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Survive the Shadows - Book of Shadows - Story (Complete)

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4 hours ago, Aileen-Rose said:

I wish. I know nothing about music composition so the best I got is just the words I wrote for this comic.

I would be pretty cool if you knew of a music composer. Then maybe we'd have a tune to match with Edward and Cecelia duets and the Scientific Symphony :)

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1 hour ago, Aileen-Rose said:

Now where have I heard THAT phrase before?

That phrase is so popular, you don't even need to be very knowledgeable on Don't Starve to know that phrase and who says it ^_^

I notice you're getting these pages down pretty fast compared to previous comics.

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And so we return to where we began.

Thank you for those have read this far, the support is appreciated. We have two installments left to tell and then it’s back to Light in the Shadows. For now, we leave with you this, till next time.

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FF.net: Book of Shadows: Fire Dance Part 1

Fire Dance Part 1

It was dark. That was one thing that was certain. She could see, her eyes having adjusted to this particular lighting. Also, it helped there was a small window to let some light in while it was day but when the sun left, it would just be practically pitch black all around her depending on where the moon was or the phase it was in.

She hated it. Oh did she HATE it. She wanted to scream whenever it went dark, but yet she felt paralyzed whenever it was. Maybe it was something psychological. She wouldn't really know. She did know that's something the doctors would probably say. Especially since they always came for her "treatments" when it was dark. When she couldn't even bring herself to shriek out at them.

They always say everything is psychological… or least they say that sometimes. Everything else is just "bad blood" as they put it. The jerks.

Willow curled on her bed, hugging a well loved patched together stuffed bear to her chest.

"You're the only one who understands, Bernie. You're the only one whoever understood me." She sighed. "Just wish they'd stop. They're just doing it because it's funny to them. That's why."

She sat up, looking Bernie in the eyes.

"What's that you say? You would like a performance? What a great idea! I haven't done one in over a week. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting my friend!"

She sat the bear against a wall, making sure he could sit up. She smiled to herself as she got into stance, making her feet go on pointe.

"Let me continue the tale of the brave young girl her and her loyal fire bird as they go up against the evil king!"

She floated across the floor with ease, taking flight whenever she lept into the air, mimicking the patterns of bird flapping its wings. Her arms whipped around from position to position, a warrior at her finest.

"Be gone, evil king! You have no right to rule over us!"


Willow giggled as she did what she could to mimic the sound of a bird. She looked to Bernie, giving a bow.

"And that, is the end of the tale, my friend."

"Brava! Brava! Brava!"

Willow grinned widely, picking up the bear, giving him a tight hug as she spun around the room.

"You were right, Bernie. That did make me feel better."

"You should perform at one of the biggest dancing halls ever."

"Maybe one day. Though I will require stage full of fire. Wouldn't be me if I didn't have my first love."

"Yes. You are a fire ballerina after all."

"The only one of my kind." Willow sighed dramatically. "One day I'll prove that it's an actual thing. Though… now I wish I could burn something. I really could use a flame."

"You have your lucky lighter. Just use that."

"... It'll do. A small flame will work."

Willow went to her bed, ducking under it, pulling out one of the floor boards, revealing a red and gold lighter with a flower design on it.

"The one thing I'll never let them take."

She pulled it out, sitting behind her bed, getting a flame to spark. Her body relaxed at the sight of the flame. She brought it close, watching it flicker.

"So pretty…"

"Just like you, Willow."

"Oh stop it, Bernie."

"I mean it! Any guy would drop dead in your presence if they knew what they were really looking at!"

"I suppose." She looked at her arms, frowning at the scars and bruises on them. "Not exactly a proper lady though."

"Who needs that noise? You're something original!"

Willow smiled.

"True… Guess only a real man could look past it all. The scars… The messy hair… The pyromania…" She lowered her head. "The girl who talks to herself because she has no real friends…"

"You have me. You've always had me."

