[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:00:00]: Starting Up [00:00:00]: Version: 451587 [00:00:00]: Current time: Thu Feb 18 11:01:41 2021 [00:00:00]: System Name: Linux [00:00:00]: Host Name: Servemine [00:00:00]: Release(Kernel) Version: 4.18.0-240.1.1.el8_3.x86_64 [00:00:00]: Kernel Build Timestamp: #1 SMP Thu Nov 19 17:20:08 UTC 2020 [00:00:00]: Machine Arch: x86_64 [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 451587 LINUX [00:00:00]: Build Date: 6596 [00:00:00]: Mode: 32-bit [00:00:00]: Parsing command line [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -cluster Home -shard Master -persistent_storage_root /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst/ -bind_ip -port 11000 -backup_log_count 100 [00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform [00:00:00]: ....Done [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (4139387712) [00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/klump.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/shaders.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/fonts.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/anim_dynamic.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/bigportraits.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/images.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/scripts.zip skipped. [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:5.57 [00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true) [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'Ping Job Thread' (4132436800) [00:00:00]: Platform: 1 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/blocklist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (4128242496) [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/adminlist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/whitelist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/cluster_token.txt [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/cluster_token.txt [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize() [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:00:03]: running main.lua [00:00:03]: loaded modindex [00:00:03]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:00:03]: DownloadMods(0) [00:00:03]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:00:09]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:09]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:00:09]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:00:09]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:00:09]: bloom_enabled false [00:00:09]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:09]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:09]: Klump load on boot started. [00:00:09]: Klump files loaded: 0 [00:00:15]: Load FE [00:00:18]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (4097575744) [00:00:18]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (17165 files)... [00:00:18]: Load FE: done [00:00:18]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:00:18]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:00:18]: error: -1: could not get free space for /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:00:18]: Failed to get free hard drive sapce for: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:00:19]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:19]: Reset() returning [00:00:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [00:00:19]: Received (KU_wcS30L7H) from TokenPurpose [00:00:19]: Starting Dedicated Server Game [00:00:19]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:19]: About to start a server with the following settings: [00:00:19]: Dedicated: true [00:00:19]: Online: true [00:00:19]: Passworded: true [00:00:19]: ServerPort: 11000 [00:00:19]: SteamAuthPort: 8768 [00:00:19]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27018 [00:00:19]: ClanID: false [00:00:19]: ClanOnly: false [00:00:19]: ClanAdmin: false [00:00:19]: LanOnly: false [00:00:19]: FriendsOnly: false [00:00:19]: EnableAutosaver: true [00:00:19]: EncodeUserPath: true [00:00:19]: PVP: false [00:00:19]: MaxPlayers: 8 [00:00:19]: GameMode: survival [00:00:19]: OverridenDNS: [00:00:19]: PauseWhenEmpty: true [00:00:19]: IdleTimeout: 1800s [00:00:19]: VoteEnabled: true [00:00:19]: InternetBroadcasting: true [00:00:19]: Intent: cooperative [00:00:19]: Online Server Started on port: 11000 [00:00:19]: Not applying level data overrides. [00:00:19]: Not applying world gen overrides. [00:00:19]: Collecting garbage... [00:00:19]: lua_gc took 0.05 seconds [00:00:19]: ~ShardLuaProxy() [00:00:19]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy() [00:00:19]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy() [00:00:19]: ~InventoryLuaProxy() [00:00:19]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:00:19]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:00:19]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted. [00:00:19]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete [00:00:19]: lua_close took 0.07 seconds [00:00:19]: ReleaseAll [00:00:19]: ReleaseAll Finished [00:00:19]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:19]: LOADING LUA [00:00:19]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:19]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:20]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:00:20]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:00:20]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:00:20]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:00:20]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:00:20]: running