Mono path[0] = 'E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Managed' Mono config path = 'E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' Initialize engine version: 2020.3.11f1 (99c7afb366b3) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (ID=0x1b82) Vendor: VRAM: 8079 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly - Completed reload, in 0.067 seconds D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding. Initializing input. Input initialized. Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 0.302700 ms [16:28:33.663] [1] [INFO] KProfiler: Start [16:28:33.743] [1] [INFO] Applying resolution 1920x1080 @60hz (fullscreen: True) [16:28:33.743] [1] [INFO] Low Res Textures? No [16:28:33.755] [1] [INFO] Current date: 07/18/2021 00:28:33 [16:28:33.755] [1] [INFO] release Build: ??-471883-? [16:28:33.756] [1] [INFO] Creating SteamManager. [16:28:33.839] [1] [INFO] DistributionPlatform initialized. [16:28:33.840] [1] [INFO] release Build: EX1 S14-471883-S [16:28:33.841] [1] [INFO] EXPANSION1 installed: True active: True [16:28:35.092] [1] [INFO] Expansion1: True [16:28:35.093] [1] [INFO] Loading Expansion1 assets from bundle SYSTEM INFO: Platform=WindowsPlayer OSname=Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit OSversion=10.0.19043.0 CPUmodel=System Product Name (ASUS) CPUdeviceType=Desktop CPUarch=AMD64 ProcBits=64 CPUcount=16 CPUtype=11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz SystemMemoryMegs=32618 GPUgraphicsDeviceID=7042 GPUname=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti GPUgraphicsDeviceType=Direct3D11 GPUgraphicsDeviceVendor=NVIDIA GPUgraphicsDeviceVendorID=4318 GPUgraphicsDeviceVersion=Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] GPUmemoryMegs=8079 GPUgraphicsMultiThreaded=False GPUgraphicsShaderLevel=50 GPUmaxTextureSize=16384 GPUnpotSupport=Full GPUsupportedRenderTargetCount=8 GPUsupports2DArrayTextures=True GPUsupports3DTextures=True GPUsupportsComputeShaders=True GPUsupportsImageEffects=True GPUsupportsInstancing=True GPUsupportsRenderToCubemap=True GPUsupportsShadows=True GPUsupportsSparseTextures=True System Language=English [16:28:37.217] [1] [INFO] Initializing at 2021-07-17 16:28:37.217 [16:28:37.217] [1] [INFO] Save path: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [16:28:37.510] [1] [WARNING] Per-planetoid Materials: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2517456276) [16:28:37.511] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ModsFilter`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.519] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.519] [1] [INFO] More Food Variety has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.MoreFoodVariety`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.521] [1] [INFO] More Food Variety: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.521] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Pliers.fixed`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.523] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.523] [1] [WARNING] remove mutant min radiation: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2479453490) [16:28:37.523] [1] [INFO] Useful Tags Lite has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.UsefulTagsLite`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.524] [1] [INFO] Useful Tags Lite: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.524] [1] [INFO] Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.HEPWallBridge`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.525] [1] [INFO] Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.526] [1] [INFO] Workshop Profiles has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.WorkshopProfiles`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.527] [1] [INFO] Workshop Profiles: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.527] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box has a mod.yaml with a staticID `WildPlanterBox`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.529] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.529] [1] [WARNING] [DLC Only] Metal Ladder: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2428991260) [16:28:37.529] [1] [INFO] Custom Tiles has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.CustomTiles`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.530] [1] [INFO] Custom Tiles: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.530] [1] [WARNING] Lead Color Fix: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2406184716) [16:28:37.531] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.ConveyorRailDisplay`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.533] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.533] [1] [WARNING] Deconstructable Rocket Tiles (DLC only): File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2377629562) [16:28:37.533] [1] [WARNING] Speed Control for DLC: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2376462873) [16:28:37.533] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FinishTasks`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.535] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.536] [1] [INFO] Refresh Immigrants / 刷新选人: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.536] [1] [WARNING] Public Dining Tables: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2363161576) [16:28:37.536] [1] [INFO] No Splash Screen has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.NoSplashScreen`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.537] [1] [INFO] No Splash Screen: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.537] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.RoomsExpanded`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.551] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.551] [1] [INFO] Spacer Set has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.SpacerSet`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.552] [1] [INFO] Spacer Set: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.553] [1] [INFO] Biological Vats has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.BioVats`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.553] [1] [INFO] Biological Vats: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.554] [1] [WARNING] Pipe Germ Info: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2276953041) [16:28:37.554] [1] [INFO] Industrial Boilers has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.IndustrialBoilers`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.555] [1] [INFO] Industrial Boilers: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.555] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.BetterAnimations`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.556] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.557] [1] [WARNING] More processing recipes: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2214346454) [16:28:37.557] [1] [WARNING] 元素精煉 Element Refinery: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2203421564) [16:28:37.557] [1] [WARNING] AutoHarvest: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2193798307) [16:28:37.557] [1] [INFO] Fixed Ore Scrubber has a mod.yaml with a staticID `OniMods.PsychoDad.FixedOreScrubber`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.558] [1] [INFO] Fixed Ore Scrubber: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.559] [1] [INFO] Clarified Max Decor has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.ClarifiedMaxDecor`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.560] [1] [INFO] Clarified Max Decor: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.560] [1] [INFO] Don't Idle in Doors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.NoDoorIdle`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.561] [1] [INFO] Don't Idle in Doors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.561] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BuildStraightUp`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.563] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.563] [1] [WARNING] Sealed Critter Feeders: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2130729222) [16:28:37.563] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.UnrestrictedTransitTubes`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.564] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.566] [1] [INFO] Insulated Joint Plate: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.567] [1] [INFO] Insulated Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.568] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Furniture has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSFurniture`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.568] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Furniture: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.569] [1] [INFO] Clean Drop has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.CleanDrop`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.570] [1] [INFO] Clean Drop: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.570] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.NoManualDelivery`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.572] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.572] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ClothingLocker`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.573] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.573] [1] [INFO] Debug Console // by @Ony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `DebugConsole�`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.575] [1] [INFO] Debug Console // by @Ony : Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.575] [1] [WARNING] 燃料大躍進 Combustable Revolution: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2036007341) [16:28:37.575] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSStructures`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.577] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.577] [1] [INFO] Advanced Fridges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.AdvFridges`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.578] [1] [INFO] Advanced Fridges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.578] [1] [WARNING] Empty The Storage: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2021224960) [16:28:37.579] [1] [INFO] PrintListSelect / 打印舱物品刷新 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PrintListSelect`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.580] [1] [INFO] PrintListSelect / 打印舱物品刷新: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.580] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ModUpdateDate`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.581] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.581] [1] [WARNING] System Clock: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2013164217) [16:28:37.581] [1] [INFO] Stairs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Stairs`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.583] [1] [INFO] Stairs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.583] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ThermalTooltips`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.585] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.585] [1] [INFO] Priority Zero has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.PriorityZero`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.586] [1] [INFO] Priority Zero: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.586] [1] [INFO] Mineral Processing has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.MineralProcessing`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.588] [1] [INFO] Mineral Processing: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.588] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ShowRange`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.590] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.590] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterInfoCards`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.592] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.592] [1] [INFO] No Pointless Scrollbars has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.NoPointlessScrollbars`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.593] [1] [INFO] No Pointless Scrollbars: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.596] [1] [INFO] Fashionistic: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.596] [1] [INFO] Thermal Interface Plate has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ThermalPlate`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.597] [1] [INFO] Thermal Interface Plate: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.598] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.CleanFloors`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.599] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.599] [1] [INFO] Resculpt has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.Resculpt`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.601] [1] [INFO] Resculpt: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.601] [1] [INFO] Smart Pumps has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SmartPumps`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.603] [1] [INFO] Smart Pumps: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.603] [1] [INFO] bottle emptier extend has a mod.yaml with a staticID `sign-bee`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.606] [1] [INFO] bottle emptier extend: Successfully loaded from path 'archived_versions\expansion1_id_469369' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.606] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.QueueForSink`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.607] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.607] [1] [INFO] Better Automation Overlay has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterLogicOverlay`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.608] [1] [INFO] Better Automation Overlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.609] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.EfficientFetch`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.610] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.611] [1] [INFO] Tune-Up: Prioritize Generators: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.611] [1] [INFO] Better Deselect has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterDeselect`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.613] [1] [INFO] Better Deselect: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.613] [1] [WARNING] No Drop // by @Ony : File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1868454866) [16:28:37.613] [1] [INFO] Fast Save has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FastSave`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.614] [1] [INFO] Fast Save: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.614] [1] [INFO] Deselect New Materials has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.DeselectNewMaterials`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.615] [1] [INFO] Deselect New