[19:32:02]: [string "scripts/stategraphs/SGwobysmall.lua"]:59: attempt to call method 'ToDoTaskInTime' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/stategraphs/SGwobysmall.lua:59 in (field) onexit (Lua) <58-60> inst = 127056 - wobysmall (valid:true) scripts/stategraph.lua:466 in (method) GoToState (Lua) <456-515> self = tags = table: 30B6E9A8 mem = table: 1A27B570 statemem = table: 30B6E980 currentstate = table: 2658A3F8 timelineindex = 1 timeinstate = 0 sg = Stategraph : SGcritter_puppy inst = 127056 - wobysmall (valid:true) statestarttime = 8225.1337623075 bufferedevents = table: 05E266E0 laststate = table: 195E8C28 lastupdatetime = 8225.1337623075 statename = sleep params = nil state = table: 1A277A60 scripts/stategraphs/commonstates.lua:1186 in (field) fn (Lua) <1180-1189> inst = 127056 - wobysmall (valid:true) scripts/stategraph.lua:405 in (method) HandleEvents (Lua) <396-416> self = tags = table: 30B6E9A8 mem = table: 1A27B570 statemem = table: 30B6E980 currentstate = table: 2658A3F8 timelineindex = 1 timeinstate = 0 sg = Stategraph : SGcritter_puppy inst = 127056 - wobysmall (valid:true) statestarttime = 8225.1337623075 bufferedevents = table: 05E266E0 laststate = table: 195E8C28 lastupdatetime = 8225.1337623075 buff_events = table: 05E266E0 k = 2 event = table: 19946F90 handler = table: 26587180 scripts/stategraph.lua:150 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-153> self = updaters = table: 19942E90 OnEnterNewState = function - scripts/stategraph.lua:27 tickwaiters = table: 0651C918 haveEvents = table: 199378B0 hibernaters = table: 0651C940 instances = table: 0651C800 current_tick = 246757 waiters = table: 363825F0 updaters = table: 1C35F310 evs = table: 1C35F338 k = sg="SGcritter_puppy", state="despawn", time=0.10, tags = "busy,notinterupt," v = true scripts/update.lua:228 in () ? (Lua) <159-238> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 246757 i = 246757 [19:32:02]: [string "scripts/stategraphs/SGwobysmall.lua"]:59: attempt to call method 'ToDoTaskInTime' (a nil value) LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/stategraphs/SGwobysmall.lua:59 in (field) onexit (Lua) <58-60> scripts/stategraph.lua:466 in (method) GoToState (Lua) <456-515> scripts/stategraphs/commonstates.lua:1186 in (field) fn (Lua) <1180-1189> scripts/stategraph.lua:405 in (method) HandleEvents (Lua) <396-416> scripts/stategraph.lua:150 in (method) Update (Lua) <109-153> scripts/update.lua:228 in () ? (Lua) <159-238> [19:32:02]: Warning: Widget:SetFocusFromChild is happening on a widget outside of the screen/widget hierachy. This will cause focus moves to fail. Is ScriptErrorWidget not a screen? [19:32:02]: stack traceback: scripts/widgets/widget.lua:605 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:624 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <602-627> scripts/widgets/widget.lua:656 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <629-665> scripts/widgets/menu.lua:83 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <74-85> scripts/widgets/scripterrorwidget.lua:109 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <102-119> scripts/update.lua:90 in () ? (Lua) <33-129> [19:32:03]: Registering master server in Sing lobby