Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Managed' Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' PlayerConnection initialized from C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data (debug = 0) PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55303 Multi-casting "[IP] [Port] 55303 [Flags] 2 [Guid] 2291634790 [EditorId] 46367311 [Version] 1048832 [Id] WindowsPlayer(SK-PC) [Debug] 0 [PackageName] WindowsPlayer [ProjectName] Oxygen Not Included" to []... Started listening to [] PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to [] Initialize engine version: 2020.3.11f1 (99c7afb366b3) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 d3d11: QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory5) failed (80004002). Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 (ID=0x416) Vendor: VRAM: 2023 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly - Completed reload, in 0.147 seconds D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding. Initializing input. Input initialized. Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 0.715039 ms [10:03:57.688] [1] [INFO] KProfiler: Start [10:03:57.872] [1] [INFO] Applying resolution 1366x745 @60hz (fullscreen: False) [10:03:57.873] [1] [INFO] Low Res Textures? No [10:03:57.895] [1] [INFO] Current date: 09/06/2021 13:03:57 [10:03:57.895] [1] [INFO] preview Build: ??-477316-? [10:03:57.898] [1] [INFO] Creating SteamManager. [10:03:57.970] [1] [INFO] DistributionPlatform initialized. [10:03:57.972] [1] [INFO] preview Build: U35-477316-S [10:03:57.973] [1] [INFO] EXPANSION1 installed: True active: True [10:04:00.102] [1] [INFO] Expansion1: True [10:04:00.103] [1] [INFO] Loading Expansion1 assets from bundle SYSTEM INFO: Platform=WindowsPlayer OSname=Windows 8.1 (6.3.0) 64bit OSversion=6.3.9600.0 CPUmodel=20238 (LENOVO) CPUdeviceType=Desktop CPUarch=AMD64 ProcBits=64 CPUcount=8 CPUtype=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz SystemMemoryMegs=16296 GPUgraphicsDeviceID=1046 GPUname=Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 GPUgraphicsDeviceType=Direct3D11 GPUgraphicsDeviceVendor=Intel GPUgraphicsDeviceVendorID=32902 GPUgraphicsDeviceVersion=Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] GPUmemoryMegs=2023 GPUgraphicsMultiThreaded=False GPUgraphicsShaderLevel=50 GPUmaxTextureSize=16384 GPUnpotSupport=Full GPUsupportedRenderTargetCount=8 GPUsupports2DArrayTextures=True GPUsupports3DTextures=True GPUsupportsComputeShaders=True GPUsupportsImageEffects=True GPUsupportsInstancing=True GPUsupportsRenderToCubemap=True GPUsupportsShadows=True GPUsupportsSparseTextures=False System Language=Greek [10:04:04.743] [1] [INFO] Initializing at 2021-09-06 10:04:04.743 [10:04:04.743] [1] [INFO] Save path: C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [10:04:05.366] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Wallpaper`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.386] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.387] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SandboxTools`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.391] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.391] [1] [INFO] Giant Doors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Zonkeeh.GiantDoors`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.393] [1] [INFO] Giant Doors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.395] [1] [WARNING] Roller Snakes: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.396] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BuildablePOIProps`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.399] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.400] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.SuppressNotifications`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.403] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.404] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in C:/Users/Sonia/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1801004057\mod.yaml Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.KModHeader', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.405] [1] [INFO] Advanced Electrolyzers has a mod.yaml with a staticID `advancedelectrolyzers`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.406] [1] [INFO] Advanced Electrolyzers: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.407] [1] [WARNING] Neon Eden: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.409] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.409] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.411] [1] [INFO] Puft Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.411] [1] [INFO] I Love Slicksters has a mod.yaml with a staticID `ILoveSlicksters`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.413] [1] [INFO] I Love Slicksters: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.414] [1] [WARNING] Ethanol Geyser: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.415] [1] [INFO] Lights Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.LightsOut`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.418] [1] [INFO] Lights Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.419] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.AquaticFarm`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.421] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.422] [1] [WARNING] Meteor Defense Laser: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.424] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'modVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.424] [1] [INFO] Expanded Lights: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.425] [1] [INFO] Decor Lights has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.DecorLights`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.437] [1] [INFO] Decor Lights: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.438] [1] [INFO] Fervine has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Fervine`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.441] [1] [INFO] Fervine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.441] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MosaicTile`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.444] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.445] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BuildableNaturalTile`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.448] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.449] [1] [WARNING] Buildable Neural Vacillator (Unsupported): No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.453] [1] [INFO] Tiny Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.454] [1] [INFO] Palmera Tree has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.PalmeraTree`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.458] [1] [INFO] Palmera Tree: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.459] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Doors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Zonkeeh.BuildablePOIDoors`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.460] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Doors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.461] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSStructures`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.464] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.464] [1] [INFO] One Hundred K Challenge has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.Challenge100K`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.467] [1] [WARNING] One Hundred K