Materials: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.615] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SweepByType`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.617] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.617] [1] [WARNING] Smart Mop // by @Ony : File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1863275516) [16:28:37.617] [1] [WARNING] Buildable POI Doors: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1861918351) [16:28:37.617] [1] [WARNING] Critter Proof Doors: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1861123244) [16:28:37.617] [1] [INFO] Sweep Those Eggs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `EggCritterSurplus`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.618] [1] [INFO] Sweep Those Eggs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.618] [1] [WARNING] Branding Matters: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1855384509) [16:28:37.618] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FallingSand`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.620] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.620] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BulkSettingsChange`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.621] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.622] [1] [WARNING] Assignable Showers: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1842684413) [16:28:37.622] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BuildableNaturalTile`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.623] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.624] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `DGSM`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.625] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony : Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.626] [1] [INFO] Build Over Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.627] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.SuppressNotifications`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.628] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.628] [1] [INFO] Automated Colony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `RainbowAutomatedColony`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.629] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'Version' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:37.630] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'Version' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:37.631] [1] [INFO] Automated Colony: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.631] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.WoundedGoToMedBed`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.633] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.633] [1] [WARNING] BalanceGasPumpConsumption: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1822071175) [16:28:37.633] [1] [WARNING] Piped output: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1820866530) [16:28:37.633] [1] [WARNING] Idle Suits: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1748408711) [16:28:37.635] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.636] [1] [INFO] GasOverlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.636] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.RefinedMetalsUsableAsRawMetals`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.638] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.638] [1] [WARNING] Super Miner: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1728728517) [16:28:37.638] [1] [WARNING] Reset Build Priority: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1722760223) [16:28:37.638] [1] [WARNING] Plan Buildings Without Materials: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1717526174) [16:28:37.638] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerCameraZoomOut`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.640] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.640] [1] [WARNING] [Vanilla + DLC] Deconstructable POI Props: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1715248368) [16:28:37.640] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.GeyserCalculatedAvgOutputTooltip`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.641] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.642] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MosaicTile`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.643] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.643] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ShowIndustrialMachineryTag`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.645] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.645] [1] [INFO] Marble Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MarbleTile`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.646] [1] [INFO] Marble Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.647] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BuildablePOIProps`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.648] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.648] [1] [INFO] Colorful Shinebugs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ColorfulShinebugs`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.650] [1] [INFO] Colorful Shinebugs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.650] [1] [WARNING] Waterproof Transformer + Battery: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1874426480) [16:28:37.651] [1] [INFO] Wrangle Fliers: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.651] [1] [WARNING] Nosh Bean Cooking Ingredient fix: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2295573704) [16:28:37.651] [1] [WARNING] Storage Pod: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/1873476551) [16:28:37.652] [1] [WARNING] Advanced Research Station -- Water input: File source does not appear to be valid, skipping. (C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2265312325) [16:28:37.658] [1] [INFO] [DLC] Better Hydrogen Engine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.658] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.RenameAsteroids`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.659] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.659] [1] [INFO] Varicoloured Balloons has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.VaricolouredBalloons`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.660] [1] [INFO] Varicoloured Balloons: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:37.661] [1] [INFO] Untested- SPACED OUT! Wounded automatically go to medical bed.: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.662] [1] [INFO] [DLC] Better Steam Engine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.663] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:37.663] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'lastWorkingVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:37.664] [1] [INFO] Geyser Average Output Tooltip [Base + Spaced Out]: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.664] [1] [INFO] Full Miner Yield has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BertO.FullMinerYield`, using that from now on. [16:28:37.665] [1] [INFO] Full Miner Yield: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.666] [1] [INFO] Speed Control Updated: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:37.666] [1] [INFO] Using builtin mod system. [16:28:37.667] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Mod Filter:2196347807] (provides DLL) [16:28:37.668] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ModsFilter.dll Fallback handler could not load library E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Mono/data-000002270895C410.dll Fallback handler could not load library E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Mono/data-0000022720CDCB00.dll [16:28:37.832] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [More Food Variety:2497864349] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:37.832] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: More Food Variety.dll [16:28:37.851] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Pliers fixed:2479475997] (provides DLL) [16:28:37.852] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Pliers.dll [16:28:37.875] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod Pliers initialized, version Unknown [16:28:37.877] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Creating PLib Registry from Pliers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.879] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from Pliers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.880] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from Pliers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.880] [1] [INFO] [PLibDatabase] Localizing assembly Pliers using base namespace Pliers [16:28:37.883] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Actions.PActionManager from Pliers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.886] [1] [INFO] Pliers Loaded: Version [16:28:37.886] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Useful Tags Lite:2471723048] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:37.887] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Useful Tags Lite.dll [16:28:37.922] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector:2451195132] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:37.922] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: HEPWallBridge.dll [16:28:37.954] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod HEPWallBridge initialized, version 1.1.0 [16:28:37.957] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from HEPWallBridge, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.957] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from HEPWallBridge, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.958] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for HEPWallBridge [16:28:37.958] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Workshop Profiles:2433887112] (provides DLL) [16:28:37.959] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WorkshopProfiles.dll [16:28:37.970] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod WorkshopProfiles initialized, version [16:28:37.972] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from WorkshopProfiles, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.972] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from WorkshopProfiles, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.973] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for WorkshopProfiles [16:28:37.974] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from WorkshopProfiles, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:37.975] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Wild Planter Box:2432751162] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:37.975] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WildPlanterBox.dll [16:28:37.989] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display:2383900750] (provides DLL) [16:28:37.989] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ConveyorRailDisplay.dll [16:28:37.998] [1] [INFO] ConveyorRailDisplay: Loaded from: C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2383900750 [16:28:37.998] [1] [INFO] ConveyorRailDisplay: Mod version: 2021.6.24.2032 supporting game build 469369 (ALL) [16:28:37.999] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Rest for the Weary:2373109589] (provides DLL) [16:28:37.999] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FinishTasks.dll [16:28:38.033] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod FinishTasks initialized, version [16:28:38.035] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from FinishTasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.035] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from FinishTasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.036] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Refresh Immigrants / 刷新选人:2363561445] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.037] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RefreshImmigrants.dll [16:28:38.041] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [No Splash Screen:2361698345] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.042] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: NoSplashScreen.dll [16:28:38.044] [1] [INFO] Mod NoSplashScreen initialized, assembly version [16:28:38.045] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded:2348079481] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.045] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RoomsExpandedMerged.dll [16:28:38.133] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Loaded from: C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2348079481 [16:28:38.133] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Mod version: 2021.7.1.2202 supporting game build 469369 (VANILLA_ID, EXPANSION1_ID) [16:28:38.133] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod RoomsExpandedMerged initialized, version 2021.7.1.2202 [16:28:38.135] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from RoomsExpandedMerged, Version=2021.7.1.2202, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.135] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from RoomsExpandedMerged, Version=2021.7.1.2202, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.135] [1] [INFO] [PLib/RoomsExpandedMerged] Registered mod options class RoomsExpanded.Settings for pether-pg.RoomsExpanded [16:28:38.142] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: POptions registered! [16:28:38.145] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Multitool Animations:2219686881] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.145] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterAnimations.dll [16:28:38.153] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Fixed Ore Scrubber:2172549146] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.153] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FixedOreScrubber.dll [16:28:38.182] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from FixedOreScrubber, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.182] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from FixedOreScrubber, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.182] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FixedOreScrubber] Registered mod options class OniMods.FixedOreScrubber.FixedOreScrubberModSettings for OniMods.PsychoDad.FixedOreScrubber [16:28:38.185] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Don't Idle in Doors:2154537340] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.185] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: NoDoorIdle.dll [16:28:38.188] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.7.15.1 [16:28:38.193] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from NoDoorIdle, Version=2021.7.15.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.193] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from NoDoorIdle, Version=2021.7.15.