Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Managed' Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' Initialize engine version: 2020.3.30f1 (1fb1bf06830e) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (ID=0x13c2) Vendor: VRAM: 4043 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly - Completed reload, in 0.278 seconds Initializing input. Input initialized. Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 0.594600 ms [05:22:24.262] [1] [INFO] KProfiler: Start [05:22:24.444] [1] [INFO] Applying resolution 3840x2160 @60hz (fullscreen: True) [05:22:24.445] [1] [INFO] Low Res Textures? Yes [05:22:24.476] [1] [INFO] Current date: 06/03/2022 13:22:24 [05:22:24.477] [1] [INFO] release Build: ??-509629-? [05:22:24.479] [1] [INFO] Creating SteamManager. [05:22:24.616] [1] [INFO] DistributionPlatform initialized. [05:22:24.620] [1] [INFO] release Build: U42-509629-S [05:22:24.620] [1] [INFO] EXPANSION1 installed: True active: True [05:22:26.620] [1] [INFO] Expansion1: True [05:22:26.621] [1] [INFO] Loading Expansion1 assets from bundle SYSTEM INFO: Platform=WindowsPlayer OSname=Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit OSversion=10.0.19044.0 CPUmodel=X58A-UD3R (Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.) CPUdeviceType=Desktop CPUarch=AMD64 ProcBits=64 CPUcount=8 CPUtype=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz SystemMemoryMegs=12286 GPUgraphicsDeviceID=5058 GPUname=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPUgraphicsDeviceType=Direct3D11 GPUgraphicsDeviceVendor=NVIDIA GPUgraphicsDeviceVendorID=4318 GPUgraphicsDeviceVersion=Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] GPUmemoryMegs=4043 GPUgraphicsMultiThreaded=False GPUgraphicsShaderLevel=50 GPUmaxTextureSize=16384 GPUnpotSupport=Full GPUsupportedRenderTargetCount=8 GPUsupports2DArrayTextures=True GPUsupports3DTextures=True GPUsupportsComputeShaders=True GPUsupportsImageEffects=True GPUsupportsInstancing=True GPUsupportsRenderToCubemap=True GPUsupportsShadows=True GPUsupportsSparseTextures=True GPUcopyTextureSupport=Basic, Copy3D, DifferentTypes, TextureToRT, RTToTexture System Language=English [05:22:31.309] [1] [INFO] Initializing at 2022-06-03 05:22:31.309 [05:22:31.310] [1] [INFO] Save path: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [05:22:32.213] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.WoundedGoToMedBed`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.233] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.234] [1] [INFO] Mod Manager // by @Ony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `ModManager`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.237] [1] [INFO] Mod Manager // by @Ony : Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.240] [1] [INFO] Better Air Filters has a mod.yaml with a staticID `better_air_filters`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.243] [1] [INFO] Better Air Filters: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.244] [1] [INFO] Asphalt Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Asphalt`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.250] [1] [INFO] Asphalt Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.256] [1] [INFO] WheezeWort requires no phosphorite: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.257] [1] [INFO] Custom Furniture has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.CustomFurniture`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.260] [1] [INFO] Custom Furniture: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.266] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] No Dormant Geyser: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.267] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.UnrestrictedTransitTubes`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.272] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.276] [1] [INFO] Sealed Critter Feeders: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.277] [1] [INFO] Neutronium Cave has a mod.yaml with a staticID `NeutroniumCave`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.283] [1] [INFO] Neutronium Cave: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.284] [1] [INFO] Favorite Resources // by @Ony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `FavoriteResources`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.287] [1] [INFO] Favorite Resources // by @Ony : Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.288] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSStructures`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.294] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.295] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.EfficientFetch`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.300] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.301] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Wallpaper`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.307] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.308] [1] [INFO] Piped Output has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PipedOutput`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.311] [1] [INFO] Piped Output: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.314] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.314] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'description' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.315] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.316] [1] [INFO] BalanceGasPumpConsumption: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.317] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.RoomsExpanded`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.357] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.358] [1] [INFO] Easy Steam Turbine has a mod.yaml with a staticID `EasySteamTurbine`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.361] [1] [INFO] Easy Steam Turbine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.362] [1] [INFO] AI Improvements has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.AIImprovements`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.365] [1] [INFO] AI Improvements: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.366] [1] [INFO] Airlock Door has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.AirlockDoor`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.369] [1] [INFO] Airlock Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.370] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.AquaticFarm`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.376] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.377] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterInfoCards`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.380] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.381] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.BetterAnimations`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.386] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.387] [1] [INFO] Bigger Building Menu has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerBuildingMenu`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.392] [1] [INFO] Bigger Building Menu: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.393] [1] [INFO] Bigger Capacity has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BiggerCapacity`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.396] [1] [INFO] Bigger Capacity: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.397] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerCameraZoomOut`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.403] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.404] [1] [INFO] Blueprints fixed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Blueprints.fixed`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.409] [1] [INFO] Blueprints fixed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.414] [1] [INFO] Build Over Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.415] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BuildStraightUp`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.421] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.422] [1] [INFO] Buildable Dirt Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BuildableDirtTile`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.427] [1] [INFO] Buildable Dirt Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.441] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BuildablePOIProps`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.446] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.452] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.456] [1] [INFO] Crack Reacher: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.457] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1820517639\mod.yaml Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.KModHeader', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.457] [1] [INFO] Critter Rename has a mod.yaml with a staticID `HeinCritterRename`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.460] [1] [INFO] Critter Rename: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.461] [1] [INFO] Customizable Speed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `CustomizableSpeed`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.464] [1] [INFO] Customizable Speed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.465] [1] [INFO] Customize Geyser has a mod.yaml with a staticID `CustomizeGeyser`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.469] [1] [INFO] Customize Geyser: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.470] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `DGSM`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.472] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony : Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.474] [1] [INFO] Double Sweeper Range has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.DoubleSweeperRange`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.479] [1] [INFO] Double Sweeper Range: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.480] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `ONIDreckoMorphsELU`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.483] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.484] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FallingSand`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.489] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.490] [1] [INFO] Fervine has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Fervine`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.495] [1] [INFO] Fervine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.497] [1] [INFO] Germicidal Lamps has a mod.yaml with a staticID `GermicidalLamps`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.500] [1] [INFO] Germicidal Lamps: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.503] [1] [INFO] Happy digging: Dwarf Edition: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.509] [1] [INFO] Insulated Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.515] [1] [INFO] Insulated Joint Plate: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.516] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MosaicTile`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.521] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.522] [1] [INFO] No Long Commutes has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.NoLongCommutes`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.527] [1] [INFO] No Long Commutes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.530] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.531] [1] [INFO] Notepad: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.532] [1] [INFO] Oil Well - Any Water has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.OilWellAnyWater`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.537] [1] [INFO] Oil Well - Any Water: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.538] [1] [INFO] Paint Walls has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.PaintWalls`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.544] [1] [INFO] Paint Walls: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.545] [1] [INFO] Pause on ready to print has a mod.yaml with a staticID `2129768894`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.550] [1] [INFO] Pause on ready to print: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.551] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Pliers.fixed`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.556] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.557] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.QueueForSink`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.560] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.561] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ShowRange`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.564] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.574] [1] [INFO] Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC): Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.575] [1] [INFO] Squirrel Wheel has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.SquirrelGenerator`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.580] [1] [INFO] Squirrel Wheel: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.581] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.SteelLadder`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.586] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.587] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ThermalTooltips`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.593] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.594] [1] [INFO] Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.LargeTelescope`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.597] [1] [INFO] Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.598] [1] [INFO] Ethanol Rocket has a mod.yaml with a staticID `EthanolRocketR4`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.601] [1] [INFO] Ethanol Rocket: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.602] [1] [INFO] Freezer has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Freezer`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.605] [1] [INFO] Freezer: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.606] [1] [INFO] Critical Notification Pauser has a mod.yaml with a staticID `NotificationPauser`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.609] [1] [INFO] Critical Notification Pauser: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.610] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box has a mod.yaml with a staticID `WildPlanterBox`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.614] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.615] [1] [INFO] Transparent Solar Panels has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Psiber.TransparentSolarPanels`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.618] [1] [INFO] Transparent Solar Panels: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.619] [1] [INFO] Move This Here has a mod.yaml with a staticID `MoveThisHere`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.622] [1] [INFO] Move This Here: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.623] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SweepByType`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.628] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.635] [1] [INFO] Fluid Shipping: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.636] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ShowIndustrialMachineryTag`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.641] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.642] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SandboxTools`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.647] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.648] [1] [INFO] Pip Plant Overlay has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.PipPlantOverlay`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.651] [1] [INFO] Pip Plant Overlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.652] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.RefinedMetalsUsableAsRawMetals`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.658] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.659] [1] [INFO] Configurable Motion Sensor Range has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ConfigurableMotionSensorRange`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.664] [1] [INFO] Configurable Motion Sensor Range: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.665] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.RenameAsteroids`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.668] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.668] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain (PipedSodaFountain): Setting up mod. [05:22:32.669] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Psiber.PipedInputSodaFountain`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.670] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain: Found valid mod_info.yaml in folder 'root': ALL at 469112 [05:22:32.671] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain: No archived_versions for this mod, using root version directly. [05:22:32.672] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.673] [1] [INFO] Sort Artifacts First has a mod.yaml with a staticID `meekay.SortArtifactsFirst`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.676] [1] [INFO] Sort Artifacts First: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.677] [1] [INFO] Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.WornSuitDischarge`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.680] [1] [INFO] Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.682] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.683] [1] [INFO] Instant Sandbox: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.685] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'modVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:22:32.687] [1] [INFO] Drywall Hides Pipes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.688] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.FreeSkillpoints`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.708] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.709] [1] [INFO] Solid Pitcher Pump has a mod.yaml with a staticID `SolidWaterPump`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.715] [1] [INFO] Solid Pitcher Pump: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.716] [1] [INFO] Space Radiator has a mod.yaml with a staticID `RadiatorMod`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.721] [1] [INFO] Space Radiator: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.722] [1] [INFO] More Marble Sculptures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `MoreMarbleSculptures`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.725] [1] [INFO] More Marble Sculptures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.726] [1] [INFO] The Golden Throne has a mod.yaml with a staticID `GoldenThrone`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.729] [1] [INFO] The Golden Throne: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.731] [1] [INFO] AI Controlled Rockets has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Robo Rockets`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.734] [1] [INFO] AI Controlled Rockets: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [05:22:32.735] [1] [INFO] Demolish Neutronium has a mod.yaml with a staticID `lv.modo.DemolishNeutronium`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.738] [1] [INFO] Demolish Neutronium: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.739] [1] [INFO] Artifacts in Care Packages has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.ArtifactCarePackages`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.746] [1] [INFO] Artifacts in Care Packages: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.747] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FinishTasks`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.752] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.754] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.NoManualDelivery`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.759] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.760] [1] [INFO] Block Decor Effects Behind Walls has a mod.yaml with a staticID `shelena_malk.BlockDecorBehindWalls`, using that from now on. [05:22:32.765] [1] [INFO] Block Decor Effects Behind Walls: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:32.767] [1] [INFO] Using builtin mod system. [05:22:32.767] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Wounded Go To Med Bed:1822160024] (provides DLL) [05:22:32.770] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WoundedGoToMedBed.dll [05:22:32.775] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Wounded Go To Med Bed ] with version 2021.7.1.1 Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Mono/data-00000164DECACB20.dll Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Mono/data-00000164E9639AC0.dll [05:22:33.136] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Mod Manager // by @Ony :1843965353] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.137] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Release_DLC1.Mod.ModManager.dll [Mod Manager][1]: Version: initialized [05:22:33.446] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Air Filters:1718888149] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.447] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: better_air_filters.dll [05:22:33.456] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Asphalt Tile:1979475408] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:33.457] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Asphalt.dll [05:22:33.581] [1] [INFO] [Asphalt]: Loaded version [05:22:33.582] [1] [WARNING] [Asphalt]: Could not load texture at path solid_bitumen. [05:22:33.589] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [WheezeWort requires no phosphorite:2018109385] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.590] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WheezeWort.dll [05:22:33.597] [1] [INFO] Loading: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\config\WheezeWort\Customize WheezeWort.json [05:22:33.635] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Custom Furniture:2051486552] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:33.636] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Custom Furniture.dll [05:22:33.841] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[Vanilla + DLC] No Dormant Geyser:2021164231] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.842] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: No_Dormant_Geyser.dll [05:22:33.918] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Unrestricted Transit Tubes:2093080114] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.919] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: UnrestrictedTransitTubes.dll [05:22:33.926] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Sealed Critter Feeders:2130729222] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.927] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SealedCritterFeeders.dll [05:22:33.938] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Neutronium Cave:2275705494] (provides DLL) [05:22:33.939] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Neutronium Cave.dll [05:22:34.020] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod Neutronium Cave initialized, version 2021.1.24.0 [05:22:34.031] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Neutronium Cave] Registered mod options class Neutronium_Cave.ModOptions for NeutroniumCave [05:22:34.034] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Wooden Set - Structures:2026560107] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:34.035] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Wooden Set - Structures.dll [05:22:34.415] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Efficient Supply:1874600082] (provides DLL) [05:22:34.416] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: EfficientFetch.dll [05:22:34.442] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod EfficientFetch initialized, version [05:22:34.450] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for EfficientFetch [05:22:34.451] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] Registered mod options class PeterHan.EfficientFetch.EfficientFetchOptions for PeterHan.EfficientFetch [05:22:34.466] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] Registered mod ID PeterHan.EfficientFetch for automatic version checking [05:22:34.470] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Wallpaper:1717534457] (provides DLL) [05:22:34.471] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Wallpaper.dll [05:22:34.474] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Wallpaper ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:34.475] [1] [INFO] C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1717534457\Config.json [05:22:34.475] <<-- Wallpaper -->> Failed to read config file Config.json with exception: Could not find file "C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1717534457\Config.json" [05:22:34.476] <<-- Wallpaper -->> C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1717534457 [05:22:34.571] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Piped Output:2550027771] (provides DLL) [05:22:34.572] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: PipedOutput.dll [05:22:34.667] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [BalanceGasPumpConsumption:1822071175] (provides DLL) [05:22:34.668] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BalanceGasPumpComsumption.dll [05:22:34.689] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded:2348079481] (provides DLL) [05:22:34.689] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RoomsExpandedMerged.dll [05:22:34.934] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Loaded from: C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2348079481 [05:22:34.934] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Mod version: 2021.12.16.2222 supporting game build 490405 (VANILLA_ID, EXPANSION1_ID) [05:22:34.935] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod RoomsExpandedMerged initialized, version 2021.12.16.2222 [05:22:34.940] [1] [INFO] [PLib/RoomsExpandedMerged] Registered mod options class RoomsExpanded.Settings for pether-pg.RoomsExpanded [05:22:34.954] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: POptions registered! [05:22:34.963] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Easy Steam Turbine:2033624391] (provides DLL) [05:22:34.964] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: EasySteamTurbine.dll [05:22:34.981] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod EasySteamTurbine initialized, version [05:22:34.985] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EasySteamTurbine] Registered mod options class EasySteamTurbine.Settings for EasySteamTurbine [05:22:34.988] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EasySteamTurbine] Registered mod ID EasySteamTurbine for automatic version checking [05:22:35.013] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [AI Improvements:2128885110] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.013] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: AIImprovements.dll [05:22:35.051] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod AIImprovements initialized, version [05:22:35.055] [1] [INFO] [PLib/AIImprovements] Registered mod options class PeterHan.AIImprovements.AIImprovementsOptions for PeterHan.AIImprovements [05:22:35.058] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 3 handler(s) for AIImprovements [05:22:35.061] [1] [INFO] [PLib/AIImprovements] Registered mod ID PeterHan.AIImprovements for automatic version checking [05:22:35.068] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Airlock Door:2094698134] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:35.069] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: AirlockDoor.dll [05:22:35.120] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod AirlockDoor initialized, version [05:22:35.133] [1] [INFO] [PLib/AirlockDoor] Registered mod ID PeterHan.AirlockDoor for automatic version checking [05:22:35.141] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Aquatic Farm:1910961538] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:35.142] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: AquaticFarm.dll [05:22:35.148] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod AquaticFarm initialized, version 1.2.3 [05:22:35.155] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for AquaticFarm [05:22:35.162] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Info Cards:1960947963] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.163] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterInfoCards.dll [05:22:35.172] [1] [INFO] - version: 2022.3.13.5 [05:22:35.189] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BetterInfoCards] Registered mod options class BetterInfoCards.Options for Aze.BetterInfoCards Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Mono/data-00000164DECA82C0.dll [05:22:35.681] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Multitool Animations:2219686881] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.682] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterAnimations.dll [05:22:35.708] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Bigger Building Menu:1703611962] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.709] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BiggerBuildingMenu.dll [05:22:35.712] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Bigger Building Menu ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:35.713] [1] [INFO] C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1703611962\Config.json [05:22:35.714] <<-- Bigger Building Menu -->> Failed to read config file Config.json with exception: Could not find file "C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1703611962\Config.json" [05:22:35.735] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Bigger Capacity:1720247784] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.736] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BiggerCapacity.dll [05:22:35.739] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Loading config.json [05:22:35.745] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] RocketCargo - multiplier 1 [05:22:35.810] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Conveyor - multiplier 1, new capacity 20 [05:22:35.810] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Conveyor - multiplier 1, new capacity 20 [05:22:35.815] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Elements stacking changed to 99999 kg [05:22:35.844] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Announce harmony patches [05:22:35.845] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> ModsScreen.BuildDisplay [05:22:35.847] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> Game.OnPrefabInit [05:22:35.853] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> ValveBase.OnSpawn [05:22:35.853] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> Battery.OnSpawn [05:22:35.853] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> PowerTransformerConfig.CreateBuildingDef [05:22:35.853] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> PowerTransformerSmallConfig.CreateBuildingDef [05:22:35.853] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> Storage.OnSpawn [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> LogicPorts.SendSignal [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> Wire.GetMaxWattageAsFloat [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> Generator.get_WattageRating [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> SolidConduitDispenser.ConduitUpdate [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> ElementSplitterComponents.CanFirstAbsorbSecond [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> WoodLogConfig.CreatePrefab [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> TableSaltConfig.CreatePrefab [05:22:35.854] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] -> RotPileConfig.CreatePrefab [05:22:35.865] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Bigger Camera Zoom Out:1717463209] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.866] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BiggerCameraZoomOut.dll [05:22:35.870] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Bigger Camera Zoom Out ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:35.925] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Blueprints fixed:2435244304] (provides DLL) [05:22:35.926] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Blueprints.dll [05:22:35.983] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod Blueprints initialized, version Unknown [05:22:35.987] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Registered mod options class Blueprints.BlueprintsOptions for Blueprints.fixed [05:22:35.996] [1] [INFO] [PLibDatabase] Localizing assembly Blueprints using base namespace Blueprints [05:22:36.018] [1] [INFO] Blueprints Loaded: Version [05:22:36.029] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Build Over Plants:1835394161] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.030] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildOverPlants.dll [05:22:36.107] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Build Straight Up:2135682628] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.108] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildStraightUp.dll [05:22:36.125] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BuildStraightUp] Patched IsAreaClear [05:22:36.139] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BuildStraightUp] Patched IsValidBuildLocation [05:22:36.156] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod BuildStraightUp initialized, version [05:22:36.162] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for BuildStraightUp [05:22:36.165] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BuildStraightUp] Registered mod ID PeterHan.BuildStraightUp for automatic version checking [05:22:36.176] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Buildable Dirt Tile:1837883076] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:36.177] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildableDirtTile-merged.dll [05:22:36.284] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Buildable POI Props:1704376369] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.285] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildablePOIProps.dll [05:22:36.289] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Buildable POI Props ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:36.368] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [ChainedDeconstruction:1737893485] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.369] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ChainedDeconstruction.dll [05:22:36.371] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Common.dll [05:22:36.378] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Initialized successfully. Version:, Path: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1737893485, Config root: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1737893485 [05:22:36.384] [1] [INFO] Common: Set FileWatcher on C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1737893485\Chainables.json [05:22:36.389] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Set chainables: all [05:22:36.400] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Crack Reacher:1854704869] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.400] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: CrackReacher2.dll [05:22:36.450] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Critter Rename:1820517639] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.451] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: CritterRename.dll [05:22:36.502] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Customizable Speed:2002421412] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.502] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: CustomizableSpeed.dll [05:22:36.550] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod CustomizableSpeed initialized, version [05:22:36.554] [1] [INFO] [PLib/CustomizableSpeed] Registered mod options class CustomizableSpeed.SpeedOptions for CustomizableSpeed [05:22:36.566] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony :1838445101] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.567] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Release_DLC1.Mod.DGSM.dll [DGSM][1]: Version: initialized [05:22:36.835] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Double Sweeper Range:1732534140] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.836] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: DoubleSweeperRange.dll [05:22:36.840] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Double Sweeper Range ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:36.859] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs:2263396355] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:36.859] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: DreckoMorphs.dll [05:22:36.876] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Falling Sand:1855163252] (provides DLL) [05:22:36.876] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FallingSand.dll [05:22:36.924] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod FallingSand initialized, version [05:22:36.931] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for FallingSand [05:22:36.933] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FallingSand] Registered mod ID PeterHan.FallingSand for automatic version checking [05:22:36.947] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Fervine:1708810461] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:36.948] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Fervine.dll [05:22:36.952] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Fervine ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:37.017] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Germicidal Lamps:2229356245] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:37.018] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: GermicidalLamps.dll [05:22:37.028] [1] [INFO] Initializing Mod: Germicidal UV Lamps ( by Romen [05:22:37.029] [1] [INFO] RomenH.Registry: Initializing from GermicidalLamps [05:22:37.029] [1] [INFO] RomenH.Registry: Found Global GameObject. [05:22:37.029] [1] [INFO] RomenH.Registry: Adding registry component. [05:22:37.031] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod GermicidalLamps initialized, version [05:22:37.035] [1] [INFO] [PLib/GermicidalLamps] Registered mod options class RomenH.GermicideLamp.ModSettings for GermicidalLamps [05:22:37.091] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Happy digging: Dwarf Edition:1729316811] (provides DLL) [05:22:37.092] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: OniDigging.dll [05:22:37.399] [1] [INFO] HappyDigging mod - Initialize. (Version: 5)@Build: [05:22:37.413] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Insulated Door:2054432034] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:37.414] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: InsulatedDoor.dll [05:22:37.422] [1] [WARNING] Missing Anim: [0xDB3DCF89]. You may have to run Collect Anim on the Assets prefab [05:22:37.480] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Insulated Joint Plate:2059584551] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:37.481] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: InsulatedJointPlate.dll [05:22:37.546] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Mosaic Tile:1706142008] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:37.547] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: MosaicTile.dll [05:22:37.551] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Mosaic Tile ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:37.643] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [No Long Commutes:1725950119] (provides DLL) [05:22:37.644] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: NoLongCommutes.dll [05:22:37.648] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ No Long Commutes ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:37.669] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Notepad:1996618130] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:37.669] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Notepad.dll [05:22:37.945] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Oil Well - Any Water:1717519620] (provides DLL) [05:22:37.946] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: OilWellAnyWater.dll [05:22:37.949] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Oil Well - Any Water ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:37.969] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Paint Walls:1732578172] (provides DLL) [05:22:37.970] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: PaintWalls.dll [05:22:37.974] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Paint Walls ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:38.010] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Pliers fixed:2479475997] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.011] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Pliers.dll [05:22:38.060] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod Pliers initialized, version Unknown [05:22:38.071] [1] [INFO] [PLibDatabase] Localizing assembly Pliers using base namespace Pliers [05:22:38.074] [1] [INFO] Pliers Loaded: Version [05:22:38.114] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Queue For Sinks:1881925531] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.115] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: QueueForSink.dll [05:22:38.138] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod QueueForSink initialized, version [05:22:38.144] [1] [INFO] [PLib/QueueForSink] Registered mod ID PeterHan.QueueForSink for automatic version checking [05:22:38.159] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Show Building Ranges:1960996649] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.160] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ShowRange.dll [05:22:38.202] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ShowRange initialized, version [05:22:38.208] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Registered mod ID PeterHan.ShowRange for automatic version checking [05:22:38.223] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC):1859560108] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.224] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Commons_DLC.dll [05:22:38.226] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: PLib.dll [05:22:38.228] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SimplerPipPlantRule.dll [05:22:38.292] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod SimplerPipPlantRule initialized, version [05:22:38.298] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PLib] Registered mod options class AsLimc.SimplerPipPlantRule.Settings for 1859560108.Steam [05:22:38.316] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Squirrel Wheel:2086704949] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.317] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SquirrelGenerator.dll [05:22:38.352] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod SquirrelGenerator initialized, version 1.3.4 [05:22:38.358] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 3 handler(s) for SquirrelGenerator [05:22:38.360] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SquirrelGenerator] Registered mod options class SquirrelGenerator.SquirrelGeneratorOptions for Sanchozz.ONIMods.SquirrelGenerator [05:22:38.399] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Thermal Tooltips:1983504552] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.400] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ThermalTooltips.dll [05:22:38.517] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] UpdateHoverElements patch complete [05:22:38.586] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ThermalTooltips initialized, version [05:22:38.590] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Registered mod options class PeterHan.ThermalTooltips.ThermalTooltipsOptions for PeterHan.ThermalTooltips [05:22:38.599] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 3 handler(s) for ThermalTooltips [05:22:38.602] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Registered mod ID PeterHan.ThermalTooltips for automatic version checking [05:22:38.617] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up:2630438094] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.618] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: LargeTelescope.dll [05:22:38.668] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod LargeTelescope initialized, version 2.0.2 [05:22:38.674] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for LargeTelescope [05:22:38.675] [1] [INFO] [PLib/LargeTelescope] Registered mod options class LargeTelescope.LargeTelescopeOptions for Sanchozz.ONIMods.LargeTelescope [05:22:38.692] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Ethanol Rocket:2634367806] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.693] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Ethanol Rocket.dll [05:22:38.773] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Freezer:2618339179] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:38.774] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Freezer.dll [05:22:38.832] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod Freezer initialized, version [05:22:38.837] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Freezer] Registered mod options class Psyko.Freezer.FreezerOptions for Freezer [05:22:38.840] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Freezer] Registered mod ID Freezer for automatic version checking [05:22:38.857] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Wild Planter Box:2432751162] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:38.859] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WildPlanterBox.dll [05:22:38.948] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod WildPlanterBox initialized, version [05:22:38.962] [1] [INFO] [PLib/WildPlanterBox] Registered mod options class PW.WildPlanterBoxOptions for WildPlanterBox [05:22:38.963] [1] [WARNING] [PLibPatches] RegisterPatchClass could not find any handlers! [05:22:38.985] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Transparent Solar Panels:2693498411] (provides DLL) [05:22:38.986] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: TransparentSolarPanels.dll [05:22:39.036] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Move This Here:2667816955] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:39.037] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: MoveThisHere.dll [05:22:39.101] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Sweep By Type:1863428350] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.102] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SweepByType.dll [05:22:39.139] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod SweepByType initialized, version [05:22:39.144] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Registered mod options class PeterHan.SweepByType.SweepByTypeOptions for PeterHan.SweepByType [05:22:39.159] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for SweepByType [05:22:39.162] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Registered mod ID PeterHan.SweepByType for automatic version checking [05:22:39.178] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Fluid Shipping:1794548334] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:39.179] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: OniFluidShippingMerged.dll [05:22:39.266] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod OniFluidShippingMerged initialized, version [05:22:39.270] [1] [INFO] [PLib/OniFluidShippingMerged] Registered mod options class StormShark.OniFluidShipping.FluidShippingOptions for 1794548334.Steam [05:22:39.313] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Show Industrial Machinery Tag:1706080287] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.314] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ShowIndustrialMachineryTag.dll [05:22:39.318] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Show Industrial Machinery Tag ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:39.353] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Sandbox Tools:1928837153] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.354] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SandboxTools.dll [05:22:39.466] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod SandboxTools initialized, version [05:22:39.480] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 3 handler(s) for SandboxTools [05:22:39.