Challenge: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.467] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.SteelLadder`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.470] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.471] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BulkSettingsChange`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.474] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.477] [1] [INFO] GasOverlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.478] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BuildStraightUp`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.480] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.481] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.481] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.484] [1] [INFO] Drecko Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.485] [1] [WARNING] Festive Decor: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.486] [1] [WARNING] Spooky Pumpkin: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.487] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ModsFilter`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.490] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.490] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ShowRange`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.493] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.493] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.GeyserCalculatedAvgOutputTooltip`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.496] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.497] [1] [INFO] Starmap Queue has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.StarmapQueue`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.500] [1] [WARNING] Starmap Queue: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.500] [1] [INFO] Always Show Capacity has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.StorageCapacity`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.502] [1] [INFO] Always Show Capacity: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.505] [1] [WARNING] Blueprints: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [10:04:05.506] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ClothingLocker`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.508] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.508] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.WoundedGoToMedBed`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.511] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.511] [1] [INFO] Research Queue has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ResearchQueue`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.514] [1] [INFO] Research Queue: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.514] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerCameraZoomOut`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.519] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out: Successfully loaded from path 'archived_versions\so-workaround-469301' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.520] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.520] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.523] [1] [INFO] Map Overlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.524] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.524] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.526] [1] [INFO] Hatch Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.527] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.527] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.527] [1] [INFO] Pip Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.529] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.529] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:05.530] [1] [INFO] Pacu Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.532] [1] [WARNING] Trem Wheat: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.535] [1] [INFO] CustomTemperatureOverlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.536] [1] [WARNING] Pliers: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [10:04:05.537] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SweepByType`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.539] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.540] [1] [INFO] Omni Flora - Decorative Plants has a mod.yaml with a staticID `OmniFlora`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.541] [1] [INFO] Omni Flora - Decorative Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.542] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.CleanFloors`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.545] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.546] [1] [WARNING] [DEPRECATED] Plastic Door: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:05.546] [1] [INFO] Sandbox: Mutant Plants has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.SandboxMutantPlant`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.548] [1] [INFO] Sandbox: Mutant Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.548] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ModUpdateDate`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.550] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.550] [1] [INFO] Stock Bug Fix has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.StockBugFix`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.553] [1] [INFO] Stock Bug Fix: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:05.554] [1] [INFO] Baator has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Baator_BumminsMod`, using that from now on. [10:04:05.555] [1] [INFO] Baator: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [10:04:05.557] [1] [INFO] Using builtin mod system. [10:04:05.595] [1] [INFO] Localization.Initialize! [10:04:05.608] [1] [INFO] Test Data Location / docs / C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [10:04:05.608] [1] [INFO] Test Data Location / local / C:\Users\Sonia\AppData\Local\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [10:04:05.611] [1] [INFO] Test Data Locations / C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\test / write True / read True / removed True [10:04:05.611] [1] [INFO] Test Data Locations / C:\Users\Sonia\AppData\Local\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\test / write True / read True / removed True [10:04:05.614] [1] [INFO] Logged into Steam with ID:76561198191675883, [10:04:05.615] [1] [INFO] [Account] Requesting auth ticket from Steam [10:04:07.423] [4] [INFO] [Account] Got login for user KU_V_O7loCQ [10:04:13.734] [1] [WARNING] Tried loading prefab with duplicate tag, ignoring: HighEnergyParticle Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) System memory in use before: 426.0 MB. System memory in use after: 428.5 MB. Unloading 1027 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 53477. Total: 124.136297 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.884391 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.500785 ms MarkObjects: 114.831805 ms DeleteObjects: 1.918888 ms) Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) UnloadTime: 5.489381 ms System memory in use before: 0.52 GB. System memory in use after: 0.52 GB. Unloading 4 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 55822. Total: 126.745421 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.368211 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.951390 ms MarkObjects: 121.259889 ms DeleteObjects: 0.165075 ms) [10:04:15.038] [1] [INFO] -- MAIN MENU -- [10:04:15.258] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [public_testing] [10:04:15.330] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1366x745 @ 60, fullscreen: False [10:04:15.569] [1] [INFO] Using local MOTD at version: 42, web version at 14 [10:04:15.975] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Meteor Defense Laser [10:04:15.976] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:15.999] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Neon Eden [10:04:15.999] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.001] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Ethanol Geyser [10:04:16.002] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.019] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Trem Wheat [10:04:16.019] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.021] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Roller Snakes [10:04:16.021] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.035] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Blueprints [10:04:16.035] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.036] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pliers [10:04:16.036] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.038] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable Neural Vacillator (Unsupported) [10:04:16.038] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.071] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [DEPRECATED] Plastic Door [10:04:16.072] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.082] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Spooky Pumpkin [10:04:16.083] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.107] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Festive Decor [10:04:16.108] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.198] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Build Straight Up [10:04:16.199] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.200] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Settings Change Tool [10:04:16.200] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.201] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sweep By Type [10:04:16.201] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.214] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Starmap Queue [10:04:16.214] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.215] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Show Building Ranges [10:04:16.215] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.216] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sandbox Tools [10:04:16.216] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.217] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Research Queue [10:04:16.217] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.218] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod GasOverlay [10:04:16.236] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Steel Ladder [10:04:16.237] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.248] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Bigger Camera Zoom Out [10:04:16.249] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.260] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wounded Go To Med Bed [10:04:16.261] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.295] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Always Show Capacity [10:04:16.295] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.296] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mod Filter [10:04:16.296] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.297] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Lights Out (Darkness Revived) [10:04:16.297] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.310] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mosaic Tile [10:04:16.310] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.325] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod CustomTemperatureOverlay [10:04:16.338] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Decor Lights [10:04:16.339] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.353] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable Natural Tile [10:04:16.354] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.356] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Suppress Notifications [10:04:16.357] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.358] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Fervine [10:04:16.358] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.371] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Palmera Tree [10:04:16.371] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.389] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable POI Props [10:04:16.389] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.402] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Aquatic Farm [10:04:16.403] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.406] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wallpaper [10:04:16.406] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.421] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip [10:04:16.421] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.433] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Drecko Morphs [10:04:16.434] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.441] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wooden Set: Structures [10:04:16.441] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.463] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Tiny Door [10:04:16.463] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.473] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Clothing Locker [10:04:16.473] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.474] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pip Morphs [10:04:16.475] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.482] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pacu Morphs [10:04:16.482] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.490] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Giant Doors [10:04:16.530] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Puft Morphs [10:04:16.530] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.537] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Advanced Electrolyzers [10:04:16.537] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.538] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Hatch Morphs [10:04:16.538] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.546] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Clean Floors [10:04:16.547] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.547] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Map Overlay [10:04:16.548] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.559] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable POI Doors [10:04:16.560] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.575] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Omni Flora: Decorative Plants [10:04:16.575] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.583] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Expanded Lights [10:04:16.583] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.590] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sandbox: Mutant Plants [10:04:16.590] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.591] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mod Updater [10:04:16.591] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.592] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod 100K Challenge [10:04:16.592] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.593] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod I Love Slicksters - Morphs ! [10:04:16.593] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.609] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Stock Bug Fix [10:04:16.610] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.624] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Baator [10:04:16.624] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:16.657] [1] [WARNING] Meteor Defense Laser: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.658] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Meteor Defense Laser [10:04:16.667] [1] [WARNING] Neon Eden: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.667] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Neon Eden [10:04:16.674] [1] [WARNING] Ethanol Geyser: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.675] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Ethanol Geyser [10:04:16.683] [1] [WARNING] Trem Wheat: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.683] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Trem Wheat [10:04:16.691] [1] [WARNING] Roller Snakes: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.691] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Roller Snakes [10:04:16.699] [1] [WARNING] Blueprints: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [10:04:16.699] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Blueprints [10:04:16.707] [1] [WARNING] Pliers: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [10:04:16.707] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pliers [10:04:16.714] [1] [WARNING] Buildable Neural Vacillator (Unsupported): No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.714] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable Neural Vacillator (Unsupported) [10:04:16.721] [1] [WARNING] [DEPRECATED] Plastic Door: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.721] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [DEPRECATED] Plastic Door [10:04:16.728] [1] [WARNING] Spooky Pumpkin: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.729] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Spooky Pumpkin [10:04:16.736] [1] [WARNING] Festive Decor: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.737] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Festive Decor [10:04:16.780] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BuildStraightUp`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.782] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.782] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Build Straight Up [10:04:16.790] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BulkSettingsChange`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.792] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.792] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Settings Change Tool [10:04:16.800] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SweepByType`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.802] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.802] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sweep By Type [10:04:16.809] [1] [INFO] Starmap Queue has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.StarmapQueue`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.811] [1] [WARNING] Starmap Queue: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:16.812] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Starmap Queue [10:04:16.820] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ShowRange`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.822] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.822] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Show Building Ranges [10:04:16.829] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SandboxTools`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.832] [1] [INFO] Sandbox Tools: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.832] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sandbox Tools [10:04:16.840] [1] [INFO] Research Queue has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ResearchQueue`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.842] [1] [INFO] Research Queue: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.842] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Research Queue [10:04:16.851] [1] [INFO] GasOverlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.851] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod GasOverlay [10:04:16.859] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.SteelLadder`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.861] [1] [INFO] Steel Ladder: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.861] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Steel Ladder [10:04:16.869] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerCameraZoomOut`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.871] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.871] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Bigger Camera Zoom Out [10:04:16.878] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.WoundedGoToMedBed`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.881] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.881] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wounded Go To Med Bed [10:04:16.889] [1] [INFO] Always Show Capacity has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.StorageCapacity`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.890] [1] [INFO] Always Show Capacity: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.890] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Always Show Capacity [10:04:16.897] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ModsFilter`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.899] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.899] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mod Filter [10:04:16.906] [1] [INFO] Lights Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.LightsOut`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.909] [1] [INFO] Lights Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.909] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Lights Out [10:04:16.917] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MosaicTile`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.920] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:16.920] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mosaic Tile [10:04:16.929] [1] [INFO] CustomTemperatureOverlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.929] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod CustomTemperatureOverlay [10:04:16.936] [1] [INFO] Decor Lights has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.DecorLights`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.938] [1] [INFO] Decor Lights: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.938] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Decor Lights [10:04:16.945] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BuildableNaturalTile`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.948] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:16.948] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable Natural Tile [10:04:16.956] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.SuppressNotifications`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.958] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.958] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Suppress Notifications [10:04:16.966] [1] [INFO] Fervine