[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now /home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/ [00:00:00]: Starting Up [00:00:00]: Version: 466644 [00:00:00]: Current time: Sat Jun 5 11:56:23 2021 [00:00:00]: System Name: Linux [00:00:00]: Host Name: Luna [00:00:00]: Release(Kernel) Version: 5.8.0-50-generic [00:00:00]: Kernel Build Timestamp: #56~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 12 21:46:35 UTC 2021 [00:00:00]: Machine Arch: x86_64 [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 466644 LINUX [00:00:00]: Build Date: 6987 [00:00:00]: Mode: 32-bit [00:00:00]: Parsing command line [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -conf_dir dst -cluster world3 -shard overworld [00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform [00:00:00]: ....Done [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (4131027776) [00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/klump.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/shaders.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/fonts.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/anim_dynamic.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/bigportraits.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/images.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/scripts.zip successful. [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11004, 12346) [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11004, 12347) [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11004, 12348) [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11004, 12349) [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11004, 12350) [00:00:01]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(11004, 12351) [00:00:01]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success [00:00:01]: ProfileIndex:2.57 [00:00:01]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true) [00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'Ping Job Thread' (4055890752) [00:00:01]: Platform: 1 [00:00:01]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:01]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (4051696448) [00:00:01]: OnLoadPermissionList: /home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/blocklist.txt (Success) [00:00:01]: OnLoadPermissionList: /home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/adminlist.txt (Success) [00:00:01]: OnLoadUserIdList: /home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/whitelist.txt (Failure) [00:00:01]: Token retrieved from: /home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/cluster_token.txt [00:00:01]: Token retrieved from: /home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/cluster_token.txt [00:00:01]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread [00:00:01]: Renderer initialize: Okay [00:00:01]: AnimManager initialize: Okay [00:00:01]: Buffers initialize: Okay [00:00:01]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize() [00:00:01]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay [00:00:01]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:01]: LOADING LUA [00:00:01]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:01]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:00:01]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:00:01]: running main.lua [00:00:01]: loaded modindex [00:00:01]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:00:01]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:00:01]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:00:02]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:02]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:00:02]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:00:02]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:00:02]: bloom_enabled true [00:00:02]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:02]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:02]: Klump load on boot started. [00:00:02]: Klump files loaded: 0 [00:00:03]: Load FE [00:00:03]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (4026972992) [00:00:03]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (17708 files)... [00:00:03]: Load FE: done [00:00:03]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:00:03]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:00:03]: Available disk space for save files: 112473 MB [00:00:03]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:03]: Reset() returning [00:00:03]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete [00:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [00:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [00:00:03]: Starting Dedicated Server Game [00:00:03]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:03]: About to start a server with the following settings: [00:00:03]: Dedicated: true [00:00:03]: Online: true [00:00:03]: Passworded: false [00:00:03]: ServerPort: 11004 [00:00:03]: SteamAuthPort: 12345 [00:00:03]: SteamMasterServerPort: 12346 [00:00:03]: ClanID: true [00:00:03]: ClanOnly: false [00:00:03]: ClanAdmin: false [00:00:03]: LanOnly: false [00:00:03]: FriendsOnly: false [00:00:03]: EnableAutosaver: true [00:00:03]: EncodeUserPath: true [00:00:03]: PVP: false [00:00:03]: MaxPlayers: 24 [00:00:03]: GameMode: survival [00:00:03]: OverridenDNS: [00:00:03]: PauseWhenEmpty: true [00:00:03]: IdleTimeout: 1800s [00:00:03]: VoteEnabled: false [00:00:03]: InternetBroadcasting: true [00:00:03]: Intent: cooperative [00:00:03]: Online Server Started on port: 11004 [00:00:03]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:00:03]: Found a level data override file with these contents: [00:00:03]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:00:03]: K: hideminimap V: false [00:00:03]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:00:03]: K: location V: forest [00:00:03]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999 [00:00:03]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0 [00:00:03]: K: name V: Standard Forest [00:00:03]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4 [00:00:03]: K: override_level_string V: false [00:00:03]: K: overrides V: table: 0xeec3b10 [00:00:03]: K: alternatehunt V: default [00:00:03]: K: angrybees V: default [00:00:03]: K: antliontribute V: default [00:00:03]: K: autumn V: default [00:00:03]: K: bats_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: bearger V: default [00:00:03]: K: beefalo V: default [00:00:03]: K: beefaloheat V: default [00:00:03]: K: beequeen V: default [00:00:03]: K: bees V: default [00:00:03]: K: bees_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: berrybush V: default [00:00:03]: K: birds V: default [00:00:03]: K: boons V: default [00:00:03]: K: branching V: default [00:00:03]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default [00:00:03]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: butterfly V: default [00:00:03]: K: buzzard V: default [00:00:03]: K: cactus V: default [00:00:03]: K: carrot V: default [00:00:03]: K: carrots_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: catcoon V: default [00:00:03]: K: catcoons V: default [00:00:03]: K: chess V: default [00:00:03]: K: cookiecutters V: default [00:00:03]: K: crabking V: default [00:00:03]: K: day V: default [00:00:03]: K: deciduousmonster V: default [00:00:03]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: deerclops V: default [00:00:03]: K: dragonfly V: default [00:00:03]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default [00:00:03]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: extrastartingitems V: default [00:00:03]: K: fishschools V: default [00:00:03]: K: flint V: default [00:00:03]: K: flowers V: default [00:00:03]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: frograin V: default [00:00:03]: K: frogs V: default [00:00:03]: K: fruitfly V: default [00:00:03]: K: gnarwail V: default [00:00:03]: K: goosemoose V: default [00:00:03]: K: grass V: default [00:00:03]: K: grassgekkos V: default [00:00:03]: K: has_ocean V: true [00:00:03]: K: hound_mounds V: default [00:00:03]: K: houndmound V: default [00:00:03]: K: hounds V: default [00:00:03]: K: hunt V: default [00:00:03]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:00:03]: K: klaus V: default [00:00:03]: K: krampus V: default [00:00:03]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys [00:00:03]: K: liefs V: default [00:00:03]: K: lightning V: default [00:00:03]: K: lightninggoat V: default [00:00:03]: K: loop V: default [00:00:03]: K: lureplants V: default [00:00:03]: K: malbatross V: default [00:00:03]: K: marshbush V: default [00:00:03]: K: merm V: default [00:00:03]: K: merms V: default [00:00:03]: K: meteorshowers V: default [00:00:03]: K: meteorspawner V: default [00:00:03]: K: moles V: default [00:00:03]: K: moles_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_berrybush V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_carrot V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_fissure V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_hotspring V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_rock V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_sapling V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_spider V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_spiders V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_starfish V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_tree V: default [00:00:03]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: mosquitos V: default [00:00:03]: K: mushroom V: default [00:00:03]: K: mutated_hounds V: default [00:00:03]: K: no_joining_islands V: true [00:00:03]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:00:03]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default [00:00:03]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default [00:00:03]: K: ocean_shoal V: default [00:00:03]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default [00:00:03]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default [00:00:03]: K: penguins V: default [00:00:03]: K: penguins_moon V: default [00:00:03]: K: perd V: default [00:00:03]: K: petrification V: default [00:00:03]: K: pigs V: default [00:00:03]: K: pigs_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: ponds V: default [00:00:03]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default [00:00:03]: K: rabbits V: default [00:00:03]: K: rabbits_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: reeds V: default [00:00:03]: K: regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: roads V: default [00:00:03]: K: rock V: default [00:00:03]: K: rock_ice V: default [00:00:03]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: sapling V: default [00:00:03]: K: season_start V: default [00:00:03]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default [00:00:03]: K: shadowcreatures V: default [00:00:03]: K: sharks V: default [00:00:03]: K: spawnprotection V: default [00:00:03]: K: specialevent V: default [00:00:03]: K: spider_warriors V: default [00:00:03]: K: spiderqueen V: default [00:00:03]: K: spiders V: default [00:00:03]: K: spiders_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: spring V: default [00:00:03]: K: squid V: default [00:00:03]: K: start_location V: default [00:00:03]: K: summer V: default [00:00:03]: K: tallbirds V: default [00:00:03]: K: task_set V: default [00:00:03]: K: tentacles V: default [00:00:03]: K: touchstone V: default [00:00:03]: K: trees V: default [00:00:03]: K: tumbleweed V: default [00:00:03]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default [00:00:03]: K: walrus V: default [00:00:03]: K: walrus_setting V: default [00:00:03]: K: wasps V: default [00:00:03]: K: weather V: default [00:00:03]: K: wildfires V: default [00:00:03]: K: winter V: default [00:00:03]: K: wobsters V: default [00:00:03]: K: world_size V: default [00:00:03]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole [00:00:03]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0xeec38f0 [00:00:03]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2 [00:00:03]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3 [00:00:03]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4 [00:00:03]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5 [00:00:03]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1 [00:00:03]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2 [00:00:03]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3 [00:00:03]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4 [00:00:03]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5 [00:00:03]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6 [00:00:03]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1 [00:00:03]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2 [00:00:03]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3 [00:00:03]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4 [00:00:03]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6 [00:00:03]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7 [00:00:03]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1 [00:00:03]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2 [00:00:03]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3 [00:00:03]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0xeed0e00 [00:00:03]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal [00:00:03]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 0xeedaeb0 [00:00:03]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1 [00:00:03]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5 [00:00:03]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:00:03]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:00:03]: K: settings_name V: Standard Forest [00:00:03]: K: substitutes V: table: 0xeed7900 [00:00:03]: K: version V: 4 [00:00:03]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:00:03]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:00:03]: K: worldgen_name V: Standard Forest [00:00:03]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua [00:00:03]: Overwriting savedata with level data file. [00:00:03]: Not applying world gen overrides. [00:00:03]: Collecting garbage... [00:00:03]: lua_gc took 0.03 seconds [00:00:03]: ~ShardLuaProxy() [00:00:03]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy() [00:00:03]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy() [00:00:03]: ~InventoryLuaProxy() [00:00:03]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:00:03]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:00:03]: lua_close took 0.07 seconds [00:00:03]: ReleaseAll [00:00:03]: ReleaseAll Finished [00:00:03]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:03]: LOADING LUA [00:00:03]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:03]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:04]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:00:04]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:00:04]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:00:04]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:00:04]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:00:04]: running main.lua [00:00:04]: loaded modindex [00:00:04]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:00:04]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:00:04]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:04]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:00:04]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:00:04]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:00:04]: bloom_enabled true [00:00:04]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:04]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:04]: Loading world: session/904049AE41B98998/0000000010 [00:00:04]: Save file is at version 5.065 [00:00:04]: Klump load on boot started. [00:00:04]: Klump files loaded: 0 [00:00:04]: Unload FE [00:00:04]: Unload FE done [00:00:05]: LOAD BE [00:00:07]: Could not preload undefined prefab (alterguardian_spiketrail_fx) [00:00:08]: LOAD BE: done [00:00:08]: Begin Session: 904049AE41B98998 [00:00:08]: saving to server_temp/server_save [00:00:08]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml ) [00:00:09]: Loading 17 new character(s) [00:00:09]: Total 17 character(s) loaded [00:00:10]: Loading Nav Grid [00:00:10]: World generated on build 466240 with save version: 5.065, using seed: 1622742822 [00:00:10]: setting summerlength 15 [00:00:10]: setting cavemoonphase threequarter [00:00:10]: setting iscavefullmoon false [00:00:10]: setting isnightmaredawn false [00:00:10]: setting elapseddaysinseason 8 [00:00:10]: setting isfullmoon false [00:00:10]: setting moisture 537.50463867188 [00:00:10]: setting cavephase day [00:00:10]: setting iscavewaxingmoon true [00:00:10]: setting isnightmarewild false [00:00:10]: setting nightmaretimeinphase 0 [00:00:10]: setting precipitationrate 0 [00:00:10]: setting iswet false [00:00:10]: setting isnewmoon false [00:00:10]: setting precipitation none [00:00:10]: setting israining false [00:00:10]: setting isnightmarewarn false [00:00:10]: setting iswinter false [00:00:10]: setting season autumn [00:00:10]: setting remainingdaysinseason 12 [00:00:10]: setting winterlength 15 [00:00:10]: setting iscaveday true [00:00:10]: setting moistureceil 5148.4624023438 [00:00:10]: setting isday true [00:00:10]: setting springlength 20 [00:00:10]: setting wetness 0 [00:00:10]: setting iscavedusk false [00:00:10]: setting isalterawake false [00:00:10]: setting isnightmarecalm false [00:00:10]: setting isnight false [00:00:10]: setting isdusk false [00:00:10]: setting isspring false [00:00:10]: setting isautumn true [00:00:10]: setting issnowing false [00:00:10]: setting iswaxingmoon true [00:00:10]: setting phase day [00:00:10]: setting snowlevel 0 [00:00:10]: setting issnowcovered false [00:00:10]: setting autumnlength 20 [00:00:10]: setting pop 0.0408083859776 [00:00:10]: setting nightmaretime 0 [00:00:10]: setting seasonprogress 0.7 [00:00:10]: setting moonphase threequarter [00:00:10]: setting nightmarephase none [00:00:10]: setting cycles 8 [00:00:10]: setting timeinphase 0.0040973027547201 [00:00:10]: setting iscavenight false [00:00:10]: setting iscavenewmoon false [00:00:10]: setting issummer false [00:00:10]: setting temperature 21.527352639985 [00:00:10]: setting time 0.00204865137736 [00:00:14]: Reconstructing topology [00:00:14]: ...Sorting points [00:00:14]: ...Sorting edges [00:00:14]: ...Connecting nodes [00:00:14]: ...Validating connections [00:00:14]: ...Housekeeping [00:00:14]: ...Done! [00:00:14]: Truncating to snapshot #10... [00:00:14]: - session/904049AE41B98998/A7IP1TQKTPRV/0000000011 [00:00:14]: 1 file(s) removed [00:00:14]: Restoring user: session/904049AE41B98998/A7IP1TQKTPRV/0000000010 [00:00:14]: Serializing user: session/904049AE41B98998/A7IP1TQKTPRV/0000000011 [00:00:14]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp [00:00:14]: About to start a shard with these settings: [00:00:14]: ShardName: [SHDMASTER] [00:00:14]: ShardID: 1 [00:00:14]: ShardRole: MASTER [00:00:14]: MasterHost: (null) [00:00:14]: MasterBind: [00:00:14]: MasterPort: 12002 [00:00:14]: [Shard] Starting master server [00:00:14]: [Shard] Shard server started on port: 12002 [00:00:14]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 904049AE41B98998 [00:00:14]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:00:14]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:00:14]: Available disk space for save files: 112472 MB [00:00:14]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:15]: Reset() returning [00:00:15]: Validating portal[7] <-> 771017458[7] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[10] <-> 771017458[10] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[3] <-> 771017458[3] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[5] <-> 771017458[5] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[6] <-> 771017458[6] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[9] <-> 771017458[9] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[2] <-> 771017458[2] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[1] <-> 771017458[1] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[8] <-> 771017458[8] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Validating portal[4] <-> 771017458[4] (inactive) [00:00:15]: Sim paused [00:00:18]: Best lobby region is aws/EU (ping 11) [00:00:18]: Registering master server in EU lobby [00:00:18]: [Shard] Secondary shar caves(771017458) connected: [LAN] [00:00:19]: [Shard] Secondary caves(771017458) ready! [00:00:19]: World 771017458 is now connected [00:00:19]: Validating portal[7] <-> 771017458[7] (active) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[10] <-> 771017458[10] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[3] <-> 771017458[3] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[5] <-> 771017458[5] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[6] <-> 771017458[6] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[9] <-> 771017458[9] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[2] <-> 771017458[2] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[1] <-> 771017458[1] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[8] <-> 771017458[8] (disabled) [00:00:19]: Validating portal[4] <-> 771017458[4] (active) [00:00:28]: Registering master server in EU lobby [00:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [00:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [00:49:01]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_listallplayers()" [00:49:16]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_listallplayers()" [00:49:17]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_regenerateworld()" [00:49:17]: Received world reset request [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7JPB1OPVKNT] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7IVI4TH5CMQ] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7G23AF2AD8T] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7JI2C3GDEH4] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008.meta] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7MP7NRM2291] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000005.meta] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7GCRCQSF3MK] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7IIG417HJS1] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7N6023I6S83] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7IP1TQKTPRV] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000003.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7NEA1AR8346] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7M7B0EFNFA8] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000005] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000002.meta] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7H08TKU665V] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7IC77SLOI37] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000002] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: ... Directory [A7NEA1AR8376] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000003] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7JPB1OPVKNT] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7IVI4TH5CMQ] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000005.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000003.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [savelocation] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000005] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000003] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7G23AF2AD8T] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004.meta] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7JI2C3GDEH4] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7MP7NRM2291] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7GCRCQSF3MK] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7IIG417HJS1] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000008] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7N6023I6S83] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000011] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000011.meta] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7IP1TQKTPRV] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7NEA1AR8346] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7M7B0EFNFA8] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7H08TKU665V] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000005.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000007] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000005] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000004.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000006] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7IC77SLOI37] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000010.