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SandboxTools] Registered mod ID PeterHan.SandboxTools for automatic version checking [05:22:39.500] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Pip Plant Overlay:2493100777] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.501] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: PipPlantOverlay.dll [05:22:39.566] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod PipPlantOverlay initialized, version [05:22:39.572] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for PipPlantOverlay [05:22:39.591] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PipPlantOverlay] Registered mod ID PeterHan.PipPlantOverlay for automatic version checking [05:22:39.634] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals:1729816134] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.635] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RefinedMetalsUsableAsRawMetals.dll [05:22:39.640] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals ] with version 2021.9.17.0 [05:22:39.672] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Configurable Motion Sensor Range:1842284802] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.673] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ConfigurableMotionSensorRange.dll [05:22:39.677] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Configurable Motion Sensor Range ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [05:22:39.728] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Rename Asteroids:2359640901] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.729] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RenameAsteroids.dll [05:22:39.767] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Sort Artifacts First:2702616610] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.768] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SortArtifactsFirst.dll [05:22:39.771] Loaded [Sort Artifacts First] with version 0.1.0 [05:22:39.777] [Sort Artifacts First] Beginning transpilation [05:22:39.780] [Sort Artifacts First] callvirt System.Void System.Collections.Generic.List`1::Sort(System.Comparison`1 comparison) [Label8] [05:22:39.780] [Sort Artifacts First] call static System.Void SortArtifactsFirst.ListExtensions::SortArtifactsFirst(System.Collections.Generic.List`1 list, System.Comparison`1 defaultBehavior) [Label8] [05:22:39.781] [Sort Artifacts First] Done with transpilation [05:22:39.850] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister:2679005270] (provides DLL) [05:22:39.851] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WornSuitDischarge.dll [05:22:40.024] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod WornSuitDischarge initialized, version 1.1.1 [05:22:40.031] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for WornSuitDischarge [05:22:40.050] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Instant Sandbox:2263043737] (provides DLL) [05:22:40.051] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: InstantSandbox.dll [05:22:40.124] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Drywall Hides Pipes:1872105871] (provides DLL) [05:22:40.125] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: DrywallHidesPipes.dll [05:22:40.137] [1] [INFO] [Drywall Hides Pipes] Started with version [05:22:40.155] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints:2557246397] (provides DLL) [05:22:40.156] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FreeSkillpoints.dll [05:22:40.165] [1] [INFO] FreeSkillpoints: Loaded from: C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2557246397 [05:22:40.165] [1] [INFO] FreeSkillpoints: Mod version: 2021.11.7.1739 supporting game build 484114 (VANILLA_ID, EXPANSION1_ID) [05:22:40.184] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Solid Pitcher Pump:2732419691] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:40.185] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SolidWaterPump.dll [05:22:40.236] [1] [INFO] [SolidWaterPump]: Loaded version [05:22:40.289] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Space Radiator:2795878144] (provides LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation) [05:22:40.290] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RadiatorMod.dll [05:22:40.383] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [More Marble Sculptures:2789182100] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:40.384] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: MoreMarbleSculptures.dll [05:22:40.434] [1] [INFO] [MoreMarbleSculptures]: Loaded version [05:22:40.460] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [The Golden Throne:2787598894] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:40.461] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: GoldenThrone.dll [05:22:40.820] [1] [INFO] [PLib/GoldenThrone] Registered mod options class GoldenThrone.Settings.Config for GoldenThrone [05:22:40.842] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [AI Controlled Rockets:2765256496] (provides LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation) [05:22:40.843] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Robo Rockets.dll [05:22:40.863] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Robo Rockets] Registered mod options class KnastoronOniMods.Config for Robo Rockets [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 0: newobj System.Void <>c__DisplayClass50_0::.ctor() [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 1: stloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 2: ldloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 3: ldarg.3 NULL [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 4: stfld System.Action <>c__DisplayClass50_0::callback [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 5: ldloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 6: ldarg.1 NULL [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 7: stfld UnityEngine.GameObject <>c__DisplayClass50_0::craft_go [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 8: ldsfld Vector2I TUNING.ROCKETRY::ROCKET_INTERIOR_SIZE [05:22:41.133] [1] [INFO] 9: ldarg.2 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 10: call static Vector2I Robo_Rockets.ClusterManager_CreateRocketInteriorWorld_Patch::ConditionForSize(Vector2I original, System.String templateString) [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 11: stloc.1 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 12: ldloc.1 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 13: ldloca.s 2 (Vector2I) [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 14: call static System.Boolean Grid::GetFreeGridSpace(Vector2I size, Vector2I& offset) [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 15: brfalse Label0 [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 16: ldarg.0 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 17: call System.Int32 ClusterManager::GetNextWorldId() [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 18: stloc.3 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 19: ldloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 20: ldfld UnityEngine.GameObject <>c__DisplayClass50_0::craft_go [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 21: callvirt WorldInventory UnityEngine.GameObject::AddComponent() [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 22: pop NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 23: ldloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 24: ldfld UnityEngine.GameObject <>c__DisplayClass50_0::craft_go [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 25: callvirt WorldContainer UnityEngine.GameObject::AddComponent() [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 26: stloc.s 4 (WorldContainer) [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 27: ldloc.s 4 (WorldContainer) [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 28: ldloc.3 NULL [05:22:41.134] [1] [INFO] 29: ldloc.1 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 30: ldloc.2 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 31: callvirt System.Void WorldContainer::SetRocketInteriorWorldDetails(System.Int32 world_id, Vector2I size, Vector2I offset) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 32: ldloc.2 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 33: ldloc.1 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 34: call static Vector2I Vector2I::op_Addition(Vector2I u, Vector2I v) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 35: stloc.s 5 (Vector2I) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 36: ldloc.2 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 37: ldfld System.Int32 Vector2I::y [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 38: stloc.s 6 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 39: br.s Label1 [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 40: ldloc.2 NULL [Label4] [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 41: ldfld System.Int32 Vector2I::x [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 42: stloc.s 7 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 43: br.s Label2 [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 44: ldloc.s 7 (System.Int32) [Label3] [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 45: ldloc.s 6 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 46: call static System.Int32 Grid::XYToCell(System.Int32 x, System.Int32 y) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 47: stloc.s 8 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 48: ldsfld System.Byte[] Grid::WorldIdx [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 49: ldloc.s 8 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 50: ldloc.3 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 51: conv.u1 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 52: stelem.i1 NULL [05:22:41.135] [1] [INFO] 53: ldsfld Pathfinding Pathfinding::Instance [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 54: ldloc.s 8 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 55: callvirt System.Void Pathfinding::AddDirtyNavGridCell(System.Int32 cell) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 56: ldloc.s 7 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 57: ldc.i4.1 NULL [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 58: add NULL [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 59: stloc.s 7 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 60: ldloc.s 7 (System.Int32) [Label2] [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 61: ldloc.s 5 (Vector2I) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 62: ldfld System.Int32 Vector2I::x [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 63: blt.s Label3 [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 64: ldloc.s 6 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 65: ldc.i4.1 NULL [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 66: add NULL [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 67: stloc.s 6 (System.Int32) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 68: ldloc.s 6 (System.Int32) [Label1] [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 69: ldloc.s 5 (Vector2I) [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 70: ldfld System.Int32 Vector2I::y [05:22:41.136] [1] [INFO] 71: blt.s Label4 [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 72: ldstr "Created new rocket interior id: {0}, at {1} with size {2}" [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 73: ldloc.3 NULL [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 74: box System.Int32 [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 75: ldloc.2 NULL [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 76: box Vector2I [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 77: ldloc.1 NULL [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 78: box Vector2I [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 79: call static System.String System.String::Format(System.String format, System.Object arg0, System.Object arg1, System.Object arg2) [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 80: call static System.Void Debug::Log(System.Object obj) [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 81: ldloc.s 4 (WorldContainer) [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 82: ldarg.2 NULL [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 83: ldloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 84: ldftn System.Void <>c__DisplayClass50_0::b__0() [05:22:41.137] [1] [INFO] 85: newobj System.Void System.Action::.ctor(System.Object object, System.IntPtr method) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 86: callvirt System.Void WorldContainer::PlaceInteriorTemplate(System.String template_name, System.Action callback) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 87: ldloc.0 NULL [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 88: ldfld UnityEngine.GameObject <>c__DisplayClass50_0::craft_go [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 89: call static OrbitalMechanics EntityTemplateExtensions::AddOrGet(UnityEngine.GameObject go) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 90: call static Db Db::Get() [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 91: ldfld Database.OrbitalTypeCategories Db::OrbitalTypeCategories [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 92: ldfld OrbitalData Database.OrbitalTypeCategories::landed [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 93: ldfld System.String Resource::Id [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 94: callvirt System.Void OrbitalMechanics::CreateOrbitalObject(System.String orbit_db_name) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 95: ldarg.0 NULL [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 96: ldc.i4 -1280433810 [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 97: ldloc.s 4 (WorldContainer) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 98: ldfld System.Int32 WorldContainer::id [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 99: box System.Int32 [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 100: call virtual System.Void KMonoBehaviour::Trigger(System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 101: ldloc.s 4 (WorldContainer) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 102: ret NULL [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 103: ldstr "Failed to create rocket interior." [Label0] [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 104: call static System.Void Debug::LogError(System.Object obj) [05:22:41.138] [1] [INFO] 105: ldnull NULL [05:22:41.139] [1] [INFO] 106: ret NULL [05:22:41.166] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Demolish Neutronium:2721654252] (provides DLL) [05:22:41.167] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: DebolishNeutronium.dll [05:22:41.248] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Artifacts in Care Packages:2455735197] (provides DLL) [05:22:41.249] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ArtifactCarePackages.dll [05:22:41.290] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ArtifactCarePackages initialized, version 1.2.2 [05:22:41.297] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 3 handler(s) for ArtifactCarePackages [05:22:41.298] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ArtifactCarePackages] Registered mod options class ArtifactCarePackages.ArtifactCarePackageOptions for Sanchozz.ONIMods.ArtifactCarePackages [05:22:41.319] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Rest for the Weary:2373109589] (provides DLL) [05:22:41.320] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FinishTasks.dll [05:22:41.429] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod FinishTasks initialized, version [05:22:41.446] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FinishTasks] Registered mod ID PeterHan.FinishTasks for automatic version checking [05:22:41.495] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [No Manual Delivery:2047308624] (provides DLL) [05:22:41.496] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: NoManualDelivery.dll [05:22:41.574] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod NoManualDelivery initialized, version 1.5.4 [05:22:41.580] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for NoManualDelivery [05:22:41.582] [1] [INFO] [PLib/NoManualDelivery] Registered mod options class NoManualDelivery.NoManualDeliveryOptions for Sanchozz.ONIMods.NoManualDelivery [05:22:41.608] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Block Decor Effects Behind Walls:2693850829] (provides DLL) [05:22:41.608] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BlockDecorBehindWalls.dll [05:22:42.010] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.010] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Blueprints [05:22:42.011] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Pliers [05:22:42.066] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.067] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.067] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.067] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.067] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.068] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.068] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.068] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.068] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.068] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Blueprints [05:22:42.069] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Pliers [05:22:42.069] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod PipPlantOverlay [05:22:42.091] [1] [INFO] Localization.Initialize! [05:22:42.099] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/strings_templates/asphalt_template.pot [05:22:42.108] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Loading translation file: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\2348079481\Translations\en.po [05:22:42.108] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Translation file not found, using default strings. [05:22:42.113] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2348079481/Translations/roomsexpanded_template.pot [05:22:42.114] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: using translation done by [05:22:42.119] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2054432034/translations/insulateddoorsmod_template.pot [05:22:42.122] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2059584551/translations/insulatedplatesmod_template.pot [05:22:42.126] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/strings_templates/psyko.freezer_template.pot [05:22:42.129] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/strings_templates/solidwaterpump_template.pot [05:22:42.135] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/Edward/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/strings_templates/goldenthrone_template.pot [05:22:42.139] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain (PipedSodaFountain): Setting up mod. [05:22:42.140] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Psiber.PipedInputSodaFountain`, using that from now on. [05:22:42.142] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain: Found valid mod_info.yaml in folder 'root': ALL at 469112 [05:22:42.142] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain: No archived_versions for this mod, using root version directly. [05:22:42.143] [1] [INFO] Piped Input - Soda Fountain: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:22:42.151] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Piped Input - Soda Fountain [05:22:42.162] [1] [INFO] Test Data Location / docs / C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [05:22:42.162] [1] [INFO] Test Data Location / local / C:\Users\Edward\AppData\Local\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [05:22:42.167] [1] [INFO] Test Data Locations / C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\test / write True / read True / removed True [05:22:42.167] [1] [INFO] Test Data Locations / C:\Users\Edward\AppData\Local\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\test / write True / read True / removed True [05:22:42.171] [1] [INFO] Logged into Steam with ID:76561197966245330, NAME:Valsazaar [05:22:42.172] [1] [INFO] [Account] Requesting auth ticket from Steam [05:22:42.178] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content LayerableFiles [Space Radiator:2795878144] (provides LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.178] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content LayerableFiles [AI Controlled Rockets:2765256496] (provides LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.375] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Asphalt Tile:1979475408] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.388] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Custom Furniture:2051486552] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.508] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Wooden Set - Structures:2026560107] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.558] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Airlock Door:2094698134] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.579] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Aquatic Farm:1910961538] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.584] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Buildable Dirt Tile:1837883076] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.589] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [[Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs:2263396355] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.749] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Fervine:1708810461] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.760] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Germicidal Lamps:2229356245] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.860] [1] [WARNING] Unhandled asset (C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\2229356245\anim\assets\uvlamp_small\uvlamp_small.png.old)...ignoring [05:22:42.862] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Insulated Door:2054432034] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.929] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Insulated Joint Plate:2059584551] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.974] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Mosaic Tile:1706142008] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.981] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Notepad:1996618130] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:42.992] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Freezer:2618339179] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.013] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Wild Planter Box:2432751162] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.024] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Move This Here:2667816955] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.060] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Fluid Shipping:1794548334] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.076] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Solid Pitcher Pump:2732419691] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.096] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Space Radiator:2795878144] (provides LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.161] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [More Marble Sculptures:2789182100] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.212] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [The Golden Throne:2787598894] (provides DLL, Animation) [05:22:43.256] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [AI Controlled Rockets:2765256496] (provides LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation) [05:22:45.117] [5] [INFO] [Account] Got login for user KU_NmrN-yeI [05:22:50.552] [7] [INFO] World settings reload complete! [05:22:51.560] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Trying to get RoomTypes type... [05:22:51.586] [1] [INFO] Germicidal Lamps: Adding strings... [05:22:51.612] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/SandboxTools] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.SandboxTools.Destroy.png (256x256, 11731 bytes) [05:22:51.853] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: VARIETY_OF_ROOMS - removed Farm requirement [05:22:51.923] [1] [INFO] [Commons_DLC] Initializing for SimplerPipPlantRule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [05:22:51.928] [1] [INFO] Adding Freezer to category 0xC0CF00BE [05:22:51.931] [1] [INFO] [GoldenThrone]: (debug) CURRENT SYSTEM: WindowsPlayer Shader 'Particles/Standard Unlit': fallback shader 'VertexLit' not found [05:22:51.939] [1] [INFO] [GoldenThrone]: (debug) Loaded prefab: GoldSparkles [05:22:51.953] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/SweepByType] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.SweepByType.Sweep.png (256x256, 23190 bytes) [05:22:51.963] [1] [INFO] [PLibBuildings] Register techs for 1 building(s) from AirlockDoor [05:22:52.142] [1] [INFO] Adding HaulingPoint to category 0xFFD2E5B1 [05:22:52.150] [1] [INFO] [PLibBuildings] Register strings for 1 building(s) from AirlockDoor [05:22:52.204] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] read settings [05:22:52.274] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to AlgaeHabitat for Oxygen [05:22:52.539] [1] [INFO] Tweaked CreatureFeeder to StandardSealedStorage. [05:22:52.576] [1] [WARNING] Do not call MakeBuildingAlwaysOperational directly if LogicInputPorts or LogicOutputPorts are defined. Instead set BuildingDef.AlwaysOperational = true [05:22:52.581] [1] [WARNING] Do not call MakeBuildingAlwaysOperational directly if LogicInputPorts or LogicOutputPorts are defined. Instead set BuildingDef.AlwaysOperational = true [05:22:52.635] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to Electrolyzer for Oxygen [05:22:52.635] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to Electrolyzer for Hydrogen [05:22:52.649] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to EthanolDistillery for CarbonDioxide [05:22:52.684] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to FertilizerMaker for Methane [05:22:52.916] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to Generator for CarbonDioxide [05:22:53.551] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to MethaneGenerator for CarbonDioxide [05:22:53.552] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to MethaneGenerator for DirtyWater [05:22:53.567] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to MineralDeoxidizer for Oxygen [05:22:53.658] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to OilRefinery for Methane [05:22:53.666] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to OilWellCap for CrudeOil [05:22:53.763] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to PetroleumGenerator for CarbonDioxide [05:22:53.763] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to PetroleumGenerator for DirtyWater [05:22:53.801] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to Polymerizer for CarbonDioxide [05:22:53.801] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to Polymerizer for Steam [05:22:53.806] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] PowerTransformer - multiplier 1, new capacity 4000 [05:22:53.814] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] PowerTransformerSmall - multiplier 1, new capacity 1000 [05:22:53.995] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to RustDeoxidizer for Oxygen [05:22:53.995] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to RustDeoxidizer for ChlorineGas [05:22:54.410] [1] [INFO] [PipedOutput] Added pipe to WoodGasGenerator for CarbonDioxide [05:22:54.877] [1] [WARNING] [PLib/WildPlanterBox] System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException Could not find a part of the path "C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\config\WildPlanterBox\config.json". at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x00164] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.IO.FileOptions options, System.String msgPath, System.Boolean bFromProxy, System.Boolean useLongPath, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int,System.IO.FileOptions,string,bool,bool,bool) at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Text.Encoding encoding, System.Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean checkHost) [0x00067] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Text.Encoding encoding, System.Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, System.Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path, System.Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks) [0x0000d] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor (System.String path) [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(string) at System.IO.File.OpenText (System.String path) [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions.ReadSettings (System.String path, System.Type optionsType) [0x00002] in <2b6bf3e1390749fdb51b7c20128650df>:0 [05:22:54.965] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'MosaicTile' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'InsulatedManualPressureDoor' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'TinyInsulatedManualPressureDoor' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'InsulatedPressureDoor' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'TinyInsulatedPressureDoor' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'DirtTile' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'LongInsulatedWireBridgeHighWattage' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'InsulatedWireBridgeHighWattage' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'LongInsulatedRefinedWireBridgeHighWattage' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.966] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'InsulatedWireRefinedBridgeHighWattage' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Wallpaper' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Chair' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Clock' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'ComputerDesk' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Couch' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'DNAStatue' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'TableWithChairs' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'LandscapePainting' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'ScienceDegree' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'FakePlant' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Whiteboard' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Window' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'SkeletonDisplay' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'BlueprintDisplayA' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'BlueprintDisplayB' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'BlueprintDisplayC' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Globe' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.967] [1] [WARNING] Mod: Building 'Desk' was not added properly to PlanInfo, use ModUtil.AddBuildingToPlanScreen instead. [05:22:54.971] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AirFilter, range 3 [05:22:54.973] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AlgaeHabitat, range 3 [05:22:54.973] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AlgaeHabitat, range 1 [05:22:54.973] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to CO2Scrubber, range 3 [05:22:54.973] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Cluster Telescope visualizer added [05:22:54.973] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Cluster Telescope visualizer added [05:22:54.974] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Space scanner visualizer added [05:22:54.974] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to DevLifeSupport, range 10 [05:22:54.974] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to GasMiniPump, range 2 [05:22:54.974] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to GasPump, range 2 [05:22:54.975] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to LiquidCooledFan, range 8 [05:22:54.975] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to LiquidMiniPump, range 2 [05:22:54.975] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to LiquidPump, range 2 [05:22:54.975] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to OxygenMaskStation, range 2 [05:22:54.975] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to VerticalWindTunnel, range 2 [05:22:54.976] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to VerticalWindTunnel, range 2 [05:22:54.976] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to SimpleFireplace, range 3 [05:22:54.976] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AquaticFarm, range 1 [05:22:54.976] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AquaticFarm, range 1 [05:22:54.976] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AquaticFarm, range 1 [05:22:54.976] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AquaticFarm, range 1 [05:22:55.503] [1] [WARNING] Tried loading prefab with duplicate tag, ignoring: HighEnergyParticle Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 3) Unloading 3767 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 58212. Total: 196.575100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.623100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.266900 ms MarkObjects: 185.884700 ms DeleteObjects: 2.799900 ms) Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 3) UnloadTime: 3.206500 ms Unloading 68 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 60690. Total: 201.999500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.189800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.271900 ms MarkObjects: 195.364500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.172900 ms) [05:22:58.605] [1] [INFO] -- MAIN MENU -- [05:22:58.837] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] [05:22:58.938] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 3840x2160 @ 60, fullscreen: True [05:22:59.451] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wounded Go To Med Bed [05:22:59.504] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wooden Set: Structures [05:22:59.527] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] No Dormant Geyser [05:22:59.538] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla+DLC] EasySteamTurbine(冷蒸杀手) [05:22:59.539] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod AI Improvements [05:22:59.557] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Aquatic Farm [05:22:59.561] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod BalanceGasPumpConsumption [05:22:59.567] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Air Filters [05:22:59.579] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Info Cards [05:22:59.580] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Bigger Building Menu [05:22:59.593] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Bigger Capacity [05:22:59.613] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Bigger Camera Zoom Out [05:22:59.628] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Blueprints fixed [05:22:59.630] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Build Over Plants [05:22:59.631] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Build Straight Up [05:22:59.633] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable Dirt Tile [05:22:59.638] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable POI Props [05:22:59.654] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod ChainedDeconstruction [05:22:59.686] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Crack Reacher [05:22:59.687] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Critter Rename [05:22:59.689] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Customizable Speed [05:22:59.691] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Double Sweeper Range [05:22:59.707] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Efficient Supply [05:22:59.717] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Falling Sand [05:22:59.718] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Favorite Resources // by @Ony 👾 [05:22:59.719] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Fervine [05:22:59.734] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Custom Furniture [05:22:59.761] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod WheezeWort requires no phosphorite [05:22:59.764] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wallpaper [05:22:59.781] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Unrestricted Transit Tubes [05:22:59.783] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Thermal Tooltips [05:22:59.795] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Steel Ladder [05:22:59.810] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sealed Critter Feeders [05:22:59.821] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pliers fixed [05:22:59.825] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Piped Output - Updated [05:22:59.826] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod PAUSE on ready to print [05:22:59.837] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Paint Walls [05:22:59.855] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Oil Well - Any Water [05:22:59.869] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Notepad [05:22:59.880] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod No 'Long Commutes' [05:22:59.889] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mosaic Tile [05:22:59.906] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Insulated Joint Plate [05:22:59.918] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Insulated Door [05:22:59.944] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Happy digging: Dwarf Edition [05:22:59.948] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Germicidal UV Lamps [05:22:59.965] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Drecko Morphs [05:22:59.975] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Customize Geyser [05:22:59.977] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] Neutronium Cave [05:22:59.978] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Small Ethanol Engine [05:22:59.980] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Airlock Door [05:23:00.007] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Freezer [05:23:00.034] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony 👾 [05:23:00.035] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Multitool Animations [05:23:00.036] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sort Artifacts First [05:23:00.037] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Rename Asteroids [05:23:00.039] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Configurable Motion Sensor Range [05:23:00.054] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals [05:23:00.065] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pip Plant Overlay [05:23:00.066] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Show Industrial Machinery Tag [05:23:00.080] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Fluid Shipping [05:23:00.177] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sweep By Type [05:23:00.192] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Move This Here [05:23:00.208] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Transparent Solar Panels [05:23:00.213] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wild Planter Box [05:23:00.239] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Critical Notification Pauser [05:23:00.240] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded [05:23:00.310] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up [05:23:00.314] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Show Building Ranges [05:23:00.315] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Queue for Sinks [05:23:00.316] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Asphalt Tile [05:23:00.319] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sandbox Tools [05:23:00.320] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Instant Sandbox [05:23:00.323] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints [05:23:00.406] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mod Manager // by @Ony 👾 [05:23:00.407] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Drywall Hides Pipes [05:23:00.409] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Rest for the Weary [05:23:00.410] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Artifacts in Care Packages [05:23:00.411] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Block Decor Effects Behind Walls [05:23:00.444] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Demolish Neutronium [05:23:00.517] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sealed Pump [05:23:00.539] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod AI Controlled Rockets (DLC) [05:23:00.546] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod The Golden Throne (Buffed gold lavatories) [05:23:00.557] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod More Marble Sculptures [05:23:00.568] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Space Radiator [05:23:00.638] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC) [05:23:00.654] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod No Manual Delivery [05:23:00.656] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Squirrel Wheel [05:23:00.657] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister & Suit Docks Tune-Up [05:23:00.673] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.WoundedGoToMedBed`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.678] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.678] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wounded Go To Med Bed [05:23:00.685] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSStructures`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.689] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:00.691] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wooden Set - Structures [05:23:00.697] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] No Dormant Geyser: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.698] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] No Dormant Geyser [05:23:00.703] [1] [INFO] Easy Steam Turbine has a mod.yaml with a staticID `EasySteamTurbine`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.704] [1] [INFO] Easy Steam Turbine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.705] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Easy Steam Turbine [05:23:00.710] [1] [INFO] AI Improvements has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.AIImprovements`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.711] [1] [INFO] AI Improvements: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.712] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod AI Improvements [05:23:00.717] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.AquaticFarm`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.720] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:00.721] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Aquatic Farm [05:23:00.726] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:00.726] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'description' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:00.726] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:00.727] [1] [INFO] BalanceGasPumpConsumption: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.727] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod BalanceGasPumpConsumption [05:23:00.732] [1] [INFO] Better Air Filters has a mod.yaml with a staticID `better_air_filters`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.734] [1] [INFO] Better Air Filters: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.735] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Air Filters [05:23:00.739] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterInfoCards`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.741] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.742] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Info Cards [05:23:00.746] [1] [INFO] Bigger Building Menu has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerBuildingMenu`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.749] [1] [INFO] Bigger Building Menu: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.750] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Bigger Building Menu [05:23:00.754] [1] [INFO] Bigger Capacity has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BiggerCapacity`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.756] [1] [INFO] Bigger Capacity: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.757] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Bigger Capacity [05:23:00.761] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerCameraZoomOut`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.764] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.764] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Bigger Camera Zoom Out [05:23:00.769] [1] [INFO] Blueprints fixed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Blueprints.fixed`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.771] [1] [INFO] Blueprints fixed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.772] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Blueprints fixed [05:23:00.779] [1] [INFO] Build Over Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.780] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Build Over Plants [05:23:00.784] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BuildStraightUp`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.787] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.788] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Build Straight Up [05:23:00.793] [1] [INFO] Buildable Dirt Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BuildableDirtTile`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.795] [1] [INFO] Buildable Dirt Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:00.796] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable Dirt Tile [05:23:00.801] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BuildablePOIProps`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.803] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.804] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable POI Props [05:23:00.810] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.811] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod ChainedDeconstruction [05:23:00.817] [1] [INFO] Crack Reacher: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.818] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Crack Reacher [05:23:00.822] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\457140\1820517639\1686019950995351614_legacy.bin\mod.yaml Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.KModHeader', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:00.823] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\457140\1820517639\1686019950995351614_legacy.bin\mod.yaml Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.KModHeader', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:00.823] [1] [INFO] Critter Rename has a mod.yaml with a staticID `HeinCritterRename`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.824] [1] [INFO] Critter Rename: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.825] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Critter Rename [05:23:00.830] [1] [INFO] Customizable