while also feeling unique from each other enough that their playstyles are totally different. Wolfgang would have his speed boost, and Wigfrid would have her unique, existing craftables. As explained, this doesn't hurt Wolfgang any, in fact it helps him out, all the while making it so Wigfrid doesn't look completely trivial in the eyes of someone interested in maxxing damage potential. 

And yeah, Wigfrid specializes in spider slaughtering. I usually start my Wigfrid worlds by clearing all but a select few dens so I never need to worry about silk until around day 1000.

I don't think I've ever specifically said it, because I thought it went without saying with how I was talking about her:

I don't think Wigfrid is a bad character. I think she is good. Good enough that I main her in almost all of my worlds. I think the problem stems from the fact that "Good" is overshadowed by "Great." She's currently balanced, yes. A lot of things can be balanced, but that doesn't make them the best around. Let me find another way to say this argument:

We have two head items, The Bee Queen Crown, and the Bone Helm. Both perform relatively similar yet distinct functions, and both are balanced. But...

Why would you use the bone helm if you have the bee queen crown?

Both effectively remove insanity auras from really doing anything, one by making nightmare creatures passive, the other by turning them into sanity auras, making insanity but a far distant dream. They both have the exact same damage resistance, wetness resistance, and even durability.

Is there anything inherently wrong or bad with choosing the bone helm? No, not at all. It's still a great helmet. Albeit made worse in the fuelweaver fight due to FW's insanity stunning. (This can be nullified by taking it off, but the same effect is granted with a nightmare amulet) But due to the fact that the Bee Queen Crown can be gotten so much easier (The Loot Stash drops it!) than the bone helm, even though both perform basically the same function, you'll most likely choose to use that over the bone helm.

The same goes for Wigfrid and Wolfgang. Both are good, both are balanced among themselves, both perform relatively the same task, and they both do a good job. However, because one gives more effectively passive benefits, and because both can be compared side by side, one outshines the other.

And no, she doesn't "Need" to be the best, we already have Wolfgang in general if you want to make that argument. But boy, wouldn't it be nice? Now the two would still have their unique playstyles, but you wouldn't have to have the only thing keeping you from choosing the other one boil down to personal preference, now, they would be balanced- but against each other.

The most confusing part of this whole ordeal to me is Wigfrid mains disliking the idea of making her a better fighter. Why would you not want that?

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20 minutes ago, Brago-sama said:

It's just the way I play. There's nothing more I love than the rush you get when you beat a boss like dragonfly in as trivial a time as that in a pub server, set it down at base, and watch everyone's reaction.

I don't know about PC but on the ps4 most raid bosses have only been beaten by about 1% of the player base so I feel like a special snowflake

I didn't mean to word it in a way that sounds like I'm trying to make wigfrid seem terrible, because she's not. She's a great character that deserves some spotlight like any other (except Woody. Woody gets the hole of solitude. You can't convince me that this isn't a fact)

thats exactly what im also doing xxD

so cool when the players ask on first winter whats that for 4 bundles in base xD

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@Brago-sama I didn't take it as you implying she was bad. It's just, when people talk about her, they compare her to Wolfgang and act like she's the worst thing ever and never gets played. I see more Wig spam than Wolf, so clearly there's something people like about her besides hats for the team. Every character doesn't need to be the same power-wise. Which I think is the issue for some people. Because she's a fighter, they expect her to be as good as the other other fighter in the game. But Wolfgang is both closer to an actual fighter and physically stronger than her. So visually it makes sense for her to be weaker.

As some others have mentioned, I think she's a great support fighter. Maybe give her some of the unique cosmetics people were suggesting, stuff that really plays on the viking idea. Add the battlecry ability, and she'll be good to go. I wouldn't mind her having a bit more health as well. As a fighter, even though she's pretending, I never really understood why her health was so low in comparison. I don't expect it to be the same as Wolf's, that'd be weird, 


Poor Woody, I really hope they make some serious changes for that guy. Maybe even give him a higher chance to spawn Tree guards. He is truly a character that has been overshadowed.


@Auth but that's the problem, you're trying to make her into a fighter who is too similar to Wolfgang. If that's the case, why bother even having both of them if you're just basically making her into a female Wolfgang? Just because Wolfgang is the best, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with Wigfrid. Nor does it mean she needs drastic changes. You should be playing a character because you enjoy it, not solely because they have the best stats. I don't care about players worried about "maxxing damage potential." Because those players are often playing in a rigid manner. That sort of gameplay isn't enjoyable to me, nor do I think it should be the focus for refreshes and balance changes.

Wigfrid mains don't have a problem with her being "better." The problem is that people assume because she's not as strong as Wolf, she's automatically bad. And therefore should be changed. Your suggestion only goes into more detail on the battlecry and basically says any new crafts for her is a bad idea. For someone who mains her, I don't see how you're so often tempted to play as someone else. If you truly like playing as her, then that's all that should really matter. Since it sounds like you are skilled enough to do well regardless.

I'm not against the idea of more crafts for her. But I think if more are added, aspects of them would need to be unique to her. Otherwise, we'd just have more people who are basically Wigfrid, without actually having to play as Wigfrid. Maybe even give her the ability to craft enhanced winter gear to play on her viking aspects more.


@MilesUpshore why do people post comments like this? This thread is on topic. You can't just post about Wigfrid and ignore why she might/would need the refresh in the first place. And for this character, it's because there's another fighter in the game that is better then her statwise.