has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Fervine`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.969] [1] [INFO] Fervine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:16.969] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Fervine [10:04:16.976] [1] [INFO] Palmera Tree has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.PalmeraTree`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.979] [1] [INFO] Palmera Tree: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:16.979] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Palmera Tree [10:04:16.986] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BuildablePOIProps`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.988] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:16.988] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable POI Props [10:04:16.997] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.AquaticFarm`, using that from now on. [10:04:16.999] [1] [INFO] Aquatic Farm: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:16.999] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Aquatic Farm [10:04:17.007] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.Wallpaper`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.009] [1] [INFO] Wallpaper: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.009] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wallpaper [10:04:17.017] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.GeyserCalculatedAvgOutputTooltip`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.019] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.019] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip [10:04:17.027] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.027] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.029] [1] [INFO] Drecko Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.029] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Drecko Morphs [10:04:17.038] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSStructures`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.041] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.041] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wooden Set - Structures [10:04:17.052] [1] [INFO] Tiny Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.052] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Tiny Door [10:04:17.059] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ClothingLocker`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.062] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.062] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Clothing Locker [10:04:17.070] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.070] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.071] [1] [INFO] Pip Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.071] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pip Morphs [10:04:17.080] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.080] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.082] [1] [INFO] Pacu Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.082] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pacu Morphs [10:04:17.090] [1] [INFO] Giant Doors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Zonkeeh.GiantDoors`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.091] [1] [INFO] Giant Doors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.091] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Giant Doors [10:04:17.100] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.100] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.102] [1] [INFO] Puft Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.102] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Puft Morphs [10:04:17.108] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\457140\1801004057\1689396944437882639_legacy.bin\mod.yaml Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.KModHeader', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.109] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\457140\1801004057\1689396944437882639_legacy.bin\mod.yaml Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.KModHeader', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.109] [1] [INFO] Advanced Electrolyzers has a mod.yaml with a staticID `advancedelectrolyzers`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.110] [1] [INFO] Advanced Electrolyzers: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.110] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Advanced Electrolyzers [10:04:17.120] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.120] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.123] [1] [INFO] Hatch Morphs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.123] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Hatch Morphs [10:04:17.130] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.CleanFloors`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.133] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.133] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Clean Floors [10:04:17.140] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'title' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.140] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.143] [1] [INFO] Map Overlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.143] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Map Overlay [10:04:17.151] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Doors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Zonkeeh.BuildablePOIDoors`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.152] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Doors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.152] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable POI Doors [10:04:17.160] [1] [INFO] Omni Flora - Decorative Plants has a mod.yaml with a staticID `OmniFlora`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.162] [1] [INFO] Omni Flora - Decorative Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.162] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Omni Flora - Decorative Plants [10:04:17.170] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'modVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [10:04:17.171] [1] [INFO] Expanded Lights: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.171] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Expanded Lights [10:04:17.179] [1] [INFO] Sandbox: Mutant Plants has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.SandboxMutantPlant`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.180] [1] [INFO] Sandbox: Mutant Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.180] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sandbox: Mutant Plants [10:04:17.188] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ModUpdateDate`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.189] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.189] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mod Updater [10:04:17.197] [1] [INFO] One Hundred K Challenge has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.Challenge100K`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.201] [1] [WARNING] One Hundred K Challenge: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [10:04:17.201] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod One Hundred K Challenge [10:04:17.209] [1] [INFO] I Love Slicksters has a mod.yaml with a staticID `ILoveSlicksters`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.211] [1] [INFO] I Love Slicksters: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.211] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod I Love Slicksters [10:04:17.218] [1] [INFO] Stock Bug Fix has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.StockBugFix`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.221] [1] [INFO] Stock Bug Fix: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [10:04:17.221] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Stock Bug Fix [10:04:17.230] [1] [INFO] Baator has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Baator_BumminsMod`, using that from now on. [10:04:17.233] [1] [INFO] Baator: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'LayerableFiles, DLL, Animation'. [10:04:17.233] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Baator [10:04:19.229] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.231] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.232] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.233] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.234] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.235] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.236] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.237] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.237] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.238] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.238] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.239] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.239] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:19.240] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.048] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.049] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.050] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.051] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.052] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.053] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.053] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:21.054] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:22.781] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:22.782] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:22.783] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:22.783] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:22.784] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:22.785] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:24.515] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:24.516] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:24.516] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:24.517] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:24.518] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:24.518] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:26.281] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:26.282] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:26.283] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:26.283] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:26.284] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:26.284] [1] [INFO] Steam: Preview image load failed [10:04:28.971] [1] [WARNING] World STRINGS.WORLDS.VANILLASWAMPDEFAULT.NAME: defines subworldNames that are not used in unknownCellsAllowedSubworlds: expansion1::subworlds/barren/CoalyGranite [10:04:28.972] [1] [INFO] World settings reload complete! Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) System memory in use before: 0.76 GB. System memory in use after: 0.76 GB. Unloading 88 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 55967. Total: 146.264454 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.385033 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.825945 ms MarkObjects: 137.742144 ms DeleteObjects: 0.309195 ms) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) UnloadTime: 5.147257 ms System memory in use before: 0.66 GB. System memory in use after: 0.67 GB. Unloading 24 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 72809. Total: 175.604587 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.140984 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.078547 ms MarkObjects: 167.191756 ms DeleteObjects: 0.192872 ms) [10:04:56.597] [1] [INFO] Loading save file: C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.sav headerVersion:1, buildVersion:477316, headerSize:339, IsCompressed:True [10:04:56.597] [1] [INFO] GameInfo loaded from save header: numberOfCycles:12, numberOfDuplicants:3, baseName:Needy 477316, isAutoSave:False, originalSaveName:bridges.sav, clusterId:expansion1::clusters/SandstoneStartCluster, worldTraits:none, colonyGuid:a0d478df-7c53-4595-9ce3-f62cf83b98bd, saveVersion:7.27 [10:04:56.879] [1] [WARNING] Mod footprint of save file doesn't match current mod configuration [10:05:01.200] [1] [INFO] 77.48771 Level Loaded.... backend D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057] ShaderProgram is unsupported, but because jobified rendering is enabled the ShaderProgram can not be removed. UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () Game:OnPrefabInit () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs:407) KMonoBehaviour:InitializeComponent () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:132) KMonoBehaviour:Awake () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:44) UnityEngine.Object:Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent (UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Transform) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Transform) Util:KInstantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.GameObject,string,bool,int) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/Util.cs:226) Util:KInstantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject,string) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/Util.cs:198) SceneInitializer:PostLoadPrefabs () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SceneInitializer.cs:76) SaveLoader:Load (IReader) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:371) SaveLoader:Load (string) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:1054) SaveLoader:OnSpawn () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:113) KMonoBehaviour:Spawn () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:285) KMonoBehaviour:Start () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:243) [C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs line 407] D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057] ShaderProgram is unsupported, but because jobified rendering is enabled the ShaderProgram can not be removed. UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () Game:OnPrefabInit () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs:407) KMonoBehaviour:InitializeComponent () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:132) KMonoBehaviour:Awake () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:44) UnityEngine.Object:Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent (UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Transform) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Transform) Util:KInstantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.GameObject,string,bool,int) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/Util.cs:226) Util:KInstantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject,string) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/Util.cs:198) SceneInitializer:PostLoadPrefabs () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SceneInitializer.cs:76) SaveLoader:Load (IReader) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:371) SaveLoader:Load (string) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:1054) SaveLoader:OnSpawn () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:113) KMonoBehaviour:Spawn () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:285) KMonoBehaviour:Start () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:243) [C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs line 407] D3D shader create error for vertex shader [0x80070057] ShaderProgram is unsupported, but because jobified rendering is enabled the ShaderProgram can not be removed. UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () Game:OnPrefabInit () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs:407) KMonoBehaviour:InitializeComponent () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:132) KMonoBehaviour:Awake () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:44) UnityEngine.Object:Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent (UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Transform) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Transform) Util:KInstantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.GameObject,string,bool,int) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/Util.cs:226) Util:KInstantiate (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject,string) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/Util.cs:198) SceneInitializer:PostLoadPrefabs () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SceneInitializer.cs:76) SaveLoader:Load (IReader) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:371) SaveLoader:Load (string) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:1054) SaveLoader:OnSpawn () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/SaveLoader.cs:113) KMonoBehaviour:Spawn () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:285) KMonoBehaviour:Start () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/Plugins/Klei/util/KMonoBehaviour.cs:243) [C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/game/Game.cs line 407] Shader warmup: 71 shaders 222 combinations 0.918s [10:05:05.938] [1] [INFO] Custom Settings: ClusterLayout=expansion1::clusters/SandstoneStartCluster,WorldgenSeed=301742141,ImmuneSystem=Default,CalorieBurn=Default,Morale=Default,Durability=Default,Stress=Default,StressBreaks=Default,CarePackages=Enabled,SandboxMode=Enabled,FastWorkersMode=Disabled,SaveToCloud=Disabled,Teleporters=Enabled, [10:05:06.059] [1] [INFO] Loaded [C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.sav] [10:05:06.059] [1] [INFO] World Seeds [301742149/301742149/301742149/301742149] [10:05:06.151] [1] [INFO] -- GAME -- [10:05:06.191] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) [10:05:06.215] [1] [WARNING] Insufficient keys to cover root plan menu Max of 14 keys supported but TUNING.BUILDINGS.PLANORDER has 15 [10:05:08.095] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [public_testing] [10:05:12.284] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15338 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.284] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10185 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.298] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15372 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.299] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10219 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.307] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15406 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.307] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10253 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.310] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15440 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.310] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10287 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.315] [1] [WARNING] Cell 40362 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.315] [1] [WARNING] Cell 35209 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.317] [1] [WARNING] Cell 40396 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.317] [1] [WARNING] Cell 35243 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.321] [1] [WARNING] Cell 40430 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.321] [1] [WARNING] Cell 35277 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.323] [1] [WARNING] Cell 65386 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.324] [1] [WARNING] Cell 60233 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.327] [1] [WARNING] Cell 65420 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.327] [1] [WARNING] Cell 60267 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.603] [1] [WARNING] Cell 41197 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:12.604] [1] [WARNING] Cell 34573 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:13.889] [1] [WARNING] missing 'ui' anim in 'artifacts_kanim (KAnimFile)' [10:05:16.628] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1366x745 @ 60, fullscreen: False System memory in use before: 1.13 GB. System memory in use after: 1.14 GB. Unloading 6 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 210455. Total: 733.299320 ms (FindLiveObjects: 48.562373 ms CreateObjectMapping: 12.839489 ms MarkObjects: 671.387694 ms DeleteObjects: 0.508910 ms) [10:05:23.001] [1] [INFO] Saved to [C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.sav] [10:05:24.862] [1] [INFO] Saving screenshot to C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.png Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) System memory in use before: 1.29 GB. System memory in use after: 1.30 GB. Unloading 89 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 169558. Total: 565.631157 ms (FindLiveObjects: 19.198720 ms CreateObjectMapping: 9.552532 ms MarkObjects: 536.368430 ms DeleteObjects: 0.511048 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) System memory in use before: 1.29 GB. System memory in use after: 1.30 GB. Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 169558. Total: 545.993235 ms (FindLiveObjects: 11.785747 ms CreateObjectMapping: 7.272702 ms MarkObjects: 526.581971 ms DeleteObjects: 0.351532 ms) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) [10:05:38.936] [1] [WARNING] Failed to Unsubscribe event handler: Game+<>c.Void <.cctor>b__218_0(Game, System.Object) Not subscribed to event [10:05:38.936] [1] [WARNING] Failed to Unsubscribe event handler: Game+<>c.Void <.cctor>b__218_1(Game, System.Object) Not subscribed to event UnloadTime: 1222.118492 ms System memory in use before: 1.22 GB. System memory in use after: 1.23 GB. Unloading 467 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 74946. Total: 269.755420 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.662296 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.358233 ms MarkObjects: 259.704242 ms DeleteObjects: 1.029366 ms) [10:05:39.315] [1] [INFO] Loading save file: C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.sav headerVersion:1, buildVersion:477316, headerSize:346, IsCompressed:True [10:05:39.315] [1] [INFO] GameInfo loaded from save header: numberOfCycles:12, numberOfDuplicants:3, baseName:Needy 477316, isAutoSave:False, originalSaveName:interplanetary.sav, clusterId:expansion1::clusters/SandstoneStartCluster, worldTraits:none, colonyGuid:a0d478df-7c53-4595-9ce3-f62cf83b98bd, saveVersion:7.27 [10:05:43.295] [1] [INFO] 119.5829 Level Loaded.... backend Shader warmup: 71 shaders 222 combinations 0.001s [10:05:45.930] [1] [INFO] Custom Settings: