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Specific freezing/melting points for materials and items?

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Water freezes and made no sense whenever I saw it run up against absyallite and it didn't freeze or turn into vapor when running into 100 degrees celsius or more temperature. Coding more gasses/material into the game might be a bit much but could be fun, like ice cubes stored for later use for water (instead of bottled water which can't be stored) or having a solid gas to be melted or used for later such as how we have oxyalite already, we would just have it frozen and it'll turn into gas in natural temperatures.

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To be even more specific, some materials are better at conducting heat than others. Abyssalite Can't transfer heat. The game attempts to show you this by having all naturally spawned Abyssalite spawn in at absolute zero.


You can find the information in the details section when you have an element selected.

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