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009.meta] [00:49:17]: ... File [0000000009] [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998/A7NEA1AR8376] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: DelDirectory [/home/dst/.klei//dst/world3/overworld/save/session/904049AE41B98998] 0: ok. [00:49:17]: Sim unpaused [00:49:18]: Collecting garbage... [00:49:18]: lua_gc took 0.19 seconds [00:49:18]: ~ShardLuaProxy() [00:49:18]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy() [00:49:18]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy() [00:49:18]: ~InventoryLuaProxy() [00:49:18]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:49:18]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:49:18]: lua_close took 0.30 seconds [00:49:18]: ReleaseAll [00:49:18]: ReleaseAll Finished [00:49:18]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:49:18]: LOADING LUA [00:49:18]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:49:18]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:49:18]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:49:18]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:49:18]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:49:18]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:49:18]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:49:18]: running main.lua [00:49:18]: loaded modindex [00:49:18]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:49:18]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:49:18]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:49:18]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:49:18]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:49:18]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:49:18]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:49:18]: bloom_enabled true [00:49:18]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:49:18]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:49:18]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:49:18]: Found a level data override file with these contents: [00:49:18]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:49:18]: K: hideminimap V: false [00:49:18]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:49:18]: K: location V: forest [00:49:18]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999 [00:49:18]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0 [00:49:18]: K: name V: Standard Forest [00:49:18]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4 [00:49:18]: K: override_level_string V: false [00:49:18]: K: overrides V: table: 0xff09f60 [00:49:18]: K: alternatehunt V: default [00:49:18]: K: angrybees V: default [00:49:18]: K: antliontribute V: default [00:49:18]: K: autumn V: default [00:49:18]: K: bats_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: bearger V: default [00:49:18]: K: beefalo V: default [00:49:18]: K: beefaloheat V: default [00:49:18]: K: beequeen V: default [00:49:18]: K: bees V: default [00:49:18]: K: bees_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: berrybush V: default [00:49:18]: K: birds V: default [00:49:18]: K: boons V: default [00:49:18]: K: branching V: default [00:49:18]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default [00:49:18]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: butterfly V: default [00:49:18]: K: buzzard V: default [00:49:18]: K: cactus V: default [00:49:18]: K: carrot V: default [00:49:18]: K: carrots_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: catcoon V: default [00:49:18]: K: catcoons V: default [00:49:18]: K: chess V: default [00:49:18]: K: cookiecutters V: default [00:49:18]: K: crabking V: default [00:49:18]: K: day V: default [00:49:18]: K: deciduousmonster V: default [00:49:18]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: deerclops V: default [00:49:18]: K: dragonfly V: default [00:49:18]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default [00:49:18]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: extrastartingitems V: default [00:49:18]: K: fishschools V: default [00:49:18]: K: flint V: default [00:49:18]: K: flowers V: default [00:49:18]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: frograin V: default [00:49:18]: K: frogs V: default [00:49:18]: K: fruitfly V: default [00:49:18]: K: gnarwail V: default [00:49:18]: K: goosemoose V: default [00:49:18]: K: grass V: default [00:49:18]: K: grassgekkos V: default [00:49:18]: K: has_ocean V: true [00:49:18]: K: hound_mounds V: default [00:49:18]: K: houndmound V: default [00:49:18]: K: hounds V: default [00:49:18]: K: hunt V: default [00:49:18]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:49:18]: K: klaus V: default [00:49:18]: K: krampus V: default [00:49:18]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys [00:49:18]: K: liefs V: default [00:49:18]: K: lightning V: default [00:49:18]: K: lightninggoat V: default [00:49:18]: K: loop V: default [00:49:18]: K: lureplants V: default [00:49:18]: K: malbatross V: default [00:49:18]: K: marshbush V: default [00:49:18]: K: merm V: default [00:49:18]: K: merms V: default [00:49:18]: K: meteorshowers V: default [00:49:18]: K: meteorspawner V: default [00:49:18]: K: moles V: default [00:49:18]: K: moles_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_berrybush V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_carrot V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_fissure V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_hotspring V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_rock V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_sapling V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_spider V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_spiders V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_starfish V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_tree V: default [00:49:18]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: mosquitos V: default [00:49:18]: K: mushroom V: default [00:49:18]: K: mutated_hounds V: default [00:49:18]: K: no_joining_islands V: true [00:49:18]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:49:18]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default [00:49:18]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default [00:49:18]: K: ocean_shoal V: default [00:49:18]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default [00:49:18]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default [00:49:18]: K: penguins V: default [00:49:18]: K: penguins_moon V: default [00:49:18]: K: perd V: default [00:49:18]: K: petrification V: default [00:49:18]: K: pigs V: default [00:49:18]: K: pigs_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: ponds V: default [00:49:18]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default [00:49:18]: K: rabbits V: default [00:49:18]: K: rabbits_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: reeds V: default [00:49:18]: K: regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: roads V: default [00:49:18]: K: rock V: default [00:49:18]: K: rock_ice V: default [00:49:18]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: sapling V: default [00:49:18]: K: season_start V: default [00:49:18]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default [00:49:18]: K: shadowcreatures V: default [00:49:18]: K: sharks V: default [00:49:18]: K: spawnprotection V: default [00:49:18]: K: specialevent V: default [00:49:18]: K: spider_warriors V: default [00:49:18]: K: spiderqueen V: default [00:49:18]: K: spiders V: default [00:49:18]: K: spiders_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: spring V: default [00:49:18]: K: squid V: default [00:49:18]: K: start_location V: default [00:49:18]: K: summer V: default [00:49:18]: K: tallbirds V: default [00:49:18]: K: task_set V: default [00:49:18]: K: tentacles V: default [00:49:18]: K: touchstone V: default [00:49:18]: K: trees V: default [00:49:18]: K: tumbleweed V: default [00:49:18]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default [00:49:18]: K: walrus V: default [00:49:18]: K: walrus_setting V: default [00:49:18]: K: wasps V: default [00:49:18]: K: weather V: default [00:49:18]: K: wildfires V: default [00:49:18]: K: winter V: default [00:49:18]: K: wobsters V: default [00:49:18]: K: world_size V: default [00:49:18]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole [00:49:18]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0xbd4c720 [00:49:18]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2 [00:49:18]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3 [00:49:18]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4 [00:49:18]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5 [00:49:18]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1 [00:49:18]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2 [00:49:18]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3 [00:49:18]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4 [00:49:18]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5 [00:49:18]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6 [00:49:18]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1 [00:49:18]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2 [00:49:18]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3 [00:49:18]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4 [00:49:18]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6 [00:49:18]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7 [00:49:18]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1 [00:49:18]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2 [00:49:18]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3 [00:49:18]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0xea92510 [00:49:18]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal [00:49:18]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 0xea92540 [00:49:18]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1 [00:49:18]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5 [00:49:18]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:49:18]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:49:18]: K: settings_name V: Standard Forest [00:49:18]: K: substitutes V: table: 0xea92570 [00:49:18]: K: version V: 4 [00:49:18]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:49:18]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:49:18]: K: worldgen_name V: Standard Forest [00:49:18]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua [00:49:18]: Overwriting savedata with level data file. [00:49:18]: Not applying world gen overrides. [00:49:18]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() [00:49:18]: ABOUT TO INSTALL STACKTRACE [00:49:18]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua [00:49:18]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua [00:49:18]: INSTALLED STACKTRACE [00:49:18]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete [00:49:18]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (3976186688) [00:49:18]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() [00:49:18]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua [00:49:18]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua [00:49:18]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:49:18]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:49:18]: Available disk space for save files: 112595 MB [00:49:18]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:49:18]: Reset() returning [00:49:18]: [Shard] Secondary shard 'caves(771017458)' restarting... [00:49:18]: World 771017458 is now disconnected [00:49:18]: DLC enabled : false [00:49:19]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:49:19]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:49:19]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:49:19]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:49:19]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:49:19]: running worldgen_main.lua [00:49:19]: SEED = 1622889941 [00:49:19]: Generating world with these parameters: [00:49:19]: level_type SURVIVAL [00:49:19]: level_data: [00:49:19]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:49:19]: K: hideminimap V: false [00:49:19]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:49:19]: K: location V: forest [00:49:19]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999 [00:49:19]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0 [00:49:19]: K: name V: Standard Forest [00:49:19]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4 [00:49:19]: K: override_level_string V: false [00:49:19]: K: overrides V: table: 0xe68647d0 [00:49:19]: K: alternatehunt V: default [00:49:19]: K: angrybees V: default [00:49:19]: K: antliontribute V: default [00:49:19]: K: autumn V: default [00:49:19]: K: bats_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: bearger V: default [00:49:19]: K: beefalo V: default [00:49:19]: K: beefaloheat V: default [00:49:19]: K: beequeen V: default [00:49:19]: K: bees V: default [00:49:19]: K: bees_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: berrybush V: default [00:49:19]: K: birds V: default [00:49:19]: K: boons V: default [00:49:19]: K: branching V: default [00:49:19]: K: brightmarecreatures V: default [00:49:19]: K: bunnymen_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: butterfly V: default [00:49:19]: K: buzzard V: default [00:49:19]: K: cactus V: default [00:49:19]: K: carrot V: default [00:49:19]: K: carrots_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: catcoon V: default [00:49:19]: K: catcoons V: default [00:49:19]: K: chess V: default [00:49:19]: K: cookiecutters V: default [00:49:19]: K: crabking V: default [00:49:19]: K: day V: default [00:49:19]: K: deciduousmonster V: default [00:49:19]: K: deciduoustree_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: deerclops V: default [00:49:19]: K: dragonfly V: default [00:49:19]: K: dropeverythingondespawn V: default [00:49:19]: K: evergreen_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: extrastartingitems V: default [00:49:19]: K: fishschools V: default [00:49:19]: K: flint V: default [00:49:19]: K: flowers V: default [00:49:19]: K: flowers_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: frograin V: default [00:49:19]: K: frogs V: default [00:49:19]: K: fruitfly V: default [00:49:19]: K: gnarwail V: default [00:49:19]: K: goosemoose V: default [00:49:19]: K: grass V: default [00:49:19]: K: grassgekkos V: default [00:49:19]: K: has_ocean V: true [00:49:19]: K: hound_mounds V: default [00:49:19]: K: houndmound V: default [00:49:19]: K: hounds V: default [00:49:19]: K: hunt V: default [00:49:19]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:49:19]: K: klaus V: default [00:49:19]: K: krampus V: default [00:49:19]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys [00:49:19]: K: liefs V: default [00:49:19]: K: lightning V: default [00:49:19]: K: lightninggoat V: default [00:49:19]: K: loop V: default [00:49:19]: K: lureplants V: default [00:49:19]: K: malbatross V: default [00:49:19]: K: marshbush V: default [00:49:19]: K: merm V: default [00:49:19]: K: merms V: default [00:49:19]: K: meteorshowers V: default [00:49:19]: K: meteorspawner V: default [00:49:19]: K: moles V: default [00:49:19]: K: moles_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_berrybush V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_bullkelp V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_carrot V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_fissure V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_fruitdragon V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_hotspring V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_rock V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_sapling V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_spider V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_spiders V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_starfish V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_tree V: default [00:49:19]: K: moon_tree_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: mosquitos V: default [00:49:19]: K: mushroom V: default [00:49:19]: K: mutated_hounds V: default [00:49:19]: K: no_joining_islands V: true [00:49:19]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:49:19]: K: ocean_bullkelp V: default [00:49:19]: K: ocean_seastack V: ocean_default [00:49:19]: K: ocean_shoal V: default [00:49:19]: K: ocean_waterplant V: ocean_default [00:49:19]: K: ocean_wobsterden V: default [00:49:19]: K: penguins V: default [00:49:19]: K: penguins_moon V: default [00:49:19]: K: perd V: default [00:49:19]: K: petrification V: default [00:49:19]: K: pigs V: default [00:49:19]: K: pigs_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: ponds V: default [00:49:19]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default [00:49:19]: K: rabbits V: default [00:49:19]: K: rabbits_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: reeds V: default [00:49:19]: K: regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: roads V: default [00:49:19]: K: rock V: default [00:49:19]: K: rock_ice V: default [00:49:19]: K: saltstack_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: sapling V: default [00:49:19]: K: season_start V: default [00:49:19]: K: seasonalstartingitems V: default [00:49:19]: K: shadowcreatures V: default [00:49:19]: K: sharks V: default [00:49:19]: K: spawnprotection V: default [00:49:19]: K: specialevent V: default [00:49:19]: K: spider_warriors V: default [00:49:19]: K: spiderqueen V: default [00:49:19]: K: spiders V: default [00:49:19]: K: spiders_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: spring V: default [00:49:19]: K: squid V: default [00:49:19]: K: start_location V: default [00:49:19]: K: summer V: default [00:49:19]: K: tallbirds V: default [00:49:19]: K: task_set V: default [00:49:19]: K: tentacles V: default [00:49:19]: K: touchstone V: default [00:49:19]: K: trees V: default [00:49:19]: K: tumbleweed V: default [00:49:19]: K: twiggytrees_regrowth V: default [00:49:19]: K: walrus V: default [00:49:19]: K: walrus_setting V: default [00:49:19]: K: wasps V: default [00:49:19]: K: weather V: default [00:49:19]: K: wildfires V: default [00:49:19]: K: winter V: default [00:49:19]: K: wobsters V: default [00:49:19]: K: world_size V: default [00:49:19]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole [00:49:19]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0xe6863cf0 [00:49:19]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2 [00:49:19]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3 [00:49:19]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4 [00:49:19]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5 [00:49:19]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1 [00:49:19]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2 [00:49:19]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3 [00:49:19]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4 [00:49:19]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5 [00:49:19]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6 [00:49:19]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1 [00:49:19]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2 [00:49:19]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3 [00:49:19]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4 [00:49:19]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6 [00:49:19]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7 [00:49:19]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1 [00:49:19]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2 [00:49:19]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3 [00:49:19]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0xe6863990 [00:49:19]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal [00:49:19]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 0xe6862a20 [00:49:19]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1 [00:49:19]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5 [00:49:19]: K: settings_desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:49:19]: K: settings_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:49:19]: K: settings_name V: Standard Forest [00:49:19]: K: substitutes V: table: 0xe6862200 [00:49:19]: K: version V: 4 [00:49:19]: K: worldgen_desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:49:19]: K: worldgen_id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:49:19]: K: worldgen_name V: Standard Forest [00:49:19]: ####### # # Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level # ####### [00:49:19]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass [00:49:19]: Prefab Swap Selection: twiggy trees [00:49:19]: Prefab Swap Selection: juicy berries [00:49:19]: Sculptures_1 added to task Squeltch [00:49:19]: Maxwell5 added to task The hunters [00:49:19]: Sculptures_3 added to task For a nice walk [00:49:19]: Chessy_1 added to task Magic meadow [00:49:19]: Chessy_5 added to task Dig that rock [00:49:19]: Chessy_6 added to task Magic meadow [00:49:19]: New size: 425 default [00:49:19]: Creating story... [00:49:19]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'Make a pick' [00:49:19]: [Story Gen] LinkNodesByKeys [00:49:19]: Finding valid start task... [00:49:19]: ...picked Make a pick [00:49:19]: Has start node Clearing [00:49:19]: Adding Background Nodes [00:49:19]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes [00:49:19]: [Ocean] Processing ocean fake room content. [00:49:19]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints] [00:49:19]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass] [00:49:19]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]: [00:49:24]: Registering master server in EU lobby [00:49:29]: [Shard] Secondary caves(771017458) ready! [00:49:29]: World 771017458 is now connected [00:49:30]: ...Done. [00:49:30]: [Story Gen] Finding nodes on mainland to connect a region to. [00:49:30]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MoonIsland_IslandShards' [00:49:30]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey [00:49:30]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_AddNewPositions] [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass] [00:49:30]: GenerateVoronoiMap [50]: [00:49:30]: ...Done. [00:49:30]: ... story created [00:49:30]: Baking map... 425 [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success. [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] [00:49:30]: [ConvertToTileMap] [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] [00:49:30]: [SeparateIslands] [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete [00:49:30]: Map Baked! [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] [00:49:30]: [GenerateLandmasses] [00:49:30]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 13 [00:49:30]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] false [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] [00:49:30]: [DrawRoads] [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] complete [00:49:30]: Encoding... [00:49:30]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap] [00:49:30]: Encoding... DONE [00:49:30]: Checking Tags [00:49:30]: Populating voronoi... [00:49:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CaveEntrance in node Beeeees!:1:FlowerPatch [00:49:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for MooseNest in node Beeeees!:1:FlowerPatch [00:49:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Chessy_1 in node Magic meadow:0:Pondopolis [00:49:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating... [00:49:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 5 tiles. [00:49:30]: Not checking for disconnected tiles. [00:49:30]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:49:30]: [Ocean] Placed 8 of 8 ocean set pieces. [00:49:30]: [Ocean] Convert impassible to water... [00:49:30]: [Ocean] Square fill... [00:49:31]: [Ocean] Ground fill... [00:49:32]: [Ocean] Noise... [00:49:32]: [Ocean] Blend... [00:49:32]: [Ocean] Adding shoreline... [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Void Outline... [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Populating the ocean with lots of fun things to do... [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Placed 9 of 9 ocean set pieces. [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Placed 1 of 1 ocean set pieces. [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:49:33]: [Ocean] Placed 1 of 1 ocean set pieces. [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_idol has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_bishop has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab pigking has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab moon_fissure has at least 2 instances (77 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_rook has at least 1 instances (2 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab hermithouse_construction1 has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_knight has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab waterplant has at least 1 instances (232 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab gravestone has at least 1 instances (29 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab crabking_spawner has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_seed has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_glass has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:49:33]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating... [00:49:33]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles. [00:49:33]: Done forest map gen! [00:49:33]: Checking map... [00:49:33]: Generation complete [00:49:33]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete [00:49:33]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000002 [00:49:33]: Klump load on boot started. [00:49:33]: Klump files loaded: 0 [00:49:33]: Unload characters [00:49:33]: BE assets already loaded [00:49:33]: Begin Session: 8CD2F3748359D363 [00:49:33]: Stomping previously assigned session identifier, two loads issued. [00:49:33]: saving to server_temp/server_save [00:49:33]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml ) [00:49:33]: Loading 17 new character(s) [00:49:34]: Total 17 character(s) loaded [00:49:34]: Loading Nav Grid [00:49:34]: World generated on build 466644 with save version: 5.065, using seed: 1622889941 [00:49:38]: Reconstructing topology [00:49:38]: ...Sorting points [00:49:38]: ...Sorting edges [00:49:38]: ...Connecting nodes [00:49:38]: ...Validating connections [00:49:38]: ...Housekeeping [00:49:38]: ...Done! [00:49:38]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp [00:49:38]: World 771017458 is now connected [00:49:38]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 8CD2F3748359D363 [00:49:39]: Registering master server in EU lobby [00:49:39]: Validating portal[1] <-> 771017458[1] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[2] <-> 771017458[2] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[3] <-> 771017458[3] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[4] <-> 771017458[4] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[5] <-> 771017458[5] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[6] <-> 771017458[6] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[7] <-> 771017458[7] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[8] <-> 771017458[8] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Validating portal[9] <-> 771017458[9] (disabled) [00:49:39]: Sim paused [01:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [01:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [01:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [01:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [02:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [02:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [02:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [02:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [03:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [03:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [03:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [03:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [03:47:30]: New incoming connection|5384 <5676795328795376557> [03:47:30]: Client connected from|5384 <5676795328795376557> [03:47:30]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_SXC71acn^DontStarveTogether^CmKLGaPpeaUEHWL2Mj6hG9y3AdIPPARjzdD/O7k0gFQ= for <5676795328795376557> [03:47:31]: Client authenticated: (KU_SXC71acn) Mortiko [03:47:31]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561199168383121' [03:47:31]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561199168383121' [03:47:32]: There is no active event to validate against. [03:47:32]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_SXC71acn) [03:47:32]: Registering master server in EU lobby [03:48:45]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JI2C3GCIDH [03:48:47]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [03:48:49]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [03:49:06]: Spawn request: wendy from Mortiko [03:49:06]: Skin request: (wendy_magma) (body_suspenders_black_davys) () (legs_wilson_magma) (feet_sneakers_red_auburn) [03:49:06]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [03:49:06]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JI2C3GCIDH/0000000003 [03:49:06]: Sim unpaused [03:49:06]: Registering master server in EU lobby [03:50:33]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561199168383121' [03:50:33]: [Shard] (KU_SXC71acn) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [03:50:33]: Registering master server in EU lobby [03:50:34]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JI2C3GCIDH/0000000003 [03:50:34]: Sim paused [04:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [04:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [04:27:47]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_listallplayers()" [04:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [04:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [04:49:50]: New incoming connection|63069 <3576762149254571546> [04:49:50]: Client connected from|63069 <3576762149254571546> [04:49:50]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_OeQpBGl7^DontStarveTogether^eQBN+2EhhHsB6FR1TLMtZw55CvXD/129rlS+ERnTjM4= for <3576762149254571546> [04:49:51]: Client authenticated: (KU_OeQpBGl7) skeletonmanners [04:49:51]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198041441330' [04:49:51]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198041441330' [04:49:52]: There is no active event to validate against. [04:49:52]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_OeQpBGl7) [04:49:55]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:50:25]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7J2GQPIQ2U7 [04:50:36]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [04:50:38]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [04:50:41]: Spawn request: wathgrithr from skeletonmanners [04:50:41]: Skin request: (wathgrithr_victorian) (body_wes_formalp) (hand_woodie_victorian) () (feet_maryjanesp_white_pure) [04:50:41]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [04:50:41]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7J2GQPIQ2U7/0000000003 [04:50:41]: Sim unpaused [04:50:41]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:50:43]: New time stamps for everyone at 1622904426 [04:50:43]: New time stamps for everyone at 1622904426 [04:50:55]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198041441330' [04:50:55]: [Shard] (KU_OeQpBGl7) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [04:50:55]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:50:56]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7J2GQPIQ2U7/0000000003 [04:50:56]: Sim paused [04:52:31]: New incoming connection|51999 <7729682357368161206> [04:52:31]: Client connected from|51999 <7729682357368161206> [04:52:31]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_OeQpBGl7^DontStarveTogether^A9y4g63NJnYKa/7ZqJqWUtX8dw8sOQ7DJ0JgBv+34oc= for <7729682357368161206> [04:52:32]: Client authenticated: (KU_OeQpBGl7) skeletonmanners [04:52:32]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198041441330' [04:52:32]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198041441330' [04:52:33]: There is no active event to validate against. [04:52:33]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_OeQpBGl7) [04:52:33]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:52:59]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7J2GQPIQ2U7/0000000003 [04:52:59]: Spawning player at: [Load] (399.81, 0.00, -0.11) [04:52:59]: Sim unpaused [04:53:08]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:53:10]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [04:53:12]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [04:56:32]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198041441330' [04:56:32]: [Shard] (KU_OeQpBGl7) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [04:56:33]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7J2GQPIQ2U7/0000000003 [04:56:33]: Sim paused [04:56:38]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:56:40]: New incoming connection|5472 <2006741932253433663> [04:56:40]: Client connected from|5472 <2006741932253433663> [04:56:40]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_7OKBMdjO^DontStarveTogether^8s34WLUbfsXOVucJzc8FAwBeduHhzj/PoM7k9zFGEJU= for <2006741932253433663> [04:56:41]: Client authenticated: (KU_7OKBMdjO) Viento Solar [04:56:41]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198142739859' [04:56:41]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198142739859' [04:56:42]: There is no active event to validate against. [04:56:42]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [04:56:48]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:56:54]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO [04:57:00]: Spawn request: wormwood from Viento Solar [04:57:00]: Skin request: (wormwood_none) (body_wes_victorian) (hand_wx78_gladiator) (legs_wilson_nature) (feet_wx78_yule) [04:57:00]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [04:57:00]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000003 [04:57:00]: Sim unpaused [04:57:00]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:57:07]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [04:57:09]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [04:59:44]: Registering master server in EU lobby [04:59:45]: Available disk space for save files: 112508 MB [04:59:45]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000003 [04:59:45]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000003 [05:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [05:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [05:01:58]: Validating portal[7] <-> 771017458[7] (active) [05:07:45]: Available disk space for save files: 112499 MB [05:07:45]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000004 [05:07:45]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000004 [05:07:49]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:15:45]: Available disk space for save files: 112491 MB [05:15:45]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000005 [05:15:46]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000005 [05:15:54]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:23:45]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:23:45]: Available disk space for save files: 112482 MB [05:23:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000006 [05:23:46]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000006 [05:29:32]: Validating portal[2] <-> 771017458[2] (active) [05:29:46]: Activating portal[2] to 771017458 [05:29:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000007 [05:29:47]: [Shard] Migration request: (KU_7OKBMdjO) to caves(771017458) [05:29:47]: [Shard] Begin migration #1 for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:29:47]: [Shard] #1 [SHDMASTER](1) -> caves(771017458) [05:29:47]: [Shard] #1 <- session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000007 [05:29:47]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:29:47]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT [05:29:47]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198142739859' [05:29:47]: [Shard] (KU_7OKBMdjO) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [05:29:51]: [Shard] Completed migration #1 for player (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [05:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [05:31:28]: New incoming connection|59801 <3496328797322087143> [05:31:28]: Client connected from|59801 <3496328797322087143> [05:31:28]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_4QPlUwnw^DontStarveTogether^3MlARzT4U8KGmbHNPLFYq/jVfC18iHdNSHTVOh6t6gw= for <3496328797322087143> [05:31:28]: Client authenticated: (KU_4QPlUwnw) Asta Lava Ista [05:31:28]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198066016774' [05:31:29]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198066016774' [05:31:30]: There is no active event to validate against. [05:31:30]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_4QPlUwnw) [05:31:30]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:31:45]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:31:46]: Available disk space for save files: 112471 MB [05:31:46]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000007 [05:31:46]: [Shard] Begin migration #2 for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:31:46]: [Shard] #2 caves(771017458) -> [SHDMASTER](1) [05:31:46]: [Shard] #2 -> session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000008 [05:31:46]: [Shard] Received migration #2 data for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:31:46]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:31:47]: [Shard] (KU_7OKBMdjO) disconnected from caves(771017458) [05:31:49]: New incoming connection|5996 <8947084423214569543> [05:31:49]: Client connected from|5996 <8947084423214569543> [05:31:49]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_7OKBMdjO^DontStarveTogether^IghxQtAoUTBjEenRhAR3UKx0vEp/SxmNnfkijGpbILc= for <8947084423214569543> [05:31:50]: Client authenticated: (KU_7OKBMdjO) Viento Solar [05:31:50]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198142739859' [05:31:50]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198142739859' [05:31:50]: [Shard] Completed incoming migration #2 for (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:31:50]: [Shard] Completed migration #2 for player (KU_7OKBMdjO) [05:31:56]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000008 [05:31:57]: Player will spawn close to portal #2 [05:31:57]: Spawning player at: [Load] (463.29, 0.00, 105.60) [05:31:57]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q [05:32:10]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [05:32:12]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [05:32:27]: Spawn request: wendy from Asta Lava Ista [05:32:27]: Skin request: (wendy_magma) (body_flannel_red_higgsbury) (hand_winona_magma) (legs_waxwell_yule) (feet_wendy_magma) [05:32:27]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [05:32:27]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [05:32:27]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000008 [05:32:27]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:34:04]: New incoming connection|52013 <7663481744382662799> [05:34:04]: Client connected from|52013 <7663481744382662799> [05:34:04]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_sJttOGaX^DontStarveTogether^jjn100H2oE5M1KgobyeCE1bQAnbDDh1Js1WN3D7M51M= for <7663481744382662799> [05:34:05]: Client authenticated: (KU_sJttOGaX) NightWish of GloryHammerFall [05:34:05]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198038835588' [05:34:05]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198038835588' [05:34:06]: There is no active event to validate against. [05:34:06]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_sJttOGaX) [05:34:06]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:34:54]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291 [05:35:05]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [05:35:07]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [05:35:17]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198142739859' [05:35:17]: [Shard] (KU_7OKBMdjO) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [05:35:17]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:35:18]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GTGK5LKUQO/0000000008 [05:36:56]: New incoming connection|2182 <5384167840119028367> [05:36:56]: Client connected from|2182 <5384167840119028367> [05:36:56]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_xb1Lj0VD^DontStarveTogether^DHFJZycE29XjWBIQ5r6nK8PtVv7Fue7sHBCuaHAbON0= for <5384167840119028367> [05:36:57]: Client authenticated: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) DiviVine [05:36:57]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198101659504' [05:36:58]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198101659504' [05:36:58]: There is no active event to validate against. [05:36:58]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:37:07]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:37:31]: Spawn request: walter from NightWish of GloryHammerFall [05:37:31]: Skin request: () (body_warly_ice) (hand_wortox_original) (legs_wortox_dragon) (feet_wickerbottom_ice1) [05:37:31]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [05:37:31]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [05:37:31]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000008 [05:37:31]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:37:55]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD [05:38:06]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [05:38:08]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [05:39:46]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:39:46]: Available disk space for save files: 112465 MB [05:39:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000008 [05:39:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000008 [05:39:46]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000008 [05:41:14]: New incoming connection|60979 <3342931268140625864> [05:41:14]: Client connected from|60979 <3342931268140625864> [05:41:14]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_G_claf-b^DontStarveTogether^pFkXaZuQu6bVzvCjoY9lbnYJky+RCuJpG0jjqRCdRQg= for <3342931268140625864> [05:41:15]: Client authenticated: (KU_G_claf-b) Coveeno [05:41:15]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198172394774' [05:41:15]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198172394774' [05:41:16]: There is no active event to validate against. [05:41:16]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_G_claf-b) [05:41:16]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:41:24]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5 [05:41:34]: Spawn request: wortox from Coveeno [05:41:34]: Skin request: (wortox_original) (body_woodie_victorian) () (legs_wortox_original) () [05:41:34]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [05:41:34]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [05:41:34]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000009 [05:41:34]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:41:38]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [05:41:40]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [05:43:32]: Spawn request: wendy from DiviVine [05:43:32]: Skin request: () (body_winona_frankenstein) () (legs_wortox_original) (feet_wolfgang_nature) [05:43:32]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [05:43:32]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [05:43:32]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000009 [05:43:32]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:47:46]: Available disk space for save files: 112454 MB [05:47:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000009 [05:47:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000009 [05:47:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000009 [05:47:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000009 [05:47:47]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000009 [05:47:52]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:48:34]: Activating portal[2] to 771017458 [05:48:34]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000010 [05:48:34]: [Shard] Migration request: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) to caves(771017458) [05:48:34]: [Shard] Begin migration #3 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:48:34]: [Shard] #3 [SHDMASTER](1) -> caves(771017458) [05:48:34]: [Shard] #3 <- session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000010 [05:48:34]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:48:34]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT [05:48:34]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198101659504' [05:48:34]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [05:48:39]: [Shard] Completed migration #3 for player (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:50:32]: [Shard] Begin migration #4 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:50:32]: [Shard] #4 caves(771017458) -> [SHDMASTER](1) [05:50:32]: [Shard] #4 -> session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000010 [05:50:32]: [Shard] Received migration #4 data for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:50:32]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:50:32]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from caves(771017458) [05:50:36]: New incoming connection|2187 <6284256444325586916> [05:50:36]: Client connected from|2187 <6284256444325586916> [05:50:36]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_xb1Lj0VD^DontStarveTogether^msRZJYpOBNVXT7XdX6Fisf0IEILdvzP6sN1wN/JhUgI= for <6284256444325586916> [05:50:36]: Client authenticated: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) DiviVine [05:50:37]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198101659504' [05:50:37]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198101659504' [05:50:37]: [Shard] Completed incoming migration #4 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:50:37]: [Shard] Completed migration #4 for player (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [05:50:49]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000010 [05:50:49]: Player will spawn close to portal #2 [05:50:49]: Spawning player at: [Load] (463.74, 0.00, 103.11) [05:55:45]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:55:46]: Available disk space for save files: 112447 MB [05:55:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000010 [05:55:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000010 [05:55:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000010 [05:55:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000010 [05:55:47]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000010 [05:56:19]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198038835588' [05:56:19]: [Shard] (KU_sJttOGaX) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [05:56:19]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000011 [05:56:21]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:59:36]: New incoming connection|43290 <8049704809325531097> [05:59:36]: Client connected from|43290 <8049704809325531097> [05:59:36]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_SXC71hea^DontStarveTogether^n4RvrQgAryjv2JJPaX2tbugRonRIAAjPZuhwH3jDQEI= for <8049704809325531097> [05:59:36]: Client authenticated: (KU_SXC71hea) tondator_cz [05:59:37]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561199100071239' [05:59:37]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561199100071239' [05:59:38]: There is no active event to validate against. [05:59:38]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_SXC71hea) [05:59:38]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:59:38]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561199100071239' [05:59:38]: [Shard] (KU_SXC71hea) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [05:59:42]: New incoming connection|65200 <5881750038213842799> [05:59:42]: Client connected from|65200 <5881750038213842799> [05:59:42]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_sJttOGaX^DontStarveTogether^2ABZSqW47kFc5Xngap1DpsM0HkdBmX5KjFBY8PxnZeI= for <5881750038213842799> [05:59:42]: Client authenticated: (KU_sJttOGaX) NightWish of GloryHammerFall [05:59:42]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198038835588' [05:59:43]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198038835588' [05:59:43]: There is no active event to validate against. [05:59:43]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_sJttOGaX) [05:59:48]: Registering master server in EU lobby [05:59:59]: New incoming connection|43272 <8385740878286891667> [06:00:00]: Client connected from|43272 <8385740878286891667> [06:00:00]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_SXC71hea^DontStarveTogether^P4H8oRY4hSRcM3s49kpQfH4flpGKbcba+ERoZ1NcenY= for <8385740878286891667> [06:00:00]: Client authenticated: (KU_SXC71hea) tondator_cz [06:00:00]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561199100071239' [06:00:00]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561199100071239' [06:00:01]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:00:01]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_SXC71hea) [06:00:01]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [06:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [06:00:19]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000011 [06:00:19]: Spawning player at: [Load] (-119.89, -0.00, 513.92) [06:00:19]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:00:23]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JI2C3GDEH4 [06:00:30]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:00:31]: Spawn request: waxwell from tondator_cz [06:00:31]: Skin request: () () () () () [06:00:31]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:00:31]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:00:31]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JI2C3GDEH4/0000000011 [06:00:31]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:00:32]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:00:34]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:00:36]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:00:50]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561199100071239' [06:00:50]: [Shard] (KU_SXC71hea) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:00:50]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:00:50]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JI2C3GDEH4/0000000011 [06:03:47]: Available disk space for save files: 112439 MB [06:03:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000011 [06:03:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000011 [06:03:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000011 [06:03:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000011 [06:03:47]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000011 [06:03:55]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:04:51]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:04:51]: New incoming connection|59357 <5392022858786491714> [06:04:51]: Client connected from|59357 <5392022858786491714> [06:04:51]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_f5fUOatL^DontStarveTogether^8YqSr1eIG3hyCIhVZDXE2g7iBjFFyvZeVuqpSbwxVnY= for <5392022858786491714> [06:04:52]: Client authenticated: (KU_f5fUOatL) this is a name yes [06:04:52]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198301704926' [06:04:52]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198301704926' [06:04:53]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:04:53]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_f5fUOatL) [06:04:55]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:05:03]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7L4B9F64JEL [06:05:12]: Spawn request: webber from this is a name yes [06:05:12]: Skin request: () () () () () [06:05:12]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:05:12]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:05:12]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7L4B9F64JEL/0000000012 [06:05:12]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:05:17]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:05:19]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:07:43]: New incoming connection|57204 <718350104718776593> [06:07:43]: Client connected from|57204 <718350104718776593> [06:07:43]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_ULXndwLw^DontStarveTogether^lvQgjAd/4T2T3KUHWTGDde5Ne/dIG5M/1/gNEVMh3AY= for <718350104718776593> [06:07:43]: Client authenticated: (KU_ULXndwLw) Jippio [06:07:43]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561199035092769' [06:07:43]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561199035092769' [06:07:44]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:07:44]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_ULXndwLw) [06:07:52]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:07:54]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JPB1OPV9BQ [06:08:08]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:08:10]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:08:14]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:09:00]: Spawn request: willow from Jippio [06:09:00]: Skin request: () () (hand_wx78_magma) () (feet_woodie_hockey) [06:09:00]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:09:00]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:09:00]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JPB1OPV9BQ/0000000012 [06:09:00]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:09:38]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:11:12]: Could not find anim [death] in bank [ghost] [06:11:12]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7L4B9F64JEL/0000000012 [06:11:14]: Could not find anim [death] in bank [ghost] [06:11:14]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000012 [06:11:42]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198301704926' [06:11:42]: [Shard] (KU_f5fUOatL) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:11:42]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:11:42]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7L4B9F64JEL/0000000012 [06:11:47]: Available disk space for save files: 112538 MB [06:11:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000012 [06:11:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000012 [06:11:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000012 [06:11:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000012 [06:11:47]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JPB1OPV9BQ/0000000012 [06:11:48]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000012 [06:11:52]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:12:10]: New incoming connection|63279 <4989808789648125111> [06:12:10]: Client connected from|63279 <4989808789648125111> [06:12:10]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_p1sE90m6^DontStarveTogether^UPmCIgE+NI8drtFkj6WV/A4xMzlOz8MDXtqqmXR/1HI= for <4989808789648125111> [06:12:11]: Client authenticated: (KU_p1sE90m6) Artemis [06:12:11]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198087373707' [06:12:12]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198087373707' [06:12:13]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:12:13]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_p1sE90m6) [06:12:13]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:12:35]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:12:49]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MC3M728306 [06:12:59]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:13:01]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:13:01]: Spawn request: wendy from Artemis [06:13:01]: Skin request: (wendy_handmedown) (body_trenchcoat_yellow_straw) () () (feet_formal_stilettop_black_scribble) [06:13:01]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:13:01]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:13:01]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MC3M728306/0000000013 [06:13:01]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:13:57]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198087373707' [06:13:57]: [Shard] (KU_p1sE90m6) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:13:58]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MC3M728306/0000000013 [06:14:01]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:14:01]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:14:03]: Could not find anim [idle_loop] in bank [ghost] [06:14:06]: Could not find anim [transform] in bank [wilson] [06:14:07]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000013 [06:15:41]: Could not find anim [death] in bank [ghost] [06:15:41]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JPB1OPV9BQ/0000000013 [06:15:46]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561199035092769' [06:15:46]: [Shard] (KU_ULXndwLw) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:15:46]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JPB1OPV9BQ/0000000013 [06:15:51]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:16:43]: New incoming connection|53007 <942205868235859687> [06:16:43]: Client connected from|53007 <942205868235859687> [06:16:43]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_Fum_vfn8^DontStarveTogether^iLUhYvYNzLOnF62ty+xpltPUR+pCDNFcrpkmAb93PTk= for <942205868235859687> [06:16:43]: Client authenticated: (KU_Fum_vfn8) Гриша Православный [06:16:43]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198819724101' [06:16:44]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198819724101' [06:16:45]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:16:45]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_Fum_vfn8) [06:16:52]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:18:08]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7HVHGVUD728 [06:18:14]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:18:16]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:18:37]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198819724101' [06:18:37]: Connection lost to|53007 <942205868235859687> [06:18:37]: [Shard] (KU_Fum_vfn8) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:18:42]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:19:46]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:19:47]: Available disk space for save files: 112534 MB [06:19:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000013 [06:19:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000013 [06:19:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000013 [06:19:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000013 [06:19:48]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000013 [06:20:15]: New incoming connection|58558 <8628961590141789659> [06:20:15]: Client connected from|58558 <8628961590141789659> [06:20:15]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_Fum_vfn8^DontStarveTogether^3ERFsqJ3FAIwj4Dx6DhbNE0B+C5CDyAaOVMKIxhPAS8= for <8628961590141789659> [06:20:15]: Client authenticated: (KU_Fum_vfn8) Гриша Православный [06:20:16]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198819724101' [06:20:16]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198819724101' [06:20:17]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:20:17]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_Fum_vfn8) [06:20:21]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:21:14]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7HVHGVUD728 [06:21:20]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:21:22]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:21:37]: Spawn request: woodie from Гриша Православный [06:21:37]: Skin request: () () (hand_shortgloves_black_scribble) (legs_walter_ventriloquist) () [06:21:37]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:21:37]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:21:37]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7HVHGVUD728/0000000014 [06:21:46]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:22:27]: New incoming connection|34322 <6186366335702448105> [06:22:27]: Client connected from|34322 <6186366335702448105> [06:22:27]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_2i1LrDQ_^DontStarveTogether^BqwFaCAbTOeRgENvRAaAEgHKE4Qe/G85Gh5TaXEVwuw= for <6186366335702448105> [06:22:27]: Client authenticated: (KU_2i1LrDQ_) İnci [06:22:28]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561199103329007' [06:22:28]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561199103329007' [06:22:29]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:22:29]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_2i1LrDQ_) [06:22:29]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:22:43]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:22:48]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GAO1AT9LLV [06:23:01]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:23:03]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:23:06]: Spawn request: wendy from İnci [06:23:06]: Skin request: (wendy_magma) (body_wendy_formalp) (hand_wendy_victorian) (legs_swing_pants_pink_raspberry) (feet_ankleboot_red_firehound) [06:23:06]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:23:06]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:23:06]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GAO1AT9LLV/0000000014 [06:23:06]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:24:13]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561199103329007' [06:24:13]: [Shard] (KU_2i1LrDQ_) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:24:13]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:24:14]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GAO1AT9LLV/0000000014 [06:26:01]: Validating portal[8] <-> 771017458[8] (active) [06:26:16]: Activating portal[8] to 771017458 [06:26:17]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000014 [06:26:17]: [Shard] Migration request: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) to caves(771017458) [06:26:17]: [Shard] Begin migration #5 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:26:17]: [Shard] #5 [SHDMASTER](1) -> caves(771017458) [06:26:17]: [Shard] #5 <- session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000014 [06:26:17]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:26:17]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT [06:26:17]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198101659504' [06:26:17]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:26:22]: [Shard] Completed migration #5 for player (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:27:05]: [Shard] Begin migration #6 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:27:05]: [Shard] #6 caves(771017458) -> [SHDMASTER](1) [06:27:05]: [Shard] #6 -> session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000014 [06:27:05]: [Shard] Received migration #6 data for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:27:05]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:27:05]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from caves(771017458) [06:27:08]: New incoming connection|2371 <7423471857090019012> [06:27:08]: Client connected from|2371 <7423471857090019012> [06:27:08]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_xb1Lj0VD^DontStarveTogether^6DLcvIBnqqyLwV2VrnkBKXGZs5DyJbOoynNMH2UNZgo= for <7423471857090019012> [06:27:08]: Client authenticated: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) DiviVine [06:27:08]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198101659504' [06:27:09]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198101659504' [06:27:09]: [Shard] Completed incoming migration #6 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:27:09]: [Shard] Completed migration #6 for player (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [06:27:21]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000014 [06:27:21]: Player will