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.193] [1] [INFO] [PLib/NoDoorIdle] Registered mod options class NoDoorIdle.Options for Aze.NoDoorIdle [16:28:38.225] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Build Straight Up:2135682628] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.225] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildStraightUp.dll [16:28:38.229] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BuildStraightUp] Patched IsAreaClear [16:28:38.245] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BuildStraightUp] Patched IsValidBuildLocation [16:28:38.251] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod BuildStraightUp initialized, version [16:28:38.253] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from BuildStraightUp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.253] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from BuildStraightUp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.254] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for BuildStraightUp [16:28:38.256] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Unrestricted Transit Tubes:2093080114] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.256] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: UnrestrictedTransitTubes.dll [16:28:38.260] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Clean Drop:2047364442] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.260] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: CleanDrop.dll [16:28:38.281] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod CleanDrop initialized, version [16:28:38.282] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from CleanDrop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.283] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from CleanDrop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.283] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for CleanDrop [16:28:38.286] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [No Manual Delivery:2047308624] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.286] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: NoManualDelivery.dll [16:28:38.319] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod NoManualDelivery initialized, version 1.5.0 [16:28:38.321] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from NoManualDelivery, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.321] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from NoManualDelivery, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.322] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for NoManualDelivery [16:28:38.322] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from NoManualDelivery, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.322] [1] [INFO] [PLib/NoManualDelivery] Registered mod options class NoManualDelivery.NoManualDeliveryOptions for Sanchozz.ONIMods.NoManualDelivery [16:28:38.327] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [PrintListSelect / 打印舱物品刷新:2019780544] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.327] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: PrintListSelect.dll [16:28:38.349] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from PrintListSelect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.349] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from PrintListSelect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.349] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PrintListSelect] Registered mod options class PrintListSelect.PrintListSelectOptions for PrintListSelect [16:28:38.349] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from PrintListSelect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.358] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from PrintListSelect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.358] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for PrintListSelect [16:28:38.359] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Actions.PActionManager from PrintListSelect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.363] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Mod Updater:2018291283] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.363] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ModUpdateDate.dll [16:28:38.396] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ModUpdateDate initialized, version [16:28:38.398] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from ModUpdateDate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.398] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from ModUpdateDate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.398] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ModUpdateDate] Registered mod options class PeterHan.ModUpdateDate.ModUpdateInfo for PeterHan.ModUpdateDate [16:28:38.398] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from ModUpdateDate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.412] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Thermal Tooltips:1983504552] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.412] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ThermalTooltips.dll [16:28:38.423] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] UpdateHoverElements patch complete [16:28:38.458] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ThermalTooltips initialized, version [16:28:38.460] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from ThermalTooltips, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.460] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from ThermalTooltips, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.460] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Registered mod options class PeterHan.ThermalTooltips.ThermalTooltipsOptions for PeterHan.ThermalTooltips [16:28:38.461] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from ThermalTooltips, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.461] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from ThermalTooltips, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.462] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 3 handler(s) for ThermalTooltips [16:28:38.465] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Priority Zero:1972768699] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.466] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: PriorityZero.dll [16:28:38.467] [1] [WARNING] [PriorityZero] Unable to find Chore patch offset. [16:28:38.497] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Show Building Ranges:1960996649] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.497] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ShowRange.dll [16:28:38.514] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ShowRange initialized, version [16:28:38.517] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Info Cards:1960947963] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.517] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterInfoCards.dll [16:28:38.521] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.6.27.16 [16:28:38.526] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from BetterInfoCards, Version=2021.6.27.16, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.526] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from BetterInfoCards, Version=2021.6.27.16, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.526] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BetterInfoCards] Registered mod options class BetterInfoCards.Options for Aze.BetterInfoCards Fallback handler could not load library E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/Mono/data-0000022708962490.dll [16:28:38.599] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] UpdateHoverElements patch complete [16:28:38.656] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [No Pointless Scrollbars:1959130035] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.656] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: NoPointlessScrollbars.dll [16:28:38.659] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.6.27.13 [16:28:38.680] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Fashionistic:1946209956] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:38.680] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Fashionistic2.dll [16:28:38.731] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Thermal Interface Plate:1938747693] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:38.732] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ThermalPlate.dll [16:28:38.735] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod ThermalPlate initialized, version [16:28:38.737] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from ThermalPlate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.737] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from ThermalPlate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.739] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Buildings.PBuildingManager from ThermalPlate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.743] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Clean Floors:1937854017] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.743] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: CleanFloors.dll [16:28:38.746] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.6.27.13 [16:28:38.761] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Resculpt:1918000273] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.761] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Resculpt.dll [16:28:38.773] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod Resculpt initialized, version [16:28:38.775] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from Resculpt, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.775] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from Resculpt, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.776] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from Resculpt, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.777] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for Resculpt [16:28:38.781] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Smart Pumps:1887986467] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:38.781] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SmartPumps.dll [16:28:38.787] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod SmartPumps initialized, version [16:28:38.789] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from SmartPumps, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.789] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from SmartPumps, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.792] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Buildings.PBuildingManager from SmartPumps, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.793] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from SmartPumps, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.794] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for SmartPumps [16:28:38.806] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Queue For Sinks:1881925531] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.806] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: QueueForSink.dll [16:28:38.814] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod QueueForSink initialized, version [16:28:38.820] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from QueueForSink, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.820] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.AVC.PVersionCheck from QueueForSink, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.820] [1] [INFO] [PLib/QueueForSink] Registered mod ID PeterHan.QueueForSink for automatic version checking [16:28:38.824] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Automation Overlay:1878896484] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.824] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterLogicOverlay.dll [16:28:38.828] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.6.27.13 [16:28:38.835] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from BetterLogicOverlay, Version=2021.6.27.13, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.835] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from BetterLogicOverlay, Version=2021.6.27.13, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.838] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from BetterLogicOverlay, Version=2021.6.27.13, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:38.838] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BetterLogicOverlay] Registered mod options class BetterLogicOverlay.Options for Aze.BetterLogicOverlay [16:28:38.977] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Efficient Supply:1874600082] (provides DLL) [16:28:38.977] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: EfficientFetch.dll [16:28:38.998] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod EfficientFetch initialized, version [16:28:38.999] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from EfficientFetch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.000] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from EfficientFetch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.001] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for EfficientFetch [16:28:39.001] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from EfficientFetch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.001] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] Registered mod options class PeterHan.EfficientFetch.EfficientFetchOptions for PeterHan.EfficientFetch [16:28:39.005] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Better Deselect:1870696175] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.005] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterDeselect.dll [16:28:39.009] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.6.28.1 [16:28:39.019] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from BetterDeselect, Version=2021.6.28.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.019] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from BetterDeselect, Version=2021.6.28.