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Speculation on Woodie Revamp

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I'm curious to hear what all people think Woodie might get in his update (I can't wait to see his video). I feel like the Werebeaver will be getting some serious buffs, though I'm not sure what else. Maybe he'll be able to create a special trap for rabbits/animals? Maybe the werebeaver will be able to wear a saddle or pull a sled? Werebeaver armor? XD Not sure, but looking forward to finding out.


What are your thoughts? What would you add to him, and why?

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Definitely a buff to his beaver damage. It is almost ridiculous being with a 27 dmg when you're insane and can't fight the shadow creatures. By far the most important buff he needs. Also I think being able to control his transformation during full moon would be great with a necklace-like item.

For second, I think he needs some unique skills/crafting that makes us want to pick him instead of maxwell to get the wood.

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Honestly, what Klei really needs to do is make the character's most interesting and fun mechanic an up-side, not a down-side.  The werebeaver in DST is a negative perk, and considering it's what makes Woodie stand out the most, doing it this way was a terrible idea.  I myself am a Werebeaver main, so I want some buffs for my boy, and I'm just gonna pray they don't add some sort of inescapable reversion timer to the Werebeaver.

EDIT: What I'm personally rooting for:

- Damage buff

- Some way outside of Wortox to heal

- Maybe an armor buff?  His armor is worse than Grass Armor as it blocks 25% (Grass blocks 60%, so...)

- If they want to be quirky and funny, let him wear hats or have some way of letting players ride him.  This is very unimportant, but I can see it happening because people clamoured about it

- Fix the sanity.  The Beaver overlay + certain times and biomes means you can't see nightmare creatures and it's bull****.  The werebeaver can fight Nightmare Creatures fine, but constantly fending them off without any respite is extremely annoying.

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For me at least Its hard to predict whats coming judging by Winona, since they didn't really improve what already was, but more of completely changed what the character aims to with an entirely new thing. But still, unlike Woodie, Winona was a new character who was never interesting in first place, so we may see core skills changed in his case. Its gonna be important to see what they do with Willow (next in the line of reworks on late April-early May), to get ideas of what may happen with Woodie I suppose.

Besides new  interesting things, the core changes I'd like to see are:

-Better wood gatherer: When chopping trees as a beaver his last bite should not only make the tree fall, but also the stump be automatically rooted

-Reduced beaverness gain from nibbling rocks: so we can use beaver mode to mine rocks or ruins statues more efficiently. He could also require less bites to mine.

-Walking cane speed when werebeaver: For early exploration purposes and to keep the form's speed relevant in late game. The beaver already has a huge disadvantage when it comes to not being able to check the map, grab items, move between caves and outside, etc. Not to mention being insane all the time.

-Being able to keep the last hat/helmet you had on you when transformed to beaver: Defense and maybe utility too, to protect yourself a bit more from heat/cold and to restore sanity with bee queen helm, to name a few examples.

-During full moon transformation: increased speed (50% ) Hp regen, much higher damage (around dark sword damage) sanity gained over time instead of lost, chops trees in just one bite. You should both be at your weakest and at your strongest. Your beaverness hunger is still increased so you will still need to eat wood for the duration to not die. After the full moon you automatically get your stats back to regular beaver stats.

-Beaver damage base bite damage raised to spear damage.

-Eating wooden things as a beaver should restore hp. The amount will depend on the wood item type consumed: A stick will provide a tiny amount (Eg: 1 hp), a log a bit more (5 hp), a living log much more (50 hp). This shouldnt work in the woodie form, and as such, it will be self limited: If you try to heal too much as a beaver through wood, you'll become woodie again, who doesnt get hp for eating wood.

-Werebeaver form should be 100% waterproof (I mean cmon, its a beaver)

-In the Woodie form, add the chuck lucy skill from the forge: dealing neglectable damage (5?) but causing interrupt and aggro switch towards him. This is aimed for advanced players strats, not for killing things at range with Lucy.

-Remove the extended friendship perk as it is entirely neglectable.

-With the above changes still keep the high insanity drain for werebeaver (except during full moon) so it still adds a bit of challenge. The tint of nightvision and insanity should be tweaked so we can see shadow creatures though, just as Mario mentioned.

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I know that I'm in the minority on this, especially since I don't even play Woodie all that much, but I've always been of the opinion that his werebeaver should at least have (relatively) equal upsides and drawbacks. It is supposed to be a curse after all, right? I'm not opposed to it being buffed in certain ways so long as it can still be dangerous to transform at the same time. All I really want is for him to be the undisputed best character for gathering those delicious, delicious logs.

