[06:11:54]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 202691, scripts/components/locomotor.lua:37 [06:11:54]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 202691, scripts/components/locomotor.lua:37 [06:11:54]: [string "scripts/util.lua"]:536: Something is wrong: v1 is nil stale component reference? LUA ERROR stack traceback: =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1> scripts/util.lua:536 in (global) distsq (Lua) <532-550> v1 = nil v2 = nil v3 = -297.53012084961 v4 = 12.128383636475 scripts/components/locomotor.lua:1014 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <962-1242> self = faster_on_tiles = table: 3E5F6E70 RunSpeed = function - scripts/components/locomotor.lua:63 _externalspeedmultipliers = table: 3E5F6B28 dest = Going to Entity: 227461 - seeds (valid:true) fastmultiplier = 1.3 groundspeedmultiplier = 1 arrive_step_dist = 0.15 arrive_dist = 1.15 isupdating = true wantstomoveforward = true slowmultiplier = 0.6 IsFasterOnGroundTile = function - scripts/components/locomotor.lua:151 lastdesttile = table: 2867B460 hop_distance = 6 allow_platform_hopping = true triggerscreep = true isrunning = true bufferedaction = Eat 227461 - seeds (valid:true) ExternalSpeedMultiplier = function - scripts/components/locomotor.lua:101 time_before_next_hop_is_allowed = 0 hopping = false enablegroundspeedmultiplier = true is_prediction_enabled = false throttle = 1 last_platform_visited = INVALID PLATFORM inst = 309155 - pigman (valid:true) ismastersim = true GetSpeedMultiplier = function - scripts/components/locomotor.lua:109 wasoncreep = false walkspeed = 3 lastpos = table: 28680730 _ = table: 3E5F6830 FasterOnRoad = function - scripts/components/locomotor.lua:82 dt = 0.033333335071802 destpos_x = nil destpos_y = nil destpos_z = nil mypos_x = -297.53012084961 mypos_y = 5.9600835378149e-009 mypos_z = 12.128383636475 reached_dest = nil invalid = nil scripts/update.lua:207 in () ? (Lua) <164-243> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 491138 k = 309155 v = 309155 - pigman (valid:true) cmp = table: 3E5F6808 [06:11:54]: [string "scripts/util.lua"]:536: Something is wrong: v1 is nil stale component reference? LUA ERROR stack traceback: =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1> scripts/util.lua:536 in (global) distsq (Lua) <532-550> scripts/components/locomotor.lua:1014 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <962-1242> scripts/update.lua:207 in () ? (Lua) <164-243> [06:11:54]: Warning: Widget:SetFocusFromChild is happening on a widget outside of the screen/widget hierachy. This will cause focus moves to fail. Is ScriptErrorWidget not a screen? [06:11:54]: stack traceback: scripts/widgets/widget.lua:604 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <601-626> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:623 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <601-626> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:623 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <601-626> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:648 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <628-657> scripts/widgets/menu.lua:83 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <74-85> scripts/widgets/scripterrorwidget.lua:109 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <102-119> scripts/update.lua:95 in () ? (Lua) <33-134> [06:11:54]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 202691, scripts/components/locomotor.lua:37 [06:11:54]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 202691, scripts/components/locomotor.lua:37 [06:11:54]: Stale Component Reference: GUID 202691, scripts/components/locomotor.lua:37