[00:08:44]: [string "scripts/components/mast.lua"]:216: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'mast_x' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/components/mast.lua:216 in (method) SetRudderDirection (Lua) <214-217> self = furlunits_max = 4.5 sink_fx = boat_malbatross_mast_sink_fx OnBoatDeath = function - scripts/components/mast.lua:37 inverted = true rudder = 132945 - rudder (valid:false) rudder_turn_drag = 0.23 OnBoatRemoved = function - scripts/components/mast.lua:36 furlers = table: 468E6988 has_speed = false autounfurlunits = 8 sail_force = 1.3 boat = 115167 - boat (valid:true) furlunits = 0 inst = 132944 - mast_malbatross (valid:false) _ = table: 468E6C58 max_velocity = 4 rudder_direction_x = -0.89162100173129 rudder_direction_z = 0.45278249664899 mast_x = nil mast_y = nil mast_z = nil scripts/components/boatphysics.lua:517 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <404-526> self = lastzoomwasout = false rudder_turn_speed = 0.6 boat_rotation_offset = 0 velocity_x = 0 has_speed = false steering_rotate = false inst = 115167 - boat (valid:true) _recent_collisions = table: 31D4A788 max_velocity = 1 rudder_direction_z = 0.45278249664899 boatdraginstances = table: 31D4C8D0 damageable_velocity = 1.25 masts = table: 31D4C880 lastzoomtime = 370.70001933351 rudder_direction_x = -0.89162100173129 target_rudder_direction_z = 0.45278249664899 turn_acc = 3.14159 turn_vel = 0 velocity_z = 0 target_rudder_direction_x = -0.89162100173129 dt = 0.033333335071802 stop = true p1_angle = 2.671709061568 p2_angle = 2.671709061568 target_vel = 0 TOLERANCE = 0.1 sail_force_modifier = 1 sail_force = 0 velocity_normal_x = -1.#IND velocity_normal_z = -1.#IND cur_velocity = 0 max_velocity = 0 total_anchor_drag = 0 is_moving = false new_speed_is_scary = false time = 371.33335269988 mast = table: 468E69B0 scripts/update.lua:256 in () ? (Lua) <218-292> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 11140 k = 115167 v = 115167 - boat (valid:true) cmp = table: 31D4C718 [00:08:44]: [string "scripts/components/mast.lua"]:216: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'mast_x' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/components/mast.lua:216 in (method) SetRudderDirection (Lua) <214-217> scripts/components/boatphysics.lua:517 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <404-526> scripts/update.lua:256 in () ? (Lua) <218-292> [00:08:44]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 132944, scripts/components/mast.lua:215 [00:08:44]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 132944, scripts/components/mast.lua:215