"I know Bernie. My one true friend and possibly family."

"I was a gift from your parents after all."

"Least we're pretty sure you were. Who else would've made you filled with so much love?"

"Awww. You're making me blush."

Willow shook her head.

"Silly bear."

Knock knock knock

Willow gasped, quickly putting the flame out, stashing the lighter away, replacing the floor board before hopping on to her bed.

"Who is it?" She asked, her tone turning flat.


"Oh. Hi, Lunch." Willow rolled her eyes. "Intrude."

The door opened, revealing a young man on the other side. He had wild dark greenish hair with some lighter streaks in it. His eyes were an amber yellow and had glasses over them that were rectangular in shape. Willow titled her head, noting he looked younger than most of the staff she had seen before… and he looked exceptionally tired.

"What got you?" She asked, unable to help the curious tone that came to her voice. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks."

The young man gave a yawn, shaking his head.

"M'not tired at all."


His eyelids lowered a little.

"You want your lunch or not?"

"I thought you were Lunch."

"Oi… I'm not something to be eaten, Miss." He held up a watermelon his hands. "This is your lunch. A waltermelon."

Willow snickered a little, earning an annoyed look from the young man. "W-Waltermelon?"

The man blinked a few times before he brought a hand to his face.

"Goodness I really am out of it. I meant watermelon! WATERMELON! Not waltermelon! Walter, is actually my name. Waltermelon-" He clamped a hand over his mouth.

Willow giggled, a grin coming to her face.

"Whatever you say, Waltermelon." She gave a curious look. "Though… you sure you want to be in here? I'm the "fire lady"."

Walter rolled his eyes.

"I'm here to bring food to you just like anyone else in this asylum. Honestly, compared to the others I got to meet today, you're tame."

"Well, I'm not that hungry. Eat it yourself." She shrugged. "I'm sure you'd make better use of it then me."

Walter raised an eyebrow.

"... When the was the last time you even ate? Your clothes are sagging around your abdomen. That's not entirely normal."

She gave a small shrug.

"Dunno. Night before my last "treatment" I it just was too painful."

Walter frowned.

"I… see. Well, you best not starve yourself. It puts more stress on your body."

She gave him a look. "What? You some kind of doctor with that talk?"

"Em… Well…" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sort of in regards to foods. Not the usual kind you see here."

"Then I'm DEFINITELY not eating that. I've been tricked before." She scoffed. "I'm not an idiot."

"Please, Miss." Walter held up the watermelon to her. "I don't want to hurt or trick anyone. I just want to help."

She looked at the fruit before back up to him. "You share it with me then. If it's safe, you'll eat part of it too."

"If it will you get to eat, I don't care. Besides, I know it's safe." He sat down, producing a knife from his apron, setting the watermelon down on the ground, using his apron as a means of keeping it separate from the dirty floor. "I grew it myself." He stuck the knife in, chopping it up.

Willow watched him work, curiosity coming to her eyes at how fast his hand moved without ever coming close to cutting himself.


Walter gave a small grin before offering a piece to her. "Alright, all cut up. Come on now."

"You first."

"Very well." Walter brought the piece back to him, taking a bite out of it, sighing a bit at the taste. "Mm… Still fresh and not too moist."

Willow was quiet… until a rather loud noise was heard. She turned red before grabbing a piece for herself.

"Geeze, stupid stomach. So loud." She mumbled before biting into it… Eyes going a little wide at how good it tasted. It was sweet but not overly so… and he was right, it wasn't too moist either.

It's… really yummy.

"It's just its way of saying you need nutrition." Walter chuckled. "And not to mention it knows good food when it senses it. Like I said, grew this one myself."

"It's really yummy. It's as sweet as candy. Though why watermelons…? I mean, it's tasty but do you like that the best?"

"They're one of my favorite fruits but I wanted to start simple and make a good impression here being my first day and all. I mean… I know it's not the most pleasant place, but I thought something sweet could maybe bring some… small... very small amount of joy to this place."

