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[Question] Make a function similar to "MakeNoGrowInWinter" for others seasons ?

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I would like to add some plants into my world. For diversity and balance, i want them to not grow during some seasons, like summer and autumn. So there is a   "MakeNoGrowInWinter(inst)" that look like what i want, but i have two questions :


function MakeNoGrowInWinter(inst)
    inst.components.pickable:WatchWorldState("iswinter", TogglePickable)
    TogglePickable(inst.components.pickable, TheWorld.state.iswinter)

local function TogglePickable(pickable, iswinter)
    if iswinter then

This is the MakeNoGrowInWinter function and the related function.

First question, how does it works ? It seems to pause and resume pickable function, meaning that it will "disable" the time before regen and all this stuff ?

Second question, if i want to do a similar function, i see what code i must have, more or less, but i don't see where to put it. The MakeNoGrowInWinter is in a data/script/standardcomponent.lua. Where and how should i place my function ?
In modmain.lua ? creating a component ? In the file of the prefab itself ? (I have maybe one, or two prefabs when i want this function, so a shared code is maybe not needed).


Thanks for your help.

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Do not have time to look at gamefiles at the moment, but just looking at this to functions, it looks like you only put

inst.components.pickable:WatchWorldState("iswinter", TogglePickable)
TogglePickable(inst.components.pickable, TheWorld.state.iswinter)

in your masterpostinit or modmain+addprefabpostinit with your plant, of course replace "iswinter" with you season.
And the whole Toggle function a local one in the same script, with your season.

Try out if this works. If not, I can look in game scripts to find out more.


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