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They need to fix (BUFF) werebeaver. More damage, damage reduction and some way of healing. I like the idea of being able to heal with wood. More running speed. HATS! and less bites for gathering rocks. I agree that in full moon he sould be more powerful.

Definitely he need some work on the management of his sanity, is way too easy to stay sane (plant pine cones) or insane (transformation).

Make lucy more useful, more damage to treeguards/birds (lol) or some kind of utility like the taunt/interruption from the forge. More quotes for Lucy!

The friendship perk need some work too... it doesn't fit with the role that woodie takes. Maybe he can intimidate pigs in werebeaver form to do his work lol idk...

Change his stats. Standard is boring; maybe less sanity, more health.

Crazy thing: Unique recipe food with wood (?)

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Woodie main here. I think to 95% he is fine as he is and doesnt need some upgrade. I simply love DST woodie and hate the DS version.

You dont like fullmoon?
- go into caves. Fullmoon doesnt trigger Werebeaver in caves anymore since some updates ago.
- drop some wood/living logs before you turn
- max your sanity before

You think Maxwell is a better woodchopper?
- go play Max...

Werebeaver is weak?
- It's not meant for battle (rly, it is not)
- you got nightvision and walkspeed buff
- free shovel/pickaxe wihtout any flint/twigs/science machine even on day 1! It's not like you only can chop wood with it.
- you dont lose hunger! Are you about to starve? Go chop some trees and use the speedy nonhungry Beaver to outrun your destiny. Or simply use less food while gathering wood and rocks.
- embrace it, dont fear it. The Sanity Drain is no problem if you dont let your sanity go below 30 every time. Just pant trees and be the sane canadian that you are.


Woodie doesnt has any OP Magic/Damage or useful skills for Teamplay!?
- you can gather ressources without the need of basic tools/science machine
- he has the best and easiest sanity control in this game. Sanity is low? Go plant a tree and get +5 Sanity! AWESOME!!!
- Explore Caves with Nightvision Beaver, turn to your cute human form, plant a forest and go on again.You gotta love the caves as woodie.
- you gather an army of treeguards
- you can chopdown poisoned birchs really fast.
- since you control your sanity like you wish you can farm living logs/nightmarefuel to get tons of dark swords
- keep darkswords as mainweapon. You don't need a dwarfstar or a tham to keep up with your sanity. Just plant a tree.


So what is Woodies role in a DST Team?
Some examples:

1. The Quickstarter: Join Server on day 1, dont go for flints, just chop some wood around a sinkohole, turn to werebeaver, gnaw it, turn back, gather the rocks and flints and evoila you have flints and an open sinkhole on day 1 in less than 2min. You got no Twigs for a torch, pickaxe, etc.? Plant some pinecones, smile about the bonus sanity, use beaver or shovel to dig up the just planted evergreens and you got some twigs. Well everybody can do that but you are the guy with a dozen pinecones. Pinecones are your candy

2. The Caveman: As said above, his sanity control via planting trees is OP. Gather 40 Pinecones, some wood and food and have fun exploring the Caves with speedbuff, nightvision and after all you are the dude that plants trees where some players wish there would be (e.G. in ruins).

3. The Mad Woodchooper a.k.a HAIL THE PINECONE!: Even if u dont need wood you always like to have more pinecones to get sane whenever you want. Go Beaver fullgrown Evergreens and only collect the pinecones. Dont waste time to gather the logs. Other people love the free loot, you dont need it since you always can get some logs easily. People gonna call you mad for planting and chopping trees for days but every fullgrown evergreen drops 2x+5 Sanity Candy, aka. Pinecones. Since you love going beaverish and keep up with your Sanity you plant a sh**ton of trees around the world. Always useful.

4. Commander of the Treearmy
You know that sudden sweat of panic when you chop wood and a treeguard spwans, maybe while you are in werebeaver mode? DON'T PANIC!
Treeguards are your friends. First of all you dont need to kill them when they spawn. Like Koalefants you should keep them until you need to kill them (and get living logs). Go plant some Pinecones near them until they unaggro you. Maybe lure them away from your woodfarm first so they dont aggro you each time you wanna chop some wood near your base. If one spwans while in beavermode you simply outrun him until you turn back to human. These guys are slow but hit like a train. So if u gather some treeguards around your base and a sudden frograin, bearger-, houndattack happens you realize why they are called treeGUARDIAN. Since they autoattack walls i consider some endtables/fossils if you wanna build a Treeguard-Pen. I love to plant some trees near swamps, let treeguards spawn and let them clear the tentacles for me. Hit them, kit them through the tentacle and watch. Woodie is not a good warrior but Treeguards are your friends for fighting stuff.

