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Hey, as someone who plays Webber a lot, I sometimes miss out on the usefulness of pigs. I know spiders are already the most diverse mobs in the game, but I think they can be improved upon further.

  • 1st Suggestion: Like if you can have the same Spider following you for 5 days while you feed it Monster lasagna(or some other food), it'll shed it's skin and grow bigger. The old skin will work like the Eye-bone for the Chester, you can pick it up and the evolved spider will follow and attack mobs for you. 

I am thinking Different spiders will have different perks:

Normal Spiders will be able to help chop Down Trees.

Warrior Spiders will get even a bigger health buff and do more damage. (maybe a speed boost as well)

Cave Spiders will get more armor and similarly to the warrior get a health buff. (but might be slower)

Spitter spiders will be able to trap enemies(not every time) with their web balls, attacking enemies from afar.

Dangling Depth Dwellers, I dunno honestly, maybe resistance to fire or ice maybe. If you guys have any suggestions please comment below!

  • 2nd Suggestion: Have the Spider Queen drop a special egg sack with a certain drop rate (20% maybe) that can be hatched and then you can raise a specialized spider soldier of your own!

Maybe depending on how you raise it, it'll be a Warrior, Worker or Cave Spider. It would also follow it's old egg sack similarly to the Extra Adorable Lavae. Perhaps it should also have growing stages like the Tallbird, and when it's fully developed that's how it stays. 

What are your thoughts? Would you like to have your own Spider follower? Comment below!



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