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Playing Maxwell

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Hi guys,

I've been playing Maxwell for a long time (2 games with 300+ days). Both design and mechanics of this character are unique and wonderful, but the gameplay is terrible in my opinion.

- Shadow puppets : Too expensive in early game and slow for farming things, poor fighters.

- Sanity boost : it's ok early game, but not so op when you know how to manage your sanity (jerky, tam o'shanter, geen shrooms...)

- Health : low as hell. 45hp post meat effigy is such a pain, even with shadow armor.

Am I just  bad, or is the character very (too ?) hard to play ?


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Maxwell's strength is his 20 sanity per min boost. It lets him completely ignore sanity in the game.

The Dark Sword is -20 sanity per min

The Night Armor is -10 sanity per min and takes away your sanity after every hit

Unlike every other character out there who has practically 0 sanity after every fight with the above gear and has to restore it via massive amounts of jerky, tents/siestas, etc., Maxwell can shrug it off.

In Caves he can just wear a mine hat and keep his hands free, unlike other characters who have to use the head slot as a +sanity item and carry a lantern.

He can enjoy a diet of cooked monster meat assuming you have healing salves.

Shadow Puppets lets you chop trees in the Ruins because Pigs will never leave their house there.

You get the idea. You totally ignore sanity. If sanity management is not a big deal to you, and you have no interest in using nightmare gear, then he's really not for you.

I'd play Maxwell exclusively if it weren't for Abigail's spider farming ability.

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You can force yourself to go insane to constally have two minions ready at spawn he's great with the puppet at locking down enemies He's also the best character to use magic items and the one man band also your not suppose to craft meat effegies as maxwell your suppose to make amulets as him so you can heal yourself and not suffer the health penalty 

Also best cave explorer

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