"But Nobody needs that much wood"....
Cobblestone, Chests, Minisigns, Signs,  Pigfarm, Bunnymenfarm, etc... You always like to have more than enough wood!

To sum it up: While other characters got a signifcant bonusskill woodie feels more like support if you wanna build a big base or do some spelunking caves. He is not a great warrior, magician or bosskiller but he is the one character to rule them all if you like to have full control over your sanity, like building megabases or gather an army of Treeguardians. You dont waste as much flints/twigs on tools like other Characters, you can have a decent speedbuff in exchange for sanity (which you can handle with some pinecones) and your werebeaver mode even saves up some food since you dont have hunger in that mode.
You dont have an OP Bonus but since you control your Sanity you dont need to roll for the tam'o shanter and just give it to your lovely, quite insane wicker. Green Mushs? Just a present for your friends or a simple filler. You don't need fancy sanity food/items. You are a bonus since you need less ressources than other people do #goodguywoodie

He is a Noobfriendly,  always sane survivalist who loves doing stuff that does not require violence. Hell yeah, he is a canadian after all.

If you dont wanna kill every boss alone, like building bases, spelunking, total control over sanity, thenthis guy is your friend.

Everytime i read sugeestions update buffing woodie I realy fear Klei messing up my lovely Canadian T_T. He is fine. Maybe give the werbeaver at least spear damge (37, right?). But dont do anything else. He is the Easymode in DST if your dont like to kill everything by yourself. Not everyone needs to be solo bosskiller, especially a canadian.


Recommended Mod:
Pickup Cones First

To do Chores (feels a bit cheaty but i just use it to plant a lot of trees fast)

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Even if this tiny perk was neglaceable I thought it is a nice touch and it's the closest thing of his "Thankgsgiving" perk. If they remove it his description would have no context at all. Or how would you make a good and interesting Thanksgiving perk?

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I think the reason why people thinks he sucks is that sanity is a joke after you got your tam'o shanter and a starcaller stuff unless you are a bookspamming wickerbottom. Woodie really is the Character for people who got problems with their sanity.

I wish ancient crafting stuff was much harder to obtain and really endgame gear (maybe unlocked in 2. autum, and not before).

+ KLEI should fix the glitches that people use to get out of the map all time until they release other balance changes.
So much bugabuse these days ruining the gameplay.


Glitching Beequeen, Fuel Weaver, etc. is most broken stuff right now in game.

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24 minutes ago, axxel said:

Even if this tiny perk was neglaceable I thought it is a nice touch and it's the closest thing of his "Thankgsgiving" perk. If they remove it his description would have no context at all. Or how would you make a good and interesting Thanksgiving perk?

Or they could just update the description by removing the Thanksgiving perk? :wilson_wink:

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13 hours ago, Mario384 said:

- If they want to be quirky and funny, let him wear hats or have some way of letting players ride him.  This is very unimportant, but I can see it happening because people clamoured about it

werebeaver riding... leeeet's goooo!!

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I don't think the werebeaver should see combat buffs. Disregarding the effects on pvp, DST woodie is not designed to fill a combat role, and currently the only check on his werebeaver form is the inability to effectively deal with insanity monsters due to low damage and lack of healing. As a woodie man myself, I can confidently say that the werebeaver is most effectively used as a very temporary transformation. The sanity drain currently serves as a sort of timer until you need to abort. It would be interesting, however, to see a craftable item that diminishes the sanity drain some, but a lower drain shouldn't be default.

Instead, the werebeaver form should see mostly harvesting buffs. 

7 hours ago, ShadowDuelist said:

-Better wood gatherer: When chopping trees as a beaver his last bite should not only make the tree fall, but also the stump be automatically rooted

-Reduced beaverness gain from nibbling rocks: so we can use beaver mode to mine rocks or ruins statues more efficiently. He could also require less bites to mine.

-Walking cane speed when werebeaver: For early exploration purposes and to keep the form's speed relevant in late game. The beaver already has a huge disadvantage when it comes to not being able to check the map, grab items, move between caves and outside, etc. Not to mention being insane all the time.

These are all fantastic ideas.