main.lua [00:00:20]: loaded modindex [00:00:20]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:00:25]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:00:25]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:25]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:00:25]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:00:25]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:00:25]: bloom_enabled false [00:00:25]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:25]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:25]: Load Slot: ... generating new world [00:00:25]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() [00:00:25]: ABOUT TO INSTALL STACKTRACE [00:00:25]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua [00:00:25]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua [00:00:25]: INSTALLED STACKTRACE [00:00:25]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete [00:00:25]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (4097575744) [00:00:25]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() [00:00:25]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua [00:00:25]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua [00:00:25]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:00:25]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:00:25]: error: -1: could not get free space for /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:00:25]: Failed to get free hard drive sapce for: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:00:25]: DLC enabled : false [00:00:25]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:25]: Reset() returning [00:00:25]: taskgrouplist: default Together [00:00:25]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic [00:00:25]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground [00:00:25]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge [00:00:25]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge [00:00:25]: running worldgen_main.lua [00:00:25]: SEED = 1613674926 [00:00:25]: Generating world with these parameters: [00:00:25]: level_type SURVIVAL [00:00:25]: level_data: [00:00:25]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience. [00:00:25]: K: hideminimap V: false [00:00:25]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:00:25]: K: location V: forest [00:00:25]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999 [00:00:25]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0 [00:00:25]: K: name V: Standard Forest [00:00:25]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4 [00:00:25]: K: override_level_string V: false [00:00:25]: K: overrides V: table: 0xf0f31210 [00:00:25]: K: has_ocean V: true [00:00:25]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:00:25]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys [00:00:25]: K: no_joining_islands V: true [00:00:25]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:00:25]: K: roads V: default [00:00:25]: K: season_start V: default [00:00:25]: K: start_location V: default [00:00:25]: K: task_set V: default [00:00:25]: K: world_size V: default [00:00:25]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole [00:00:25]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0xf0f2ee90 [00:00:25]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2 [00:00:25]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3 [00:00:25]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4 [00:00:25]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5 [00:00:25]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1 [00:00:25]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2 [00:00:25]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3 [00:00:25]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4 [00:00:25]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5 [00:00:25]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6 [00:00:25]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1 [00:00:25]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2 [00:00:25]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3 [00:00:25]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4 [00:00:25]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6 [00:00:25]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7 [00:00:25]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1 [00:00:25]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2 [00:00:25]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3 [00:00:25]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0xf0f2e450 [00:00:25]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal [00:00:25]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 0xf0f2f0f0 [00:00:25]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1 [00:00:25]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5 [00:00:25]: K: substitutes V: table: 0xf0f30880 [00:00:25]: K: version V: 4 [00:00:25]: ####### # # Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level # ####### [00:00:25]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular grass [00:00:25]: Prefab Swap Selection: regular twigs [00:00:25]: Prefab Swap Selection: juicy berries [00:00:26]: Sculptures_1 added to task Mole Colony Deciduous [00:00:26]: Maxwell5 added to task Speak to the king [00:00:26]: Sculptures_4 added to task Great Plains [00:00:26]: Maxwell2 added to task Make a pick [00:00:26]: Chessy_4 added to task Great Plains [00:00:26]: Warzone_3 added to task The hunters [00:00:26]: New size: 425 default [00:00:26]: Creating story... [00:00:26]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'Make a