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Climate Controlled Hatchitat with auto-feeder.

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I imagine some folks have already built something for their hatches in a more practical manner. But I wanted to do something a little playful. So here is my Hatchitat, climate controlled to within Hatch preferences and complete with native vegetation. It is combined with an auto-feeder to keep them perky. (Realistically I have 6 hatches, I would need considerably more Fertilizer Factories to keep up with them. And I didn't bother to work out the math on that)



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2 hours ago, Whispershade said:

And I didn't bother to work out the math on that

Hmm, well technically the hatch consumption rate is affected by their animations, so it's a bit hard to get exact. But they could produce up to 1000 g/s, and each fertilizer maker makes 120 g/s. So at max capacity you would need 8.33 fertilizer makers per hatch.

If you can keep a natural gas complex's temperature below 70C (should be quite feasible, probably don't need to do anything actually), then two hatches could eat all the fertilizer, giving about 1.92 kg/s of coal, which if taken to (two) coal generators would give almost 1.2 kW of power.

Removing the coal would be somewhat annoying and uncomfortable to the dupes, though, so you might want to have a hydraulic timer system (Klei add real timers pls <3) to periodically unpower a door so that the access controls get disabled and dupes can enter to sweep up the coal.

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They do not die if they are denied burrowing at this time. And in fact, they eat and excrete much more often if they aren't allowed to burrow during the day. I got them there through taking advantage of their movement restrictions and exploiting the pneumatic door to trap them and allow me time to rearrange the terrain to keep them going in the direction I want them.

They like to use the top of pneumatic doors as a platform but they will fall through and get stuck until you deconstruct the doors.

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