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How to set up widget/container? Help please

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Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to put a widget setup in its own file instead of putting it on modmain.lua?

Here is the example I'm talking about:

--[[ compost_box ]]

local params={} 
params.compost_box =
    widget =
        slotpos = {},
        animbank = "ui_chest_3x3",
        animbuild = "ui_chest_3x3",
        pos = _G.Vector3(0, 200, 0),
        side_align_tip = 160,
    type = "chest",

    for y = 2, 0, -1 do
        for x = 0, 2 do
        table.insert(params.compost_box.widget.slotpos, _G.Vector3(80 * x - 80 * 2 + 80, 80 * y - 80 * 2 + 80, 0))

function params.compost_box.itemtestfn(container, item, slot)
	return (item.components.edible and item.components.perishable) or
	       item.prefab == "spoiled_food" or	
	       item.prefab == "rottenegg" or
	       item.prefab == "guano" or 
	       item.prefab == "poop" or 		   
           item:HasTag("fresh") or 
	       item:HasTag("stale") or

local containers = _G.require "containers"
containers.MAXITEMSLOTS = math.max(containers.MAXITEMSLOTS, params.compost_box.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #params.compost_box.widget.slotpos or 0)
local old_widgetsetup = containers.widgetsetup
function containers.widgetsetup(container, prefab, data)
        local pref = prefab or container.inst.prefab
        if pref == "compost_box" then
                local t = params[pref]
                if t ~= nil then
                        for k, v in pairs(t) do
                                container[k] = v
                        container:SetNumSlots(container.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #container.widget.slotpos or 0)
                return old_widgetsetup(container, prefab)

--[[ crate_wooden ]]

params.crate_wooden =
    widget =
        slotpos = {},
        animbank = "ui_chest_5x12",
        animbuild = "ui_chest_5x12",
        pos = _G.Vector3(90, 220, 0),
        side_align_tip = 160,
    type = "chest",

    for y = 4, 0, -1 do
        for x = 0, 11 do
        table.insert(params.crate_wooden.widget.slotpos, _G.Vector3(80 * x - 346 * 2 + 98, 80 * y - 100 * 2 + 42, 0))

function params.crate_wooden.itemtestfn(container, item, slot)
	if item.prefab == "chester_eyebone" then    
		return false    
	    return true    

local containers = _G.require "containers"
containers.MAXITEMSLOTS = math.max(containers.MAXITEMSLOTS, params.crate_wooden.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #params.crate_wooden.widget.slotpos or 0)
local old_widgetsetup = containers.widgetsetup
function containers.widgetsetup(container, prefab, data)
        local pref = prefab or container.inst.prefab
        if pref == "crate_wooden" then
                local t = params[pref]
                if t ~= nil then
                        for k, v in pairs(t) do
                                container[k] = v
                        container:SetNumSlots(container.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #container.widget.slotpos or 0)
                return old_widgetsetup(container, prefab)

Would it be possible to somehow put it in its own separate file, so that it doesn't take up space in the modmain.lua file? Maybe using modimport or something else? Also if you know of any way to shorten the code above so that it's more compact that would be appreciated. Thank you.

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On 15/03/2017 at 8:52 PM, Luis95R said:

Would it be possible to somehow put it in its own separate file, so that it doesn't take up space in the modmain.lua file?

Sorry for the late answer, yes, it's possible. In modmain, put :


And in the scripts folder, create a "custom_containers.lua" file, put the code into that file.

Sorry can't help for the "shorten" part.


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