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.019] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BetterDeselect] Registered mod options class BetterDeselect.Options for Aze.BetterDeselect [16:28:39.045] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Fast Save:1867707267] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.045] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FastSave.dll [16:28:39.070] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod FastSave initialized, version [16:28:39.072] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from FastSave, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.072] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from FastSave, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.072] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FastSave] Registered mod options class PeterHan.FastSave.FastSaveOptions for PeterHan.FastSave [16:28:39.072] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FastSave] FastSave in mode: Safe [16:28:39.073] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from FastSave, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.075] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.AVC.PVersionCheck from FastSave, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.075] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FastSave] Registered mod ID PeterHan.FastSave for automatic version checking [16:28:39.089] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Deselect New Materials:1863598374] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.089] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: DeselectNewMaterials.dll [16:28:39.100] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod DeselectNewMaterials initialized, version [16:28:39.102] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.102] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.103] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.103] [1] [INFO] [PLib/DeselectNewMaterials] Registered mod options class PeterHan.DeselectNewMaterials.DeselectMaterialsOptions for PeterHan.DeselectNewMaterials [16:28:39.104] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.105] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for DeselectNewMaterials [16:28:39.105] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.AVC.PVersionCheck from DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.106] [1] [INFO] [PLib/DeselectNewMaterials] Registered mod ID PeterHan.DeselectNewMaterials for automatic version checking [16:28:39.110] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Sweep By Type:1863428350] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.110] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SweepByType.dll [16:28:39.122] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod SweepByType initialized, version [16:28:39.124] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from SweepByType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.124] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from SweepByType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.124] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Registered mod options class PeterHan.SweepByType.SweepByTypeOptions for PeterHan.SweepByType [16:28:39.126] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from SweepByType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.127] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from SweepByType, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.128] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 2 handler(s) for SweepByType [16:28:39.133] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Sweep Those Eggs:1856796585] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.133] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: EggCritterSurplus.dll [16:28:39.135] [1] [INFO] [SweepThoseEggs] Loading EggCritterSurplus building. [16:28:39.135] [1] [INFO] [TECHHELPER] Added EggCritterSurplus to Food [16:28:39.149] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Falling Sand:1855163252] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.149] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FallingSand.dll [16:28:39.176] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod FallingSand initialized, version [16:28:39.178] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from FallingSand, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.178] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from FallingSand, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.179] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for FallingSand [16:28:39.183] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Settings Change Tool:1843647561] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.184] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BulkSettingsChange.dll [16:28:39.196] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod BulkSettingsChange initialized, version [16:28:39.198] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from BulkSettingsChange, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.198] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization from BulkSettingsChange, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.200] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from BulkSettingsChange, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.201] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 1 handler(s) for BulkSettingsChange [16:28:39.202] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Actions.PActionManager from BulkSettingsChange, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:39.207] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony :1838445101] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.207] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Release_DLC1.Mod.DGSM.dll [DGSM][1]: Version: initialized [16:28:39.313] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Build Over Plants:1835394161] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.313] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildOverPlants.dll [16:28:39.317] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BuildStraightUp] Patched IsAreaClear [16:28:39.333] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Suppress Notifications:1832319118] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.334] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SuppressNotifications.dll [16:28:39.338] [1] [INFO] - version: 2021.6.27.13 [16:28:39.396] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Automated Colony:1828749978] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.396] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildingExtension.dll [16:28:39.396] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RainbowCommons.dll [16:28:39.807] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [ChainedDeconstruction:1737893485] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.808] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ChainedDeconstruction.dll [16:28:39.808] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Common.dll [16:28:39.811] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Initialized successfully. Version:, Path: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1737893485, Config root: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1737893485 [16:28:39.817] [1] [INFO] Common: Set FileWatcher on C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\1737893485\Chainables.json [16:28:39.819] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Set chainables: all [16:28:39.825] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [GasOverlay:1737859934] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.825] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: Common.dll [16:28:39.825] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: GasOverlay.dll [16:28:39.844] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals:1729816134] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.844] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RefinedMetalsUsableAsRawMetals.dll [16:28:39.846] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:39.858] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Bigger Camera Zoom Out:1717463209] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.858] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BiggerCameraZoomOut.dll [16:28:39.859] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Bigger Camera Zoom Out ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:39.891] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Mosaic Tile:1706142008] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:39.891] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: MosaicTile.dll [16:28:39.893] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Mosaic Tile ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:39.921] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Show Industrial Machinery Tag:1706080287] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.921] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ShowIndustrialMachineryTag.dll [16:28:39.922] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Show Industrial Machinery Tag ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:39.935] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Marble Tile:1706061612] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.935] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: MarbleTile.dll [16:28:39.937] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Marble Tile ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:39.964] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Buildable POI Props:1704376369] (provides DLL) [16:28:39.964] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BuildablePOIProps.dll [16:28:39.966] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Buildable POI Props ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:40.005] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Colorful Shinebugs:1702980293] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.005] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ColorfulShinebugs.dll [16:28:40.006] <<-- CaiLib -->> Loaded [ Colorful Shinebugs ] with version 2021.7.1.1 [16:28:40.028] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Wrangle Fliers:1872051674] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.029] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WrangleFlyers.dll [16:28:40.053] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[DLC] Better Hydrogen Engine:2504234924] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.053] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterHydrogenEngine.dll [16:28:40.063] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Rename Asteroids:2359640901] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.063] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: RenameAsteroids.dll [16:28:40.089] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Varicoloured Balloons:2293939893] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.089] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: VaricolouredBalloons.dll [16:28:40.125] [1] [INFO] [PLib] Mod VaricolouredBalloons initialized, version 1.1.0 [16:28:40.127] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches from VaricolouredBalloons, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.127] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from VaricolouredBalloons, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.130] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Registered 4 handler(s) for VaricolouredBalloons [16:28:40.130] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions from VaricolouredBalloons, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.130] [1] [INFO] [PLib/VaricolouredBalloons] Registered mod options class VaricolouredBalloons.VaricolouredBalloonsOptions for Sanchozz.ONIMods.VaricolouredBalloons [16:28:40.137] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Untested- SPACED OUT! Wounded automatically go to medical bed.:2442574049] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.137] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: WGTMB.dll [16:28:40.160] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [[DLC] Better Steam Engine:2469845846] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.160] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: BetterSteamEngine.dll [16:28:40.171] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Geyser Average Output Tooltip [Base + Spaced Out]:2460637426] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.171] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: ONIGeyserAvgCalc.dll [16:28:40.198] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Full Miner Yield:2527442674] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.198] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: FullMinerYield.dll [16:28:40.198] [1] [INFO] === Transpiler applied === [16:28:40.207] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content DLL [Speed Control Updated:2526567631] (provides DLL) [16:28:40.207] [1] [INFO] Loading MOD dll: SpeedControlUpdated.dll [16:28:40.217] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.Buildings.PBuildingManager using version from assembly SmartPumps, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.235] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Candidate version of PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager from SmartPumps, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.235] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.Options.POptions using version from assembly DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.244] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.Actions.PActionManager using version from assembly PrintListSelect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.251] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.Database.PLocalization using version from assembly DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.251] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.AVC.PVersionCheck using version from assembly DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.259] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.PatchManager.PPatchManager using version from assembly DeselectNewMaterials, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.296] [1] [INFO] [PLibPatches] Instantiating component PeterHan.PLib.Core.PLibCorePatches using version from assembly ModUpdateDate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [16:28:40.314] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Localizing titles for Pliers [16:28:40.345] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod Pliers [16:28:40.346] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod BulkSettingsChange [16:28:40.346] [1] [INFO] [PKeyBinding] Registering 1 key bind(s) for mod PrintListSelect [16:28:40.350] [1] [INFO] Localization.Initialize! [16:28:40.354] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Loading translation file: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\2348079481\Translations\en.po [16:28:40.354] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Translation file not found, using default strings. [16:28:40.357] [1] [INFO] Generated C:/Users/OWNER/Documents/Klei/OxygenNotIncluded/mods/Steam/2348079481/Translations/roomsexpanded_template.pot [16:28:40.357] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: using translation done by [16:28:40.369] [1] [INFO] Test Data Location / docs / C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [16:28:40.369] [1] [INFO] Test Data Location / local / C:\Users\OWNER\AppData\Local\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded [16:28:40.371] [1] [INFO] Test Data Locations / C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\test / write True / read True / removed True [16:28:40.371] [1] [INFO] Test Data Locations / C:\Users\OWNER\AppData\Local\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\test / write True / read True / removed True [16:28:40.372] [1] [INFO] Logged into Steam with ID:76561198307852087, NAME:𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖒𝖆 [16:28:40.373] [1] [INFO] [Account] Requesting auth ticket from Steam [16:28:40.467] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [More Food