Speed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `CustomizableSpeed`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.831] [1] [INFO] Customizable Speed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.832] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Customizable Speed [05:23:00.837] [1] [INFO] Double Sweeper Range has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.DoubleSweeperRange`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.839] [1] [INFO] Double Sweeper Range: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.840] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Double Sweeper Range [05:23:00.845] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.EfficientFetch`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.847] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.848] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Efficient Supply [05:23:00.853] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FallingSand`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.855] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.856] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Falling Sand [05:23:00.861] [1] [INFO] Favorite Resources // by @Ony 👾 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `FavoriteResources`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.862] [1] [INFO] Favorite Resources // by @Ony 👾: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.863] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Favorite Resources // by @Ony [05:23:00.868] [1] [INFO] Fervine has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Fervine`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.870] [1] [INFO] Fervine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:00.871] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Fervine [05:23:00.876] [1] [INFO] Custom Furniture has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.CustomFurniture`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.878] [1] [INFO] Custom Furniture: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:00.878] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Custom Furniture [05:23:00.885] [1] [INFO] WheezeWort requires no phosphorite: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.885] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod WheezeWort requires no phosphorite [05:23:00.890] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Wallpaper`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.892] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.893] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wallpaper [05:23:00.969] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.UnrestrictedTransitTubes`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.971] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.972] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Unrestricted Transit Tubes [05:23:00.977] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ThermalTooltips`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.979] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.980] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Thermal Tooltips [05:23:00.985] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.SteelLadder`, using that from now on. [05:23:00.987] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.988] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Steel Ladder [05:23:00.993] [1] [INFO] Sealed Critter Feeders: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:00.994] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sealed Critter Feeders [05:23:00.999] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Pliers.fixed`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.001] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.002] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pliers fixed [05:23:01.007] [1] [INFO] Piped Output has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PipedOutput`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.008] [1] [INFO] Piped Output: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.009] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Piped Output [05:23:01.014] [1] [INFO] Pause on ready to print has a mod.yaml with a staticID `2129768894`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.016] [1] [INFO] Pause on ready to print: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.017] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pause on ready to print [05:23:01.022] [1] [INFO] Paint Walls has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.PaintWalls`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.024] [1] [INFO] Paint Walls: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.025] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Paint Walls [05:23:01.030] [1] [INFO] Oil Well - Any Water has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.OilWellAnyWater`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.032] [1] [INFO] Oil Well - Any Water: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.033] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Oil Well - Any Water [05:23:01.038] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:01.038] [1] [INFO] Notepad: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.039] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Notepad [05:23:01.044] [1] [INFO] No Long Commutes has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.NoLongCommutes`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.046] [1] [INFO] No Long Commutes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.047] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod No Long Commutes [05:23:01.052] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MosaicTile`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.054] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.055] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mosaic Tile [05:23:01.063] [1] [INFO] Insulated Joint Plate: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.064] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Insulated Joint Plate [05:23:01.071] [1] [INFO] Insulated Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.072] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Insulated Door [05:23:01.077] [1] [INFO] Happy digging: Dwarf Edition: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.078] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Happy digging: Dwarf Edition [05:23:01.083] [1] [INFO] Germicidal Lamps has a mod.yaml with a staticID `GermicidalLamps`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.084] [1] [INFO] Germicidal Lamps: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.085] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Germicidal Lamps [05:23:01.091] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `ONIDreckoMorphsELU`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.092] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.093] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] Drecko morphs [05:23:01.098] [1] [INFO] Customize Geyser has a mod.yaml with a staticID `CustomizeGeyser`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.099] [1] [INFO] Customize Geyser: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.100] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Customize Geyser [05:23:01.105] [1] [INFO] Neutronium Cave has a mod.yaml with a staticID `NeutroniumCave`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.109] [1] [INFO] Neutronium Cave: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.109] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Neutronium Cave [05:23:01.114] [1] [INFO] Ethanol Rocket has a mod.yaml with a staticID `EthanolRocketR4`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.116] [1] [INFO] Ethanol Rocket: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.116] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Ethanol Rocket [05:23:01.121] [1] [INFO] Airlock Door has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.AirlockDoor`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.123] [1] [INFO] Airlock Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.124] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Airlock Door [05:23:01.128] [1] [INFO] Freezer has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Freezer`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.130] [1] [INFO] Freezer: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.130] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Freezer [05:23:01.135] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony 👾 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `DGSM`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.136] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony 👾: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.137] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony [05:23:01.142] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.BetterAnimations`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.144] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.145] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Multitool Animations [05:23:01.149] [1] [INFO] Sort Artifacts First has a mod.yaml with a staticID `meekay.SortArtifactsFirst`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.151] [1] [INFO] Sort Artifacts First: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.151] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sort Artifacts First [05:23:01.156] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.RenameAsteroids`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.157] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.158] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Rename Asteroids [05:23:01.163] [1] [INFO] Configurable Motion Sensor Range has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ConfigurableMotionSensorRange`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.165] [1] [INFO] Configurable Motion Sensor Range: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.166] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Configurable Motion Sensor Range [05:23:01.171] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.RefinedMetalsUsableAsRawMetals`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.173] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.174] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals [05:23:01.179] [1] [INFO] Pip Plant Overlay has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.PipPlantOverlay`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.180] [1] [INFO] Pip Plant Overlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.181] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pip Plant Overlay [05:23:01.186] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ShowIndustrialMachineryTag`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.188] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.189] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Show Industrial Machinery Tag [05:23:01.196] [1] [INFO] Fluid Shipping: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.197] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Fluid Shipping [05:23:01.202] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SweepByType`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.204] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.205] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sweep By Type [05:23:01.210] [1] [INFO] Move This Here has a mod.yaml with a staticID `MoveThisHere`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.211] [1] [INFO] Move This Here: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.212] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Move This Here [05:23:01.217] [1] [INFO] Transparent Solar Panels has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Psiber.TransparentSolarPanels`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.218] [1] [INFO] Transparent Solar Panels: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.219] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Transparent Solar Panels [05:23:01.224] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box has a mod.yaml with a staticID `WildPlanterBox`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.225] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.226] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wild Planter Box [05:23:01.231] [1] [INFO] Critical Notification Pauser has a mod.yaml with a staticID `NotificationPauser`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.232] [1] [INFO] Critical Notification Pauser: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.233] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Critical Notification Pauser [05:23:01.241] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.RoomsExpanded`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.274] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.275] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded [05:23:01.280] [1] [INFO] Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.LargeTelescope`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.282] [1] [INFO] Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.283] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Enclosed Telescope Tune-Up [05:23:01.288] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ShowRange`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.289] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.290] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Show Building Ranges [05:23:01.295] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.QueueForSink`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.296] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.297] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Queue For Sinks [05:23:01.302] [1] [INFO] Asphalt Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Asphalt`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.305] [1] [INFO] Asphalt Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.306] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Asphalt Tile [05:23:01.311] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SandboxTools`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.313] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.314] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sandbox Tools [05:23:01.319] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:01.319] [1] [INFO] Instant Sandbox: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.320] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Instant Sandbox [05:23:01.325] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.FreeSkillpoints`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.329] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.330] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] Free Skillpoints [05:23:01.335] [1] [INFO] Mod Manager // by @Ony 👾 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `ModManager`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.336] [1] [INFO] Mod Manager // by @Ony 👾: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.336] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mod Manager // by @Ony [05:23:01.341] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'modVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [05:23:01.341] [1] [INFO] Drywall Hides Pipes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.342] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Drywall Hides Pipes [05:23:01.347] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FinishTasks`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.350] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.351] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Rest for the Weary [05:23:01.356] [1] [INFO] Artifacts in Care Packages has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.ArtifactCarePackages`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.359] [1] [INFO] Artifacts in Care Packages: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.360] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Artifacts in Care Packages [05:23:01.365] [1] [INFO] Block Decor Effects Behind