Willow was quiet before a small smile came to her face.

"Thank you. That means a lot." She looked down a little. "You know, you're the first person here to ever talk to me. Not just drop the tray and run."

"Well, I was taught the best way to help someone is to just sit down and listen and of course, interact. Not everyone here was welcoming to it. In fact, someone threw something at me and told me to scram as soon as I set the food down. Some shouted as well. You're the first to tolerate my presence just a little bit. Especially after I messed up saying my own name."

"You actually made me laugh after a really rotten week. You earned a chance to be heard… and I figured if you were a jerk I could just throw something too." She held up Bernie. "A Bernie to the face."

"I see. Death by stuffing." Walter chuckled. "Cute bear."

She smiled shyly, hugging it to her chest. "He's one of the only things they let me keep. I've had him since I was a baby."

"And I can tell he's been well loved." Walter smiled gently. "I'm glad they let you keep him. I'm sure he keeps you company in this place."

"He does. He keeps the nightmares from getting really bad and he helps me sleep. I can't rest at all without him."

"Then I'll be sure he stays with you if it helps you feel better." Walter offered the rest of the watermelon to her. "I'd stay longer, but I need to report back to the kitchen. But before I go, do you have any flavor in particular you like?"

She took the fruit, nibbling on a piece before answering.

"I really like spicy foods. I used to put a LOT of pepper on everything back where I lived before - even on desserts. Didn't get to have it often but I liked chocolate too."

"I shall keep that in mind then." Walter brushed off his apron, making his way for the door. "Keep safe now."

The door closed, leaving Willow along with Bernie again.

"Well, he seems like an odd fellow."

"He didn't poison me at least… and he seems nice. Plus, he actually seemed worried."

"Guess the big question is, can we trust him?"

Willow finished her food, laying back with Bernie in her arms.

"I'm not sure yet. I'll have to see if he'll come back and not be a jerk later on."

"Maybe there is hope. But for now, sweet dreams, Willow."

"You too, Bernie."

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17 hours ago, minespatch said:

Does Walter dye his hair or...?

Did the whole fire ballerina thing get mentioned in your earlier works? The whole dance sequence took me back to Swan Lake.

The lighter streaks are stress streaks.

This is the first time it's been mentioned since Willow has been keeping that to herself and has found no need to mention it since she left the asylum.

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FF.net: Book of Shadows: Fire Dance Part 2

Willow found herself being more attentive in observing Walter whenever he came in. He was always right on schedule with lunch and dinner. Despite having being told she liked spicy, he only brought in stuff that was normal tasting. Not that it was a problem, just seemed like a disservice on his end for not providing the flavor she wanted.

But regardless of that, he never had that look that everyone else had in the asylum. He never had… that dead look. That look of just not being all there. His eyes had a light to him whenever they met hers.

He actually cared.

"Lunch time!" Walter chimed from the other side of the door before opening it, a big grin on his face. "And this time it's really special."

Willow had a curious look come to her face, unable to help the smile that came to her lips. "What's so special? Is it a really big Waltermelon?"

Walter laughed, shaking his head.

"No, something even better." He produced a bowl full of chopped up peppers, partially submerged in some kind of red sauce. "Been working on this recipe for a bit but I finally got it right. It's super spicy chilly."

Willow's eyes lit up. "Oh! That sounds so good!" She set Bernie aside, sitting up straight. "I'm so hungry!"

That was the other thing - she was willing to eat more often whenever he came around.

"Well, you've earned this then. Eat up." He set the bowl down in front of her, taking a seat on the floor, waiting for her response.

Willow took a bite, closing her eyes, taking in the flavor, sighing happily.

"It's perfection."

"I'm glad. Took a few experiments but it proved to be a success in the end. I wanted it to be the best for you."

Willow smiled, digging into her meal, unable to help the happy sigh that kept escaping her.