Variety:2497864349] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.507] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Useful Tags Lite:2471723048] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.590] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector:2451195132] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.599] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Wild Planter Box:2432751162] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.607] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Fashionistic:1946209956] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.694] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Thermal Interface Plate:1938747693] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.697] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Smart Pumps:1887986467] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.712] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Mosaic Tile:1706142008] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:40.716] [1] [INFO] Loading mod content Animation [Varicoloured Balloons:2293939893] (provides DLL, Animation) [16:28:42.617] [5] [INFO] [Account] Got login for user KU_wwUugXCp [16:28:43.313] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: Trying to get RoomTypes type... [16:28:43.324] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/Resculpt] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.Resculpt.repaint.png (256x256, 4821 bytes) [16:28:43.325] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/Resculpt] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.Resculpt.resculpt.png (256x256, 5139 bytes) [16:28:43.327] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/BulkSettingsChange] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.BulkSettingsChange.Placer.png (256x256, 3496 bytes) [16:28:43.328] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/BulkSettingsChange] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.BulkSettingsChange.Toggle.png (256x256, 12639 bytes) [16:28:43.334] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/PrintListSelect] Loaded sprite: PrintListSelect.image_setting_button.png (128x128, 17202 bytes) [16:28:43.444] [1] [INFO] RoomsExpanded: VARIETY_OF_ROOMS - removed Farm requirement [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SmallPressureDoor with tech.DirectedAirStreams [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: AirFilter CO2Scrubber PressureDoor SmallPressureDoor [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register BackgroundLadder with tech.Luxury [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: LuxuryBed LadderFast PlasticTile BackgroundLadder [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register LaserMiner with tech.SolidTransport [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: SolidConduitInbox SolidConduit SolidConduitBridge SolidVent LaserMiner [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SuperTransferArm with tech.SolidManagement [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: SolidFilter SolidConduitTemperatureSensor SolidConduitElementSensor SolidConduitDiseaseSensor CargoBayCluster SuperTransferArm [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SuperWire with tech.PrettyGoodConductors [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: WireRefined WireRefinedBridge WireRefinedHighWattage WireRefinedBridgeHighWattage PowerTransformer SuperWire [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SuperWireBridge with tech.PrettyGoodConductors [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: WireRefined WireRefinedBridge WireRefinedHighWattage WireRefinedBridgeHighWattage PowerTransformer SuperWire SuperWireBridge [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register WideAreaTransferArm with tech.SolidTransport [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: SolidConduitInbox SolidConduit SolidConduitBridge SolidVent LaserMiner WideAreaTransferArm [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SuperMiner with tech.SolidManagement [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: SolidFilter SolidConduitTemperatureSensor SolidConduitElementSensor SolidConduitDiseaseSensor CargoBayCluster SuperTransferArm SuperMiner [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SteelTravelTube with tech.TravelTubes [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: TravelTubeEntrance TravelTube TravelTubeWallBridge VerticalWindTunnel SteelTravelTube [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register SlimeGrower with tech.FarmingTech [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: AlgaeHabitat PlanterBox RationBox Compost SlimeGrower [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register AutoSupermaterialRefinery with tech.Screens [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: PixelPack AutoSupermaterialRefinery [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register AutoRockCrusher with tech.Multiplexing [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: LogicGateMultiplexer LogicGateDemultiplexer AutoRockCrusher [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register AutoRefinery with tech.Multiplexing [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: LogicGateMultiplexer LogicGateDemultiplexer AutoRockCrusher AutoRefinery [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register LiquidForge with tech.Screens [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: PixelPack AutoSupermaterialRefinery LiquidForge [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register bleachstonerefineryrainbow with tech.Catalytics [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: OxyliteRefinery SupermaterialRefinery SodaFountain GasCargoBayCluster bleachstonerefineryrainbow [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register AutoCompost with tech.DupeTrafficControl [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: LogicCounter LogicMemory LogicGateXOR ArcadeMachine Checkpoint CosmicResearchCenter AutoCompost [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register HighCapacityStorage with tech.SolidManagement [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: SolidFilter SolidConduitTemperatureSensor SolidConduitElementSensor SolidConduitDiseaseSensor CargoBayCluster SuperTransferArm SuperMiner HighCapacityStorage [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Try register AutoMopper with tech.ValveMiniaturization [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registration success! [16:28:43.465] [1] [INFO] Registered techs: LiquidMiniPump GasMiniPump AutoMopper [16:28:43.469] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Registered Better Info Cards status data handlers [16:28:43.473] [1] [INFO] [PLib/UI/SweepByType] Loaded sprite: PeterHan.SweepByType.Sweep.png (256x256, 23190 bytes) [16:28:43.474] [1] [INFO] [PLibBuildings] Register techs for 1 building(s) from ThermalPlate [16:28:43.474] [1] [INFO] [PLibBuildings] Register techs for 3 building(s) from SmartPumps [16:28:43.566] [1] [INFO] [PLibBuildings] Register strings for 1 building(s) from ThermalPlate [16:28:43.566] [1] [INFO] [PLibBuildings] Register strings for 3 building(s) from SmartPumps [16:28:44.417] [1] [INFO] [= INIT =] Load Slime Grower [16:28:44.426] [1] [WARNING] Missing Anim: [0x69138F50]. You may have to run Collect Anim on the Assets prefab [16:28:44.439] [1] [INFO] [= INIT =] Load Building Extension Mod [16:28:44.481] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AirFilter, range 3 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AlgaeHabitat, range 3 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AlgaeHabitat, range 1 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to CO2Scrubber, range 3 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Cluster Telescope visualizer added [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Space scanner visualizer added [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to GasMiniPump, range 2 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to GasPump, range 2 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to LiquidCooledFan, range 8 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to LiquidMiniPump, range 2 [16:28:44.482] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to LiquidPump, range 2 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to OxygenMaskStation, range 2 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to VerticalWindTunnel, range 2 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to VerticalWindTunnel, range 2 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to FilteredGasPump, range 2 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to FilteredLiquidPump, range 2 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to VacuumPump, range 4 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to SlimeGrower, range 3 [16:28:44.483] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ShowRange] Visualizer added to AutoMopper, range 23 [16:28:45.150] [1] [WARNING] Tried loading prefab with duplicate tag, ignoring: HighEnergyParticle Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) Unloading 1018 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 58922. Total: 72.745700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.774500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.994200 ms MarkObjects: 69.246100 ms DeleteObjects: 0.730100 ms) Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) UnloadTime: 2.681600 ms Unloading 4 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 62269. Total: 80.486200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.599200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.877100 ms MarkObjects: 77.858100 ms DeleteObjects: 0.151200 ms) [16:28:46.271] [1] [INFO] -- MAIN MENU -- [16:28:46.341] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] [16:28:46.374] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1920x1080 @ 60, fullscreen: True [16:28:46.817] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Speed Control Updated [16:28:46.821] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Full Miner Yield [16:28:46.828] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Per-planetoid Materials [16:28:46.830] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [DLC] Better Hydrogen Engine [16:28:46.831] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod More Food Variety [16:28:46.837] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pliers fixed [16:28:46.839] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod remove mutant min radiation [16:28:46.841] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Useful Tags Lite [16:28:46.850] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [DLC] Better Steam Engine [16:28:46.850] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Geyser Average Output Tooltip [Base + Spaced Out] [16:28:46.854] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector [16:28:46.857] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Untested- SPACED OUT! Wounded automatically go to medical bed. [16:28:46.865] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Workshop Profiles [16:28:46.871] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wild Planter Box [16:28:46.882] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [DLC Only] Metal Ladder [16:28:46.892] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Custom Tiles [16:28:46.901] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Lead Color Fix [16:28:46.904] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display [16:28:46.941] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Deconstructable Rocket Tiles (DLC only) [16:28:46.953] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Speed Control for DLC [16:28:46.957] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Rest for the Weary [16:28:46.964] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Refresh Immigrants / 刷新选人 [16:28:46.967] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Public Dining Tables [16:28:46.968] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod No Splash Screen [16:28:46.974] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Rename Asteroids [16:28:46.979] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded [16:28:47.010] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Spacer Set [16:28:47.020] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Nosh Bean Cooking Ingredient fix [16:28:47.024] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Varicoloured Balloons [16:28:47.032] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Biological Vats [16:28:47.041] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Pipe Germ Info [16:28:47.046] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Advanced Research Station -- Water input [16:28:47.065] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Industrial Boilers [16:28:47.074] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Multitool Animations [16:28:47.079] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod More processing recipes [16:28:47.112] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod 元素精煉 Element Refinery [16:28:47.160] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mod Filter [16:28:47.169] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod AutoHarvest [16:28:47.175] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Fixed Ore Scrubber [16:28:47.182] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Clarified Max Decor [16:28:47.185] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Don't Idle in Doors [16:28:47.194] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Build Straight Up [16:28:47.201] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sealed Critter Feeders [16:28:47.206] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Unrestricted Transit Tubes [16:28:47.212] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Insulated Joint Plate [16:28:47.219] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Insulated Door [16:28:47.225] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wooden Set: Furniture [16:28:47.235] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Clean Drop [16:28:47.243] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod No Manual Delivery [16:28:47.253] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Clothing Locker [16:28:47.258] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Debug Console // by @Ony 👾 [16:28:47.260] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod 燃料大躍進 Combustable Revolution [16:28:47.303] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wooden Set: Structures [16:28:47.311] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Advanced Refrigeration [16:28:47.321] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Empty The Storage [16:28:47.328] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod 打印舱物品刷新(PrintPod Select) [16:28:47.338] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mod Updater [16:28:47.342] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod System Clock [16:28:47.343] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Stairs [16:28:47.346] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Thermal Tooltips [16:28:47.350] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Priority Zero [16:28:47.354] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mineral Processing [16:28:47.360] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Show Building Ranges [16:28:47.369] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Info Cards [16:28:47.371] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod No Pointless Scrollbars [16:28:47.372] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Fashionistic [16:28:47.386] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Thermal Interface Plate [16:28:47.390] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Clean Floors [16:28:47.394] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Resculpt [16:28:47.401] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Smart Pumps [16:28:47.408] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod bottle emptier extend [16:28:47.419] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Queue for Sinks [16:28:47.426] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Automation Overlay [16:28:47.431] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Efficient Supply [16:28:47.434] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Waterproof Transformer + Battery [16:28:47.439] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Storage Pod [16:28:47.442] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Tune-Up: Prioritize Generators [16:28:47.470] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wrangle Fliers [16:28:47.533] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Better Deselect [16:28:47.537] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod No Drop // by @Ony 👾 [16:28:47.541] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Fast Save [16:28:47.547] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Deselect New Materials [16:28:47.553] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sweep By Type [16:28:47.559] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Smart Mop // by @Ony 👾 [16:28:47.560] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable POI Doors [16:28:47.605] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Critter Proof Doors [16:28:47.680] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Sweep Those Eggs [16:28:47.698] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Branding Matters [16:28:47.708] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Falling Sand [16:28:47.716] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Settings Change Tool [16:28:47.717] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Assignable Showers [16:28:47.722] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable Natural Tile [16:28:47.728] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony 👾 [16:28:47.731] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Build Over Plants [16:28:47.732] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Suppress Notifications [16:28:47.737] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Automated Colony [16:28:47.743] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Wounded Go To Med Bed [16:28:47.751] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod BalanceGasPumpConsumption [16:28:47.755] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Piped output [16:28:47.768] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Idle Suits [16:28:47.792] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod ChainedDeconstruction [16:28:47.808] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod GasOverlay [16:28:47.821] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals [16:28:47.825] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Super Miner [16:28:47.830] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Reset Build Priority [16:28:47.845] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Plan Buildings Without Materials [16:28:47.852] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Bigger Camera Zoom Out [16:28:47.858] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod [Vanilla + DLC] Deconstructable POI Props [16:28:47.866] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip [16:28:47.872] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Mosaic Tile [16:28:47.880] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Show Industrial Machinery Tag [16:28:47.887] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Marble Tile [16:28:47.895] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Buildable POI Props [16:28:47.902] [1] [INFO] Steam: updating info for mod Colorful Shinebugs [16:28:47.920] [1] [INFO] Speed Control Updated: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.920] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Speed Control Updated [16:28:47.924] [1] [INFO] Full Miner Yield has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BertO.FullMinerYield`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.925] [1] [INFO] Full Miner Yield: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.925] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Full Miner Yield [16:28:47.929] [1] [WARNING] Per-planetoid Materials: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:47.929] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Per-planetoid Materials [16:28:47.933] [1] [INFO] [DLC] Better Hydrogen Engine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.933] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [DLC] Better Hydrogen Engine [16:28:47.939] [1] [INFO] More Food Variety has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.MoreFoodVariety`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.941] [1] [INFO] More Food Variety: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:47.941] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod More Food Variety [16:28:47.943] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Pliers.fixed`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.945] [1] [INFO] Pliers fixed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.945] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pliers fixed [16:28:47.947] [1] [WARNING] remove mutant min radiation: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:47.948] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod remove mutant min radiation [16:28:47.952] [1] [INFO] Useful Tags Lite has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.UsefulTagsLite`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.954] [1] [INFO] Useful Tags Lite: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:47.954] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Useful Tags Lite [16:28:47.958] [1] [INFO] [DLC] Better Steam Engine: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.958] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [DLC] Better Steam Engine [16:28:47.962] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:47.962] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'lastWorkingVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:47.962] [1] [INFO] Geyser Average Output Tooltip [Base + Spaced Out]: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.962] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Geyser Average Output Tooltip [Base + Spaced Out] [16:28:47.965] [1] [INFO] Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.HEPWallBridge`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.966] [1] [INFO] Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:47.966] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Through-Wall Radbolt Reflector [16:28:47.969] [1] [INFO] Untested- SPACED OUT! Wounded automatically go to medical bed.: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.969] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Untested- SPACED OUT! Wounded automatically go to medical bed. [16:28:47.973] [1] [INFO] Workshop Profiles has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.WorkshopProfiles`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.974] [1] [INFO] Workshop Profiles: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:47.974] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Workshop Profiles [16:28:47.978] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box has a mod.yaml with a staticID `WildPlanterBox`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.979] [1] [INFO] Wild Planter Box: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:47.979] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wild Planter Box [16:28:47.982] [1] [WARNING] [DLC Only] Metal Ladder: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:47.982] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [DLC Only] Metal Ladder [16:28:47.988] [1] [INFO] Custom Tiles has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.CustomTiles`, using that from now on. [16:28:47.991] [1] [INFO] Custom Tiles: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:47.991] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Custom Tiles [16:28:47.993] [1] [WARNING] Lead Color Fix: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:47.993] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Lead Color Fix [16:28:47.998] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.ConveyorRailDisplay`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.000] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.000] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display [16:28:48.002] [1] [WARNING] Deconstructable Rocket Tiles (DLC only): DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.003] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Deconstructable Rocket Tiles (DLC only) [16:28:48.008] [1] [WARNING] Speed Control for DLC: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.008] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Speed Control for DLC [16:28:48.013] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FinishTasks`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.014] [1] [INFO] Rest for the Weary: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.014] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Rest for the Weary [16:28:48.018] [1] [INFO] Refresh Immigrants / 刷新选人: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.018] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Refresh Immigrants / 刷新选人 [16:28:48.025] [1] [WARNING] Public Dining Tables: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.025] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Public Dining Tables [16:28:48.027] [1] [INFO] No Splash Screen has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.NoSplashScreen`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.027] [1] [INFO] No Splash Screen: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.027] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod No Splash Screen [16:28:48.030] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.RenameAsteroids`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.031] [1] [INFO] Rename Asteroids: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.031] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Rename Asteroids [16:28:48.034] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded has a mod.yaml with a staticID `pether-pg.RoomsExpanded`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.046] [1] [INFO] [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.046] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] Rooms Expanded [16:28:48.048] [1] [INFO] Spacer Set has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.SpacerSet`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.050] [1] [INFO] Spacer Set: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.050] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Spacer Set [16:28:48.051] [1] [WARNING] Nosh Bean Cooking Ingredient fix: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.052] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Nosh Bean Cooking Ingredient fix [16:28:48.057] [1] [INFO] Varicoloured Balloons has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.VaricolouredBalloons`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.058] [1] [INFO] Varicoloured Balloons: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.058] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Varicoloured Balloons [16:28:48.061] [1] [INFO] Biological Vats has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.BioVats`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.065] [1] [INFO] Biological Vats: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.065] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Biological Vats [16:28:48.067] [1] [WARNING] Pipe Germ Info: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.068] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Pipe Germ Info [16:28:48.072] [1] [WARNING] Advanced Research Station -- Water input: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.072] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Advanced Research Station -- Water input [16:28:48.077] [1] [INFO] Industrial Boilers has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.IndustrialBoilers`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.080] [1] [INFO] Industrial Boilers: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.080] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Industrial Boilers [16:28:48.082] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.BetterAnimations`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.083] [1] [INFO] Better Multitool Animations: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.083] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Multitool Animations [16:28:48.088] [1] [WARNING] More processing recipes: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.088] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod More processing recipes [16:28:48.092] [1] [WARNING] 元素精煉 Element Refinery: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.092] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod 元素精煉 Element Refinery [16:28:48.096] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ModsFilter`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.098] [1] [INFO] Mod Filter: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.098] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mod Filter [16:28:48.101] [1] [WARNING] AutoHarvest: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.101] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod AutoHarvest [16:28:48.106] [1] [INFO] Fixed Ore Scrubber has a mod.yaml with a staticID `OniMods.PsychoDad.FixedOreScrubber`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.107] [1] [INFO] Fixed Ore Scrubber: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.107] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Fixed Ore Scrubber [16:28:48.110] [1] [INFO] Clarified Max Decor has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.ClarifiedMaxDecor`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.112] [1] [INFO] Clarified Max Decor: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.112] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Clarified Max Decor [16:28:48.115] [1] [INFO] Don't Idle in Doors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.NoDoorIdle`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.116] [1] [INFO] Don't