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I've come across an error and I need help

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so basically I've been trying so hard to make a mod

I finally made one but now it gives me an ERROR here is all the code

local Ingredient = GLOBAL.Ingredient
local Recipe = GLOBAL.Recipe

AddRecipe("mandrake",  {Ingredient("livinglog", 1), Ingredient("carrot", 2), RECIPETABS.FOOD, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
AddRecipe("wormlight",  {Ingredient("lightbulb", 2), Ingredient("berries", 1), RECIPETABS.FOOD, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.WORMLIGHT = "hmm? a Glowing Vegetable?"
AddRecipe("gears",  {Ingredient("rope", 1), Ingredient("flint", 2),Ingredient("goldnugget", 1), RECIPETABS.SCIENCE, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
AddRecipe("livinglog",  {Ingredient("livinglog", 1), Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 1), RECIPETABS.REFINE, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.LIVINGLOG = "Avada Kedavra! *poof* a Magical Stump!"
AddRecipe("houndstooth",  {Ingredient("stinger", 2), Ingredient("boneshard", 1), RECIPETABS.REFINE, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
AddRecipe("meat",  {Ingredient("smallmeat", 2), RECIPETABS.FOOD, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.MEAT = "Don't? err Starve I guess!"
AddRecipe("nightmarefuel",  {Ingredient("spoiled_food", 4), RECIPETABS.MAGIC, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)
AddRecipe("steelwool",  {Ingredient("transistor", 2), Ingredient("beefalowool", 4), {Ingredient("rope", 1), RECIPETABS.REFINE, TECH.SCIENCE_TWO)
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.STEELWOOL = "no moe mama mucus! Hallelujah"
AddRecipe("armorruins",  {Ingredient("thulecite_pieces", 16), Ingredient("armorwood", 1), {Ingredient("rope", 2), RECIPETABS.FIGHT, TECH.SCIENCE_TWO)
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.ARMORRUINS = "nifty piece of armor, eh?"
AddRecipe("butter",  {Ingredient("butterflywings", 2), Ingredient("honey", 2), RECIPETABS.FOOD, TECH.SCIENCE_TWO)
STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.BUTTER = "Butter, is a necessity!"

that is modmain.lua

name = "CraftPlus"
description = "Crafting has never been better!"
author = "SaltMouth"
version = "1.0.0"

forumthread = ""

-- This lets other players know if your mod is out of date, update it to match the current version in the game
api_version = 10

-- Can specify a custom icon for this mod!
icon_atlas = ""
icon = ""

-- Specify compatibility with the game!
dont_starve_compatible = true
reign_of_giants_compatible = true
dst_compatible = true
all_clients_require_mod = true

that is modinfo.lua


I've placed it inside of a folder and I called the folder _craftplus

if someone can resolve my issue that would be amazing

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1 hour ago, Amalleus said:

so check all your { and }. it must be beginning { and closing }. error log says that you lost closing } on line 7. since formatting is weird i can't normally read this code


13 minutes ago, CarlZalph said:

AddRecipe("mandrake",  {Ingredient("livinglog", 1), Ingredient("carrot", 2)}, RECIPETABS.FOOD, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)

Do this for each recipe you forgot to close the table for.

Thank you so much!

I'll see if this works and make an edit if I get an error or if It works

EDIT: come across another error http://prntscr.com/efyvw9

Edited by officialpinq
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2 hours ago, Amalleus said:

it is not another error. it is same error but on 21 line. can't you really read it?

don't worry it's already fixed I forgot to edit the error but it wasn't what you were thinking it was

I had to change the entire code because add recipe didn't work

so I did this: local mandrake = GLOBAL.Recipe("mandrake", {Ingredient("livinglog", 1), Ingredient("carrot", 2) }, RECIPETABS.FOOD, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE)


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