[00:01:26]: [Shard] secondary shard LUA is now ready! [00:01:27]: Level: 10 Function Info: source : scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua what : Lua func : function: 0x528d52c0 nups : 0 short_src : [string "scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua"] name : fn currentline : 316 namewhat : field linedefined : 313 lastlinedefined : 321 Local inst : 118651 - klaus Local (*temporary) : nil Local (*temporary) : 118651 - klaus Local (*temporary) : nil Local (*temporary) : attempt to index field 'brain' (a nil value) Level: 11 Function Info: source : scripts/stategraph.lua what : Lua func : function: 0xdc3bb20 nups : 0 short_src : [string "scripts/stategraph.lua"] name : UpdateState currentline : 572 namewhat : method linedefined : 540 lastlinedefined : 584 Local self : sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy,"{ tags : table: 0x60d451e0, mem : table: 0x5290d7e0, statemem : table: 0x60d45d90, currentstate : table: 0x528d59f0, timelineindex : 7, timeinstate : 3.0000001564622, sg : Stategraph : SGklaus, inst : 118651 - klaus, bufferedevents : table: 0x60d55b80, fn:GoToState src:../mods/workshop-1699194522/main/white_bone.lua(292-295), lastupdatetime : 3.0000001564622, laststate : table: 0x528f9350, statestarttime : 0, } Local dt : 2.1000001095235 Local startstate : table: 0x528d59f0{ defline : [string "scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua"]:273, events : table: 0x528d5d50, tags : table: 0x528d5d20, timeline : table: 0x528d5da0, name : death, fn:onexit src:scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua(338-344), fn:onenter src:scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua(277-283), } Local idx : 6 Local old_time : 3.0000001564622 Local extra_time : 1.564621925354e-07 Level: 12 Function Info: source : scripts/stategraph.lua what : Lua func : function: 0xdc3bb80 nups : 0 short_src : [string "scripts/stategraph.lua"] name : Update currentline : 611 namewhat : method linedefined : 603 lastlinedefined : 631 Local self : sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy,"{ tags : table: 0x60d451e0, mem : table: 0x5290d7e0, statemem : table: 0x60d45d90, currentstate : table: 0x528d59f0, timelineindex : 7, timeinstate : 3.0000001564622, sg : Stategraph : SGklaus, inst : 118651 - klaus, bufferedevents : table: 0x60d55b80, fn:GoToState src:../mods/workshop-1699194522/main/white_bone.lua(292-295), lastupdatetime : 3.0000001564622, laststate : table: 0x528f9350, statestarttime : 0, } Local dt : 2.1000001095235 Level: 13 Function Info: source : scripts/stategraph.lua what : Lua func : function: 0xa44e820 nups : 0 short_src : [string "scripts/stategraph.lua"] name : Update currentline : 128 namewhat : method linedefined : 109 lastlinedefined : 153 Local self : table: 0xa44cb10{ updaters : table: 0x526360a0, fn:OnEnterNewState src:scripts/stategraph.lua(27-31), tickwaiters : table: 0xa44cbc0, haveEvents : table: 0x543b3500, hibernaters : table: 0xa44cbf0, [00:01:27]: instances : table: 0xa44cb40, } Local current_tick : 90 Local waiters : table: 0x34ce36e0{ sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy," : true, } Local updaters : table: 0x54397e20{ sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy," : true, } Local fn:(for generator) src:=[C](-1--1) Local (for state) : table: 0x54397e20{ sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy," : true, } Local (for control) : sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy,"{ tags : table: 0x60d451e0, mem : table: 0x5290d7e0, statemem : table: 0x60d45d90, currentstate : table: 0x528d59f0, timelineindex : 7, timeinstate : 3.0000001564622, sg : Stategraph : SGklaus, inst : 118651 - klaus, bufferedevents : table: 0x60d55b80, fn:GoToState src:../mods/workshop-1699194522/main/white_bone.lua(292-295), lastupdatetime : 3.0000001564622, laststate : table: 0x528f9350, statestarttime : 0, } Local k : sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy,"{ tags : table: 0x60d451e0, mem : table: 