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Help with fixing my mod?

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So, a LONG while ago I tried to make a mod character based off someone's character template on the main "how to make a mod" page, which

was great for making the base character and worked perfectly. I made the character, all the animations, everything, and wanted her to start

with an item; a spear with no durability. Simple enough right? I spent a good 4 weeks working on it, constantly chopping and changing, and

it would either crash the game or she would spawn without it. Never managed to fix it, even with trawling through these forum for answers. 

Recently, I came back and found my old mod and decided to start over, remade all the files and started work again... the character works perfectly

but no surprise, same issue again! The spear doesn't spawn, or the game crashes with no reason as to why. I then installed some other mod characters

and looked at their code for answers, was it something I was MISSING or something I did WRONG? NO IDEA. I even tried copying their code and removing everything that involved just one starting item to try and get this character to just... spawn with one item. I can NOT get it to work no matter how hard I try, and so, I come to you for answers brave Kleigeneers. Please, I'll upload all my files here for the mod character I'm making, AND the test character I've edited, if someone much smarter than me could please look through and tell me where I'm going wrong. I feel like I've failed at even the BASICS of this and it's crushing me!


P.S. I do not plan at all to use the code from someone elses mod, that was entirely to try and figure out what I was missing and it still did not work. Credit to that mod goes to its own author who is clearly more skilled than me at scripting.



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10 hours ago, EldVarg said:

Could be something simple as the image tex file is saved incorrectly. When I followed the tutorial and saved as 2d it crashed, where 1d works (also select transparency).

I think I may have fixed it with the tiny adjustment of keeping the item prefab and character prefab separate instead of putting them on the same c++ doc. It's working and stable now so I'm trying new things. Modding this game is actually really fun! It SEEMS harder than it is but if you make the tiniest error it's like "Nonono, now it's all broken!"

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