"This is the best thing I've ever had hands down."

"Good." Walter chuckled. "And you're improving too. Not seeing as much bone on you."

"Glad to hear it. Not going to sleep hungry anymore, that's for sure." Willow grinned. "Thanks for this."

"You're welcome." Walter smiled gently. "Anything to help. Especially if I get to see that smile."

Willow blushed a little bit. "Even if I'm weird…?"

"Warts and all Willow."

She smiled softly. "You really are something else."

"Heh. I suppose."

She nodded finishing her food. "Thanks again for this." She ran a hand through her hair, wincing a bit as she tugged on a knot. "Ow…"

Walter frowned a bit.

"We should do something about those knots."

"Got a comb? They took mine since it was wooden and well… Fire."

"Not currently, but I'm sure I could bring one from home. I barely use mine anyway." Walter pointed to his wild hair. "Seems the males from my mother's side of the family have this weird hair genetic where the hair is just naturally wild."

Willow giggled, reaching over, poking one of the parts as it sprung back into place. "Yeah, it's like it has a mind of it's own. But it suits you."

Walter blushed a little.

"Hehe, I guess. Either way, I promise I'll bring one tomorrow. Though I did bring some thing else. Mainly because..." He smirked. "I think I found out a secret about you."

"Oh yeah? What kind of secret?" She smirked back.

"I took note about a week ago that your feet have some bruises on them. Bruises that are usually only seen from dancers. Ballerinas in particular. Miss Willow, you wouldn't happen to have a dancing addiction, would you?"

She went red, giving a sheepish look.

"I love it, I won't lie. Besides, who would you tell?"

"No one." Walter brought a bag up beside him, producing a pair of ballet slippers along with a small locket necklace. "I thought, maybe, shoes might help those feet of yours."

"The floor has been scraping them up a little as of late." She looked at the shoes, a nostalgic look coming to her eyes. "These… look just like the ones I had when I was little."

"I had to save up a bit and got a weird look from the seller for wanting to buy them. Told them they were for my "little sister" who wanted to take a dance class."

"Little sister huh?" Willow giggled. "You're really sweet." She looked to him… some tears in her eyes. Before he knew it she had her arms wrapped around him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Walter was nearly on the ground because of the response. He gave a gentle smile, hugging her, stroking her back.

"You're welcome."

She relaxed, sighing happily. A few moments later she pulled back, trying on the shoes, happy to find they were a perfect fit. "So comfy… Oh I gotta try these out…!"

"If I may be of assistance." Walter picked up the necklace he had pulled out, revealing it had a small music box on the inside. He gave the knob a few twists before setting it down, getting up, giving a bow. "May we?"

Willow curtsied in return before getting into position with him.

"We shall."

The two glided across the floor together, both doing spins around one another, laughing, tapping the floor a bit to the beat of the music box. Willow was in utter bliss, feeling lost in a dream. The asylum was gone, she was on a grand stage, dancing to her heart's content and Walter was there. There right beside her. She was in a dress with a flame pattern to it, and him, dressed like a knight in flaming armor. It was perfect.

Did I die…? Cause this feels like heaven.


The illusion faded, Willow frozen in place, Walter hiding the necklace behind his back. Their eyes turned to the door, seeing one of the head doctors was standing before them.

"S-Sir?" Walter gulped.

The doctor's eyes were narrowed, a rage burning in them.

"What are you doing with her? She's dangerous."

Willow whimpered, ducking behind him. She was starting to shake.

"Dangerous?" Walter got into a bit of a protective stance. "Bullocks! I was just letting her have some fun! We were just dancing! No harm done!"

"Hmph, don't get too attached. Remember what she is."

I'm not bad.

"I do know what she is, with all due respect. She's a person who needs help and so that's what I'm doing."

"You're just a kitchen boy, Walter. Not a doctor."

