[09:35:45]: [string "scripts/components/builder.lua"]:288: attempt to index field 'prototyper' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/components/builder.lua:288 in () ? (Lua) <281-298> self = exclude_tags = table: 5C772D88 buffered_builds = table: 5C772BF8 recipes = table: 5C772770 station_recipes = table: 5FCE03D8 accessible_tech_trees = table: 5DC15D68 onBuild = function - ../mods/workshop-2723294081/modmain.lua:29 _ = table: 5C772978 inst = 382113 - wurt (valid:true) prototyper = 388869 - madscience_lab (valid:true) =(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1> scripts/bufferedaction.lua:25 in (method) Do (Lua) <21-35> self (valid:true) = action = table: 08A85B58 doer = 382113 - wurt (valid:true) onfail = table: 5A667970 doerownsobject = false rotation = 0 onsuccess = table: 5A667948 distance = 3 options = table: 5A667830 target = 388869 - madscience_lab (valid:true) scripts/entityscript.lua:1445 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1432-1456> self (valid:true) = DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (58295CE0) inlimbo = false GetMoistureRateScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:242 SetCameraDistance = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1249 ScreenFlash = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1311 skeleton_prefab = skeleton_player player_classified = 382114 - player_classified (valid:true) playercolour = table: 5D18DCC8 IsOverheating = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:212 Light = Light (33714510) _isrezattuned = false OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:880 pendingtasks = table: 5ABBEF48 ApplySkinOverrides = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1388 sg = sg="wilson", state="dostandingaction", time=0.40, tags = "doing," IsHUDVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1227 ApplyScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1326 SetGhostMode = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:779 ShowActions = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1231 SetGymStartState = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:43 Transform = Transform (56974950) actionreplica = table: 5ABBE908 event_listening = table: 5ABBEEF8 actioncomponents = table: 5ABBE7F0 name = Dip_stick1016 lower_components_shadow = table: 5ABBE958 GetMaxMoisture = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:232 CanUseTouchStone = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:182 updatecomponents = table: 5ABBF420 YOTB_issetunlocked = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:73 ShakeCamera = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1269 OnDespawn = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1122 persists = false MiniMapEntity = MiniMapEntity (33714030) IsFreezing = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:202 Physics = Physics (5FA44300) killtask = PERIODIC 382113: 3.000000 replica = table: 5ABBEB10 GetTemperature = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:192 modactioncomponents = table: 5C77DD28 AnimState = AnimState (569749B0) wallupdatecomponents = table: 5D18DDB8 ghostenabled = true _underleafcanopy = net_bool (5CEA9E48) EnableMovementPrediction = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:719 worldstatewatching = table: 5ABBF588 SetCameraZoomed = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1255 prefab = wurt IsActionsVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1221 SaveForReroll = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1400 HostileTest = function - scripts/prefabs/wurt.lua:202 GUID = 382113 OnLoad = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:982 Network = Network (594F3560) ApplyAnimScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1356 peruse_gardening = function - script [09:35:45]: [string "scripts/components/builder.lua"]:288: attempt to index field 'prototyper' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/components/builder.lua:288 in () ? (Lua) <281-298> =(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1> scripts/bufferedaction.lua:25 in (method) Do (Lua) <21-35> scripts/entityscript.lua:1445 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1432-1456> scripts/stategraphs/SGwilson.lua:5278 in (field) fn (Lua) <5277-5279> scripts/stategraph.lua:576 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <544-588> scripts/stategraph.lua:615 in (method) Update (Lua) <607-635> scripts/stategraph.lua:128 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-146> scripts/update.lua:282 in () ? (Lua) <218-292>