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Slime Wall polluted oxygen production threshold

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A little something I noticed recently, while their production of polluted oxygen is probably quite low, their threshold for making it is infinite.

not only do they produce infinite amounts of oxygen, they also disregard the surrounding area's pressure, causing insane pressure buildups

over time in more outlying areas of the map. I'm currently in a game around cycle 300 or so, and I have pockets of poluted air where the

average amoung of air per square is over 60 KILOGRAMS of polluted oxygen.

And we're not talking about small little pockets, no I mean huge caverns full of oxygen. Right now, I cannot expand because all this

extra air will utterly ruin my base's conditions and there's nothing I can do about it. Even if I were to use pressure doors and whatnot

anything I build will bust because of pressure damage. I set up a natural gas geyser power plant, but I cannot fill the resevoir of water

to scrub the Co2 due to insane pressure levels in the upper areas, so if I pump any water into the resevoir, it will overpressurise and 


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The way I deal with those pockets (I once saw one with 300kg of pressure per tile, albeit only a few tiles) is to try and access them through other caverns I've already excavated - preferably already in a slime biome.  60kg sounds like a lot but if you have enough tiles that it has to go through on the way to your base that are at 800g or so, that pressure will diffuse and your seals into your base ideally will be battling 2kg of pressure or so, rather than 10+.  I put a line of 3-4 airlocks, with a deodorizer in the last chamber before the base.  It's worked well for me so far.  As long as you bust into the slime biomes immediately adjacent to your base before they get super-pressurized, you can hopefully have enough low pressure space to buffer future biomes.  Especially if you get lucky and have some pufts to help actively reduce the pressure.

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Simple solution to make tanks unbreakable by fluid is to build an inner layer of gold amalgam gas permeable tiles, that relieves any pressure effects from the fluid without problems (as long as you don't fill in magma or any substance >125°C). In case you don't care about the gas in the tank mixing with the outside you can make a tank purely from the gas permeables, without any need for further support tiles.

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