"So? I still have a duty here to be sure all are well fed and part of that is lifting their spirits. Willow has improved if you ask me. Sure, I know she loves burning things but as of late with our conversations she won't do it as much."

The doctor gave him an unimpressed look. "Mm-hm. She says that now but she'll revert back if given a chance. Just talking isn't enough to cure what she has."

Willow lowered her head, clinging to Walter's arm a bit tightly.

"Oh and what will!?" Walter demanded. "Tell me! Tell me what would supposedly fix her!"

"She needs medication! Actual interventions that will keep her from acting up! Break her of the urges if she'd just stop resisting!"

"Oh really!?" Walter growled. "From what I could tell from previous treatments, she had mental breakdowns and scarring of the skin! How is that HELPFUL!?"

Willow cringed, burying her face in Walter's back, her fingernails digging into his arm.

"Just hold still now, this will only take a second."

"No… No…" Willow back into a corner. "Stay away… STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

"It will fix you this time. We promise."


Walter narrowed his eyes before turning around, bringing her close, allowing her to keep her face hidden. "Look at what you caused. Get. OUT!"

"I will. For now. Don't think she's exempt from her treatments just because you're getting close to her. You can never change bad blood."

"Maybe it's YOU with the bad blood." Walter growled.

The doctor narrowed his eyes.

"Well, if you're so confident you have the good blood." The doctor produced a needle, handing it to him. "You get the honors of treating her."

Walter narrowed his eyes, taking the needle into his hands. "I will. Now, LEAVE!"

The doctor nodded, moving silently out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Willow immediately pulled away from Walter, her eyes locked on the needle.

"No… No…" She begged. "Please…"

Walter looked at the needle before looking to her and then back again. He sneered, throwing the needle on the ground, stomping on it, breaking it into as many pieces as possible, making sure he didn't stab his shoe with it.

When he was done, Willow relaxed a little but still kept her distance. Her eyes still wide with lingering fear.

"Willow… Please…" Walter opened his arms to her. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I swear."

She was silent going to him, hugging him tightly. Her whole body shook before she started sobbing quietly.

"I hate this place… I hate this place… I hate this place!"

"I know Willow, I know…" Walter sat down on the floor with her, keeping her close. "I know."

Willow curled up against him, closing her eyes sniffling. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry I was born wrong…"

"Shh…" Walter stroked her back. "Shhh…"

She whimpered, but started to gradually relax. "Walter… You'd never do anything like that ever… Right? What if he doesn't leave the next time…?"

"I'll lie down my body for you then."

Willow calmed down, hiccuping a bit. Her head tucked under Walter's.


Walter smiled gently.

"Little Sister."

She smiled tiredly, sighing in relief. She nuzzled him a little. "Thank you."

"Anytime." Waler nuzzled her back, reaching his arm over to her bed, bringing Bernie over to her. "Don't forget your little friend now."

Willow hugged him close. "I would never. He's the best… and so are you."

"Just ol' Waltermelon."

"And I'm Sparky?"

"That's right."

Willow sighed happily, her body slumping a bit against him exhausted.

"M'not tired…"

"If you say so."

She nodded cuddling a little.

"Stay a little longer please…?"

"As you wish."

Eventually, Willow drifted off, some fear still linger but some sense of safety in Walter's arms.

Walter kept her close, shutting his eyes tightly.

I swear. I'm going to get you out of here some how.

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14 minutes ago, DragonMage156 said:

So they have more of a sibling relationship more than liking each other much like with Wilson.

Pretty much. Walter cares for her but he's not in love with her in a romantic way. He just wants her happy in the end.

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FF.net: Book of Shadows: Fire Dance Part 3

Fire Dance Part 3

Walter was coming less and less now. Willow and him knew this was probably inevitable. After all, mess with one of the head doctors and they had ways of making you pay. Walter had been shifted to other patients. He was still allowed to see Willow, but only so much.

It hurt her not having him around. She would still dance, using the necklace he had given her to give a beat, but… it was no fun without him next to her.