We also need to understand that Woodie's human form needs changes as well if we want to make the character more interesting (than he already is, lol). Nonstandard health/hunger is a start, but sanity is probably something that we shouldn't tamper with (currently a stack of pinecones is precisely equal to his max sanity, changing this value also changes the timer on the werebeaver). Active abilities (for example planting pine cones) are probably what Klei should focus on expanding.

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4 hours ago, Multischmu said:

Woodie main here. I think to 95% he is fine as he is and doesnt need some upgrade. I simply love DST woodie and hate the DS version.

You dont like fullmoon?
- go into caves. Fullmoon doesnt trigger Werebeaver in caves anymore since some updates ago.
- drop some wood/living logs before you turn
- max your sanity before

You think Maxwell is a better woodchopper?
- go play Max...

Werebeaver is weak?
- It's not meant for battle (rly, it is not)
- you got nightvision and walkspeed buff
- free shovel/pickaxe wihtout any flint/twigs/science machine even on day 1! It's not like you only can chop wood with it.
- you dont lose hunger! Are you about to starve? Go chop some trees and use the speedy nonhungry Beaver to outrun your destiny. Or simply use less food while gathering wood and rocks.
- embrace it, dont fear it. The Sanity Drain is no problem if you dont let your sanity go below 30 every time. Just pant trees and be the sane canadian that you are.


Woodie doesnt has any OP Magic/Damage or useful skills for Teamplay!?
- you can gather ressources without the need of basic tools/science machine
- he has the best and easiest sanity control in this game. Sanity is low? Go plant a tree and get +5 Sanity! AWESOME!!!
- Explore Caves with Nightvision Beaver, turn to your cute human form, plant a forest and go on again.You gotta love the caves as woodie.
- you gather an army of treeguards
- you can chopdown poisoned birchs really fast.
- since you control your sanity like you wish you can farm living logs/nightmarefuel to get tons of dark swords
- keep darkswords as mainweapon. You don't need a dwarfstar or a tham to keep up with your sanity. Just plant a tree.


So what is Woodies role in a DST Team?
Some examples:

1. The Quickstarter: Join Server on day 1, dont go for flints, just chop some wood around a sinkohole, turn to werebeaver, gnaw it, turn back, gather the rocks and flints and evoila you have flints and an open sinkhole on day 1 in less than 2min. You got no Twigs for a torch, pickaxe, etc.? Plant some pinecones, smile about the bonus sanity, use beaver or shovel to dig up the just planted evergreens and you got some twigs. Well everybody can do that but you are the guy with a dozen pinecones. Pinecones are your candy

2. The Caveman: As said above, his sanity control via planting trees is OP. Gather 40 Pinecones, some wood and food and have fun exploring the Caves with speedbuff, nightvision and after all you are the dude that plants trees where some players wish there would be (e.G. in ruins).

3. The Mad Woodchooper a.k.a HAIL THE PINECONE!: Even if u dont need wood you always like to have more pinecones to get sane whenever you want. Go Beaver fullgrown Evergreens and only collect the pinecones. Dont waste time to gather the logs. Other people love the free loot, you dont need it since you always can get some logs easily. People gonna call you mad for planting and chopping trees for days but every fullgrown evergreen drops 2x+5 Sanity Candy, aka. Pinecones. Since you love going beaverish and keep up with your Sanity you plant a sh**ton of trees around the world. Always useful.

4. Commander of the Treearmy
You know that sudden sweat of panic when you chop wood and a treeguard spwans, maybe while you are in werebeaver mode? DON'T PANIC!
Treeguards are your friends. First of all you dont need to kill them when they spawn. Like Koalefants you should keep them until you need to kill them (and get living logs). Go plant some Pinecones near them until they unaggro you. Maybe lure them away from your woodfarm first so they dont aggro you each time you wanna chop some wood near your base. If one spwans while in beavermode you simply outrun him until you turn back to human. These guys are slow but hit like a train. So if u gather some treeguards around your base and a sudden frograin, bearger-, houndattack happens you realize why they are called treeGUARDIAN. Since they autoattack walls i consider some endtables/fossils if you wanna build a Treeguard-Pen. I love to plant some trees near swamps, let treeguards spawn and let them clear the tentacles for me. Hit them, kit them through the tentacle and watch. Woodie is not a good warrior but Treeguards are your friends for fighting stuff.

"But Nobody needs that much wood"....
Cobblestone, Chests, Minisigns, Signs,  Pigfarm, Bunnymenfarm, etc... You always like to have more than enough wood!

