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Pipe PRESSURE SWITCHES or Auto-Valve shutoff after over-pressure

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Before I begin, I gave an initial search of the forums but could not find a pre-existing thread about this. 

Now, I think it would be really helpful towards liquid/gas efficiency if we could either have a pressure switch for pipes or 
add additional functionality to the pre-existing valves so that they stop all incoming liquid/gas on the input once the user specified
pressure is reached in the entirety of the output system. 

Problem example:  I always place my Co2 scrubbers on Atmo switches.  However once they auto turn off, all the 1000g liquid "chunks" coming in
from the valve begin to stack on each other.  In only a few minutes the output pipes of my loops are suddenly packed with 10kg "chunks" of water.
Every time the Co2 scrubbers reactive from ambient Atmosphere, they eat the 10kg chunks and only consume 1kg and the other 9kg is just gone. 

I found this to happen in all pipe/loop systems using valves.  They do a great job at limiting incoming pressure but don't do anything for preventing over-pressure on the output.  At this point using valves is completely useless if you do not have a system that is constantly consuming the specified input. 

You can't even have your Co2 scrubbers consuming all their water because they turn off when not in Co2 causing the stacking effect. 
This makes you have to manually disable your pumps and micro-manage your pressure levels in your pipes. 

Has this already been suggested/looked at?


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2 hours ago, Liburatus said:

Every time the Co2 scrubbers reactive from ambient Atmosphere, they eat the 10kg chunks and only consume 1kg and the other 9kg is just gone.

That's not what happens. Circles/squares traveling along pipes tell us that the contents of the pipe is moving, but do not tell us how much of it is moving. If the scrubber picks 1 kg of water from the pipe, each pipe segment sends 1 kg to the next segment, the remaining 9 kg stay put. You see traveling dots but they only mean 1 kg.

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It is true, Many a test have been done, the pips you see are only a representation of the flow and what material is in the flow, not the size, an easy way to show this is to put a valve and limit it to whatever you would like, you will see the pipe look as if nothing has changed but if you hover over the pipe it will tell you its contents are XYZ.

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fwiw they're going to clarify the water flow in the next big update.  In these cases of the pipes filling up but still having small packet moving, there will be both stationary large pips representing the contents, but at the same time you'll see smaller moving pips representing the transfer.  So it should be made more clear in X weeks.

Edit: Forgot to add, regardless of this particular case, it'd STILL be nice to have powered valves though, that can be turned on or off by sensors.

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2 hours ago, brummbar7 said:

STILL be nice to have powered valves though, that can be turned on or off by sensors.

Filter is a powered valve. You can turn it on and off using sensors and you can make it pass anything through by setting it up to filter element that will never appear in the pipe.

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2 hours ago, Kasuha said:

Filter is a powered valve.

I'd never thought of that, thanks.  It makes me wonder though, do filters have an internal buffer, and if cold/hot air/water are sitting in such a buffer would they be transferring their temperature?  If so a separate valve could be buffer-less.   Regardless, I still think it'd be nice to have a simple valve that takes half or less the power of a filter, not to mention less space.  It would also be more intuitive, for folks that don't find posts like this. 

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