ClusterLayout=expansion1::clusters/SandstoneStartCluster,WorldgenSeed=301742141,ImmuneSystem=Default,CalorieBurn=Default,Morale=Default,Durability=Default,Stress=Default,StressBreaks=Default,CarePackages=Enabled,SandboxMode=Enabled,FastWorkersMode=Disabled,SaveToCloud=Disabled,Teleporters=Enabled, [10:05:46.038] [1] [INFO] Loaded [C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.sav] [10:05:46.038] [1] [INFO] World Seeds [301742149/301742149/301742149/301742149] [10:05:46.146] [1] [INFO] -- GAME -- [10:05:46.159] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) [10:05:46.164] [1] [WARNING] Insufficient keys to cover root plan menu Max of 14 keys supported but TUNING.BUILDINGS.PLANORDER has 15 [10:05:47.813] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [public_testing] [10:05:51.093] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15338 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.094] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10185 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.097] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15372 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.097] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10219 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.100] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15406 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.100] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10253 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.103] [1] [WARNING] Cell 15440 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.103] [1] [WARNING] Cell 10287 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.106] [1] [WARNING] Cell 40362 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.106] [1] [WARNING] Cell 35209 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.109] [1] [WARNING] Cell 40396 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.109] [1] [WARNING] Cell 35243 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.112] [1] [WARNING] Cell 40430 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.112] [1] [WARNING] Cell 35277 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.115] [1] [WARNING] Cell 65386 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.115] [1] [WARNING] Cell 60233 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.119] [1] [WARNING] Cell 65420 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.119] [1] [WARNING] Cell 60267 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.285] [1] [WARNING] Cell 41197 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:51.285] [1] [WARNING] Cell 34573 already has a utility network endpoint assigned. Adding FlowUtilityNetwork+NetworkItem will stomp previous endpoint, destroying the object that's already there. [10:05:52.509] [1] [WARNING] missing 'ui' anim in 'artifacts_kanim (KAnimFile)' [10:05:59.173] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1366x745 @ 60, fullscreen: False System memory in use before: 1.44 GB. System memory in use after: 1.46 GB. Unloading 41 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 210567. Total: 782.789278 ms (FindLiveObjects: 20.636924 ms CreateObjectMapping: 43.118752 ms MarkObjects: 718.420345 ms DeleteObjects: 0.611547 ms) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ClusterMapScreen.UpdatePaths () [0x0013b] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Assets\scripts\ui\ClusterMapScreen.cs:810 at ClusterMapScreen.UpdateVis (System.Object data) [0x00008] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Assets\scripts\ui\ClusterMapScreen.cs:599 at ClusterMapScreen.OnHoverHex (ClusterMapHex newHoverHex) [0x00016] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Assets\scripts\ui\ClusterMapScreen.cs:757 at ClusterMapHex.OnHover () [0x000c4] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Assets\scripts\ui\ClusterMapHex.cs:151 at MultiToggle.OnPointerEnter (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00167] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Assets\scripts\ui\Widgets\MultiToggle.cs:163 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerEnterHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00001] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\ExecuteEvents.cs:22 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) [0x00074] in C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\ExecuteEvents.cs:262 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\ExecuteEvents.cs:266) UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule:HandlePointerExitAndEnter(PointerEventData, GameObject) (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\InputModules\BaseInputModule.cs:242) UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule:ProcessMove(PointerEventData) (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\InputModules\PointerInputModule.cs:331) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32) (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\InputModules\StandaloneInputModule.cs:549) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent() (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\InputModules\StandaloneInputModule.cs:528) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:Process() (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\InputModules\StandaloneInputModule.cs:282) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (at C:\jenkins_workspace\workspace\Preview_Simgame_Windows\game\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ugui@1.0.0\Runtime\EventSystem\EventSystem.cs:385) (Filename: C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/ui/ClusterMapScreen.cs Line: 810) [10:06:14.599] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [public_testing] [10:06:19.170] [1] [INFO] Save_file: C:\Users\Sonia\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\save_files/Needy 477316\interplanetary.sav [10:06:33.269] [1] [INFO] Reporting error. [10:06:33.269] [1] [INFO] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [10:06:33.269] [1] [INFO] ClusterMapScreen.UpdatePaths () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/ui/ClusterMapScreen.cs:810) ClusterMapScreen.UpdateVis (System.Object data) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/ui/ClusterMapScreen.cs:599) ClusterMapScreen.OnHoverHex (ClusterMapHex newHoverHex) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/ui/ClusterMapScreen.cs:757) ClusterMapHex.OnHover () (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/ui/ClusterMapHex.cs:151) MultiToggle.OnPointerEnter (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Assets/scripts/ui/Widgets/MultiToggle.cs:163) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerEnterHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ugui@1.0.0/Runtime/EventSystem/ExecuteEvents.cs:22) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ugui@1.0.0/Runtime/EventSystem/ExecuteEvents.cs:262) UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (at C:/jenkins_workspace/workspace/Preview_Simgame_Windows/game/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ugui@1.0.0/Runtime/EventSystem/EventSystem.cs:385) [10:06:33.275] [1] [INFO] Submitting crash: Game.OnApplicationQuit() Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 6b8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 4ff0 -> priority: 1 ##utp:{"type":"MemoryLeaks","version":2,"phase":"Immediate","time":1630922799909,"processId":22504,"allocatedMemory":344860,"memoryLabels":[{"Permanent":40},{"NewDelete":336},{"Thread":1033960},{"Manager":1360},{"Geometry":-1023960},{"GfxDevice":210584},{"Serialization":680},{"File":39280},{"WebCam":32},{"String":852},{"DynamicArray":48336},{"HashMap":24576},{"PoolAlloc":56},{"Sprites":256},{"GI":296},{"VR":1560},{"Secure":6520},{"Subsystems":96}]}