[00:00:00]: System Memory: Memory Load: 57% Available Physical Memory: 5201m/12227m Available Page File: 7420m/18115m Available Virtual Memory: 3982m/4095m Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m [00:00:00]: Process Memory: Peak Working Set Size: 31m Working Set Size: 31m Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 214k Quota Page Pool Usage: 210k Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:18k Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 17k Page File Usage: 5m Peak Page File Usage: 5m [00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/103709574/Cluster_1/Master/ [00:00:00]: Starting Up [00:00:00]: Version: 445248 [00:00:00]: Current time: Wed Dec 16 16:07:37 2020 [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 445248 WIN32 [00:00:00]: Build Date: 5860 [00:00:00]: Mode: 32-bit [00:00:00]: Parsing command line [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -monitor_parent_process 1640 -persistent_storage_root APP:Klei/ -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether -cluster Cluster_1 -fo -ownernetid 76561198063975302 -ownerdir 103709574 -backup_log_count 10 -backup_log_period 0 -shard Master -sigprefix DST_Master -region US [00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform [00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler [00:00:00]: ....Done [00:00:00]: ....Done [00:00:00]: Fixing DPI [00:00:00]: ...Done [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (17952) [00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/klump.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/shaders.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/fonts.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/anim_dynamic.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/bigportraits.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/images.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/scripts.zip successful. [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:4.01 [00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true) [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'Ping Job Thread' (2896) [00:00:00]: Platform: 1 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:00]: [Warning] Authorized application C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is not setup in the firewall. [00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is now enabled in the firewall. [00:00:00]: Overriding region to US [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (17560) [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/103709574/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/103709574/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/103709574/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure) [00:00:00]: Offline user ID: OU_76561198063975302 [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/103709574/Cluster_1/cluster_token.txt [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/103709574/Cluster_1/cluster_token.txt [00:00:00]: HardwareStats: OS name Microsoft Windows 10 Home version 10.0.19041 architecture 64-bit platformSpecific SP 0.0 CPU numCores 4 features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX name Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790S CPU @ 3.20GHz manufacturer GenuineIntel clockSpeed 3201 RAM megsOfRam 12288 GPU name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 driverDate 20161021000000.000000-000 megsOfRam 1024 refreshRate 60 videoModeDescription 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors driverVersion [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize() [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:00]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po [00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版 [00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典 [00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下 [00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉 [00:00:02]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食 [00:00:02]: running main.lua [00:00:02]: loaded modindex [00:00:02]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:00:02]: DownloadMods(0) [00:00:02]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:00:02]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:00:03]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:03]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:00:03]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:00:03]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:00:03]: bloom_enabled false [00:00:03]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:03]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:03]: Klump load on boot started. [00:00:03]: Klump files loaded: 0 [00:00:05]: Load FE [00:00:06]: Load FE: done [00:00:06]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (10384) [00:00:06]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (16826 files)... [00:00:06]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:00:06]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:00:06]: Available disk space for save files: 1421613 MB [00:00:06]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:06]: Reset() returning [00:00:06]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Master_Kill' opened #00000568 [00:00:06]: [IPC] Registering handler for signal #00000568 [00:00:06]: [IPC] Handle #00000568 added to the Eventhandles [00:00:06]: [IPC] Signal 'DST_Master_Starting' opened #00000578 [00:00:06]: [IPC] Sending signal... #00000578 [00:00:06]: [200] Account Communication Success (6) [00:00:06]: Received (KU_98gUIYUs) from TokenPurpose [00:00:06]: Starting Dedicated Server Game [00:00:06]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0 [00:00:06]: About to start a server with the following settings: [00:00:06]: Dedicated: true [00:00:06]: Online: true [00:00:06]: Passworded: false [00:00:06]: ServerPort: 10999 [00:00:06]: SteamAuthPort: 8766 [00:00:06]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27016 [00:00:06]: ClanID: false [00:00:06]: ClanOnly: false [00:00:06]: ClanAdmin: false [00:00:06]: LanOnly: false [00:00:06]: FriendsOnly: true [00:00:06]: EnableAutosaver: true [00:00:06]: EncodeUserPath: true [00:00:06]: PVP: false [00:00:06]: MaxPlayers: 2 [00:00:06]: GameMode: endless [00:00:06]: OverridenDNS: [00:00:06]: PauseWhenEmpty: true [00:00:06]: IdleTimeout: 1800s [00:00:06]: VoteEnabled: false [00:00:06]: InternetBroadcasting: true [00:00:06]: Intent: cooperative [00:00:06]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 10999 is open in the firewall. [00:00:06]: Online Server Started on port: 10999 [00:00:06]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:00:06]: Found a level data override file with these contents: [00:00:06]: K: desc V: 标准《饥荒》体验。 [00:00:06]: K: hideminimap V: false [00:00:06]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER [00:00:06]: K: location V: forest [00:00:06]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999 [00:00:06]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0 [00:00:06]: K: name V: 标准森林 [00:00:06]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 4 [00:00:06]: K: override_level_string V: false [00:00:06]: K: overrides V: table: 09D008C0 [00:00:06]: K: alternatehunt V: often [00:00:06]: K: angrybees V: default [00:00:06]: K: antliontribute V: default [00:00:06]: K: autumn V: verylongseason [00:00:06]: K: bearger V: default [00:00:06]: K: beefalo V: often [00:00:06]: K: beefaloheat V: default [00:00:06]: K: bees V: often [00:00:06]: K: berrybush V: always [00:00:06]: K: birds V: often [00:00:06]: K: boons V: default [00:00:06]: K: branching V: default [00:00:06]: K: butterfly V: always [00:00:06]: K: buzzard V: often [00:00:06]: K: cactus V: often [00:00:06]: K: carrot V: always [00:00:06]: K: catcoon V: default [00:00:06]: K: chess V: default [00:00:06]: K: day V: longday [00:00:06]: K: deciduousmonster V: default [00:00:06]: K: deerclops V: default [00:00:06]: K: dragonfly V: default [00:00:06]: K: flint V: always [00:00:06]: K: flowers V: default [00:00:06]: K: frograin V: default [00:00:06]: K: goosemoose V: default [00:00:06]: K: grass V: always [00:00:06]: K: has_ocean V: true [00:00:06]: K: houndmound V: default [00:00:06]: K: hounds V: default [00:00:06]: K: hunt V: default [00:00:06]: K: keep_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:00:06]: K: krampus V: default [00:00:06]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys [00:00:06]: K: liefs V: default [00:00:06]: K: lightning V: default [00:00:06]: K: lightninggoat V: default [00:00:06]: K: loop V: default [00:00:06]: K: lureplants V: default [00:00:06]: K: marshbush V: default [00:00:06]: K: merm V: default [00:00:06]: K: meteorshowers V: default [00:00:06]: K: meteorspawner V: default [00:00:06]: K: moles V: default [00:00:06]: K: mushroom V: always [00:00:06]: K: no_joining_islands V: true [00:00:06]: K: no_wormholes_to_disconnected_tiles V: true [00:00:06]: K: penguins V: default [00:00:06]: K: perd V: default [00:00:06]: K: petrification V: default [00:00:06]: K: pigs V: always [00:00:06]: K: ponds V: default [00:00:06]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default [00:00:06]: K: rabbits V: often [00:00:06]: K: reeds V: always [00:00:06]: K: regrowth V: fast [00:00:06]: K: roads V: default [00:00:06]: K: rock V: always [00:00:06]: K: rock_ice V: always [00:00:06]: K: sapling V: always [00:00:06]: K: season_start V: default [00:00:06]: K: specialevent V: default [00:00:06]: K: spiders V: often [00:00:06]: K: spring V: default [00:00:06]: K: start_location V: default [00:00:06]: K: summer V: default [00:00:06]: K: tallbirds V: default [00:00:06]: K: task_set V: default [00:00:06]: K: tentacles V: default [00:00:06]: K: touchstone V: default [00:00:06]: K: trees V: always [00:00:06]: K: tumbleweed V: default [00:00:06]: K: walrus V: default [00:00:06]: K: weather V: default [00:00:06]: K: wildfires V: default [00:00:06]: K: winter V: default [00:00:06]: K: world_size V: default [00:00:06]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole [00:00:06]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 09D008E8 [00:00:06]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_2 [00:00:06]: K: 2 V: Sculptures_3 [00:00:06]: K: 3 V: Sculptures_4 [00:00:06]: K: 4 V: Sculptures_5 [00:00:06]: K: 5 V: Chessy_1 [00:00:06]: K: 6 V: Chessy_2 [00:00:06]: K: 7 V: Chessy_3 [00:00:06]: K: 8 V: Chessy_4 [00:00:06]: K: 9 V: Chessy_5 [00:00:06]: K: 10 V: Chessy_6 [00:00:06]: K: 11 V: Maxwell1 [00:00:06]: K: 12 V: Maxwell2 [00:00:06]: K: 13 V: Maxwell3 [00:00:06]: K: 14 V: Maxwell4 [00:00:06]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6 [00:00:06]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7 [00:00:06]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1 [00:00:06]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2 [00:00:06]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3 [00:00:06]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 09D00D70 [00:00:06]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal [00:00:06]: K: required_setpieces V: table: 09D00DC0 [00:00:06]: K: 1 V: Sculptures_1 [00:00:06]: K: 2 V: Maxwell5 [00:00:06]: K: substitutes V: table: 09D00B40 [00:00:06]: K: version V: 4 [00:00:06]: Loaded and applied level data override from ../leveldataoverride.lua [00:00:06]: Overwriting savedata with level data file. [00:00:06]: Not applying world gen overrides. [00:00:06]: Collecting garbage... [00:00:07]: lua_gc took 0.06 seconds [00:00:07]: ~ShardLuaProxy() [00:00:07]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy() [00:00:07]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy() [00:00:07]: ~InventoryLuaProxy() [00:00:07]: ~NetworkLuaProxy() [00:00:07]: ~SimLuaProxy() [00:00:07]: FilesExistAsyncThread aborted. [00:00:07]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete [00:00:07]: lua_close took 0.11 seconds [00:00:07]: ReleaseAll [00:00:07]: ReleaseAll Finished [00:00:07]: cGame::StartPlaying [00:00:07]: LOADING LUA [00:00:07]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua [00:00:07]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua [00:00:07]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file: scripts/languages/chinese_s.po [00:00:09]: taskgrouplist: default 联机版 [00:00:09]: taskgrouplist: classic 经典 [00:00:09]: taskgrouplist: cave_default 地下 [00:00:09]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset 熔炉 [00:00:09]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset 暴食 [00:00:09]: running main.lua [00:00:09]: loaded modindex [00:00:09]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server. [00:00:09]: SUCCESS: Loaded modoverrides.lua [00:00:10]: Event data unavailable: lavaarena_event_server/lavaarena_achievement_quest_defs [00:00:10]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS [00:00:10]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue [00:00:10]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history [00:00:10]: ServerPreferences could not load server_preferences [00:00:10]: bloom_enabled false [00:00:10]: OnFilesLoaded() [00:00:10]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete [00:00:10]: Loading world: session/4ED11F7829D3FB93/0000002171 [00:00:10]: [string "scripts/shardindex.lua"]:195: Corrupt Save file [session/4ED11F7829D3FB93/0000002171] LUA ERROR stack traceback: =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1> scripts/shardindex.lua:195 in (upvalue) OnLoadSaveDataFile (Lua) <181-200> file = session/4ED11F7829D3FB93/0000002171 cb = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:914 load_success = true str = return {world_network={persistdata={worldtemperature={seasontemperature=10,daylight=true,noisetime=1048576,season="autumn",phasetemperature=0.047509070377375},seasons={elapseddaysinseason=45,premode=false,remainingdaysinseason=5,lengths={summer=15,autumn=50,spring=20,winter=15},totaldaysinseason=50,mode="cycle",season="autumn",segs={summer={night=4,day=11,dusk=1},autumn={night=2,day=8,dusk=6},spring={night=3,day=5,dusk=8},winter={night=6,day=5,dusk=5}}},clock={moonwaxing=true,totaltimeinphase=330,cycles=1945,phase="day",remainingtimeinphase=329.00189208984,moonphase2="half",segs={night=1,day=11,dusk=4}},globalpositions={worldmap="AQAAABAAAADHfQAA3iYAAHic7ZdreBPXnfDPSLI9smR7ZNkwutkjy4aR5MvYGCxhsGVuEQSCTLiIEEBAAJkAkUMAQbiMbCDjCyDbkIwtGcYXkvEVmUs6NjeRNI1Im0Z0m0Y0u4nYtG9Fn3Yr0m5XNGn8imb33Y+vs5/2g37Pef7nf47008wcnZlzJiljEkBpZx6X75aQ4KP80t7nOpJMUBLwCpzX+YH7LvqnEPyJ0PJes/tus/k9IfmG526zp/SactzdNfAjZd1tL3TN87BLPvCLzvvj8kMzW/1zCizP5jOL850rNaiuJ7K4J7BAHZipJqt6AhU9gUp1oB+KDUBOmAfOucJdrtCvmtSfNy39En48Rrf5cv2Le6gFaurDi8GqHq [**truncated**] success = nil savedata = [string "return {world_network={persistdata={worldtemperature={seasontem..."]:1: '}' expected near '#' scripts/shardindex.lua:204 in () ? (Lua) <203-205> load_success = true str = return {world_network={persistdata={worldtemperature={seasontemperature=10,daylight=true,noisetime=1048576,season="autumn",phasetemperature=0.047509070377375},seasons={elapseddaysinseason=45,premode=false,remainingdaysinseason=5,lengths={summer=15,autumn=50,spring=20,winter=15},totaldaysinseason=50,mode="cycle",season="autumn",segs={summer={night=4,day=11,dusk=1},autumn={night=2,day=8,dusk=6},spring={night=3,day=5,dusk=8},winter={night=6,day=5,dusk=5}}},clock={moonwaxing=true,totaltimeinphase=330,cycles=1945,phase="day",remainingtimeinphase=329.00189208984,moonphase2="half",segs={night=1,day=11,dusk=4}},globalpositions={worldmap="AQAAABAAAADHfQAA3iYAAHic7ZdreBPXnfDPSLI9smR7ZNkwutkjy4aR5MvYGCxhsGVuEQSCTLiIEEBAAJkAkUMAQbiMbCDjCyDbkIwtGcYXkvEVmUs6NjeRNI1Im0Z0m0Y0u4nYtG9Fn3Yr0m5XNGn8imb33Y+vs5/2g37Pef7nf47008wcnZlzJiljEkBpZx6X75aQ4KP80t7nOpJMUBLwCpzX+YH7LvqnEPyJ0PJes/tus/k9IfmG526zp/SactzdNfAjZd1tL3TN87BLPvCLzvvj8kMzW/1zCizP5jOL850rNaiuJ7K4J7BAHZipJqt6AhU9gUp1oB+KDUBOmAfOucJdrtCvmtSfNy39En48Rrf5cv2Le6gFaurDi8GqHq [**truncated**] =[C]:-1 in (method) GetPersistentString (C) <-1--1> scripts/shardindex.lua:203 in (method) GetSaveDataFile (Lua) <202-206> self (valid:true) = valid = true slot = 0 session_id = 4ED11F7829D3FB93 version = 2 server = table: 07347B00 isdirty = false ismaster = false enabled_mods = table: 07347A60 world = table: 07347BC8 file = session/4ED11F7829D3FB93/0000002171 cb = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:914 scripts/shardindex.lua:224 in (method) GetSaveData (Lua) <208-229> self (valid:true) = valid = true slot = 0 session_id = 4ED11F7829D3FB93 version = 2 server = table: 07347B00 isdirty = false ismaster = false enabled_mods = table: 07347A60 world = table: 07347BC8 cb = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:914 session_id = 4ED11F7829D3FB93 file = session/4ED11F7829D3FB93/0000002171 scripts/gamelogic.lua:922 in (upvalue) DoLoadWorld (Lua) <913-923> onload = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:914 scripts/gamelogic.lua:975 in (upvalue) LoadSlot (Lua) <969-981> scripts/gamelogic.lua:1048 in (upvalue) DoResetAction (Lua) <992-1089> scripts/gamelogic.lua:1099 in (local) complete_callback (Lua) <1091-1100> scripts/upsell.lua:13 in (global) UpdateGamePurchasedState (Lua) <11-15> complete_callback = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:1091 scripts/gamelogic.lua:1123 in (local) callback (Lua) [00:00:10]: [string "scripts/shardindex.lua"]:195: Corrupt Save file [session/4ED11F7829D3FB93/0000002171] LUA ERROR stack traceback: =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1> scripts/shardindex.lua:195 in (upvalue) OnLoadSaveDataFile (Lua) <181-200> scripts/shardindex.lua:204 in () ? (Lua) <203-205> =[C]:-1 in (method) GetPersistentString (C) <-1--1> scripts/shardindex.lua:203 in (method) GetSaveDataFile (Lua) <202-206> scripts/shardindex.lua:224 in (method) GetSaveData (Lua) <208-229> scripts/gamelogic.lua:922 in (upvalue) DoLoadWorld (Lua) <913-923> scripts/gamelogic.lua:975 in (upvalue) LoadSlot (Lua) <969-981> scripts/gamelogic.lua:1048 in (upvalue) DoResetAction (Lua) <992-1089> scripts/gamelogic.lua:1099 in (local) complete_callback (Lua) <1091-1100> scripts/upsell.lua:13 in (global) UpdateGamePurchasedState (Lua) <11-15> scripts/gamelogic.lua:1123 in (local) callback (Lua) <1102-1124> [00:00:10]: Check for write access: TRUE [00:00:10]: Check for read access: TRUE [00:00:10]: Available disk space for save files: 1421614 MB [00:00:10]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully. [00:00:10]: Reset() returning [00:00:10]: Warning: Widget:SetFocusFromChild is happening on a widget outside of the screen/widget hierachy. This will cause focus moves to fail. Is ScriptErrorWidget not a screen? [00:00:10]: stack traceback: scripts/widgets/widget.lua:605 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:656 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <629-665> scripts/widgets/menu.lua:83 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <74-85> scripts/widgets/scripterrorwidget.lua:109 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <102-119> scripts/update.lua:95 in () ? (Lua) <33-134>