spawn close to portal #8 [06:27:21]: Spawning player at: [Load] (236.37, 0.00, 240.90) [06:27:47]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:27:48]: Available disk space for save files: 112530 MB [06:27:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000014 [06:27:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000014 [06:27:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000014 [06:27:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7HVHGVUD728/0000000014 [06:27:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000014 [06:27:48]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000014 [06:27:59]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:29:29]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:30:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [06:30:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [06:30:36]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:31:27]: Could not find anim [death] in bank [ghost] [06:31:27]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7HVHGVUD728/0000000015 [06:32:25]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198819724101' [06:32:25]: Connection lost to|58558 <8628961590141789659> [06:32:25]: [Shard] (KU_Fum_vfn8) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:32:26]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7HVHGVUD728/0000000015 [06:32:32]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:34:45]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198066016774' [06:34:45]: [Shard] (KU_4QPlUwnw) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [06:34:45]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7GHKPNNNB3Q/0000000015 [06:34:47]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:35:47]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:35:48]: Available disk space for save files: 112527 MB [06:35:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000015 [06:35:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000015 [06:35:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000015 [06:35:48]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000015 [06:37:10]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:37:42]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:38:25]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:40:24]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:40:56]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:42:14]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:43:35]: Could not find anim [death] in bank [ghost] [06:43:35]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000016 [06:43:44]: Could not find anim [idle_loop] in bank [ghost] [06:43:47]: Could not find anim [transform] in bank [wilson] [06:43:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000016 [06:43:48]: Available disk space for save files: 112524 MB [06:43:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000016 [06:43:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000016 [06:43:48]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000016 [06:43:49]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000016 [06:43:52]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:45:50]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:46:22]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:48:29]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:51:48]: Available disk space for save files: 112521 MB [06:51:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000017 [06:51:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000017 [06:51:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000017 [06:51:49]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000017 [06:51:57]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:53:41]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:55:19]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [06:59:03]: New incoming connection|61939 <7663483531999837020> [06:59:03]: Client connected from|61939 <7663483531999837020> [06:59:03]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_SFlxbAcS^DontStarveTogether^ITBNBRBAe1FMIA2Uc/meCddtq3CqitPnH6BTFPaXDqU= for <7663483531999837020> [06:59:04]: Client authenticated: (KU_SFlxbAcS) Tulipa [06:59:04]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198355959023' [06:59:04]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198355959023' [06:59:05]: There is no active event to validate against. [06:59:05]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_SFlxbAcS) [06:59:12]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:59:19]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JGVFTP9ACS [06:59:24]: Spawn request: wilson from Tulipa [06:59:24]: Skin request: (wilson_victorian) (body_sweatervest_blue_snowbird) (hand_longgloves_yellow_straw) () (feet_formal_stilettop_black_scribble) [06:59:25]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [06:59:25]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [06:59:25]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JGVFTP9ACS/0000000018 [06:59:25]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:59:32]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [06:59:34]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [06:59:48]: Registering master server in EU lobby [06:59:49]: Available disk space for save files: 112517 MB [06:59:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000018 [06:59:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000018 [06:59:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000018 [06:59:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JGVFTP9ACS/0000000018 [06:59:49]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000018 [07:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [07:00:03]: Received (KU_sRB3_9_W) from TokenPurpose [07:02:06]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [07:03:18]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [07:03:24]: New incoming connection|8711 <3318421151020154171> [07:03:24]: Client connected from|8711 <3318421151020154171> [07:03:24]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_008xgTSf^DontStarveTogether^dZ52jUVxVFow9zr618vD+ROc9QmAVieA72fYte34y5k= for <3318421151020154171> [07:03:24]: Client authenticated: (KU_008xgTSf) Okruch [07:03:24]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198440660064' [07:03:25]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198440660064' [07:03:25]: There is no active event to validate against. [07:03:25]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_008xgTSf) [07:03:25]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:04:24]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [07:04:36]: Resuming user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7G008TQJLP9 [07:04:45]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: welcome to one of the Moon DST servers')" [07:04:47]: RemoteCommandInput: "c_announce('bot msg: to ping an admin in discord please use the @ sign in the gamechat.')" [07:07:08]: Spawn request: warly from Okruch [07:07:08]: Skin request: () (body_buttons_black_jet) () (legs_warly_candyman) (feet_workboot_brown_chocolate) [07:07:08]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (410.00, 0.00, 6.00) [07:07:08]: Enabling Spawn Protection for 100037 - world [07:07:08]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7G008TQJLP9/0000000019 [07:07:08]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:07:48]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:07:49]: Available disk space for save files: 112514 MB [07:07:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000019 [07:07:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000019 [07:07:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000019 [07:07:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JGVFTP9ACS/0000000019 [07:07:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7G008TQJLP9/0000000019 [07:07:49]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000019 [07:15:49]: Available disk space for save files: 112510 MB [07:15:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000020 [07:15:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000020 [07:15:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000020 [07:15:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JGVFTP9ACS/0000000020 [07:15:49]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7G008TQJLP9/0000000020 [07:15:50]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000020 [07:15:53]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:15:55]: Validating portal[6] <-> 771017458[6] (active) [07:16:27]: Activating portal[6] to 771017458 [07:16:27]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000021 [07:16:27]: [Shard] Migration request: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) to caves(771017458) [07:16:27]: [Shard] Begin migration #7 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:16:27]: [Shard] #7 [SHDMASTER](1) -> caves(771017458) [07:16:27]: [Shard] #7 <- session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7NEA1AR81UD/0000000021 [07:16:27]: [Shard] Writing save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:16:27]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT [07:16:27]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198101659504' [07:16:27]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [07:17:57]: [Shard] Migration for KU_xb1Lj0VD timed out. [07:17:57]: [Shard] Cancelling pending migration #7 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:17:57]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:20:41]: New incoming connection|2155 <5035992446705017333> [07:20:41]: Client connected from|2155 <5035992446705017333> [07:20:41]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_xb1Lj0VD^DontStarveTogether^geWl5m3c/WPRU57K16uYGi9nQm6//Ga0L9xku2P1YV4= for <5035992446705017333> [07:20:41]: Client authenticated: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) DiviVine [07:20:41]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198101659504' [07:20:42]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198101659504' [07:20:43]: There is no active event to validate against. [07:20:43]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:20:43]: [Shard] Forwarding player to caves(771017458) [07:20:43]: [Shard] Begin migration #8 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:20:43]: [Shard] #8 [SHDMASTER](1) -> caves(771017458) [07:20:43]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:20:43]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT [07:20:43]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198101659504' [07:20:43]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [07:22:13]: [Shard] Migration for KU_xb1Lj0VD timed out. [07:22:13]: [Shard] Cancelling pending migration #8 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:22:13]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:23:49]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:23:49]: Available disk space for save files: 112507 MB [07:23:50]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7I3V6NP57T5/0000000021 [07:23:50]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7MP7NRM2291/0000000021 [07:23:50]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7JGVFTP9ACS/0000000021 [07:23:50]: Serializing user: session/8CD2F3748359D363/A7G008TQJLP9/0000000021 [07:23:50]: Serializing world: session/8CD2F3748359D363/0000000021 [07:25:27]: New incoming connection|2241 <9035105008666370422> [07:25:27]: Client connected from|2241 <9035105008666370422> [07:25:27]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_xb1Lj0VD^DontStarveTogether^GyTvYoFqyLjgdp9710ev3l5pqMVfzHCEsccEf07fIVU= for <9035105008666370422> [07:25:27]: Client authenticated: (KU_xb1Lj0VD) DiviVine [07:25:28]: [Steam] SendUserConnectAndAuthenticate for '76561198101659504' [07:25:28]: [Steam] Authenticated client '76561198101659504' [07:25:29]: There is no active event to validate against. [07:25:29]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:25:29]: [Shard] Forwarding player to caves(771017458) [07:25:29]: [Shard] Begin migration #9 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:25:29]: [Shard] #9 [SHDMASTER](1) -> caves(771017458) [07:25:29]: CloseConnectionWithReason: ID_DST_SHARD_SILENT_DISCONNECT [07:25:29]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561198101659504' [07:25:29]: [Shard] (KU_xb1Lj0VD) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [07:25:34]: Could not find anim [dismount] in bank [wilson] [07:25:39]: Registering master server in EU lobby [07:26:59]: [Shard] Migration for KU_xb1Lj0VD timed out. [07:26:59]: [Shard] Cancelling pending migration #9 for (KU_xb1Lj0VD) [07:27:04]: Registering master server in EU lobby