To sum it up: While other characters got a signifcant bonusskill woodie feels more like support if you wanna build a big base or do some spelunking caves. He is not a great warrior, magician or bosskiller but he is the one character to rule them all if you like to have full control over your sanity, like building megabases or gather an army of Treeguardians. You dont waste as much flints/twigs on tools like other Characters, you can have a decent speedbuff in exchange for sanity (which you can handle with some pinecones) and your werebeaver mode even saves up some food since you dont have hunger in that mode.
You dont have an OP Bonus but since you control your Sanity you dont need to roll for the tam'o shanter and just give it to your lovely, quite insane wicker. Green Mushs? Just a present for your friends or a simple filler. You don't need fancy sanity food/items. You are a bonus since you need less ressources than other people do #goodguywoodie

He is a Noobfriendly,  always sane survivalist who loves doing stuff that does not require violence. Hell yeah, he is a canadian after all.

If you dont wanna kill every boss alone, like building bases, spelunking, total control over sanity, thenthis guy is your friend.

Everytime i read sugeestions update buffing woodie I realy fear Klei messing up my lovely Canadian T_T. He is fine. Maybe give the werbeaver at least spear damge (37, right?). But dont do anything else. He is the Easymode in DST if your dont like to kill everything by yourself. Not everyone needs to be solo bosskiller, especially a canadian.


Recommended Mod:
Pickup Cones First

To do Chores (feels a bit cheaty but i just use it to plant a lot of trees fast)

I fully share your comment. Indeed, I advise you to create a topic where at the beginning you expose all your reasons for not changing Woodie. So Klei and other people have a better chance of noticing and discussing it! ;)

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Woodie main here, I totally agree with Multischmu. Most of the critics I see against Woodie are usually wrong.

I can't count all the times people say that he's worse than Maxwell because he chops faster but has to eat a third of his haul. If you play Woodie well, there are only very few times where you'll have to eat wood, like when you're exploring caves. Full moon in anything but winterI just let the Beaver take over and get tons of logs and pinecones. That's free sanity, free decoration, and it makes it easier for people to move around. If my log meter goes low, I just gnaw on one of my four to eight forests to go back to human form. That's more pinecones that I can plant as soon as I don't want to farm nightmare fuel anymore.

Of course I'm not saying the character is perfect as he is, but people usually see Woodie as a damage dealer because of how strong the Beaver is in DS. He's not. He's a resource gatherer. And a good one, at that. Twigs for days, rocks for weeks, nightmare fuel for months and logs for years. That's what you should have before your first winter if you play as Woodie. If you don't, you should ponder who's the bad one in the relationship. The character, or the player? And heck, he's way more fun to play than most other characters in my opinion.

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6 hours ago, Multischmu said:

Woodie main here. I think to 95% he is fine as he is and doesnt need some upgrade. I simply love DST woodie and hate the DS version.

You dont like fullmoon?
- go into caves. Fullmoon doesnt trigger Werebeaver in caves anymore since some updates ago.
- drop some wood/living logs before you turn
- max your sanity before

You think Maxwell is a better woodchopper?
- go play Max...

Werebeaver is weak?
- It's not meant for battle (rly, it is not)
- you got nightvision and walkspeed buff
- free shovel/pickaxe wihtout any flint/twigs/science machine even on day 1! It's not like you only can chop wood with it.
- you dont lose hunger! Are you about to starve? Go chop some trees and use the speedy nonhungry Beaver to outrun your destiny. Or simply use less food while gathering wood and rocks.
- embrace it, dont fear it. The Sanity Drain is no problem if you dont let your sanity go below 30 every time. Just pant trees and be the sane canadian that you are.


Woodie doesnt has any OP Magic/Damage or useful skills for Teamplay!?
- you can gather ressources without the need of basic tools/science machine
- he has the best and easiest sanity control in this game. Sanity is low? Go plant a tree and get +5 Sanity! AWESOME!!!
- Explore Caves with Nightvision Beaver, turn to your cute human form, plant a forest and go on again.You gotta love the caves as woodie.
- you gather an army of treeguards
- you can chopdown poisoned birchs really fast.
- since you control your sanity like you wish you can farm living logs/nightmarefuel to get tons of dark swords
- keep darkswords as mainweapon. You don't need a dwarfstar or a tham to keep up with your sanity. Just plant a tree.


