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How I Learned to Stop Being Nice

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So, here's the story of how one person, by the name of David Craig, managed to ruin my entire life:


One day, I joined a Keli-Hosted server. It had about 5 people on, and it was early spring. I chose to be Webber, (So I could be OP) and began my journey through the world. I managed to make a garland and axe before calling out for help. I mean, everyone asks for the base location, right? Anyways, someone invited me to their base, and I eagerly accepted. My bud, I'll call them, made their way to spawn and picked me up. By this time I was freezing to death, so we had to make a few pit stops before getting to their base. Once there, I created a spider farm above it. I farmed spiders, and invited others into the base while my bud worked on a secret back-up base. And then, little David Craig joined. Apparently, he was already playing on this server, as he spawned right next to our base. He seemed friendly, helping out around base for a while. And then, he went rouge. One day, while tending my spider nests, I went over to the base to get some food. There I saw David Craig, torching our crock pots. I quickly made a bunch of messages stating what just happened, and all of my Slaves/Helpers came to base to see what happened. By the time they got there, the base was long gone, as well as my spider nests. (Why must they be flammable!?) David Craig then screamed in chat that he votes for Hillary, and that Trump can suck a nut. :/


And then me and my bud were forced to move to our back-up base, which luckily wasn't torched by David.


After arriving there, I found out just how different it was from our other base. It only had a fire pit, alchemy engine, crock pot, and tent in it. It was set on some carpeted turf, (Probably a set piece). I had no spider eggs, so I was more or less useless. That was, until my bud showed me something. He'll show you terrible, horrible, beautiful things. And he showed me...A SPIDER ALTER. It was a giant pack of spider dens, all set up in a circle. There were about 19 spider dens, all level 3. There were also some Spider Queens, which made it even better than the old spider farm. So i settled into the spider alter, made an alchemy engine, tent, fire pit, and 2 crock pots. Then I went back to the back-up base. When I got there, my bud told me that he had to leave. This left me alone in mid-spring, without even an umbrella. But I stayed determined. Some people came onto the server. I think a wigfrid, wickerbottom, webber, and 2 Wilsons. I went to spawn and showed them the way to my base. The Wickerbottom, Webber, and 1 Wilson just stayed at the back-up base for a bit, then ran off. The last Wislon, and the other hand, stayed loyal to me and helped around base. He's a nice little fella. Then a few days later, a Willow joined. I thought that she would be nice for charcoal farming, so I ran off to grab her from spawn. I led her to my base, being the nice guy I am, and let her stay for a bit and get warm. I then went off to the spider alter to farm some more spiders. Two minutes later, someone screamed in chat that our base was burning.


Willow went rouge.


After that, I was heartbroken. I hid away in my spider alter, bringing only a wandering Wilson and a noob Webber with me. I tried to teach Webber how to begin spider wars, while the Wilson went off to gather materials. One minute later, that Wilson died. It makes sense that he would die where I was, because who wouldn't want to get eaten by spiders? Anyways, we now had 1 ghost following us, begging for a revive. Thing is, I had no grass with me. So me and noob Webber's sanity was plauged with loss as we tried to find grass, Sadly, the game has decided that me and my Slaves/Helpers had lived long enough. Lightning decended from the sky, and struck the Spider alter. Everything I had, everything I had worked for...Was once again consumed by the flames of hell.

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Easiest way I found to not have this happen is to merely not directly invite anyone and don't post the base's location.



It forces the others to actually explore which in turn weeds out the common torch bearer and bad egg lookin' for a quick laugh.

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See, this is exactly why I suggested implementing carefully cooked mechanics that prevent players from lighting certain things on fire in certain circumstances (Although the spider dens burning down was your own fault, mate; need to place down a lightning rod there. Though, I honestly do not understand why spider dens are flammable. If they take damage from fire, year, it makes sense and allows for destroying spider dens via something like fire staff if you light a tree next to one on fire and get silk and possibly spider eggs. I mean, if silk is not flammable, then why the thing that it makes up should be? It makes zero sense!). As far as burn-griefing goes, my suggestions were:

1) Nobody can light structures on fire, although they are still flammable and can be burnt due to lightning, hell hound fires (red/fire hounds), summer smouldering and stuff like that.

2) Nobody can burn down an object/item/plant that is very close to another flammable object/item/plant (or may be if the object/item/plant is close to 2, 3 or 4 flammable items/objects/plants so as to not make getting charcoal too big of a bother).

3) Nobody can drop down an item/plant a tree seed/place down an object that is flammable next to an already burning/smouldering item/object/plant.

4) Nobody can hit a mob via a torch, fire staff or a fire dart if the mob is very close to a flammable structure.


Think about it; these 4 mechanics can get rid of burn-griefing for good, whilst not interfering with the general gameplay experience too much. I've also addressed hammer-griefing and looting, although that's an entirely different story.

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I can see a couple things wrong:

- You joined in Spring. Not as bad as Summer or Winter, but still not the best time to join unless you're sure you can handle it.
- You trusted people who just arrived. Never trust people who just arrived.
- Even worse to trust people who just arrived and asked where base is.

Even that won't save you sometimes. I nest in caves, and once had a Woodie run through, mid-Winter, torching trees to keep warm. Accidentally torched my base and then was a complete jerk about it. So I watched him squirm and ragequit before I died.

Sorry you ran into these jerks. The few ruin it for all.

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