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The Tales of Mister Smalls

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This post is just basically how bad-a-tallbird parent I am for raising a smallbird (none of them lived to be a teen)

1. Killed by Starvation (SCREW YOU WINTER!)

2. Eaten by Batilisk as an egg, killed Batilisk, hatched it, only lived 4 days before getting killed by another Batilisk, probably sucided to the Horror it experienced before it was born D:

3. I led it into danger (I didnt see it die D:)


Post below if you were a bad Smallbird parent

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Yeah, mine never last at all and I don't expect them to anymore.  It's really sad--still seems like an only half-implmented feature to me.  (Kleeeeiii...now that we have the code for proper peeettts...?)  One time somebody on my server asked me to name our new baby smallbird, and my answer was "Morsel".  Because the second ANY kind of danger comes around, that's all they are. :(


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It always fall back to either get bacon and eggs, or a sad and conflictive parenthood with a baby that you know, even if you succeed, will eventually try to murder you.

...And every time he/she attacks me, or dies to shenanigans, I feel deep inside: "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN BREAKFAST".


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