pick' [00:00:26]: [Story Gen] LinkNodesByKeys [00:00:26]: Finding valid start task... [00:00:26]: ...picked Make a pick [00:00:26]: Has start node Clearing [00:00:26]: Adding Background Nodes [00:00:26]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes [00:00:26]: [Ocean] Processing ocean fake room content. [00:00:26]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_InitializeNodePoints] [00:00:26]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass] [00:00:26]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]: [00:00:27]: ...Done. [00:00:27]: [Story Gen] Finding nodes on mainland to connect a region to. [00:00:27]: [Story Gen] Generate nodes. Starting at: 'MoonIsland_IslandShards' [00:00:27]: [Story Gen] RestrictNodesByKey [00:00:27]: [Story Gen] Adding Cove Nodes [00:00:27]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_AddNewPositions] [00:00:27]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_VoronoiPass] [00:00:27]: GenerateVoronoiMap [50]: [00:00:28]: ...Done. [00:00:28]: ... story created [00:00:28]: Baking map... 425 [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::WorldGen_Commit] worldgen success. [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] [00:00:28]: [ConvertToTileMap] [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] [00:00:28]: [SeparateIslands] [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete [00:00:28]: Map Baked! [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] [00:00:28]: [GenerateLandmasses] [00:00:28]: [GenerateLandmasses] islands: 11 [00:00:28]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] false [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] [00:00:28]: [DrawRoads] [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] complete [00:00:28]: Encoding... [00:00:28]: [WorldSimActual::CreateNodeIdTileMap] [00:00:28]: Encoding... DONE [00:00:28]: Checking Tags [00:00:28]: Populating voronoi... [00:00:30]: Warning! Could not find a spot for Maxwell2 in node Make a pick:BG_48:BGGrass [00:00:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating... [00:00:30]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 5 tiles. [00:00:30]: Not checking for disconnected tiles. [00:00:31]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:00:31]: [Ocean] Placed 8 of 8 ocean set pieces. [00:00:31]: [Ocean] Convert impassible to water... [00:00:31]: [Ocean] Square fill... [00:00:33]: [Ocean] Ground fill... [00:00:33]: [Ocean] Noise... [00:00:34]: [Ocean] Blend... [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Adding shoreline... [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Void Outline... [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Populating the ocean with lots of fun things to do... [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Placed 9 of 9 ocean set pieces. [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Placed 1 of 1 ocean set pieces. [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Placing ocean set pieces. [00:00:35]: [Ocean] Placed 1 of 1 ocean set pieces. [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_idol has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_bishop has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab crabking has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab pigking has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab moon_fissure has at least 2 instances (52 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_rook has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab hermithouse_construction1 has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab sculpture_knight has at least 1 instances (3 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab gravestone has at least 1 instances (14 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab waterplant has at least 1 instances (202 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_seed has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: Checking Required Prefab moon_altar_rock_glass has at least 1 instances (1 found). [00:00:36]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Validating... [00:00:36]: [ReplaceSingleNonLandTiles] Replaced 0 tiles. [00:00:36]: Done forest map gen! [00:00:36]: Checking map... [00:00:36]: Generation complete [00:00:36]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete [00:00:36]: Serializing world: session/3D23D207F967D574/0000000002 [00:00:36]: Klump load on boot started. [00:00:36]: Klump files loaded: 0 [00:00:36]: Unload FE [00:00:36]: Unload FE done [00:00:42]: LOAD BE [00:00:50]: LOAD BE: done [00:00:50]: Begin Session: 3D23D207F967D574 [00:00:50]: saving to server_temp/server_save [00:00:51]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml ) [00:00:51]: Loading 17 new character(s) [00:00:52]: Total 17 character(s) loaded [00:00:54]: Loading Nav Grid [00:00:54]: World generated on build 451587 with save version: 5.064, using seed: 1613674926 [00:01:00]: Reconstructing topology [00:01:00]: ...Sorting points [00:01:00]: ...Sorting edges [00:01:00]: ...Connecting nodes [00:01:00]: ...Validating connections [00:01:00]: ...Housekeeping [00:01:00]: ...Done! [00:01:00]: 0 uploads added to server. From server_temp [00:01:00]: About to start a shard with these settings: [00:01:00]: ShardName: [SHDMASTER] [00:01:00]: ShardID: 1 [00:01:00]: ShardRole: MASTER [00:01:00]: MasterHost: (null) [00:01:00]: MasterBind: [00:01:00]: MasterPort: 11002 [00:01:00]: [Shard] Starting master server [00:01:00]: [Shard] Shard server started on port: 11002 [00:01:00]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 