[01:52:05]: [string "scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua"]:216: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua:216 in (method) CreateItem (Lua) <213-223> inst = 157510 - sculptingtable (valid:true) item = chesspiece_minotaur base_ingredient = chesspiece_bishop_marble scripts/prefabs/chesspieces.lua:348 in (method) OnBuiltFn (Lua) <345-355> inst = 158404 - chesspiece_minotaur_builder (valid:true) builder = 156365 - wolfgang (valid:true) prototyper = 157510 - sculptingtable (valid:true) scripts/entityscript.lua:1470 in (method) OnBuilt (Lua) <1462-1472> self (valid:true) = GUID = 158404 Transform = Transform (34AD2050) inlimbo = false builtbyid = KU_Fum_vZYO actioncomponents = table: 33A00328 lower_components_shadow = table: 33A000A8 entity = Entity (33D82E08) prefab = chesspiece_minotaur_builder persists = false OnBuiltFn = function - scripts/prefabs/chesspieces.lua:345 pendingtasks = table: 33A00648 spawntime = 6620.7670119666 pieceid = 27 replica = table: 33A00440 builtbyname = steve.labarre components = table: 33A002D8 name = Ancient Guardian Figure builder = 156365 - wolfgang (valid:true) scripts/components/builder.lua:629 in () ? (Lua) <467-635> self = exclude_tags = table: 2F4CA120 buffered_builds = table: 2F4CA260 recipes = table: 2F4C9CC0 station_recipes = table: 27DC6000 accessible_tech_trees = table: 27DC5B50 inst = 156365 - wolfgang (valid:true) _ = table: 2F4C9388 override_current_prototyper = 157510 - sculptingtable (valid:true) recname = chesspiece_minotaur_builder pt = (530.67, 0.00, 29.42) rotation = 0 skin = nil recipe = table: 10313840 is_buffered_build = false prod = 158404 - chesspiece_minotaur_builder (valid:true) spawn_pos = (530.67, 0.00, 29.42) =(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1> scripts/bufferedaction.lua:25 in (method) Do (Lua) <21-35> self (valid:true) = action = table: 08D6F920 doer = 156365 - wolfgang (valid:true) onfail = table: 2F32A338 doerownsobject = false recipe = chesspiece_minotaur_builder distance = 1 onsuccess = table: 2F32A388 options = table: 2F32A3D8 rotation = 0 pos = 530.67, 29.42 on nil scripts/entityscript.lua:1445 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1432-1456> self (valid:true) = DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (31CBA220) inlimbo = false GetMoistureRateScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:242 SetCameraDistance = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1249 ScreenFlash = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1311 skeleton_prefab = skeleton_player EnableBoatCamera = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:770 playercolour = table: 262BB7B8 AnimState = AnimState (31CBA020) Light = Light (31CBA3C0) GetMightiness = function - scripts/prefabs/wolfgang.lua:190 bell_forward = true _isrezattuned = false OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:880 pendingtasks = table: 26EA1980 ApplySkinOverrides = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1388 sg = sg="wilson", state="dolongaction", time=1.00, tags = "doing,nodangle," IsHUDVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1227 ResetBell = function - scripts/prefabs/wolfgang.lua:275 SetGhostMode = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:779 ShowActions = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1231 OnLoad = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:982 SetGymStartState = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:43 Transform = Transform (31CBA000) hurtsoundoverride = dontstarve/characters/wolfgang/hurt_large userid = KU_Fum_vZYO actionreplica = table: 26EA10C0 event_listening = table: 26EA1F70 actioncomponents = table: 26EA0A30 lower_components_shadow = table: [01:52:05]: [string "scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua"]:216: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/prefabs/sculptingtable.lua:216 in (method) CreateItem (Lua) <213-223> scripts/prefabs/chesspieces.lua:348 in (method) OnBuiltFn (Lua) <345-355> scripts/entityscript.lua:1470 in (method) OnBuilt (Lua) <1462-1472> scripts/components/builder.lua:629 in () ? (Lua) <467-635> =(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1> scripts/bufferedaction.lua:25 in (method) Do (Lua) <21-35> scripts/entityscript.lua:1445 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1432-1456> scripts/stategraphs/SGwilson.lua:5688 in (field) ontimeout (Lua) <5681-5689> scripts/stategraph.lua:558 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <544-588> scripts/stategraph.lua:615 in (method) Update (Lua) <607-635> scripts/stategraph.lua:128 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-146> scripts/update.lua:282 in () ? (Lua) <218-292>