0x5290d7e0, statemem : table: 0x60d45d90, currentstate : table: 0x528d59f0, timelineindex : 7, timeinstate : 3.0000001564622, sg : Stategraph : SGklaus, inst : 118651 - klaus, bufferedevents : table: 0x60d55b80, fn:GoToState src:../mods/workshop-1699194522/main/white_bone.lua(292-295), lastupdatetime : 3.0000001564622, laststate : table: 0x528f9350, statestarttime : 0, } Local v : true Local prefab : klaus Level: 14 Function Info: nups : 2 what : Lua func : function: 0xc7d4220 lastlinedefined : 243 source : scripts/update.lua currentline : 233 namewhat : linedefined : 164 short_src : [string "scripts/update.lua"] Local dt : 0.033333335071802 Local tick : 90 Local (for index) : 90 Local (for limit) : 90 Local (for step) : 1 Local i : 90 Upvalue last_tick_seen : 89 Upvalue StaticComponentUpdates : table: 0xc7d4090{} [00:01:27]: SimLuaProxy::QueryServer() [00:01:27]: [string "scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua"]:316: attempt to index field 'brain' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/stategraph.lua:572 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <540-584> self = tags = table: 0x60d451e0 mem = table: 0x5290d7e0 statemem = table: 0x60d45d90 currentstate = table: 0x528d59f0 timelineindex = 7 timeinstate = 3.0000001564622 sg = Stategraph : SGklaus inst = 118651 - klaus (valid:true) bufferedevents = table: 0x60d55b80 GoToState = function - ../mods/workshop-1699194522/main/white_bone.lua:292 lastupdatetime = 3.0000001564622 laststate = table: 0x528f9350 statestarttime = 0 dt = 2.1000001095235 startstate = table: 0x528d59f0 idx = 6 old_time = 3.0000001564622 extra_time = 1.564621925354e-07 scripts/stategraph.lua:611 in (method) Update (Lua) <603-631> self = tags = table: 0x60d451e0 mem = table: 0x5290d7e0 statemem = table: 0x60d45d90 currentstate = table: 0x528d59f0 timelineindex = 7 timeinstate = 3.0000001564622 sg = Stategraph : SGklaus inst = 118651 - klaus (valid:true) bufferedevents = table: 0x60d55b80 GoToState = function - ../mods/workshop-1699194522/main/white_bone.lua:292 lastupdatetime = 3.0000001564622 laststate = table: 0x528f9350 statestarttime = 0 dt = 2.1000001095235 scripts/stategraph.lua:128 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-153> self = updaters = table: 0x526360a0 OnEnterNewState = function - scripts/stategraph.lua:27 tickwaiters = table: 0xa44cbc0 haveEvents = table: 0x543b3500 hibernaters = table: 0xa44cbf0 instances = table: 0xa44cb40 current_tick = 90 waiters = table: 0x34ce36e0 updaters = table: 0x54397e20 k = sg="SGklaus", state="death", time=3.00, tags = "busy," v = true prefab = klaus scripts/update.lua:233 in () ? (Lua) <164-243> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 90 i = 90 [00:01:27]: [string "scripts/stategraphs/SGklaus.lua"]:316: attempt to index field 'brain' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/stategraph.lua:572 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <540-584> scripts/stategraph.lua:611 in (method) Update (Lua) <603-631> scripts/stategraph.lua:128 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-153> scripts/update.lua:233 in () ? (Lua) <164-243> [00:01:27]: Warning: Widget:SetFocusFromChild is happening on a widget outside of the screen/widget hierachy. This will cause focus moves to fail. Is ScriptErrorWidget not a screen? [00:01:27]: stack traceback: scripts/widgets/widget.lua:604 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <601-626> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:623 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <601-626> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:623 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <601-626> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:648 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <628-657> scripts/widgets/menu.lua:83 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <74-85> scripts/widgets/scripterrorwidget.lua:109 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <102-119>