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  1. Version v1


    You can now craft using ingredients inside any opened container (chester, chests, crockpot and so on). Compatible with RoG and without it.
  2. Hey, just saw this topic. If you guys want to include or use a version of my RPG Items mod, you are more than welcome. Seems to fit fairly well, and I did abandon the mod a couple months back. So you can really do whatever you want with it.
  3. DoPeriodicTask lets you do a function every x seconds. It's not exactly sleep, but if you have a recurring check you want to run that's what you should use.
  4. You can modify crafting.lua to use stuff you have equipped. But it's probably not going to be very straightforward.
  5. Human rights and politics are damn closely intertwined. I would consider it a political issue because it defines how society functions, and people don't agree one way or the other. And anyway, guess what country is famous for not ratifying human rights declarations and implementing them? The good ol' US of A. That shining beacon of freedom and hope, and all that stuff. But don't worry - this thread isn't political.
  6. As much as I support the cause, I don't think this board should be a place for politics. I mean, you'd probably get pretty pissed off if someone made a "mod challenge" (obvious bait btw) for gay bashing, or why not some white power cause? You probably think you are in the right, but you obviously know others don't. So the political discussions begin... and probably shouldn't happen on these forums, at least. I admire the gay Link, I thought it looked funny and well done. But I still hope this is the last politically charged "mod challenge" we see on these forums... ever.
  7. The fail reason is passed from ACTION.testfn. For an example check out ACTION.SHAVE, shaver component, beard component and speech_wilson.lua for the custom fail reasons.
  8. Is it wrong that about 1/20 of those are mine? notsureifgustaface.jpg Edit: No, that's not right. I had a lot of comments in the old mod threads you "vanished" so they're not all in this subforum.
  9. Adding it to CHARACTERLIST is how we did it in the way back when, I moved away from it because there are functions in the game that cycle through it. Actually I'm pretty sure IPSquiggle added AddModCharacter() just because of it. Anyway, recommend you don't just add to CHARACTERLIST. And why would you? You've got a perfectly good hook into IsCharacterUnlocked() and you've got the persist data save, so what's the problem...
  10. Yeah, looks fine to me. That's how I try to do my core function overwrites as long as they are returning something. Well, except my mod to unlock all characters that happens to overwrite the same function: function HF_unlockallreleasedchars(self) local playerprofileclasshook = GLOBAL.PlayerProfile playerprofileclasshook.IsCharacterUnlocked = function() return true endendAddGamePostInit(HF_unlockallreleasedchars)but the point of that is kind of to unlock everything always.
  11. @TheDanaAddams I moved an "end", make sure you get the edited version above.
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