She curled up on her bed, holding Bernie close again, staring at the shoes on her feet.

"I'm sure he'll come today."

"Maybe…" Willow sighed. "It's getting worse. Soon… he'll be gone forever."

"Oh, Willow…"

Knock knock knock

"Who is it?" Willow asked.


Willow raised an eyebrow.


The door opened, a man in a suit walking in, carrying an odd box like contraption.

"From an anonymous donor."

Willow blinked, trying to make out the man's face but somehow with where he was standing in the room, she couldn't make out a single feature. Only thing she could make out was that his suit was a pinstripe suit.

"Okay…" She held out her hands for the box. "I-I'll take it." I don't like this guy. I can't see his face.

The man came closer, handing her the contraption. Even up close, his face was still hidden. Almost like the shadows followed his head movement.

"You should be able to listen to more music with this. It's one of the best models of radios this country has."

"Thank you, Sir." She mumbled, looking at the radio in wonder. She had never owned something this nice in her life. "Are… Are you sure it's okay for me to have this?"

"Oh, I'm positively sure. The donor insisted on it. Even the doctors couldn't say no."

Must be Walter.

"Thank you mister…?"

"Umbra. Good day, Miss Willow." He gave a wave, leaving without another word, closing the door behind him.

Willow quickly got the radio set up, fiddling with it, unable to help the excited look that came to her eyes as she came across a station playing music from a ballet.

Let's see… That's… The Nutcracker!

She squealed a bit, getting into position.

I remember this from dance class!

She started moving to the music, wracking her memory for all the proper moves, sighing happily as it all came together, letting her follow along with ease.

Walter is officially the best.


A few more weeks passed and Walter was no longer coming at all. Willow was starting to worry. Staff would still come to her room be it for food or more treatments but Walter was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe he got fired…?"

"I hope not." Willow lowered her head. "I wanted to thank him for the radio."

"What if… the radio was his last wish for you before he got thrown out?"

"But… I wouldn't… Wanna say goodbye. He never even said goodbye. Not even a note." Willow curled up on her side, sniffling a bit. "I miss him so much. It's lonely and… and they hurt me again."

"Oh Willow…"

"I just… I just want to get away from here. I want to find Walter and we can run away… Or… Or least find a place where… where no one thinks I'm crazy. Where I'll be accepted for who I am!" Willow sobbed, burying her face into her pillow. "I just want out of here and off this lousy world! I WANT TO BE FREE!"

"Free, you say?"

Willow froze, hearing a voice that was a bit distorted due to what sounded like static.

She looked around, seeing no one in the room. She hesitated before answering.

"Yes… Free of this place. These stupid hospital clothes. Free of this world that thinks I'm bad because I like fire."

"I could give you something like that." The voice spoke again. "I could guarantee it."

Willow grabbed her lighter from under her bed and placed the necklace around her neck, tucking it under her shirt.

"Then please, take me away from here. I'll do anything!"

The radio next to her bed shook a bit as a shadow came out of it, taking the form of a man. He had a long narrow face and slicked back hair. His suit was pinstripe with pointy shoulders. He gave a smile, offering a hand to her.

"Then make a deal with me and I can take you far far far away from this place."

Willow didn't return the smile, taking his hand.

"I said I'll do anything. I'll even burn this place to the ground."

"I wouldn't do that. After all, there is someone here who is going to help us."

Right on cue, the door to her room opened, revealing Walter on the other side.

Her eyes widened. "Walter!" She ran up to him. "Where've you been!?"

Walter gave a saddened look.

"They were trying to keep me away from you as much as possible. I got shifted to other patients and to make matters worse, they had security put up. I… I just couldn't reach you no matter how hard I tried."

She shook her head, hugging him.

"It's okay… I… I ate. I loved the radio too."

"I'm glad." Walter hugged her close, looking to the shadow man. "You promise you'll help her like you said?"