Walls has a mod.yaml with a staticID `shelena_malk.BlockDecorBehindWalls`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.366] [1] [INFO] Block Decor Effects Behind Walls: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.367] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Block Decor Effects Behind Walls [05:23:01.372] [1] [INFO] Demolish Neutronium has a mod.yaml with a staticID `lv.modo.DemolishNeutronium`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.373] [1] [INFO] Demolish Neutronium: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.374] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Demolish Neutronium [05:23:01.379] [1] [INFO] Solid Pitcher Pump has a mod.yaml with a staticID `SolidWaterPump`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.381] [1] [INFO] Solid Pitcher Pump: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.382] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Solid Pitcher Pump [05:23:01.387] [1] [INFO] AI Controlled Rockets has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Robo Rockets`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.389] [1] [INFO] AI Controlled Rockets: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.389] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod AI Controlled Rockets [05:23:01.394] [1] [INFO] The Golden Throne has a mod.yaml with a staticID `GoldenThrone`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.396] [1] [INFO] The Golden Throne: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.397] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod The Golden Throne [05:23:01.401] [1] [INFO] More Marble Sculptures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `MoreMarbleSculptures`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.403] [1] [INFO] More Marble Sculptures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.404] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod More Marble Sculptures [05:23:01.408] [1] [INFO] Space Radiator has a mod.yaml with a staticID `RadiatorMod`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.410] [1] [INFO] Space Radiator: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [05:23:01.411] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Space Radiator [05:23:01.420] [1] [INFO] Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC): Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.421] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC) [05:23:01.426] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.NoManualDelivery`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.428] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.429] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod No Manual Delivery [05:23:01.434] [1] [INFO] Squirrel Wheel has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.SquirrelGenerator`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.437] [1] [INFO] Squirrel Wheel: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.438] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Squirrel Wheel [05:23:01.443] [1] [INFO] Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.WornSuitDischarge`, using that from now on. [05:23:01.445] [1] [INFO] Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [05:23:01.445] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Worn Suit doesn't drop Canister [05:23:01.453] [1] [WARNING] [PLib/EfficientFetch] Mod PeterHan.EfficientFetch is out of date! New version: Monday, 21 February 2022 08:11 [05:23:01.463] [1] [INFO] Using local MOTD at version: 89, web version at 65 Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 3) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 60868. Total: 209.490500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.525100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.373100 ms MarkObjects: 202.446900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.144900 ms) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 3) UnloadTime: 4.816800 ms Unloading 1795 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 76634. Total: 270.284900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.382400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.362600 ms MarkObjects: 259.536100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.003300 ms) [05:23:06.751] [1] [INFO] Loading save file: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files\Freeport\auto_save\Freeport Cycle 479.sav headerVersion:1, buildVersion:509629, headerSize:346, IsCompressed:True [05:23:06.751] [1] [INFO] GameInfo loaded from save header: numberOfCycles:478, numberOfDuplicants:3, baseName:Freeport, isAutoSave:True, originalSaveName:Freeport.sav, clusterId:expansion1::clusters/MiniClusterMetallicSwampyStart, worldTraits:none, colonyGuid:0b76b726-089a-4fa4-bd43-598134cdd23e, saveVersion:7.28 [05:23:07.408] [1] [WARNING] Mod footprint of save file doesn't match current mod configuration [05:23:07.604] [1] [INFO] 44.7937 Level Loaded.... backend Shader warmup: 68 shaders 233 combinations 0.041s [05:23:08.673] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Loading config.json [05:23:08.674] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] GasPipe - multiplier 1, new capacity 1 [05:23:08.674] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidPipe - multiplier 1, new capacity 10 [05:23:08.686] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] EfficientFetch starting: Min Ratio=25% [05:23:08.694] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Created ExtendedThermalTooltip [05:23:19.098] [1] [INFO] SAVEINFO [05:23:19.098] [1] [INFO] - Generated: Sunday, 29 May 2022 06:29:33 [05:23:19.099] [1] [INFO] - Played on: 498381, 509629 [05:23:19.100] [1] [INFO] Custom Settings: ClusterLayout=expansion1::clusters/MiniClusterMetallicSwampyStart,WorldgenSeed=503816255,ImmuneSystem=Default,CalorieBurn=Default,Morale=Default,Durability=Indestructible,Radiation=Default,Stress=Default,StressBreaks=Default,CarePackages=Enabled,SandboxMode=Disabled,FastWorkersMode=Disabled,SaveToCloud=Disabled,Teleporters=Enabled, [05:23:19.241] [1] [INFO] Loaded [C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files\Freeport\auto_save\Freeport Cycle 479.sav] [05:23:19.241] [1] [INFO] World Seeds [503816265/503816265/503816265/503816265] [05:23:19.533] [1] [INFO] -- GAME -- [05:23:19.658] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] config.json was not found; using default settings [05:23:19.889] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Created FilteredClearTool with icons enabled [05:23:19.895] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SandboxTools] Created FilteredDestroyTool [05:23:19.910] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 3) [05:23:20.006] [1] [WARNING] Insufficient keys to cover root plan menu Max of 14 keys supported but TUNING.BUILDINGS.PLANORDER has 15 [05:23:20.139] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field KImage.colorStyleSetting with type ColorStyleSetting [05:23:20.145] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate ApplyColorStyleSetting_Detour for method KImage.ApplyColorStyleSetting with parameters [] [05:23:20.148] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field KButton.additionalKImages with type KImage[] [05:23:20.148] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field KButton.soundPlayer with type ButtonSoundPlayer [05:23:20.149] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field KButton.bgImage with type KImage [05:23:20.150] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field LocText.key with type System.String [05:23:20.150] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field LocText.textStyleSetting with type TextStyleSetting [05:23:20.183] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field MultiToggle.play_sound_on_click with type System.Boolean [05:23:20.184] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate for field MultiToggle.play_sound_on_release with type System.Boolean [05:23:20.185] [1] [INFO] [PLib/Blueprints] Created delegate ChangeState_Detour for method MultiToggle.ChangeState with parameters [Int32 new_state_index] [05:23:22.666] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] [05:23:27.242] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] SolidConduitInbox - multiplier 1, new capacity 1000 [05:23:27.254] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] SolidConduitInbox - multiplier 1, new capacity 1000 [05:23:27.262] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] SolidConduitInbox - multiplier 1, new capacity 1000 [05:23:27.264] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] SolidConduitInbox - multiplier 1, new capacity 1000 [05:23:28.763] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Battery - multiplier 2, new capacity 20000 [05:23:28.764] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Battery - multiplier 2, new capacity 20000 [05:23:28.803] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.810] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.815] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.820] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.826] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.831] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.838] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:28.839] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.169] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.174] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.176] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.178] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.180] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.182] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.184] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.185] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.186] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.191] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] StorageLocker - multiplier 4, new capacity 200000 [05:23:29.251] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.254] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.255] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.256] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.257] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.258] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.259] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.260] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.262] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.262] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.263] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:29.935] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Refrigerator - multiplier 4, new capacity 400 [05:23:29.960] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] Refrigerator - multiplier 4, new capacity 400 [05:23:30.211] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.212] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.212] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.213] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.214] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.215] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.215] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.216] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.217] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] BatteryMedium - multiplier 2, new capacity 80000 [05:23:30.529] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.529] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.530] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.531] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.531] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.532] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.533] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.533] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.534] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.534] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.535] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.536] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.536] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.537] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.537] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.538] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.539] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.539] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.540] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.541] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.541] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.542] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.542] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.543] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.544] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.544] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.545] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.545] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.546] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.547] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.547] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.548] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.549] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] LiquidValve - multiplier 1, new max flow 10 [05:23:30.681] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] GasReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:30.683] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] GasReservoir - multiplier 4, new capacity 99999 [05:23:30.981] [1] [INFO] [BiggerCapacity] CO2Engine - multiplier 2, new capacity 200 [05:23:31.013] [1] [WARNING] Cell 24242 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [05:23:31.014] [1] [WARNING] Cell 16121 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues. [05:23:32.331] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SandboxTools] Replacing destroy tool 8 with filtered destroy [05:23:32.346] [1] [INFO] Error when loading blueprint: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\blueprints\reservoir.blueprint, exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [05:23:32.351] [1] [INFO] Error when loading blueprint: C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\blueprints\reservoir.blueprint, exception: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: R. Path '', line 1, position 1. [05:23:32.359] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Replacing sweep tool 9 with filtered sweep [05:23:32.580] [1] [WARNING] missing 'ui' anim in 'artifacts_kanim (KAnimFile)' [05:23:32.827] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PipPlantOverlay] Creating PipPlantOverlay [05:23:32.908] [1] [WARNING] Missing prefab: AquaBulbSack [05:23:32.908] [1] [WARNING] Can't get sprite for type AquaBulbSack [05:23:33.766] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 3840x2160 @ 60, fullscreen: True Unloading 6 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 418044. Total: 1809.704100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 39.505800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 19.765100 ms MarkObjects: 1749.335300 ms DeleteObjects: 1.097200 ms) [05:24:13.377] [1] [ERROR] Trying to add Steel:UnitType quantity but units dictionary already has key Steel with unit type:mass Trying to add Steel:UnitType quantity but units dictionary already has key Steel with unit type:mass [05:24:13.610] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] Game.OnApplicationQuit() Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 694 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 1bb8 -> priority: 1 [05:25:16.943] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] Destroying EfficientFetch [05:25:16.947] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FallingSand] Stopped tracking 0 diggables, 0 queued digs [05:25:16.947] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Destroying ExtendedThermalTooltip [05:25:16.947] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Destroying FilteredClearTool [05:25:16.947] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SandboxTools] Destroying FilteredDestroyTool