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After reading some thngs here I feel like I should update some of my thoughtss

  • Battlecry, as mention earlier. But my version should be buffed a little.
  • She can eat butterfly wings
  • She can recognize tracks. Scent sounds a little weird, and I can't help but imagine her sniffing a track like Tarzan. Maybe she can recognize wether the print has hooves, toes or claws.
  • If coffee will be a thing with Warly, she can drink that.
  • Special weapons. Other characters can use these weapons, but only Wigfrid can use the special moves, like a sprint burst, or an aoe slam.
  • Maybe sorta buff the hp and sanity regen
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22 hours ago, BeliarBAD said:

shes in evryting best. shes even a better wood farmer then maxwell xD

if a treeguard spawns

What if a treeguard doesn't spawn?

Maxwell day 1 meta.

20 hours ago, BeliarBAD said:

 one hit of them and you need to go to heal as max. 

Didn't you say you use wigfrid and her helms?

what even is this.

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Why not make her battle spear give the ability to it's wearer to make a charge/dash?

Lategame her dependency on meat really becomes annoying to me, after 500 ingame days I always start craving mushrooms or cacti.

Maybe she could have some butchering skills? Make her get more meat from killing certain animals. Maybe make her bird kills always yield a morsel and a feather, make beefalo drop 1 additional meat and maybe pigs too.

Give her a unique farm pet like the doy doy that she can set up a farm with.

Maybe give her a special drying rack that allows to hang up multiple meats, or make give her a slightly stronger unique version of jerky.

Idk, it's just some ideas I am not thinking about balance here. But in the end, you have to give her something strong to make ppl pick her over other new insanely strong or fun heroes like Wormwood or Wortox. 

Give her a 25% movement speedboost for 2 minutes or so after tracking footprints.

Give her the ability to ride and saddle no eyed deer.

The Helm and Spear itself are so neglectable later in the game, football helmets and dark swords are so cheap, its not really worth wasting rocks on these later anymore.

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I play wigfrid when my ping is high, which is generally the case.

I think that's a good enough niche(high ping isn't exactly rare) to have.

Some special items for killing beefalos would be nice, just for the heck of it.


Or better yet the ability to breed beefalos, that would be ******* awesome.

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4 minutes ago, AN-0923 said:

Why though? They already breed automatically.

Beefalos breed, beefalo herds don't. Basically the amount of beefalos you can have is capped(same as volt goats), and every time you lose an entire herd(think deerclops or frog rain), it will never grow back.

Also breeding volt goats would be nice too.

Moving beefalo herds is also a gigantic pain now.

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I think Wig is a good example of a character designed well. She isn't overshadowed by anyone. Her helmets are amazing, her spear is pretty good, her sanity and hp steal is overlooked and super strong, she naturally takes less damage than anyone else while also dealing more damage than anyone else bar wolfgang, and she has 200 max hp. Such hugely good perks of course balanced out by only eating meat. I think a similar way of balancing was done with Wormwood, though executed worse. Wormwood's downside is worse than Wigs and Wormwood's abilities, while decent, kind of optimize him to be a master base sitter.

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57 minutes ago, Rhobious_Aran said:

The Helm and Spear itself are so neglectable later in the game, football helmets and dark swords are so cheap, its not really worth wasting rocks on these later anymore.

From my experience so far (mainly public servers), the helms are still useful for other players (better dmg reduction than football helmets), especially when there are gold and rock abundance late game (petrified tree farms, cave earthquakes, oasis fishing etc.), but tentacle spikes, dark swords and hambats are usually the go-to weapons unlike the battle spear late game. So rework wise, her battle spear might need to be worked on for as a suitable late game weapon choice (as previous users have pointed out in this thread).

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i don't think that wigfrid needs a rework i think she is fine the way she is BUT the other characters that overshadow her should be nerfed

like come on wigfrid is a great fighter but she has an acceptable downside but when we look at wolfgang he barely has a downside which makes him better then wigfrid 


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1 hour ago, spideswine said:

Beefalos breed, beefalo herds don't. Basically the amount of beefalos you can have is capped(same as volt goats), and every time you lose an entire herd(think deerclops or frog rain), it will never grow back.

Also breeding volt goats would be nice too.

Moving beefalo herds is also a gigantic pain now.

you can create beefalo herds by ( you can partially do it but its rng ) domesticating a beefalo, riding the beefalo away and leaving it for 100 days alone without danger.

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1 hour ago, __IvoCZE__ said:

you can create beefalo herds by ( you can partially do it but its rng ) domesticating a beefalo, riding the beefalo away and leaving it for 100 days alone without danger.

Fully domesticating a beefalo is just a lot of grinding. I left that option out because of how impractical it is, but yes, you can do that. I'm just suggesting a more practical way of doing so.

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26 minutes ago, spideswine said:

Fully domesticating a beefalo is just a lot of grinding. I left that option out because of how impractical it is, but yes, you can do that. I'm just suggesting a more practical way of doing so.

During my domestication of my beefalo i created like 5 empty herds, you just need to domesticate the beef partially and wait for the magic to happen.

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Just now, __IvoCZE__ said:

During my domestication of my beefalo i created like 5 empty herds, you just need to domesticate the beef partially and wait for the magic to happen.

Hm, I'd have to test that at a certain point...maybe?

Is there a rule about how long to wait/how domesticated the beefalo needs to be?

I know it works at 100% but not before it.

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25 minutes ago, Namelessgamer said:

Why not nerf wolfgang then? if she is outshadowed by him because he is op then nerfing him will give her a chance to compete with him



Imo nerfing a character to make another character stronger is simply a very bad concept and I'm pretty sure the devs are not into that either. 

Not all character are supposed to do and be the same. 

Btw, this thread is somehow discussing beefalo domestication and wig vs Wolfy?

Can you guys stay on topic? 

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