The man gave a bow.

"You have my word, Gardener."

Walter nodded before looking to Willow.

"I can't go with you, but please, take care of yourself, Willow." He handed her a bag. "These are some new clothes. Keep warm and I promise I'll find you. I just gotta deal with things here first. Okay?"

"Okay. But what about you? Why can't you come?"

"Someone has to take the blame. I'll give you time to get out of here." Walter looked to the shadow man. "Maxwell said he would be able to do it with ease so long as I helped."

Willow sniffled a bit, nodding, hugging him tightly.

"Don't get thrown in jail, dummy."

"I won't."

"I ensure it will all work out." Maxwell walked over to the two. "I have a deal with him that guarantees both of you will be safe and sound and away from this awful place. I just need to work my magic."

Willow looked to him before back to Walter. She gave him one last hug before stepping away.

"You better take care of yourself or I'm going to smash every watermelon you'll ever grow for the next twenty years."

"It's a deal Willow. Be safe."

Willow nodded, looking to Maxwell who had his hand offered to her.

"Come my dear. There's a place where you can be free as you want. Where no one will think you're crazy. You'll be welcomed there."

She took his hand.

"I'll gladly go there. Just please… No more of this place."

Maxwell nodded, shadow hands coming around them.

"We shall."

Willow looked through the hands, seeing Walter give his last wave before the shadows took away all sight. When they parted, they were in a completely different place. They were surrounded by mountains. The air was colder and the grassy plain they were on was barren for the most part save the thick trees that patched the area.

She shivered, bringing her arms around herself, finding she was now wearing the clothes Walter had given her.

"W-Where are we…?"

"In a mountain range area in New England as it's called." Maxwell answered, leading her along. "I need to bring you to this place in particular before we get to our final destination. There's some equipment here that will help in reaching it."

Willow nodded as she followed close behind him. "Okay."

Before long he lead her to a rather… shabby looking house that was perched precariously on the edge of a cliff.

Willow scrunched her nose up.

"... What. A. Dump."

"I can agree. The person who used to live here certainly didn't seem to care though. He was… rather childish." Maxwell looked at the sign that was nailed to the fence that stood in front of the house.

"Genius at work." it read.

Willow had an unimpressed look on her face. "Hmph." She looked to another seeing it said: "Private Property."

"... Private. Yeah. This is about as private as it gets. You couldn't pay a burglar to rob this place I bet."

"I would have to agree but what we need is inside, my dear."


The two made their way carefully over the stone path before entering the old shack. Willow looked at the place, noting that while it was clear no one was living here anymore, it was rather recent that they left. Pieces of furniture were still neatly kept, she even noted some letters that were stacked on a table in an orderly pile.

I wonder who lived here before. Seems they had something in mind…

Soon, they were on top floor of the place. The attic. It was a lab of sorts. Beakers scattered around tables and all kinds of different equipment. But the thing that drew her attention the most was the odd contraption standing in one of the corner of the room. She tilted her head a little, noting it looked like a face. A lot like Maxwell's face at that.

"This… thing's kinda weird."

"Hm, I think it's rather handsome." Maxwell gave a shrug, standing beside it, gesturing to a lever. "All you have to do now is throw the switch."

Willow swallowed hard, setting Bernie down, walking over to the switch, her hand trembling a bit as it floated over the lever.

"Go ahead. Flip the switch, my dear."

"But…" Willow swallowed again.

"DO IT!"

She flinched, doing as he ordered.

The door opened as it creaked and whirred, shadow hands emerging from it. Willow let out a loud scream trying to run only to be picked up by the hands.


Maxwell grinned widely, picking up Bernie, looking to the struggling woman.

"I'll see you there, Lady Willow!"

Willow reached out a hand before the shadow hands pulled her through the door as her scream echoed through the house. Through the woods.

And then, it was quiet.

Walter… We've made a horrible mistake.


Edited by Aileen-Rose
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