3D23D207F967D574 [00:01:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(8768, 11000, 27018) [00:01:01]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success [00:01:01]: Validating portal[1] <-> [1] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[2] <-> [2] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[3] <-> [3] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[4] <-> [4] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[5] <-> [5] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[6] <-> [6] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[7] <-> [7] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[8] <-> [8] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[9] <-> [9] (inactive) [00:01:01]: Validating portal[10] <-> [10] (inactive) [00:01:02]: Sim paused [00:01:02]: Best lobby region is aws/US (ping 86) [00:01:02]: Registering master server in US lobby [00:01:02]: [Shard] Secondary shar Caves(170917425) connected: [LAN] [00:01:03]: [Shard] Secondary Caves(170917425) ready! [00:01:03]: World 170917425 is now connected [00:01:03]: Validating portal[1] <-> 170917425[1] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[2] <-> 170917425[2] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[3] <-> 170917425[3] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[4] <-> 170917425[4] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[5] <-> 170917425[5] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[6] <-> 170917425[6] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[7] <-> 170917425[7] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[8] <-> 170917425[8] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[9] <-> 170917425[9] (disabled) [00:01:03]: Validating portal[10] <-> 170917425[10] (disabled) [00:01:12]: Registering master server in US lobby [00:01:44]: [P2P] Session request for '76561197974497393' [00:01:48]: [P2P] Create session:|1 '76561197974497393' [00:01:48]: [P2P] Received from|1 '76561197974497393' [00:01:48]: [P2P] Sent to|1 '76561197974497393' [00:01:48]: New incoming connection|1 <5283592941313917762> [00:01:48]: Client connected from|1 <5283592941313917762> [00:01:48]: ValidateGameSessionToken pgs-usc^KU_wcS30L7H^DontStarveTogether^a5JPBPwF7KIuAzNt+I8a09z83383mobGgxv7xHr1QVI= for <5283592941313917762> [00:01:49]: Client authenticated: (KU_wcS30L7H) Trencher [00:01:49]: [Steam] Authenticated host '76561197974497393' [00:01:50]: There is no active event to validate against. [00:01:50]: [Shard] Read save location file for (KU_wcS30L7H) [00:01:50]: Registering master server in US lobby [00:01:57]: Resuming user: session/3D23D207F967D574/A7NACS1G2KEH [00:02:02]: Spawn request: wilson from Trencher [00:02:02]: Skin request: () (body_silkbrocade_coat_green_laurel) () (legs_wolfgang_ice) () [00:02:03]: Spawning player at: [Fixed] (98.00, 0.00, 98.00) [00:02:03]: Serializing user: session/3D23D207F967D574/A7NACS1G2KEH/0000000003 [00:02:03]: Sim unpaused [00:02:03]: Registering master server in US lobby [00:04:41]: [Steam] SendUserDisconnect for '76561197974497393' [00:04:41]: Connection lost to|1 <5283592941313917762> [00:04:41]: [Shard] (KU_wcS30L7H) disconnected from [SHDMASTER](1) [00:04:41]: Serializing user: session/3D23D207F967D574/A7NACS1G2KEH/0000000003 [00:04:41]: Sim paused [00:04:43]: Registering master server in US lobby [00:05:04]: [P2P] Connection failed for '76561197974497393' [00:14:41]: [P2P] Session timed out for '76561197974497393' [00:14:41]: [P2P] Remove session:|1 '76561197974497393' [00:30:19]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [00:30:19]: Received (KU_wcS30L7H) from TokenPurpose [00:46:47]: World 170917425 is now disconnected [00:46:47]: Validating portal[1] <-> 170917425[1] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[2] <-> 170917425[2] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[3] <-> 170917425[3] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[4] <-> 170917425[4] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[5] <-> 170917425[5] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[6] <-> 170917425[6] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[7] <-> 170917425[7] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[8] <-> 170917425[8] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[9] <-> 170917425[9] (inactive) [00:46:47]: Validating portal[10] <-> 170917425[10] (inactive) [00:46:47]: [Shard] A shard has disconnected: 'Caves(170917425)' [00:46:47]: Registering master server in US lobby [00:46:48]: error: -1: could not get free space for /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:46:48]: Failed to get free hard drive sapce for: /mnt/MT/MCServerFiles/dst//DoNotStarveTogether/Home/Master/ [00:46:48]: Serializing world: session/3D23D207F967D574/0000000003 [00:46:48]: Removing server from US lobby [00:46:49]: [Shard] Stopping shard mode [00:46:49]: Collecting garbage... [00:46:49]: lua_gc took 0.34 seconds [00:46:50]: ~ShardLuaProxy() [00:46:50]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy() [00:46:50]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy() [00:46:50]: ~InventoryLuaProxy() [00:46:50]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:46:50]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:46:50]: Cancelling LuaQueryCallback handle [5] [00:46:50]: lua_close took 0.46 seconds [00:46:50]: Orphaned unnamed resource. This resource must have used Add( resource ) to insert itself into the manager. [00:46:50]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete [00:46:50]: HttpClient2 discarded 0 callbacks. [00:46:50]: Shutting down