[19:44:16]: [string "scripts/prefabs/oceanfishingbobber.lua"]:38: attempt to call method 'IsValid' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/prefabs/oceanfishingbobber.lua:38 in (field) onhitfn (Lua) <36-74> inst = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) caster = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) target = nil rod = table: B8BBDB88 scripts/components/complexprojectile.lua:144 in (method) Hit (Lua) <135-146> self = launchoffset = (0.00, 0.50, 0.00) onhitfn = function - scripts/prefabs/oceanfishingbobber.lua:36 usehigharc = true gravity = -30 horizontalSpeed = 16 targetoffset = (0.00, 0.50, 0.00) inst = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) attacker = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) owningweapon = table: B8BBDB88 velocity = (0.00, 0.00, 0.00) target = nil scripts/components/complexprojectile.lua:158 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <148-161> self = launchoffset = (0.00, 0.50, 0.00) onhitfn = function - scripts/prefabs/oceanfishingbobber.lua:36 usehigharc = true gravity = -30 horizontalSpeed = 16 targetoffset = (0.00, 0.50, 0.00) inst = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) attacker = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) owningweapon = table: B8BBDB88 velocity = (0.00, 0.00, 0.00) dt = 0.033333335071802 x = -288.58352661133 y = 0.016661794856191 z = -90.012802124023 scripts/update.lua:256 in () ? (Lua) <218-292> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 135019 k = 156773 v = 156773 - oceanfishingbobber_malbatross_projectile (valid:true) cmp = table: B8BBDB88 [19:44:17]: [string "scripts/prefabs/oceanfishingbobber.lua"]:38: attempt to call method 'IsValid' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/prefabs/oceanfishingbobber.lua:38 in (field) onhitfn (Lua) <36-74> scripts/components/complexprojectile.lua:144 in (method) Hit (Lua) <135-146> scripts/components/complexprojectile.lua:158 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <148-161> scripts/update.lua:256 in () ? (Lua) <218-292> [19:44:17]: get NOP event паук имба KU_NPndrI4m 148592 - wathgrithr