So what is Woodies role in a DST Team?
Some examples:

1. The Quickstarter: Join Server on day 1, dont go for flints, just chop some wood around a sinkohole, turn to werebeaver, gnaw it, turn back, gather the rocks and flints and evoila you have flints and an open sinkhole on day 1 in less than 2min. You got no Twigs for a torch, pickaxe, etc.? Plant some pinecones, smile about the bonus sanity, use beaver or shovel to dig up the just planted evergreens and you got some twigs. Well everybody can do that but you are the guy with a dozen pinecones. Pinecones are your candy

2. The Caveman: As said above, his sanity control via planting trees is OP. Gather 40 Pinecones, some wood and food and have fun exploring the Caves with speedbuff, nightvision and after all you are the dude that plants trees where some players wish there would be (e.G. in ruins).

3. The Mad Woodchooper a.k.a HAIL THE PINECONE!: Even if u dont need wood you always like to have more pinecones to get sane whenever you want. Go Beaver fullgrown Evergreens and only collect the pinecones. Dont waste time to gather the logs. Other people love the free loot, you dont need it since you always can get some logs easily. People gonna call you mad for planting and chopping trees for days but every fullgrown evergreen drops 2x+5 Sanity Candy, aka. Pinecones. Since you love going beaverish and keep up with your Sanity you plant a sh**ton of trees around the world. Always useful.

4. Commander of the Treearmy
You know that sudden sweat of panic when you chop wood and a treeguard spwans, maybe while you are in werebeaver mode? DON'T PANIC!
Treeguards are your friends. First of all you dont need to kill them when they spawn. Like Koalefants you should keep them until you need to kill them (and get living logs). Go plant some Pinecones near them until they unaggro you. Maybe lure them away from your woodfarm first so they dont aggro you each time you wanna chop some wood near your base. If one spwans while in beavermode you simply outrun him until you turn back to human. These guys are slow but hit like a train. So if u gather some treeguards around your base and a sudden frograin, bearger-, houndattack happens you realize why they are called treeGUARDIAN. Since they autoattack walls i consider some endtables/fossils if you wanna build a Treeguard-Pen. I love to plant some trees near swamps, let treeguards spawn and let them clear the tentacles for me. Hit them, kit them through the tentacle and watch. Woodie is not a good warrior but Treeguards are your friends for fighting stuff.

"But Nobody needs that much wood"....
Cobblestone, Chests, Minisigns, Signs,  Pigfarm, Bunnymenfarm, etc... You always like to have more than enough wood!

To sum it up: While other characters got a signifcant bonusskill woodie feels more like support if you wanna build a big base or do some spelunking caves. He is not a great warrior, magician or bosskiller but he is the one character to rule them all if you like to have full control over your sanity, like building megabases or gather an army of Treeguardians. You dont waste as much flints/twigs on tools like other Characters, you can have a decent speedbuff in exchange for sanity (which you can handle with some pinecones) and your werebeaver mode even saves up some food since you dont have hunger in that mode.
You dont have an OP Bonus but since you control your Sanity you dont need to roll for the tam'o shanter and just give it to your lovely, quite insane wicker. Green Mushs? Just a present for your friends or a simple filler. You don't need fancy sanity food/items. You are a bonus since you need less ressources than other people do #goodguywoodie

He is a Noobfriendly,  always sane survivalist who loves doing stuff that does not require violence. Hell yeah, he is a canadian after all.

If you dont wanna kill every boss alone, like building bases, spelunking, total control over sanity, thenthis guy is your friend.

Everytime i read sugeestions update buffing woodie I realy fear Klei messing up my lovely Canadian T_T. He is fine. Maybe give the werbeaver at least spear damge (37, right?). But dont do anything else. He is the Easymode in DST if your dont like to kill everything by yourself. Not everyone needs to be solo bosskiller, especially a canadian.


Recommended Mod:
Pickup Cones First

To do Chores (feels a bit cheaty but i just use it to plant a lot of trees fast)

and in the meanwhile he freezes to death in winter, doesn't have rain protection even tho he is a beaver...(??)  and very miserable cold protection (ear muffins) and drops his helmet when he transforms for people in public servers to steal it from u... right!

The only way I use Woodie in public servers is in the caves.. cuz there is no point really in playing with people in the surface when any person can just randomly pass by and steal your s h i t.. and most players don't even survive the caves anyways

 yeap ofc he is good at recovering sanity but other than that he is pretty bad at everything else... except 2 things:

well he is pretty awesome for Bitchnuts Tree Guards.. but really why even care if you can use weather pains or a wolfgang.. 

he is also by far the best insanity triggering machine but also anyone else jumping though wormholes and they can use helmets and backpacks

His speed isn't really comparable with the benefit of a cane and a helmet protecting your melon or body.. soooo meh

He is called the "lumberjack" but is he really?? max is by far the best at it and doesn't wear the title in his description

He might be good to explore caves you say cuz his "night vision" but he cannot look at the map and that's a problem.. at least for me....