Idle in Doors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.116] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Don't Idle in Doors [16:28:48.121] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BuildStraightUp`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.123] [1] [INFO] Build Straight Up: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.123] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Build Straight Up [16:28:48.126] [1] [WARNING] Sealed Critter Feeders: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.126] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sealed Critter Feeders [16:28:48.130] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.UnrestrictedTransitTubes`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.131] [1] [INFO] Unrestricted Transit Tubes: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.131] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Unrestricted Transit Tubes [16:28:48.135] [1] [INFO] Insulated Joint Plate: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.135] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Insulated Joint Plate [16:28:48.169] [1] [INFO] Insulated Door: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.169] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Insulated Door [16:28:48.175] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Furniture has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSFurniture`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.177] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Furniture: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.178] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wooden Set - Furniture [16:28:48.179] [1] [INFO] Clean Drop has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.CleanDrop`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.181] [1] [INFO] Clean Drop: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.181] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Clean Drop [16:28:48.184] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Sanchozz.ONIMods.NoManualDelivery`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.186] [1] [INFO] No Manual Delivery: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.186] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod No Manual Delivery [16:28:48.188] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.ClothingLocker`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.189] [1] [INFO] Clothing Locker: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.189] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Clothing Locker [16:28:48.192] [1] [INFO] Debug Console // by @Ony 👾 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `DebugConsole�`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.193] [1] [INFO] Debug Console // by @Ony 👾: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.193] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Debug Console // by @Ony [16:28:48.197] [1] [WARNING] 燃料大躍進 Combustable Revolution: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.197] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod 燃料大躍進 Combustable Revolution [16:28:48.202] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.WSStructures`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.203] [1] [INFO] Wooden Set - Structures: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.203] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wooden Set - Structures [16:28:48.206] [1] [INFO] Advanced Fridges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.AdvFridges`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.209] [1] [INFO] Advanced Fridges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.209] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Advanced Fridges [16:28:48.211] [1] [WARNING] Empty The Storage: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.211] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Empty The Storage [16:28:48.215] [1] [INFO] PrintListSelect / 打印舱物品刷新 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PrintListSelect`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.216] [1] [INFO] PrintListSelect / 打印舱物品刷新: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.216] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod PrintListSelect / 打印舱物品刷新 [16:28:48.220] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ModUpdateDate`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.221] [1] [INFO] Mod Updater: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.221] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mod Updater [16:28:48.224] [1] [WARNING] System Clock: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.224] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod System Clock [16:28:48.228] [1] [INFO] Stairs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Stairs`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.229] [1] [INFO] Stairs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.229] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Stairs [16:28:48.232] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ThermalTooltips`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.233] [1] [INFO] Thermal Tooltips: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.233] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Thermal Tooltips [16:28:48.236] [1] [INFO] Priority Zero has a mod.yaml with a staticID `asquared31415.PriorityZero`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.237] [1] [INFO] Priority Zero: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.237] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Priority Zero [16:28:48.241] [1] [INFO] Mineral Processing has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Ronivan.MineralProcessing`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.243] [1] [INFO] Mineral Processing: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.243] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mineral Processing [16:28:48.245] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ShowRange`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.246] [1] [INFO] Show Building Ranges: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.246] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Show Building Ranges [16:28:48.250] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterInfoCards`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.251] [1] [INFO] Better Info Cards: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.251] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Info Cards [16:28:48.254] [1] [INFO] No Pointless Scrollbars has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.NoPointlessScrollbars`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.255] [1] [INFO] No Pointless Scrollbars: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.255] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod No Pointless Scrollbars [16:28:48.263] [1] [INFO] Fashionistic: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.263] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Fashionistic [16:28:48.265] [1] [INFO] Thermal Interface Plate has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.ThermalPlate`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.266] [1] [INFO] Thermal Interface Plate: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.266] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Thermal Interface Plate [16:28:48.269] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.CleanFloors`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.271] [1] [INFO] Clean Floors: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.271] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Clean Floors [16:28:48.274] [1] [INFO] Resculpt has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.Resculpt`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.275] [1] [INFO] Resculpt: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.275] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Resculpt [16:28:48.278] [1] [INFO] Smart Pumps has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SmartPumps`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.279] [1] [INFO] Smart Pumps: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.279] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Smart Pumps [16:28:48.282] [1] [INFO] bottle emptier extend has a mod.yaml with a staticID `sign-bee`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.284] [1] [INFO] bottle emptier extend: Successfully loaded from path 'archived_versions\expansion1_id_469369' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.284] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod bottle emptier extend [16:28:48.286] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.QueueForSink`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.287] [1] [INFO] Queue For Sinks: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.287] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Queue For Sinks [16:28:48.289] [1] [INFO] Better Automation Overlay has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterLogicOverlay`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.290] [1] [INFO] Better Automation Overlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.291] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Automation Overlay [16:28:48.293] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.EfficientFetch`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.294] [1] [INFO] Efficient Supply: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.294] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Efficient Supply [16:28:48.297] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'modVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:48.298] [1] [WARNING] Waterproof Transformer + Battery: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.298] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Waterproof Transformer + Battery [16:28:48.302] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'modVersion' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:48.302] [1] [WARNING] Storage Pod: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.302] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Storage Pod [16:28:48.306] [1] [INFO] Tune-Up: Prioritize Generators: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.306] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Tune-Up: Prioritize Generators [16:28:48.310] [1] [INFO] Wrangle Fliers: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.310] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wrangle Fliers [16:28:48.314] [1] [INFO] Better Deselect has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.BetterDeselect`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.315] [1] [INFO] Better Deselect: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.315] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Better Deselect [16:28:48.320] [1] [WARNING] No Drop // by @Ony 👾: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.320] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod No Drop // by @Ony [16:28:48.326] [1] [INFO] Fast Save has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FastSave`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.327] [1] [INFO] Fast Save: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.327] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Fast Save [16:28:48.332] [1] [INFO] Deselect New Materials has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.DeselectNewMaterials`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.333] [1] [INFO] Deselect New Materials: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.333] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Deselect New Materials [16:28:48.337] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.SweepByType`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.338] [1] [INFO] Sweep By Type: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.338] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sweep By Type [16:28:48.343] [1] [WARNING] Smart Mop // by @Ony 👾: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.343] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Smart Mop // by @Ony [16:28:48.348] [1] [WARNING] Buildable POI Doors: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.348] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable POI Doors [16:28:48.352] [1] [WARNING] Critter Proof Doors: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.352] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Critter Proof Doors [16:28:48.356] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'staticID' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:48.356] [1] [INFO] Sweep Those Eggs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.356] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Sweep Those Eggs [16:28:48.360] [1] [WARNING] Branding Matters: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.360] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Branding Matters [16:28:48.364] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.FallingSand`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.365] [1] [INFO] Falling Sand: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.365] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Falling Sand [16:28:48.369] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool has a mod.yaml with a staticID `PeterHan.BulkSettingsChange`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.370] [1] [INFO] Settings Change Tool: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.370] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Settings Change Tool [16:28:48.373] [1] [WARNING] Assignable Showers: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.373] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Assignable Showers [16:28:48.378] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `BuildableNaturalTile`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.379] [1] [INFO] Buildable Natural Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.379] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable Natural Tile [16:28:48.382] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony 👾 has a mod.yaml with a staticID `DGSM`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.383] [1] [INFO] DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony 👾: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.383] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager // by @Ony [16:28:48.388] [1] [INFO] Build Over Plants: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.388] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Build Over Plants [16:28:48.392] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Aze.SuppressNotifications`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.393] [1] [INFO] Suppress Notifications: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.393] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Suppress Notifications [16:28:48.395] [1] [INFO] Automated Colony has a mod.yaml with a staticID `RainbowAutomatedColony`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.396] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'Version' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:48.396] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in Found a property 'Version' on a type 'KMod.Mod+PackagedModInfo', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:28:48.397] [1] [INFO] Automated Colony: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.397] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Automated Colony [16:28:48.400] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.WoundedGoToMedBed`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.401] [1] [INFO] Wounded Go To Med Bed: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.401] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Wounded Go To Med Bed [16:28:48.404] [1] [WARNING] BalanceGasPumpConsumption: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.404] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod BalanceGasPumpConsumption [16:28:48.408] [1] [WARNING] Piped output: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.408] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Piped output [16:28:48.412] [1] [WARNING] Idle Suits: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.412] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Idle Suits [16:28:48.417] [1] [INFO] ChainedDeconstruction: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.417] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod ChainedDeconstruction [16:28:48.422] [1] [INFO] GasOverlay: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.422] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod GasOverlay [16:28:48.425] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.RefinedMetalsUsableAsRawMetals`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.426] [1] [INFO] Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.426] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Refined Metals Usable As Raw Metals [16:28:48.429] [1] [WARNING] Super Miner: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.429] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Super Miner [16:28:48.434] [1] [WARNING] Reset Build Priority: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.434] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Reset Build Priority [16:28:48.438] [1] [WARNING] Plan Buildings Without Materials: No archive supports this game version, skipping content. [16:28:48.438] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Plan Buildings Without Materials [16:28:48.442] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BiggerCameraZoomOut`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.443] [1] [INFO] Bigger Camera Zoom Out: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.443] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Bigger Camera Zoom Out [16:28:48.446] [1] [WARNING] [Vanilla + DLC] Deconstructable POI Props: DLLs found but not using the correct API version. [16:28:48.446] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod [Vanilla + DLC] Deconstructable POI Props [16:28:48.450] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.GeyserCalculatedAvgOutputTooltip`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.451] [1] [INFO] Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.451] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Geyser Calculated Average Output Tooltip [16:28:48.454] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MosaicTile`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.455] [1] [INFO] Mosaic Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL, Animation'. [16:28:48.455] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Mosaic Tile [16:28:48.458] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ShowIndustrialMachineryTag`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.459] [1] [INFO] Show Industrial Machinery Tag: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.459] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Show Industrial Machinery Tag [16:28:48.462] [1] [INFO] Marble Tile has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.MarbleTile`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.463] [1] [INFO] Marble Tile: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.463] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Marble Tile [16:28:48.467] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.BuildablePOIProps`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.468] [1] [INFO] Buildable POI Props: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.468] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Buildable POI Props [16:28:48.471] [1] [INFO] Colorful Shinebugs has a mod.yaml with a staticID `Cairath.ColorfulShinebugs`, using that from now on. [16:28:48.472] [1] [INFO] Colorful Shinebugs: Successfully loaded from path 'root' with content 'DLL'. [16:28:48.472] [1] [INFO] Subscribe to mod Colorful Shinebugs [16:28:48.490] [1] [INFO] Using local MOTD at version: 34, web version at 14 Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 61442. Total: 81.809700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.891600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.936700 ms MarkObjects: 78.763200 ms DeleteObjects: 0.216000 ms) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) UnloadTime: 3.382900 ms Unloading 24 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 78064. Total: 99.888200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.942600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.628000 ms MarkObjects: 96.232600 ms DeleteObjects: 0.084700 ms) [16:31:23.975] [1] [INFO] Loading save file: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\cloud_save_files/76561198307852087\The Tragic Cesspool\auto_save\The Tragic Cesspool Cycle 7.sav headerVersion:1, buildVersion:471883, headerSize:358, IsCompressed:True [16:31:23.975] [1] [INFO] GameInfo loaded from save header: numberOfCycles:6, numberOfDuplicants:3, baseName:The Tragic Cesspool, isAutoSave:True, originalSaveName:The Tragic Cesspool.sav, clusterId:expansion1::clusters/VanillaSandstoneCluster, worldTraits:none, colonyGuid:0ba888f8-8921-4685-89fb-89a312a57a58, saveVersion:7.25 [16:31:25.132] [1] [INFO] World settings reload complete! [16:31:25.133] [1] [WARNING] Recoverable parse error in E:/steam/steamapps/common/OxygenNotIncluded/OxygenNotIncluded_Data/StreamingAssets/dlc/expansion1/worldgen/biomes/Misc.yaml Found a property 'massOverride' on a type 'ElementGradient', but that type doesn't have that property! [16:31:27.076] [1] [INFO] 175.8319 Level Loaded.... backend Shader warmup: 66 shaders 210 combinations 0.076s [16:31:27.935] [1] [INFO] [PLib/CleanDrop] Created CleanDropManager [16:31:27.936] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Created ExtendedThermalTooltip [16:31:27.938] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] EfficientFetch starting: Min Ratio=100% [16:31:27.941] [1] [INFO] [PLib/DeselectNewMaterials] DeselectNewMaterials settings: Ignore Food = False [16:31:28.720] [1] [INFO] Custom Settings: ClusterLayout=expansion1::clusters/VanillaSandstoneCluster,WorldgenSeed=2096022843,ImmuneSystem=Invincible,CalorieBurn=Disabled,Morale=Disabled,Durability=Indestructible,Stress=Indomitable,StressBreaks=Disabled,CarePackages=Enabled,SandboxMode=Enabled,FastWorkersMode=Enabled,SaveToCloud=Enabled,Teleporters=Enabled, [16:31:28.841] [1] [INFO] Loaded [C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\cloud_save_files/76561198307852087\The Tragic Cesspool\auto_save\The Tragic Cesspool Cycle 7.sav] [16:31:28.841] [1] [INFO] World Seeds [2096022850/2096022850/2096022850/2096022850] [16:31:28.894] [1] [INFO] -- GAME -- [16:31:28.914] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PrintListSelect] Created PrintListSelectTool [16:31:28.959] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Created FilteredClearTool with icons enabled [16:31:28.964] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BulkSettingsChange] Created BulkChangeTool [16:31:28.971] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty [16:31:28.978] [1] [INFO] Loading Config from: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\mods\Steam\2526567631\Config\SpeedControlConfig.json Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) [16:31:28.987] [1] [WARNING] Insufficient keys to cover root plan menu Max of 14 keys supported but TUNING.BUILDINGS.PLANORDER has 15 [16:31:29.110] [1] [WARNING] Missing codex biome icon: biomeIconRegolith [16:31:29.642] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] [16:31:31.351] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PrintListSelect] Adding BulkChangeTool to basic tools [16:31:31.351] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Replacing sweep tool 6 with filtered sweep [16:31:31.351] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BulkSettingsChange] Adding BulkChangeTool to basic tools [16:31:32.990] [1] [WARNING] missing 'ui' anim in 'artifacts_kanim (KAnimFile)' [16:31:33.702] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1920x1080 @ 60, fullscreen: True Unloading 6 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 194371. Total: 337.149700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.149000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.618800 ms MarkObjects: 327.231900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.149700 ms) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 172892. Total: 286.987100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.955000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.231500 ms MarkObjects: 278.569300 ms DeleteObjects: 0.230900 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 172892. Total: 289.811800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.844100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.417200 ms MarkObjects: 282.339000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.210800 ms) Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) [16:32:00.496] [1] [WARNING] Failed to Unsubscribe event handler: Game+<>c.Void <.cctor>b__217_0(Game, System.Object) Not subscribed to event [16:32:00.496] [1] [WARNING] Failed to Unsubscribe event handler: Game+<>c.Void <.cctor>b__217_1(Game, System.Object) Not subscribed to event [16:32:00.498] [1] [INFO] [PLib/CleanDrop] Destroying CleanDropManager [16:32:00.498] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Destroying ExtendedThermalTooltip [16:32:00.498] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] Destroying EfficientFetch [16:32:00.499] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Destroying FilteredClearTool [16:32:00.500] [1] [INFO] [PLib/FallingSand] Stopped tracking 0 diggables, 0 queued digs UnloadTime: 506.448100 ms Unloading 8230 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 73376. Total: 139.870600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.586600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.527500 ms MarkObjects: 133.363800 ms DeleteObjects: 2.382800 ms) [16:32:00.720] [1] [INFO] -- MAIN MENU -- [16:32:00.758] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] [16:32:00.762] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1920x1080 @ 60, fullscreen: True [16:32:01.474] [1] [INFO] Using local MOTD at version: 34, web version at 14 Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) Unloading 493 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 72043. Total: 137.381100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.144500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.308000 ms MarkObjects: 133.687500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.240700 ms) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) UnloadTime: 4.402700 ms Unloading 24 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 79658. Total: 145.322900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.160400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.494100 ms MarkObjects: 141.540300 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127500 ms) [16:34:05.581] [1] [INFO] Loading save file: C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\cloud_save_files/76561198307852087\The Tragic Cesspool\auto_save\The Tragic Cesspool Cycle 7.sav headerVersion:1, buildVersion:471883, headerSize:358, IsCompressed:True [16:34:05.581] [1] [INFO] GameInfo loaded from save header: numberOfCycles:6, numberOfDuplicants:3, baseName:The Tragic Cesspool, isAutoSave:True, originalSaveName:The Tragic Cesspool.sav, clusterId:expansion1::clusters/VanillaSandstoneCluster, worldTraits:none, colonyGuid:0ba888f8-8921-4685-89fb-89a312a57a58, saveVersion:7.25 [16:34:07.707] [1] [INFO] 336.4641 Level Loaded.... backend Shader warmup: 66 shaders 210 combinations 0.000s [16:34:08.484] [1] [INFO] [PLib/CleanDrop] Created CleanDropManager [16:34:08.485] [1] [INFO] [PLib/ThermalTooltips] Created ExtendedThermalTooltip [16:34:08.485] [1] [INFO] [PLib/EfficientFetch] EfficientFetch starting: Min Ratio=100% [16:34:08.485] [1] [INFO] [PLib/DeselectNewMaterials] DeselectNewMaterials settings: Ignore Food = False [16:34:11.012] [1] [INFO] Custom Settings: ClusterLayout=expansion1::clusters/VanillaSandstoneCluster,WorldgenSeed=2096022843,ImmuneSystem=Invincible,CalorieBurn=Disabled,Morale=Disabled,Durability=Indestructible,Stress=Indomitable,StressBreaks=Disabled,CarePackages=Enabled,SandboxMode=Enabled,FastWorkersMode=Enabled,SaveToCloud=Enabled,Teleporters=Enabled, [16:34:11.105] [1] [INFO] Loaded [C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\Klei\OxygenNotIncluded\cloud_save_files/76561198307852087\The Tragic Cesspool\auto_save\The Tragic Cesspool Cycle 7.sav] [16:34:11.105] [1] [INFO] World Seeds [2096022850/2096022850/2096022850/2096022850] [16:34:11.164] [1] [INFO] -- GAME -- [16:34:11.172] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PrintListSelect] Created PrintListSelectTool [16:34:11.179] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Created FilteredClearTool with icons enabled [16:34:11.180] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BulkSettingsChange] Created BulkChangeTool [16:34:11.182] [1] [WARNING] True Timelapse.OnNewDay but worldsToScreenshot is not empty Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) [16:34:11.189] [1] [WARNING] Insufficient keys to cover root plan menu Max of 14 keys supported but TUNING.BUILDINGS.PLANORDER has 15 [16:34:11.261] [1] [WARNING] Missing codex biome icon: biomeIconRegolith [16:34:11.750] [1] [INFO] Checking which steam branch we're on. Got: [] [16:34:13.259] [1] [INFO] [PLib/PrintListSelect] Adding BulkChangeTool to basic tools [16:34:13.259] [1] [INFO] [PLib/SweepByType] Replacing sweep tool 6 with filtered sweep [16:34:13.259] [1] [INFO] [PLib/BulkSettingsChange] Adding BulkChangeTool to basic tools [16:34:15.065] [1] [WARNING] missing 'ui' anim in 'artifacts_kanim (KAnimFile)' [16:34:18.006] [1] [INFO] Screen resolution updated, saving values to prefs: 1920x1080 @ 60, fullscreen: True Unloading 22 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 194444. Total: 414.985300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 7.549700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.485100 ms MarkObjects: 402.089400 ms DeleteObjects: 0.860300 ms)