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Dont Starve Together any tips for me?

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Here's my advice and its the best you're gonna receive:

IGNORE EVERYTHING EVERYONE HAS SAID HERE!  Play single player and figure the game out for yourself then graduate up to Don't Starve Together.  You can even play Don't Starve Together as single player in a server of your own but its gonna be a bit harder and some content wont be available to you.  Don't Starve Together is a bit cut throat at times and its scaled up for multiple players and learning it off the bat can be frustrating to say the least.  Also, you're gonna die..........a lot.  Don't get frustrated.  No good player was good to start.  I remember my slow progression to just being able to make it to winter let alone survive it but I kept at it and I can say that dying is the least of my problems now.  Welcome to the community; look forward to seeing you around.

Don't Starve Together Tip #1- Asking "Where's the base?" the second you spawn into the world is a no-no. 

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10 hours ago, Clwnbaby said:

Don't Starve Together is a bit cut throat at times and its scaled up for multiple players and learning it off the bat can be frustrating to say the least.

But that was honestly the most fun I've had with DST, since I didn't start with DS. Playing Wilson with my friend as Webber (shoutout to @Brikelz for his silky smooth beard) was a really good starting experience for me, as we didn't have advanced techniques that we knew about, we just tried not to starve. I still remember when we didn't know about the crockpot.

Seriously, this game is actually not easy without a crockpot. Crockpotless runs are really fun and give you a real run for your money.

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Wow.  Lotta legit good tips and a pleasant lack of "git gud" snark in this thread.  I'm impressed.  Everybody's already said it better than I could, but here's my take on it anyway:

1. If playing as Wigfrid get a crockpot as soon as possible.  The foods you can make with that are way more filling than single pieces of meat. Once you have one, carry like two or three meals on you for longish journeys away from camp.  I'd say more, but they start going bad--even in winter.  I did once live what was it, two? entire game years without one...but that was NOT as Wigfrid.  (It was as Willow.)

2.  Many people turtle at camp all summer/winter, but I prefer to wander and gather resources from a bit away.  I personally do NOT dig up every berry bush, grass tuft, etc. if it's already close by--why bother with having to fertilize it afterwards, AND, this strategy protects you in case of sudden fire!  Also, as said before, if you don't need a berry or carrot yet, _don't pick it yet_.  Stuff still on the bush NEVER rots. So you can go back and get it in winter!  (Summer, however, can wither things right up in front of you regardless of its current harvestibility status.  If you see a berry bush with berries on it in summer, GRAB THEM!  They'll probably go away within seconds if you don't, knowing our luck.)  Although I do think it's okay to dig up and move things that are really far away, in an area you can rarely if ever see yourself going back to.  (Unless somebody else has their own base there, of course.)

3. Prototype a small endothermic fire before/on the first day of summer, and _do not leave the nitre lying around while mining_.  Also bring a thermal stone and umbrella.  Umbrellas help during spring AND summer.  And rain hats protect you from lightning!

4.  If possible I like to live in an area nearish to more than one type of resource.  Like, in a forest near a savannah, or a meadow near the desert.  The swamp is a great place to visit, but unlike Arlesienne I wouldn't want to live there.  : P

5. Speaking of deserts, _tumbleweeds still have grass/twigs even in summer and winter_!  Remember that. Even if you don't find anything special in a tumbleweed, just the weed _itself_ can still be awesome in the right season.  And if you have grass geckos?  Take advantage of that fact!  Grass is, in fact, one of THE most-used resources in the game.  Ever.  Always have at least enough of it on hand to make a campfire or torch!

6.  Build the crockpot and fridge close to each other.  Very timesaving.

7.  LIGHTNING.  ROD.  I cannot emphasise this enough.  Especially in spring!  Also don't build your camp TOO close to a touchstone without a lightning rod either...

7a:  Speaking of spring, don't build your beebox any closer than like, two screens away from your main "living area" and don't live right next to beefalo.

8.  If you don't want to deal with murderous monsters yourself, there are many ways you can essentially get the game to fight itself _for_ you.  There is no shame in doing this--especially when playing alone.  Hounds especially can be distracted/killed by lots of things:  bees, tallbirds, spiders, a lureplant...If you're going to go one of the more tradtional routes (pigs or beefalo) I reccommend beefalo, because pigs are less reliable--they go down to their houses and stay there at _dusk_, for pete's sake.  Beefalo are outside and biteable all the time.  

However, try and stick around long enough to make sure they're ALL dead.  Leaving your problems around for later will _literally_ bite your future self in the arse!  As I could definitely tell you...

9.  Tooth traps are your friends for hounds (and giants, if you have a LOT of traps).  Build a big field of them over time, run around on them to lure enemies to their doom, and build both kinds of firepits in the middle.  Hounds LOVE to attack at night .They work well for frog rain too.  Also build it far enough away from the main part of camp that firehounds will not burn everything down!  If you have the gears to spare, you may want to investigate in a fling-o-matic for that area.  Fire always spreads that leeetle bit further than you think it will.  Always.

10.  Speaking of frog rain, do not.  EVER.  Attack the following if they're in a (large) group, unless you have good armour and know what you're doing:  Beefalo, frogs, spiders, bees, pengulls, pigs, merms.  Am I missing one?  I know I'm missing at least one. Anyway, a _bunch_ of creatures in this game have a herd mentality...even those you'd never suspect it on.

11.  If you want pigskins, hammer down the heads around touchstones and in the swamp! That'll give you plenty.  Stuff runs out of durability?  Make a sewing kit--you can make one umbrella last a long time that way, for example.  Football helmets no, unfortunately--but the materials for a logsuit are _completely_ renewable.

13.  For decoration, never use resources on making your _own_ flooring if possible. Bring along a pitchfork and STEAL it from around statues and touchstones!  :D  (The Pig King doesn't really need those swag floorboards, either.)  This also has a practical purpose--lureplants can't spawn on flooring, and therefore can't smack you in the face right at your own firepit.  Floor the tooth trap area too--lureplants will eat the damn things.

14.  Last but not least, I'm a fan of morsels/small jerky being availalble all year round. So try to base in an area near both rabbit holes _and_ frog ponds.  If catching frogs, both place and empty your traps at dusk.  This way you run no risk of being attacked (by the frogs, anyway) while doing so.  At my latest world I've been doing that and it works great.

EDIT:  I agree with the "start with singleplayer" thing.  That's how I started, and most of the tips I put here would work just fine for that version as well (if not better).  Not only because of the scaled-up bosses and how you have to deal with other people at the same time as you're ALREADY trying to learn, like, how the controls even work--although those are big, big factors--but because Together is WAY more complicated and it can get overwhelming trying to learn all that stuff at once.  Regular Don't Starve is simpler.  Try it first vanilla, then try Reign of Giants, _then_ Together.  If possible.  Shipwrecked is optional--although the volcano mechanic might help train you a bit for the Antlion...


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