When he is fully insane his night vision doesn't help much anyways cuz his vision is reduced by insanity and if you get stuck in corners which can happen very, very often in the ruins.. u have 0 protection if enemies get to you... 

So... yeap.. sorry but he is not that good... 

What he really needs to get decent IMO:

  • At least spear dmg, 50 dmg preferable (he has so sharp teeth he can cut though stone...  one bite must hurt like hell
  • Natural Armor.. at least grass value (60%)
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32 minutes ago, FreyaMaluk said:

and in the meanwhile he freezes to death in winter, doesn't have rain protection even tho he is a weaver...(??)  and very miserable cold protection (ear muffins) and drops his helmet when he transforms for people in public servers to steal it from u... right!

The only way I use Woodie in public servers is in the caves.. cuz there is no point really in playing with people in the surface when any person can just randomly pass by and steal your s h i t.. and most players don't even survive the caves anyways

 yeap ofc he is good at recovering sanity but other than that he is pretty bad at everything else... except 2 things:

well he is pretty awesome for Bitchnuts Tree Guards.. but really why even care if you can use weather pains or a wolfgang.. 

he is also by far the best insanity triggering machine but also anyone else jumping though wormholes and they can use helmets and backpacks

His speed isn't really comparable with the benefit of a cane and a helmet protecting your melon or body.. soooo meh

He is called the "lumberjack" but is he really?? max is by far the best at it and doesn't wear the title in his description

He might be good to explore caves you say cuz his "night vision" but he cannot look at the map and that's a problem.. at least for me....

When he is fully insane his night vision doesn't help much anyways cuz his vision is reduced by insanity and if you get stuck in corners which can happen very, very often in the ruins.. u have 0 protection if enemies get to you... 

So... yeap.. sorry but he is not that good... 

Freezes to death in winter and doesn't have rain protection? Woodie has a beard, inferior to that of Webber and Wilson, but still better than the lack of insulation other characters have. And in beaver form, he's got insulation at the same level as a level 5 thermal stone and 70% rain resistance.

Sorry you have no friends and have to play with randoms, but, may I ask how you deal with chests? If randoms can steal your helmet, they can also steal all your belongings... which is a thing that can happen with every character.

Woodie can use backpacks, armor and helmets as much as the other characters. When you're in Beaver form, you don't need them, because you're gathering resources, not fighting, and you can simply pick up the loot once you transform back and pick your backpack back.

As for being a worse lumberjack than Maxwell, Maxwell needs resources to be able to mine and chop trees: tools and nightmare fuel. None of those resources are hard to get, but still, you need them. You also need to either switch the puppets up every so often or have a variety of them, while Woodie is an axe, a pickaxe AND a shovel for free in his Beaver form, all at the same time. You also can't control the shadow puppets. It doesn't matter much for the miner and digger, but the loggers will chop small trees and dead trees (no pinecones to replant) and twiggy trees (as those drop twigs naturally, there's not much of a reason to chop them, except if you like wasting your time... and since they can cut small or dead twiggy trees, you combine both flaws). Doesn't make Maxwell worse than Woodie, mind you, but he's different enough that both are perfectly viable and, in my opinion, none of them is significantly better than the other at resource gathering.

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I also think Woodie is good as he is, but I wouldn't say no to some additions or buffs (especially for his Werebeaver form, to make it a bit more interesting to play in this form).

For his normal form I would have this suggestions:

1. He could craft things, that have logs in their ingredients, with less logs (like Wooden Planks), as he is a wood specialist and craft this things with more efficiency. The same with things containing wooden planks.

2. Maybe some new things, only he could craft, like:

  • Small tables, where you can put things on it smaller mobs can't eat or grab
  • Bear traps, that hurt mobs, when they walk into it, and hold them catched at place for a amount of time (depending on strength of the mob)
  • Timberyard, where you can store a lot of wood (like 25 stacks)
  • Bridges, to connect pieces of the map, that are very close together (you would need a lot of wooden planks and ropes for it)
  • Wooden sculptures

3. He could befriend treeguards with something, only he could craft. If he attacks a mob or boss, the treeguard will also attack it.

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52 minutes ago, TheOwl said:

Freezes to death in winter and doesn't have rain protection? Woodie has a beard, inferior to that of Webber and Wilson, but still better than the lack of insulation other characters have. And in beaver form, he's got insulation at the same level as a level 5 thermal stone and 70% rain resistance.

