[01:22:07]: [string "scripts/components/hounded.lua"]:742: attempt to compare number with nil LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/components/hounded.lua:767 in (upvalue) HandleSpawnInfoRec (Lua) <754-796> dt = 0.033333335071802 i = 1 spawninforec = table: 0x3153bbc8 groupsdone = table: 0x3153bc88 target = 140727 - wanda (valid:true) scripts/components/hounded.lua:816 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <798-916> self = SetSummerVariant = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:636 GetDebugString = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:965 SpawnModeEscalating = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:656 DoDelayedWarningSpeech = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:724 SpawnModeMed = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:663 inst = 100040 - world (valid:true) OnUpdate = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:798 OnSave = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:924 SpawnModeLight = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:649 max_thieved_spawn_per_thief = 3 LongUpdate = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:798 GetWarning = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:620 SummonSpawn = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:685 OnLoad = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:940 SpawnModeHeavy = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:670 GetTimeToAttack = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:616 DoWarningSound = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:710 DoWarningSpeech = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:701 ForceNextWave = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:691 GetAttacking = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:624 DoDelayedWarningSound = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:730 SetWinterVariant = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:640 ForceReleaseSpawn = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:678 SetSpawnData = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:628 SpawnModeNormal = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:656 SpawnModeNever = function - scripts/components/hounded.lua:644 dt = 0.033333335071802 player = 140727 - wanda (valid:true) data = table: 0x228ce618 groupsdone = table: 0x3153bc88 i = 1 spawninforec = table: 0x3153bbc8 scripts/update.lua:256 in () ? (Lua) <218-292> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 75204 k = 100040 v = 100040 - world (valid:true) cmp = table: 0x0dc6ee10 [01:22:07]: [string "scripts/components/hounded.lua"]:742: attempt to compare number with nil LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/components/hounded.lua:767 in (upvalue) HandleSpawnInfoRec (Lua) <754-796> scripts/components/hounded.lua:816 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <798-916> scripts/update.lua:256 in () ? (Lua) <218-292>