Sorry you have no friends and have to play with randoms, but, may I ask how you deal with chests? If randoms can steal your helmet, they can also steal all your belongings... which is a thing that can happen with every character.

Woodie can use backpacks, armor and helmets as much as the other characters. When you're in Beaver form, you don't need them, because you're gathering resources, not fighting, and you can simply pick up the loot once you transform back and pick your backpack back.

As for being a worse lumberjack than Maxwell, Maxwell needs resources to be able to mine and chop trees: tools and nightmare fuel. None of those resources are hard to get, but still, you need them. You also need to either switch the puppets up every so often or have a variety of them, while Woodie is an axe, a pickaxe AND a shovel for free in his Beaver form, all at the same time. You also can't control the shadow puppets. Doesn't make Maxwell worse than Woodie, mind you, but he's different enough that both are perfectly viable and, in my opinion, none of them is significantly better than the other at resource gathering.

having 70% weatness prot isn't as good.. only in paper... specially when u cannot equip a helmet.. you are gonna be wet with less than a day of rain and then freeze if you don't make a fire

and his "natural" heat protection isn't even that good to consider it a perk at all in human form 

and as for his insutation in beaver form... let this image say more than words 20190403023251_1.thumb.jpg.d7efb31cc58166be426b44ab81d765c9.jpg

52 minutes ago, TheOwl said:

Sorry you have no friends and have to play with randoms, but, may I ask how you deal with chests? If randoms can steal your helmet, they can also steal all your belongings... which is a thing that can happen with every character.

lol.. so condescending... 

I never said i play MOSTLY in public servers or that I don't have friends to play with, but that a good measure to determine if a character can handle well on with people u don't know that well and Woodie can't unfortunately.. unless u play alone in the caves and that's not fun.. There is a reason noone plays him in public servers and also one of the reason he is probably the least played character at all!

his lumberjack title is overrated atm... sorry not sorry

52 minutes ago, TheOwl said:

As for being a worse lumberjack than Maxwell, Maxwell needs resources to be able to mine and chop trees: tools and nightmare fuel. None of those resources are hard to get, but still, you need them. You also need to either switch the puppets up every so often or have a variety of them, while Woodie is an axe, a pickaxe AND a shovel for free in his Beaver form, all at the same time. You also can't control the shadow puppets. Doesn't make Maxwell worse than Woodie, mind you, but he's different enough that both are perfectly viable and, in my opinion, none of them is significantly better than the other at resource gathering.

as you said NF and twigs aren't a big deal to get... 

52 minutes ago, TheOwl said:

When you're in Beaver form, you don't need them, because you're gathering resources, not fighting, and you can simply pick up the loot once you transform back and pick your backpack back.

a good gatherer?? while max can gather logs, twigs, or other resources while his minions work, Woodie needs to be done first and THEN he can start gather.. the "gatherer" argument is a bit unfounded, specially considering you can change characters now that excel at what they do, but unfortunately there is no real reason at he moment why I would even consider using him.

Atm he is the Jack of some trades and master of none and that doesn't make for an interesting gameplay experience. That's such a departure from his DS form where he was the king of mining and much better lumberjack than he is in DST and he was strong for fighting too... In short, it was worth it to be werebeaver in ds... not so much in DST

Don't get  me wrong.. I adore Woodie.. but the way he is in DST is pretty lackluster character design.. he has nothing cool enough going on for him besides recovering sanity and that's not really something that good when there are soo many forms to recover sanity in the game... 

I hope the devs make him a real lumberjack to carry that title with pride and envy for others. A good balanced middle where many people can enjoy him and fall in love with his character and perky personality.

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if the pattern i see is real then Woodie will get massive changes they appear to be making everyone really good

Winona = super boss killer, very powerful

Wortox = the best healer in the game has really good stats, very powerful

if the Willow update makes her considerably powerful like the other two before

i thing Woodies gonna go through a large change while they are good they are not as good as the new ones

i feel like something crazy op will be bestowed on them like 5 hunger per log in human form

personally i think that chest slot and hand slot items should be kept but have no effect when on beaver so you don't risk them being lost

and maybe hats could have an effect to make up for the beavers natural lack of resistance to weather and attack but no chest or hands for they would have to have a new model to fit around the beavers body (but they still hold in the slots)as appose to a hat witch will just bounce up and down reusing the same sorta thing with pigs and rabbits

also as a side note if they ever make the skins effect the look of the beaver themselves would be awesome they already did it with all of Wortoxs skins

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